Add runtime types for sorting products

This commit is contained in:
Aly 2021-05-07 17:23:05 -07:00
parent 9d0632f645
commit d6d52f1acd
3 changed files with 762 additions and 258 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ lazy val core = (project in file("core")).settings(
version := "2.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
scalaVersion := "2.13.5",
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"tf.bug" %% "shinji" % "0.1.6",
"tf.bug" %% "shinji" % "0.1.8",
"com.lihaoyi" %% "pprint" % "0.5.6",

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@ -5,213 +5,717 @@ import tf.bug.shinji.{Arrow, ArrowLoop, Cartesian, Monoidal}
object Fanscript {
sealed trait Pin
sealed trait Number extends Pin
sealed trait Bool extends Pin
sealed trait Vector extends Pin
sealed trait Rotation extends Pin
sealed trait Obj extends Pin
sealed trait Constraint extends Pin
sealed trait Pull extends Pin
sealed trait T extends Pin
sealed trait ×[A <: Pin, B <: Pin] extends Pin
case object Number extends Pin
case object Bool extends Pin
case object Vector extends Pin
case object Rotation extends Pin
case object Obj extends Pin
case object Constraint extends Pin
case object Pull extends Pin
case object T extends Pin
case class ×[A <: Pin, B <: Pin](a: A, b: B) extends Pin
sealed trait [A <: Pin, B <: Pin]
case class Id[A <: Pin]() extends (A A)
case class AndThen[A <: Pin, B <: Pin, C <: Pin](f: A B, g: B C) extends (A C)
case class Swap[A <: Pin, B <: Pin]() extends ((A × B) (B × A))
case class Deunit[A <: Pin]() extends (A (T × A))
case class Unit[A <: Pin]() extends ((T × A) A)
case class Associate[A <: Pin, B <: Pin, C <: Pin]() extends (((A × B) × C) (A × (B × C)))
case class Duplicate[A <: Pin]() extends (A (A × A))
case class Terminate[A <: Pin]() extends (A T)
case class Bimap[A <: Pin, B <: Pin, C <: Pin, D <: Pin](f: A B, g: C D) extends ((A × C) (B × D))
case class Loop[A <: Pin, B <: Pin, C <: Pin](f: (A × C) (B × C)) extends (A B)
trait PinEv[A <: Pin] {
val value: A
object PinEv {
implicit val pinValueForNumber: PinEv[Number.type] = new PinEv[Number.type] {
override val value: Number.type = Number
implicit val pinValueForBool: PinEv[Bool.type] = new PinEv[Bool.type] {
override val value: Bool.type = Bool
implicit val pinValueForVector: PinEv[Vector.type] = new PinEv[Vector.type] {
override val value: Vector.type = Vector
implicit val pinValueForRotation: PinEv[Rotation.type] = new PinEv[Rotation.type] {
override val value: Rotation.type = Rotation
implicit val pinValueForObj: PinEv[Obj.type] = new PinEv[Obj.type] {
override val value: Obj.type = Obj
implicit val pinValueForConstraint: PinEv[Constraint.type] = new PinEv[Constraint.type] {
override val value: Constraint.type = Constraint
implicit val pinValueForPull: PinEv[Pull.type] = new PinEv[Pull.type] {
override val value: Pull.type = Pull
implicit val pinValueForT: PinEv[T.type] = new PinEv[T.type] {
override val value: T.type = T
implicit def pinValueForProduct[A <: Pin, B <: Pin](implicit left: PinEv[A], right: PinEv[B]): PinEv[A × B] = new PinEv[A × B] {
override val value: A × B = ×(left.value, right.value)
case object Z extends (T Pull)
sealed trait [A <: Pin, B <: Pin] {
def left: A
def right: B
final def leftEv: PinEv[A] = new PinEv[A] {
override val value: A = left
final def rightEv: PinEv[B] = new PinEv[B] {
override val value: B = right
final def andThen[C <: Pin](f: B C): A C =
fanscript.andThen(this, f)
final def >>>[C <: Pin](f: B C): A C =
final def compose[C <: Pin](f: C A): C B =
fanscript.compose(this, f)
final def <<<[C <: Pin](f: C A): C B =
final def split[C <: Pin, D <: Pin](f: C D): (A × C) (B × D) =
fanscript.split(this, f)
final def ***[C <: Pin, D <: Pin](f: C D): (A × C) (B × D) =
final def merge[C <: Pin](f: A C): A (B × C) =
fanscript.merge(this, f)
final def &&&[C <: Pin](f: A C): A (B × C) =
case class Id[A <: Pin](a: A) extends (A A) {
override def left: A = a
override def right: A = a
case class AndThen[A <: Pin, B <: Pin, C <: Pin](f: A B, g: B C) extends (A C) {
override def left: A = f.left
override def right: C = g.right
case class Swap[A <: Pin, B <: Pin](a: A, b: B) extends ((A × B) (B × A)) {
override def left: A × B = ×(a, b)
override def right: B × A = ×(b, a)
case class Deunit[A <: Pin](a: A) extends (A (T.type × A)) {
override def left: A = a
override def right: T.type × A = ×(T, a)
case class Unit[A <: Pin](a: A) extends ((T.type × A) A) {
override def left: T.type × A = ×(T, a)
override def right: A = a
case class Associate[A <: Pin, B <: Pin, C <: Pin](a: A, b: B, c: C) extends (((A × B) × C) (A × (B × C))) {
override def left: (A × B) × C = ×(×(a, b), c)
override def right: A × (B × C) = ×(a, ×(b, c))
case class Duplicate[A <: Pin](a: A) extends (A (A × A)) {
override def left: A = a
override def right: A × A = ×(a, a)
case class Terminate[A <: Pin](a: A) extends (A T.type) {
override def left: A = a
override def right: T.type = T
case class Bimap[A <: Pin, B <: Pin, C <: Pin, D <: Pin](f: A B, g: C D) extends ((A × C) (B × D)) {
override def left: A × C = ×(f.left, g.left)
override def right: B × D = ×(f.right, g.right)
case class Loop[A <: Pin, B <: Pin, C <: Pin](f: (A × C) (B × C)) extends (A B) {
override def left: A = f.left.a
override def right: B = f.right.a
case object Z extends (T.type Pull.type) {
override def left: T.type = T
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
def bubbleSort[In <: Pin, Out <: Pin](sort: Vector[Int])(implicit inEv: PinEv[In], outEv: PinEv[Out]): Option[In Out] = {
object Builtin {
case class NumberValue(number: Float) extends (T Number)
case class VectorValue(x: Float, y: Float, z: Float) extends (T Vector)
case class RotationValue(x: Float, y: Float, z: Float) extends (T Rotation)
