Change CRLF to LF

This commit is contained in:
Aly 2020-11-01 09:10:21 -08:00
parent 89d09bf029
commit 508388232a
21 changed files with 188 additions and 186 deletions

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
"git.enableSmartCommit": true,
"git.postCommitCommand": "sync",
"files.eol": "\n",
"files.exclude": {
"**/node_modules": true

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Decompilation
- The process of rewriting assembly into a target-independent programming
- "Matching" decompilation aims to be able to produce the exact same assembly
output given the same compiler and libraries as a way of proving that the
decompilation is correct.
# Decompilation
- The process of rewriting assembly into a target-independent programming
- "Matching" decompilation aims to be able to produce the exact same assembly
output given the same compiler and libraries as a way of proving that the
decompilation is correct.

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# fs2
- A [[Scala]] library that allows abstracting data transmission and control
into a shared concept called a `Stream`.
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[Scala]: scala "Scala"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"
# fs2
- A [[Scala]] library that allows abstracting data transmission and control
into a shared concept called a `Stream`.
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[Scala]: scala "Scala"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# Ghidra
- SRE (Software Reverse Engineering) tool.
- Has a [[Java]]-based plugin system.
- Typically used to assist in [[decompilation]].
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[Java]: java "Java"
[decompilation]: decompilation "Decompilation"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"
# Ghidra
- SRE (Software Reverse Engineering) tool.
- Has a [[Java]]-based plugin system.
- Typically used to assist in [[decompilation]].
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[Java]: java "Java"
[decompilation]: decompilation "Decompilation"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# Java Virtual Machine
- Software that executes platform-independent bytecode.
# Java Virtual Machine
- Software that executes platform-independent bytecode.

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# Java
- Programming language.
- Compiled to bytecode that is executed on the [[Java Virtual Machine]].
- Effectively platform-independent.
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[Java Virtual Machine]: java-virtual-machine "Java Virtual Machine"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"
# Java
- Programming language.
- Compiled to bytecode that is executed on the [[Java Virtual Machine]].
- Effectively platform-independent.
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[Java Virtual Machine]: java-virtual-machine "Java Virtual Machine"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"

View File

@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
# 2020-10-31
- Set up this journal. See the [[readme]].
- Looked into writing a [[Ghidra]] plugin to generate [[MASM Assembly]] for a
[[decompilation]] project. It seems the process is complicated, by the "Hello
World" example given.
- Explored whether or not it's possible to write recursive algorithms in
constant space using [[fs2]], and how it applies to [[sledge]].
- It was discussed in the Scala Discord whether or not there exists an
algorithm to generate moves for the Dragon Fractal in constant space. The
current theory is that there can't be an algorithm that uses less than
linear space.
- Talked with my family about my plans for university. I've decided that if I'm
unable to complete an Associate's Degree by the end of Summer 2021, then I'll
reduce my workload and enter university in Fall 2022 instead of Fall 2021.
- Discussed how safe and unsafe [[Zig]] is with [[MinusKelvin]]. The conclusion
was that [[Zig]]'s level of safety is perfect for a replacement for C, but
[[Rust]] gives better overall safety.
- Explored the practicality of a `Real`/Computable number type for use in place
of [[Zig]]'s `comptime_float`. The consensus was that, if accurate, it would
be very useful for expanding [[Zig]]'s floating point datatypes outside of
just `f16`, `f32`, `f64`, and `f128`.
- Discovered [[Minecraft, but it's Everywhere At The End Of Time]]. I've
figured out that this is some sort of reference to "[[The Caretaker]]," but I
don't know what "[[The Caretaker]]" is. I'll have to do more research on it
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[readme]: ..\README "Aly's digital garden"
[Ghidra]: ..\ghidra "Ghidra"
[MASM Assembly]: ..\masm-assembly "MASM Assembly"
[decompilation]: ..\decompilation "Decompilation"
[fs2]: ..\fs2 "fs2"
[sledge]: ..\sledge "sledge"
[Zig]: ..\zig "Zig"
[MinusKelvin]: ..\minuskelvin "MinusKelvin"
[Rust]: ..\rust "Rust"
[Minecraft, but it's Everywhere At The End Of Time]: ..\minecraft-but-its-everywhere-at-the-end-of-time "Minecraft, but it's Everywhere At The End Of Time"
[The Caretaker]: ..\the-caretaker "The Caretaker"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"
# 2020-10-31
- Set up this journal. See the [[readme]].
- Looked into writing a [[Ghidra]] plugin to generate [[MASM Assembly]] for a
[[decompilation]] project. It seems the process is complicated, by the "Hello
World" example given.
- Explored whether or not it's possible to write recursive algorithms in
constant space using [[fs2]], and how it applies to [[sledge]].
- It was discussed in the Scala Discord whether or not there exists an
algorithm to generate moves for the Dragon Fractal in constant space. The
current theory is that there can't be an algorithm that uses less than
linear space.
- Talked with my family about my plans for university. I've decided that if I'm
unable to complete an Associate's Degree by the end of Summer 2021, then I'll
reduce my workload and enter university in Fall 2022 instead of Fall 2021.
- Discussed how safe and unsafe [[Zig]] is with [[MinusKelvin]]. The conclusion
was that [[Zig]]'s level of safety is perfect for a replacement for C, but
[[Rust]] gives better overall safety.
- Explored the practicality of a `Real`/Computable number type for use in place
of [[Zig]]'s `comptime_float`. The consensus was that, if accurate, it would
be very useful for expanding [[Zig]]'s floating point datatypes outside of
just `f16`, `f32`, `f64`, and `f128`.
- Discovered [[Minecraft, but it's Everywhere At The End Of Time]]. I've
figured out that this is some sort of reference to "[[The Caretaker]]," but I
don't know what "[[The Caretaker]]" is. I'll have to do more research on it
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[readme]: ..\README "Aly's digital garden"
[Ghidra]: ..\ghidra "Ghidra"
[MASM Assembly]: ..\masm-assembly "MASM Assembly"
[decompilation]: ..\decompilation "Decompilation"
[fs2]: ..\fs2 "fs2"
[sledge]: ..\sledge "sledge"
[Zig]: ..\zig "Zig"
[MinusKelvin]: ..\minuskelvin "MinusKelvin"
[Rust]: ..\rust "Rust"
[Minecraft, but it's Everywhere At The End Of Time]: ..\minecraft-but-its-everywhere-at-the-end-of-time "Minecraft, but it's Everywhere At The End Of Time"
[The Caretaker]: ..\the-caretaker "The Caretaker"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"

