package tf.bug.fancade.recipe import cats.implicits._ import com.monovore.decline.effect.CommandIOApp import cats.effect.{ExitCode, IO} import com.monovore.decline.Opts import java.nio.file.Path import com.monovore.decline.Argument object Main extends CommandIOApp( name = "fancade-recipe", header = "Fancade recipe creator and format helper", version = "2.0.0", ) { sealed trait InFormat object InFormat { implicit val arg: Argument[InFormat] = Argument.fromMap("input-format", Map( "json" -> FancadeStackJson, "fcl" -> FancadeLisp, )) } sealed trait OutFormat object OutFormat { implicit val arg: Argument[OutFormat] = Argument.fromMap("output-format", Map( "json" -> FancadeStackJson, "txt" -> Recipe, "bin" -> Level, )) } case object FancadeStackJson extends InFormat with OutFormat case object FancadeLisp extends InFormat case object Recipe extends OutFormat case object Level extends OutFormat case class Compile(in: InFormat, inFile: Path, out: OutFormat, outFile: Path) val compileOpts = { val inFormatOpts = Opts.argument[InFormat]("input-format") val inFileOpts = Opts.argument[Path]("input-path") val outFormatOpts = Opts.argument[OutFormat]("output-format") val outFileOpts = Opts.argument[Path]("output-path") Opts.subcommand("compile", "Converts between script formats") { (inFormatOpts, inFileOpts, outFormatOpts, outFileOpts).mapN(Compile) } } override def main: Opts[IO[ExitCode]] = { case Compile(in, _, out, _) => IO(println(s"hello $in $out")).as(ExitCode.Success) } }