case object TrueValue extends (T Bool)
case object FalseValue extends (T Bool)
case class NumberValue(number: Float) extends (T.type Number.type) {
override def left: T.type = T
override def right: Number.type = Number
case class VectorValue(x: Float, y: Float, z: Float) extends (T.type Vector.type) {
override def left: T.type = T
override def right: Vector.type = Vector
case class RotationValue(x: Float, y: Float, z: Float) extends (T.type Rotation.type) {
override def left: T.type = T
override def right: Rotation.type = Rotation
case object TrueValue extends (T.type Bool.type) {
override def left: T.type = T
override def right: Bool.type = Bool
case object FalseValue extends (T.type Bool.type) {
override def left: T.type = T
override def right: Bool.type = Bool
case object InspectNumber extends ((Number × Pull) Pull)
case object InspectVector extends ((Vector × Pull) Pull)
case object InspectRotation extends ((Rotation × Pull) Pull)
case object InspectTruth extends ((Bool × Pull) Pull)
case object InspectObject extends ((Obj × Pull) Pull)
case object InspectNumber extends ((Number.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Number.type × Pull.type = ×(Number, Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object InspectVector extends ((Vector.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Vector.type × Pull.type = ×(Vector, Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object InspectRotation extends ((Rotation.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Rotation.type × Pull.type = ×(Rotation, Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object InspectTruth extends ((Bool.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Bool.type × Pull.type = ×(Bool, Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object InspectObject extends ((Obj.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Obj.type × Pull.type = ×(Obj, Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object Win extends (Pull Pull)
case object Lose extends (Pull Pull)
case object SetScore extends ((Number × Pull) Pull)
case object SetCamera extends ((Vector × Rotation × Number × Pull) Pull)
case object SetLight extends ((Vector × Rotation × Pull) Pull)
case object ScreenSize extends (T (Number × Number))
case object Accelerometer extends (T Vector)
case object CurrentFrame extends (T Number)
case object Win extends (Pull.type Pull.type) {
override def left: Pull.type = Pull
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object Lose extends (Pull.type Pull.type) {
override def left: Pull.type = Pull
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object SetScore extends ((Number.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Number.type × Pull.type = ×(Number, Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object SetCamera extends ((Vector.type × Rotation.type × Number.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Vector.type × Rotation.type × Number.type × Pull.type = ×(×(×(Vector, Rotation), Number), Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object SetLight extends ((Vector.type × Rotation.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Vector.type × Rotation.type × Pull.type = ×(×(Vector, Rotation), Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object ScreenSize extends (T.type (Number.type × Number.type)) {
override def left: T.type = T
override def right: Number.type × Number.type = ×(Number, Number)
case object Accelerometer extends (T.type Vector.type) {
override def left: T.type = T
override def right: Vector.type = Vector
case object CurrentFrame extends (T.type Number.type) {
override def left: T.type = T
override def right: Number.type = Number
case object GetPosition extends (Obj (Vector × Rotation))
case object SetPosition extends ((Obj × Vector × Rotation × Pull) Pull)
case object Raycast extends ((Vector × Vector) (Bool × Vector × Obj))
case object GetSize extends (Obj (Vector × Vector))
case object SetVisible extends ((Obj × Bool × Pull) Pull)
case object CreateObject extends ((Obj × Pull) (Obj × Pull))
case object DestroyObject extends ((Obj × Pull) Pull)
case object GetPosition extends (Obj.type (Vector.type × Rotation.type)) {
override def left: Obj.type = Obj
override def right: Vector.type × Rotation.type = ×(Vector, Rotation)
case object SetPosition extends ((Obj.type × Vector.type × Rotation.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Obj.type × Vector.type × Rotation.type × Pull.type = ×(×(×(Obj, Vector), Rotation), Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object Raycast extends ((Vector.type × Vector.type) (Bool.type × Vector.type × Obj.type)) {
override def left: Vector.type × Vector.type = ×(Vector, Vector)
override def right: Bool.type × Vector.type × Obj.type = ×(×(Bool, Vector), Obj)
case object GetSize extends (Obj.type (Vector.type × Vector.type)) {
override def left: Obj.type = Obj
override def right: Vector.type × Vector.type = ×(Vector, Vector)
case object SetVisible extends ((Obj.type × Bool.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Obj.type × Bool.type × Pull.type = ×(×(Obj, Bool), Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object CreateObject extends ((Obj.type × Pull.type) (Obj.type × Pull.type)) {
override def left: Obj.type × Pull.type = ×(Obj, Pull)
override def right: Obj.type × Pull.type = ×(Obj, Pull)
case object DestroyObject extends ((Obj.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Obj.type × Pull.type = ×(Obj, Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case class PlaySound(loop: Boolean, sample: SoundSample) extends ((Number × Number × Pull) (Number × Pull))
case object StopSound extends ((Number × Pull) Pull)
case object VolumePitch extends ((Number × Number × Number × Pull) Pull)
