import * as storage from "electron-json-storage"; import * as fs from "fs"; import { app } from "electron"; //utillity functions that are used all over the codebase or just too obscure to be put in the file used in export function addStyle(styleString: string) { const style = document.createElement("style"); style.textContent = styleString; document.head.append(style); } export function addScript(scriptString: string) { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.textContent = scriptString; document.body.append(script); } export function setup() { console.log("Setting up ArmCord settings."); storage.set( "settings", { customTitlebar: true, channel: "stable", firstRun: "done", armcordCSP: true, mods: "cumcord" }, function (error) { if (error) throw error; } ); } export async function sleep(ms: number) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } export function saveSettings( customTitlebarSetting: boolean, channelSetting: string, armcordCSPSetting: boolean, modsSetting: string ) { console.log("Setting up ArmCord settings."); storage.set( "settings", { customTitlebar: customTitlebarSetting, channel: channelSetting, firstRun: "done", armcordCSP: armcordCSPSetting, mods: modsSetting, }, function (error) { if (error) throw error; } ); } export async function getConfigUnsafe(object: string) { const userDataPath = app.getPath("userData"); const storagePath = userDataPath + "/storage/"; let rawdata = fs.readFileSync(storagePath + "settings.json", "utf-8"); let returndata = JSON.parse(rawdata); console.log(returndata[object]); return returndata[object] } export function getVersion() { //to-do better way of doing this return '3.0.1'; }