View File

@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
# 2020-11-01
- Finished listening to [[Minecraft, but it's Everywhere At The End Of Time]].
It's made me worry about the effects of dementia and Alzheimer's, whether I
could contract them, and how much of an effect they would have on me. I'm
worried about not remembering having created this garden.
- Implemented `get` and partially implemented `put` on a `HashTableChain`. A
`HashTableChain` is made up of an array of linked lists, where the array
index corresponds to some modulo of the hashcode of the key.
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[Minecraft, but it's Everywhere At The End Of Time]: ..\minecraft-but-its-everywhere-at-the-end-of-time "Minecraft, but it's Everywhere At The End Of Time"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"
# 2020-11-01
- Finished listening to [[Minecraft, but it's Everywhere At The End Of Time]].
It's made me worry about the effects of dementia and Alzheimer's, whether I
could contract them, and how much of an effect they would have on me. I'm
worried about not remembering having created this garden.
- Implemented `get` and partially implemented `put` on a `HashTableChain`. A
`HashTableChain` is made up of an array of linked lists, where the array
index corresponds to some modulo of the hashcode of the key.
- Discussed
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[Minecraft, but it's Everywhere At The End Of Time]: ..\minecraft-but-its-everywhere-at-the-end-of-time "Minecraft, but it's Everywhere At The End Of Time"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# Leyland James Kirby
- A [[person]].
- Creator of [[The Caretaker]].
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[person]: person "Person"
[The Caretaker]: the-caretaker "The Caretaker"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"
# Leyland James Kirby
- A [[person]].
- Creator of [[The Caretaker]].
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[person]: person "Person"
[The Caretaker]: the-caretaker "The Caretaker"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# MASM Assembly
- The dialect of assembly used by Microsoft's assembler.
# MASM Assembly
- The dialect of assembly used by Microsoft's assembler.