case class PlaySound(loop: Boolean, sample: SoundSample) extends ((Number.type × Number.type × Pull.type) (Number.type × Pull.type)) {
override def left: Number.type × Number.type × Pull.type = ×(×(Number, Number), Pull)
override def right: Number.type × Pull.type = ×(Number, Pull)
case object StopSound extends ((Number.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Number.type × Pull.type = ×(Number, Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object VolumePitch extends ((Number.type × Number.type × Number.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Number.type × Number.type × Number.type × Pull.type = ×(×(×(Number, Number), Number), Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object AddForce extends ((Obj × Vector × Vector × Vector × Vector × Pull) Pull)
case object GetVelocity extends (Obj (Vector × Vector))
case object SetVelocity extends ((Obj × Vector × Vector × Pull) Pull)
case object SetLocked extends ((Obj × Vector × Vector × Pull) Pull)
case object SetMass extends ((Obj × Number × Pull) Pull)
case object SetFriction extends ((Obj × Number × Pull) Pull)
case object SetBounciness extends ((Obj × Number × Pull) Pull)
case object SetGravity extends ((Vector × Pull) Pull)
case object AddConstraint extends ((Obj × Obj × Vector × Pull) (Constraint × Pull))
case object LinearLimits extends ((Constraint × Vector × Vector × Pull) Pull)
case object AngularLimits extends ((Constraint × Vector × Vector × Pull) Pull)
case object LinearSpring extends ((Constraint × Vector × Vector × Pull) Pull)
case object AngularSpring extends ((Constraint × Vector × Vector × Pull) Pull)
case object LinearMotor extends ((Constraint × Vector × Vector × Pull) Pull)
case object AngularMotor extends ((Constraint × Vector × Vector × Pull) Pull)
case object AddForce extends ((Obj.type × Vector.type × Vector.type × Vector.type × Vector.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Obj.type × Vector.type × Vector.type × Vector.type × Vector.type × Pull.type = ×(×(×(×(×(Obj, Vector), Vector), Vector), Vector), Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object GetVelocity extends (Obj.type (Vector.type × Vector.type)) {
override def left: Obj.type = Obj
override def right: Vector.type × Vector.type = ×(Vector, Vector)
case object SetVelocity extends ((Obj.type × Vector.type × Vector.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Obj.type × Vector.type × Vector.type × Pull.type = ×(×(×(Obj, Vector), Vector), Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object SetLocked extends ((Obj.type × Vector.type × Vector.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Obj.type × Vector.type × Vector.type × Pull.type = ×(×(×(Obj, Vector), Vector), Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object SetMass extends ((Obj.type × Number.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Obj.type × Number.type × Pull.type = ×(×(Obj, Number), Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object SetFriction extends ((Obj.type × Number.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Obj.type × Number.type × Pull.type = ×(×(Obj, Number), Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object SetBounciness extends ((Obj.type × Number.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Obj.type × Number.type × Pull.type = ×(×(Obj, Number), Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object SetGravity extends ((Vector.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Vector.type × Pull.type = ×(Vector, Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object AddConstraint extends ((Obj.type × Obj.type × Vector.type × Pull.type) (Constraint.type × Pull.type)) {
override def left: Obj.type × Obj.type × Vector.type × Pull.type = ×(×(×(Obj, Obj), Vector), Pull)
override def right: Constraint.type × Pull.type = ×(Constraint, Pull)
case object LinearLimits extends ((Constraint.type × Vector.type × Vector.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Constraint.type × Vector.type × Vector.type × Pull.type = ×(×(×(Constraint, Vector), Vector), Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object AngularLimits extends ((Constraint.type × Vector.type × Vector.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Constraint.type × Vector.type × Vector.type × Pull.type = ×(×(×(Constraint, Vector), Vector), Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object LinearSpring extends ((Constraint.type × Vector.type × Vector.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Constraint.type × Vector.type × Vector.type × Pull.type = ×(×(×(Constraint, Vector), Vector), Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object AngularSpring extends ((Constraint.type × Vector.type × Vector.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Constraint.type × Vector.type × Vector.type × Pull.type = ×(×(×(Constraint, Vector), Vector), Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object LinearMotor extends ((Constraint.type × Vector.type × Vector.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Constraint.type × Vector.type × Vector.type × Pull.type = ×(×(×(Constraint, Vector), Vector), Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object AngularMotor extends ((Constraint.type × Vector.type × Vector.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Constraint.type × Vector.type × Vector.type × Pull.type = ×(×(×(Constraint, Vector), Vector), Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object If extends ((Bool × Pull × Pull × Pull) Pull)
case object OnPlay extends ((Pull × Pull) Pull)
case object LateUpdate extends ((Pull × Pull) Pull)
case object BoxArt extends ((Pull × Pull) Pull)
case class OnTouch(event: TouchEvent, finger: TouchFinger) extends ((Pull × Pull) (Number × Number × Pull))
