# ootAI An experiment to create an AI that plays OoT Randomizers automatically, getting as many checks as possible in an efficient manner. ## how does it work This runs using the Lua Core fork of the Dolphin Emulator project. As of right now it only works on ROMs generated by the OoT Randomizer. Eventually I'll have an explanation here on how it does pathfinding and memory reading, but I don't know how to do enough of that yet. ## how to build 1. Install [AmuletML](https://amulet.works/). 2. Run `amc compile main.ml -o main.lua --lib /path/to/amulet/lib` 3. Copy everything between the first `do` and the last `end` from `main.lua` 4. Create a new script in the Dolphin Lua Core Scripts directory: ```lua function onScriptStart() end function onScriptCancel() end function onScriptUpdate() -- paste what you copied here end function onStateLoaded() end function onStateSaved() end ``` This script should now run properly when you start it from the Dolphin scripts menu.