View File

@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
# Minecraft, but it's Everywhere At The End Of Time
- This is a rendition of [[The Caretaker]]'s series of albums titled
_Everywhere At The End Of Time_ that achieve the same effect but with the
[[Minecraft]] soundtrack.
- YouTube commenter Harvey F. states:
> I was not the first person to make this comment but 1 in 5 people will know someone with dementia (1). By the age of 65, 1 in 10 of us will develop dementia by the age of 65 (2). The intent of Kirby's project was to simulate the experience of dementia of someone in our current year. This is why the original songs reconstructed by Kirby for his project came out from the 1920's to the 1930's. We know that the most effective way for aiding someone with dementia is to play the songs of their former childhood; "Musical perception, emotion, and memory can survive long after other forms of memory and cognitive function have disappeared" (3). In the future, this is what some of us will hear, the nostalgic songs of C418, when we cannot think of anything else.
> (1), (2), (3) Music and Dementia: An Overview by Ronald Devere, MD
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[The Caretaker]: the-caretaker "The Caretaker"
[Minecraft]: minecraft "Minecraft"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"
# Minecraft, but it's Everywhere At The End Of Time
- This is a rendition of [[The Caretaker]]'s series of albums titled
_Everywhere At The End Of Time_ that achieve the same effect but with the
[[Minecraft]] soundtrack.
- YouTube commenter Harvey F. states:
> I was not the first person to make this comment but 1 in 5 people will know someone with dementia (1). By the age of 65, 1 in 10 of us will develop dementia by the age of 65 (2). The intent of Kirby's project was to simulate the experience of dementia of someone in our current year. This is why the original songs reconstructed by Kirby for his project came out from the 1920's to the 1930's. We know that the most effective way for aiding someone with dementia is to play the songs of their former childhood; "Musical perception, emotion, and memory can survive long after other forms of memory and cognitive function have disappeared" (3). In the future, this is what some of us will hear, the nostalgic songs of C418, when we cannot think of anything else.
> (1), (2), (3) Music and Dementia: An Overview by Ronald Devere, MD
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[The Caretaker]: the-caretaker "The Caretaker"
[Minecraft]: minecraft "Minecraft"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# Minecraft
- A [[video game]] released on May 17, 2009 for [[Java]]-enabled environments.
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[video game]: video-game "Video Game"
[Java]: java "Java"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"
# Minecraft
- A [[video game]] released on May 17, 2009 for [[Java]]-enabled environments.
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[video game]: video-game "Video Game"
[Java]: java "Java"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# MinusKelvin
- A [[person]].
- Developer of ColdClear, a Tetris AI written in [[Rust]].
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[person]: person "Person"
[Rust]: rust "Rust"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"
# MinusKelvin
- A [[person]].
- Developer of ColdClear, a Tetris AI written in [[Rust]].
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[person]: person "Person"
[Rust]: rust "Rust"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
# Person
# Person

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# Rust
# Rust

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# Scala
- A programming language that mainly runs on the [[Java Virtual Machine]].
- Scala can be compiled to JavaScript or via LLVM as well.
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[Java Virtual Machine]: java-virtual-machine "Java Virtual Machine"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"
# Scala
- A programming language that mainly runs on the [[Java Virtual Machine]].
- Scala can be compiled to JavaScript or via LLVM as well.
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[Java Virtual Machine]: java-virtual-machine "Java Virtual Machine"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
# sledge
- Work-in-progress programming language.
- Meant to look like [[fs2]]-based programs, but with a [[Zig]]-like paradigm.
- Completely disallows mutability in the source code to allow for better
optimizations, and to allow for returning variably-sized objects like
buffers or closures on the stack instead of the heap.
- Meant to compile to native code like [[Zig]] and have manual memory
management like [[Zig]].
- Meant to have typeclasses like [[Scala]] and operator overloading like
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[fs2]: fs2 "fs2"
[Zig]: zig "Zig"
[Scala]: scala "Scala"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"
# sledge
- Work-in-progress programming language.
- Meant to look like [[fs2]]-based programs, but with a [[Zig]]-like paradigm.
- Completely disallows mutability in the source code to allow for better
optimizations, and to allow for returning variably-sized objects like
buffers or closures on the stack instead of the heap.
- Meant to compile to native code like [[Zig]] and have manual memory
management like [[Zig]].
- Meant to have typeclasses like [[Scala]] and operator overloading like
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[fs2]: fs2 "fs2"
[Zig]: zig "Zig"
[Scala]: scala "Scala"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# The Caretaker
- A character in a project by [[Leyland James Kirby]].
- A story is told from The Caretaker's perspective about living and dying with
increasingly severe dementia that becomes Alzheimer's in late life.
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[Leyland James Kirby]: leyland-james-kirby "Leyland James Kirby"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"
# The Caretaker
- A character in a project by [[Leyland James Kirby]].
- A story is told from The Caretaker's perspective about living and dying with
increasingly severe dementia that becomes Alzheimer's in late life.
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[Leyland James Kirby]: leyland-james-kirby "Leyland James Kirby"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
- A [[video game]] released on November 21, 1998 for the Nintendo 64.
- One of the highest rated casual games of all time.
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[video game]: video-game "Video Game"
# The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
- A [[video game]] released on November 21, 1998 for the Nintendo 64.
- One of the highest rated casual games of all time.
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[video game]: video-game "Video Game"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
# Video Game
# Video Game

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# Zig
# Zig