case object OnSwipe extends ((Pull × Pull) (Vector × Pull))
case object OnCollision extends ((Obj × Pull × Pull) (Obj × Number × Vector × Pull))
case object Loop extends ((Number × Number × Pull × Pull) (Number × Pull))
case object If extends ((Bool.type × Pull.type × Pull.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Bool.type × Pull.type × Pull.type × Pull.type = ×(×(×(Bool, Pull), Pull), Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object OnPlay extends ((Pull.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Pull.type × Pull.type = ×(Pull, Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object LateUpdate extends ((Pull.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Pull.type × Pull.type = ×(Pull, Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object BoxArt extends ((Pull.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Pull.type × Pull.type = ×(Pull, Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case class OnTouch(event: TouchEvent, finger: TouchFinger) extends ((Pull.type × Pull.type) (Number.type × Number.type × Pull.type)) {
override def left: Pull.type × Pull.type = ×(Pull, Pull)
override def right: Number.type × Number.type × Pull.type = ×(×(Number, Number), Pull)
case object OnSwipe extends ((Pull.type × Pull.type) (Vector.type × Pull.type)) {
override def left: Pull.type × Pull.type = ×(Pull, Pull)
override def right: Vector.type × Pull.type = ×(Vector, Pull)
case object OnCollision extends ((Obj.type × Pull.type × Pull.type) (Obj.type × Number.type × Vector.type × Pull.type)) {
override def left: Obj.type × Pull.type × Pull.type = ×(×(Obj, Pull), Pull)
override def right: Obj.type × Number.type × Vector.type × Pull.type = ×(×(×(Obj, Number), Vector), Pull)
case object Loop extends ((Number.type × Number.type × Pull.type × Pull.type) (Number.type × Pull.type)) {
override def left: Number.type × Number.type × Pull.type × Pull.type = ×(×(×(Number, Number), Pull), Pull)
override def right: Number.type × Pull.type = ×(Number, Pull)
case object Negate extends (Number Number)
case object Inverse extends (Rotation Rotation)
case object AddNumbers extends ((Number × Number) Number)
case object AddVectors extends ((Vector × Vector) Vector)
case object SubtractNumbers extends ((Number × Number) Number)
case object SubtractVectors extends ((Vector × Vector) Vector)
case object Multiply extends ((Number × Number) Number)
case object Scale extends ((Vector × Number) Vector)
case object Rotate extends ((Vector × Rotation) Vector)
case object Combine extends ((Rotation × Rotation) Rotation)
case object Divide extends ((Number × Number) Number)
case object Power extends ((Number × Number) Number)
case object EqualNumbers extends ((Number × Number) Bool)
case object EqualVectors extends ((Vector × Vector) Bool)
case object EqualObjects extends ((Obj × Obj) Bool)
case object EqualTruths extends ((Bool × Bool) Bool)
case object LessThan extends ((Number × Number) Bool)
case object GreaterThan extends ((Number × Number) Bool)
case object And extends ((Bool × Bool) Bool)
case object Or extends ((Bool × Bool) Bool)
case object Not extends (Bool Bool)
case object Random extends ((Number × Number) Number)
case object RandomSeed extends ((Number × Pull) Pull)
case object Min extends ((Number × Number) Number)
case object Max extends ((Number × Number) Number)
case object Sin extends (Number Number)
case object Cos extends (Number Number)
case object Round extends (Number Number)
case object Floor extends (Number Number)
case object Ceiling extends (Number Number)
case object Absolute extends (Number Number)
case object Modulo extends ((Number × Number) Number)
case object Logarithm extends ((Number × Number) Number)
case object BreakVector extends (Vector (Number × Number × Number))
case object MakeVector extends ((Number × Number × Number) Vector)
case object Normalize extends (Vector Vector)
case object DotProduct extends ((Vector × Vector) Vector)
case object CrossProduct extends ((Vector × Vector) Vector)
case object BreakRotation extends (Rotation (Number × Number × Number))
case object MakeRotation extends ((Number × Number × Number) Rotation)
case object Distance extends ((Vector × Vector) Number)
case object LERP extends ((Rotation × Rotation × Number) Rotation)
case object AxisAngle extends ((Vector × Number) Rotation)
case object ScreenToWorld extends ((Number × Number) (Vector × Vector))
case object WorldToScreen extends (Vector (Number × Number))
case object LineVsPlane extends ((Vector × Vector × Vector × Vector) Vector)
case object LookRotation extends ((Vector × Vector) Rotation)
case object Negate extends (Number.type Number.type) {
override def left: Number.type = Number
override def right: Number.type = Number
case object Inverse extends (Rotation.type Rotation.type) {
override def left: Rotation.type = Rotation
override def right: Rotation.type = Rotation
case object AddNumbers extends ((Number.type × Number.type) Number.type) {
override def left: Number.type × Number.type = ×(Number, Number)
override def right: Number.type = Number
case object AddVectors extends ((Vector.type × Vector.type) Vector.type) {
override def left: Vector.type × Vector.type = ×(Vector, Vector)
override def right: Vector.type = Vector
case object SubtractNumbers extends ((Number.type × Number.type) Number.type) {
override def left: Number.type × Number.type = ×(Number, Number)
override def right: Number.type = Number
case object SubtractVectors extends ((Vector.type × Vector.type) Vector.type) {
override def left: Vector.type × Vector.type = ×(Vector, Vector)
override def right: Vector.type = Vector
case object Multiply extends ((Number.type × Number.type) Number.type) {
