## Foam tips _For up-to-date tips, see [Foam Recipes](https://foambubble.github.io/foam/recipes)._ ## Structuring content **Foam** is a tool that supports creating relationships between thoughts and information to help you think better. Whether you want to build a [Second Brain](https://www.buildingasecondbrain.com/) or a [Zettelkasten](https://zettelkasten.de/posts/overview/), or you want to [GTD](https://gettingthingsdone.com/what-is-gtd/) or just go with the flow, **Foam** can help you organise your thoughts if you follow these simple rules: 1. Consider this **Foam** a workspace for all your knowledge and research. 2. Write your thoughts in markdown documents (I like to call them **Bubbles**, but that might be more than a little twee). These documents should be atomic: Put things that belong together into a single document, and limit its content to that single topic. ([source](https://zettelkasten.de/posts/overview/#principles)) 3. Use Foam's shortcuts and autocompletions to link your thoughts together with Markdown links, and navigate between to explore your knowledge graph. ## Useful commands TODO ## Keyboard shortcuts TODO