override def left: Number.type × Number.type = ×(Number, Number)
override def right: Number.type = Number
case object Scale extends ((Vector.type × Number.type) Vector.type) {
override def left: Vector.type × Number.type = ×(Vector, Number)
override def right: Vector.type = Vector
case object Rotate extends ((Vector.type × Rotation.type) Vector.type) {
override def left: Vector.type × Rotation.type = ×(Vector, Rotation)
override def right: Vector.type = Vector
case object Combine extends ((Rotation.type × Rotation.type) Rotation.type) {
override def left: Rotation.type × Rotation.type = ×(Rotation, Rotation)
override def right: Rotation.type = Rotation
case object Divide extends ((Number.type × Number.type) Number.type) {
override def left: Number.type × Number.type = ×(Number, Number)
override def right: Number.type = Number
case object Power extends ((Number.type × Number.type) Number.type) {
override def left: Number.type × Number.type = ×(Number, Number)
override def right: Number.type = Number
case object EqualNumbers extends ((Number.type × Number.type) Bool.type) {
override def left: Number.type × Number.type = ×(Number, Number)
override def right: Bool.type = Bool
case object EqualVectors extends ((Vector.type × Vector.type) Bool.type) {
override def left: Vector.type × Vector.type = ×(Vector, Vector)
override def right: Bool.type = Bool
case object EqualObjects extends ((Obj.type × Obj.type) Bool.type) {
override def left: Obj.type × Obj.type = ×(Obj, Obj)
override def right: Bool.type = Bool
case object EqualTruths extends ((Bool.type × Bool.type) Bool.type) {
override def left: Bool.type × Bool.type = ×(Bool, Bool)
override def right: Bool.type = Bool
case object LessThan extends ((Number.type × Number.type) Bool.type) {
override def left: Number.type × Number.type = ×(Number, Number)
override def right: Bool.type = Bool
case object GreaterThan extends ((Number.type × Number.type) Bool.type) {
override def left: Number.type × Number.type = ×(Number, Number)
override def right: Bool.type = Bool
case object And extends ((Bool.type × Bool.type) Bool.type) {
override def left: Bool.type × Bool.type = ×(Bool, Bool)
override def right: Bool.type = Bool
case object Or extends ((Bool.type × Bool.type) Bool.type) {
override def left: Bool.type × Bool.type = ×(Bool, Bool)
override def right: Bool.type = Bool
case object Not extends (Bool.type Bool.type) {
override def left: Bool.type = Bool
override def right: Bool.type = Bool
case object Random extends ((Number.type × Number.type) Number.type) {
override def left: Number.type × Number.type = ×(Number, Number)
override def right: Number.type = Number
case object RandomSeed extends ((Number.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Number.type × Pull.type = ×(Number, Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object Min extends ((Number.type × Number.type) Number.type) {
override def left: Number.type × Number.type = ×(Number, Number)
override def right: Number.type = Number
case object Max extends ((Number.type × Number.type) Number.type) {
override def left: Number.type × Number.type = ×(Number, Number)
override def right: Number.type = Number
case object Sin extends (Number.type Number.type) {
override def left: Number.type = Number
override def right: Number.type = Number
case object Cos extends (Number.type Number.type) {
override def left: Number.type = Number
override def right: Number.type = Number
case object Round extends (Number.type Number.type) {
override def left: Number.type = Number
override def right: Number.type = Number
case object Floor extends (Number.type Number.type) {
override def left: Number.type = Number
override def right: Number.type = Number
case object Ceiling extends (Number.type Number.type) {
override def left: Number.type = Number
override def right: Number.type = Number
case object Absolute extends (Number.type Number.type) {
override def left: Number.type = Number
override def right: Number.type = Number
case object Modulo extends ((Number.type × Number.type) Number.type) {
override def left: Number.type × Number.type = ×(Number, Number)
override def right: Number.type = Number
case object Logarithm extends ((Number.type × Number.type) Number.type) {
override def left: Number.type × Number.type = ×(Number, Number)
override def right: Number.type = Number
case object BreakVector extends (Vector.type (Number.type × Number.type × Number.type)) {
override def left: Vector.type = Vector
override def right: Number.type × Number.type × Number.type = ×(×(Number, Number), Number)
case object MakeVector extends ((Number.type × Number.type × Number.type) Vector.type) {
override def left: Number.type × Number.type × Number.type = ×(×(Number, Number), Number)
override def right: Vector.type = Vector
case object Normalize extends (Vector.type Vector.type) {
override def left: Vector.type = Vector
override def right: Vector.type = Vector
case object DotProduct extends ((Vector.type × Vector.type) Vector.type) {
override def left: Vector.type × Vector.type = ×(Vector, Vector)
override def right: Vector.type = Vector
case object CrossProduct extends ((Vector.type × Vector.type) Vector.type) {
override def left: Vector.type × Vector.type = ×(Vector, Vector)
override def right: Vector.type = Vector
case object BreakRotation extends (Rotation.type (Number.type × Number.type × Number.type)) {
override def left: Rotation.type = Rotation
override def right: Number.type × Number.type × Number.type = ×(×(Number, Number), Number)
case object MakeRotation extends ((Number.type × Number.type × Number.type) Rotation.type) {
override def left: Number.type × Number.type × Number.type = ×(×(Number, Number), Number)
override def right: Rotation.type = Rotation
case object Distance extends ((Vector.type × Vector.type) Number.type) {
override def left: Vector.type × Vector.type = ×(Vector, Vector)
override def right: Number.type = Number
case object LERP extends ((Rotation.type × Rotation.type × Number.type) Rotation.type) {
override def left: Rotation.type × Rotation.type × Number.type = ×(×(Rotation, Rotation), Number)
override def right: Rotation.type = Rotation
case object AxisAngle extends ((Vector.type × Number.type) Rotation.type) {
override def left: Vector.type × Number.type = ×(Vector, Number)
override def right: Rotation.type = Rotation
case object ScreenToWorld extends ((Number.type × Number.type) (Vector.type × Vector.type)) {
override def left: Number.type × Number.type = ×(Number, Number)
override def right: Vector.type × Vector.type = ×(Vector, Vector)
case object WorldToScreen extends (Vector.type (Number.type × Number.type)) {
override def left: Vector.type = Vector
override def right: Number.type × Number.type = ×(Number, Number)
case object LineVsPlane extends ((Vector.type × Vector.type × Vector.type × Vector.type) Vector.type) {
override def left: Vector.type × Vector.type × Vector.type × Vector.type = ×(×(×(Vector, Vector), Vector), Vector)
override def right: Vector.type = Vector
case object LookRotation extends ((Vector.type × Vector.type) Rotation.type) {
override def left: Vector.type × Vector.type = ×(Vector, Vector)
override def right: Rotation.type = Rotation
case class GetNumber(name: String) extends (T Number)
case class GetObject(name: String) extends (T Obj)
case class GetVector(name: String) extends (T Vector)
case class GetRotation(name: String) extends (T Rotation)
case class GetTruth(name: String) extends (T Bool)
case class GetConstraint(name: String) extends (T Constraint)
case class SetNumber(name: String) extends ((Number × Pull) Pull)
case class SetObject(name: String) extends ((Obj × Pull) Pull)
case class SetVector(name: String) extends ((Vector × Pull) Pull)
case class SetRotation(name: String) extends ((Rotation × Pull) Pull)
case class SetTruth(name: String) extends ((Bool × Pull) Pull)
case class SetConstraint(name: String) extends ((Constraint × Pull) Pull)
case object SetNumberRef extends ((Number × Number × Pull) Pull)
case object SetObjectRef extends ((Obj × Obj × Pull) Pull)
case object SetVectorRef extends ((Vector × Vector × Pull) Pull)
case object SetRotationRef extends ((Rotation × Rotation × Pull) Pull)
case object SetTruthRef extends ((Bool × Bool × Pull) Pull)
case object SetConstraintRef extends ((Constraint × Constraint × Pull) Pull)
case object ListNumber extends ((Number × Number) Number)
case object ListObject extends ((Obj × Number) Obj)
case object ListVector extends ((Vector × Number) Vector)
case object ListRotation extends ((Rotation × Number) Rotation)
case object ListTruth extends ((Bool × Number) Bool)
case object ListConstraint extends ((Constraint × Number) Constraint)
case object Increment extends ((Number × Pull) Pull)
case object Decrement extends ((Number × Pull) Pull)
case class GetNumber(name: String) extends (T.type Number.type) {
override def left: T.type = T
override def right: Number.type = Number
case class GetObject(name: String) extends (T.type Obj.type) {
override def left: T.type = T
override def right: Obj.type = Obj
case class GetVector(name: String) extends (T.type Vector.type) {
override def left: T.type = T
override def right: Vector.type = Vector
case class GetRotation(name: String) extends (T.type Rotation.type) {
override def left: T.type = T
override def right: Rotation.type = Rotation
case class GetTruth(name: String) extends (T.type Bool.type) {
override def left: T.type = T
override def right: Bool.type = Bool
case class GetConstraint(name: String) extends (T.type Constraint.type) {
override def left: T.type = T
override def right: Constraint.type = Constraint
case class SetNumber(name: String) extends ((Number.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Number.type × Pull.type = ×(Number, Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case class SetObject(name: String) extends ((Obj.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Obj.type × Pull.type = ×(Obj, Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case class SetVector(name: String) extends ((Vector.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Vector.type × Pull.type = ×(Vector, Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case class SetRotation(name: String) extends ((Rotation.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Rotation.type × Pull.type = ×(Rotation, Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case class SetTruth(name: String) extends ((Bool.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Bool.type × Pull.type = ×(Bool, Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case class SetConstraint(name: String) extends ((Constraint.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Constraint.type × Pull.type = ×(Constraint, Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object SetNumberRef extends ((Number.type × Number.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Number.type × Number.type × Pull.type = ×(×(Number, Number), Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object SetObjectRef extends ((Obj.type × Obj.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Obj.type × Obj.type × Pull.type = ×(×(Obj, Obj), Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object SetVectorRef extends ((Vector.type × Vector.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Vector.type × Vector.type × Pull.type = ×(×(Vector, Vector), Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object SetRotationRef extends ((Rotation.type × Rotation.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Rotation.type × Rotation.type × Pull.type = ×(×(Rotation, Rotation), Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object SetTruthRef extends ((Bool.type × Bool.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Bool.type × Bool.type × Pull.type = ×(×(Bool, Bool), Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object SetConstraintRef extends ((Constraint.type × Constraint.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Constraint.type × Constraint.type × Pull.type = ×(×(Constraint, Constraint), Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object ListNumber extends ((Number.type × Number.type) Number.type) {
override def left: Number.type × Number.type = ×(Number, Number)
override def right: Number.type = Number
case object ListObject extends ((Obj.type × Number.type) Obj.type) {
override def left: Obj.type × Number.type = ×(Obj, Number)
override def right: Obj.type = Obj
case object ListVector extends ((Vector.type × Number.type) Vector.type) {
override def left: Vector.type × Number.type = ×(Vector, Number)
override def right: Vector.type = Vector
case object ListRotation extends ((Rotation.type × Number.type) Rotation.type) {
override def left: Rotation.type × Number.type = ×(Rotation, Number)
override def right: Rotation.type = Rotation
case object ListTruth extends ((Bool.type × Number.type) Bool.type) {
override def left: Bool.type × Number.type = ×(Bool, Number)
override def right: Bool.type = Bool
case object ListConstraint extends ((Constraint.type × Number.type) Constraint.type) {
override def left: Constraint.type × Number.type = ×(Constraint, Number)
override def right: Constraint.type = Constraint
case object Increment extends ((Number.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Number.type × Pull.type = ×(Number, Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
case object Decrement extends ((Number.type × Pull.type) Pull.type) {
override def left: Number.type × Pull.type = ×(Number, Pull)
override def right: Pull.type = Pull
implicit lazy val fanscript: Cartesian[Pin, , T, ×] with ArrowLoop[Pin, , T, ×, ] = new Cartesian[Pin, , T, ×] with ArrowLoop[Pin, , T, ×, ] {
implicit lazy val fanscript:
Cartesian[Pin, PinEv, , T.type, ×] with ArrowLoop[Pin, PinEv, , T.type, ×, ] =
new Cartesian[Pin, PinEv, , T.type, ×] with ArrowLoop[Pin, PinEv, , T.type, ×, ] {
override def id[A <: Pin]: A A =
override def duplicate[A <: Pin](implicit a: PinEv[A]): A (A × A) =
override def duplicate[A <: Pin]: A (A × A) =
override def terminate[A <: Pin]: A T =
override def swap[A <: Pin, B <: Pin]: (A × B) (B × A) =
override def lift[A <: Pin, B <: Pin](f: A B): A B =
override def strongProfunctorCategory: Monoidal[Pin, , T, ×] = this
override def first[A <: Pin, B <: Pin, C <: Pin]: (A B) ((A × C) (B × C)) =
Bimap[A, B, C, C](_, id[C])
override def second[A <: Pin, B <: Pin, C <: Pin]: (A B) ((C × A) (C × B)) =
(f: A B) => {
val firstf: (A × C) (B × C) = first[A, B, C](f)
AndThen(Swap(), AndThen(firstf, Swap()))
override def terminate[A <: Pin](implicit a: PinEv[A]): A T.type =
override def loop[A <: Pin, B <: Pin, C <: Pin](f: (A × C) (B × C)): A B =
override def associateRight[A <: Pin, B <: Pin, C <: Pin]: ((A × B) × C) (A × (B × C)) =
Associate[A, B, C]()
override def lift[A <: Pin, B <: Pin](f: A B): A B =
override def unitorLeft[A <: Pin]: (T × A) A =
override def id[A <: Pin](implicit a: PinEv[A]): A A =
override def deunitorLeft[A <: Pin]: A (T × A) =
override def strongProfunctorCategory: Monoidal[Pin, PinEv, , T.type, ×] =
override def compose[A <: Pin, B <: Pin, C <: Pin](f: B C, g: A B): A C =
AndThen(g, f)
override def first[A <: Pin, B <: Pin, C <: Pin](f: A B)(implicit c: PinEv[C]): (A × C) (B × C) =
bimap(f, id[C])
override def second[A <: Pin, B <: Pin, C <: Pin](f: A B)(implicit c: PinEv[C]): (C × A) (C × B) = {
implicit val a: PinEv[A] = f.leftEv
implicit val b: PinEv[B] = f.rightEv
val unswapped: (A × C) (B × C) = first(f)
andThen(swap[C, A], andThen(unswapped, swap[B, C]))
override def profunctorLeftConstraint[A <: Pin, B <: Pin](f: A B): PinEv[A] =
override def profunctorRightConstraint[A <: Pin, B <: Pin](f: A B): PinEv[B] =
override def swap[A <: Pin, B <: Pin](implicit a: PinEv[A], b: PinEv[B]): (A × B) (B × A) =
Swap(a.value, b.value)
override implicit def unitConstraint: PinEv[T.type] =
override def associateRight[A <: Pin, B <: Pin, C <: Pin](implicit a: PinEv[A], b: PinEv[B], c: PinEv[C]): ((A × B) × C) (A × (B × C)) =
Associate(a.value, b.value, c.value)
override def unitorLeft[A <: Pin](implicit a: PinEv[A]): (T.type × A) A =
override def deunitorLeft[A <: Pin](implicit a: PinEv[A]): A (T.type × A) =
override def homLeftConstraint[A <: Pin, B <: Pin](hom: A B): PinEv[A] =
override def homRightConstraint[A <: Pin, B <: Pin](hom: A B): PinEv[B] =
override def andThen[A <: Pin, B <: Pin, C <: Pin](f: A B, g: B C): A C =
AndThen(f, g)
override def compose[A <: Pin, B <: Pin, C <: Pin](f: B C, g: A B): A C =
andThen(g, f)
override implicit def bifunctorApplyConstraint[A <: Pin, B <: Pin](implicit a: PinEv[A], b: PinEv[B]): PinEv[A × B] =
PinEv.pinValueForProduct[A, B](a, b)
override def bifunctorLeftConstraint[A <: Pin, B <: Pin](implicit e: PinEv[A × B]): PinEv[A] =
new PinEv[A] {
override val value: A = e.value.a
override def bifunctorRightConstraint[A <: Pin, B <: Pin](implicit e: PinEv[A × B]): PinEv[B] =
new PinEv[B] {
override val value: B = e.value.b
override def bimap[A <: Pin, B <: Pin, C <: Pin, D <: Pin](f: A C, g: B D): (A × B) (C × D) =
Bimap(f, g)

View file

@ -6,145 +6,145 @@ object Main {
import Fanscript._
import tf.bug.shinji.syntax.all._
// min, max, start, result, after -> end, index, sum, before
val sum: (Number × Number × Pull × Number × Pull) (Pull × Number × Number × Pull) = {
val getSum: T Number = Builtin.GetNumber("Sum")
val setSum: (Number × Pull) Pull = Builtin.SetNumber("Sum")
val addToSum: (Number × Pull) Pull = {
val add: (Number × Number) Number = Builtin.AddNumbers
val sumAsFirstInput: (T × Number) (Number × Number) = getSum.first[Number]
val branch: Number (T × Number) = deunitL(fanscript)
val justSecondInput: Number (Number × Number) = branch >>> sumAsFirstInput
val addSum: Number Number = add.ldimap(justSecondInput)
val storeSum: (Number × Pull) Pull = setSum
val sum: (Number.type × Number.type × Pull.type × Number.type × Pull.type) (Pull.type × Number.type × Number.type × Pull.type) = {
val getSum: T.type Number.type = Builtin.GetNumber("Sum")
val setSum: (Number.type × Pull.type) Pull.type = Builtin.SetNumber("Sum")
val addToSum: (Number.type × Pull.type) Pull.type = {
val add: (Number.type × Number.type) Number.type = Builtin.AddNumbers
val sumAsFirstInput: (T.type × Number.type) (Number.type × Number.type) = fanscript.first(getSum)
val branch: Number.type (T.type × Number.type) = fanscript.deunitorLeft
val justSecondInput: Number.type (Number.type × Number.type) = fanscript.andThen(branch, sumAsFirstInput)
val addSum: Number.type Number.type = fanscript.ldimap[Number.type × Number.type, Number.type, Number.type](justSecondInput).apply(add)
val storeSum: (Number.type × Pull.type) Pull.type = setSum
fanscript.ldimap[Number.type × Pull.type, Pull.type, Number.type × Pull.type](fanscript.lbimap(addSum)).apply(storeSum)
val getIndex: T Number = Builtin.GetNumber("Index")
val setIndex: (Number × Pull) Pull = Builtin.SetNumber("Index")
val indexGreaterThan: Number Bool = {
val greaterThan: (Number × Number) Bool = Builtin.GreaterThan
val indexAsFirstInput: (T × Number) (Number × Number) = getIndex.first[Number]
val branch: Number (T × Number) = deunitL(fanscript)
val comparisonAsSecondInput: Number (Number × Number) = branch >>> indexAsFirstInput
comparisonAsSecondInput >>> greaterThan
val getIndex: T.type Number.type = Builtin.GetNumber("Index")
val setIndex: (Number.type × Pull.type) Pull.type = Builtin.SetNumber("Index")
val indexGreaterThan: Number.type Bool.type = {
val greaterThan: (Number.type × Number.type) Bool.type = Builtin.GreaterThan
val indexAsFirstInput: (T.type × Number.type) (Number.type × Number.type) = fanscript.first(getIndex)
val branch: Number.type (T.type × Number.type) = fanscript.deunitorLeft
val comparisonAsSecondInput: Number.type (Number.type × Number.type) = fanscript.andThen(branch, indexAsFirstInput)
fanscript.andThen(comparisonAsSecondInput, greaterThan)
val indexNotGreaterThan: Number Bool = indexGreaterThan >>> Builtin.Not
val checkContinue: (Number × Pull × Pull × Pull) Pull = {
val ifBlock: (Bool × Pull × Pull × Pull) Pull = Builtin.If
val checkGreater: (Number × Pull × Pull × Pull) (Bool × Pull × Pull × Pull) = {
val one: (Number × Pull) (Bool × Pull) = indexGreaterThan.first[Pull]
val two: (Number × Pull × Pull) (Bool × Pull × Pull) = fanscript.first(one)
val three: (Number × Pull × Pull × Pull) (Bool × Pull × Pull × Pull) = fanscript.first(two)
val indexNotGreaterThan: Number.type Bool.type = fanscript.andThen(indexGreaterThan, Builtin.Not)
val checkContinue: (Number.type × Pull.type × Pull.type × Pull.type) Pull.type = {
val ifBlock: (Bool.type × Pull.type × Pull.type × Pull.type) Pull.type = Builtin.If
val checkGreater: (Number.type × Pull.type × Pull.type × Pull.type) (Bool.type × Pull.type × Pull.type × Pull.type) = {
val one: (Number.type × Pull.type) (Bool.type × Pull.type) = fanscript.first(indexGreaterThan)
val two: (Number.type × Pull.type × Pull.type) (Bool.type × Pull.type × Pull.type) = fanscript.first(one)
val three: (Number.type × Pull.type × Pull.type × Pull.type) (Bool.type × Pull.type × Pull.type × Pull.type) = fanscript.first(two)
fanscript.andThen(checkGreater, ifBlock)
// sumToIndex -> before
val initializeSum: Pull Pull = {
val zero: T Number = Builtin.NumberValue(0.0F)
val zeroAsInput: (T × Pull) (Number × Pull) = zero.first[Pull]
val branch: Pull (T × Pull) = fanscript.deunitorLeft[Pull]
branch >>> zeroAsInput >>> setSum
val initializeSum: Pull.type Pull.type = {
val zero: T.type Number.type = Builtin.NumberValue(0.0F)
val zeroAsInput: (T.type × Pull.type) (Number.type × Pull.type) = fanscript.first(zero)
val branch: Pull.type (T.type × Pull.type) = fanscript.deunitorLeft[Pull.type]
fanscript.andThen(fanscript.andThen(branch, zeroAsInput), setSum)
// min, indexToLoopStart -> sumToIndex
val initializeIndex: (Number × Pull) Pull = setIndex
val initializeIndex: (Number.type × Pull.type) Pull.type = setIndex
// max, start, , after -> (indexToLoopStart + incrementToLoop)
val startLoop: (Number × Pull × Pull × Pull) Pull = checkContinue
val startLoop: (Number.type × Pull.type × Pull.type × Pull.type) Pull.type = checkContinue
// result, increaseSum -> end
val increaseSum: (Number × Pull) Pull = addToSum
val increaseSum: (Number.type × Pull.type) Pull.type = addToSum
// incrementToLoop -> increaseSum
val incrementIndex: Pull Pull = {
val get: T Number = getIndex
val set: (Number × Pull) Pull = setIndex
val one: T Number = Builtin.NumberValue(1.0F)
val additionOperands: T (Number × Number) = get &&& one
val add: T Number = additionOperands >>> Builtin.AddNumbers
val carryPull: (T × Pull) (Number × Pull) = add.first[Pull]
val branch: Pull (T × Pull) = fanscript.deunitorLeft[Pull]
branch >>> carryPull >>> set
val incrementIndex: Pull.type Pull.type = {
val get: T.type Number.type = getIndex
val set: (Number.type × Pull.type) Pull.type = setIndex
val one: T.type Number.type = Builtin.NumberValue(1.0F)
val additionOperands: T.type (Number.type × Number.type) = fanscript.merge(get, one)
val add: T.type Number.type = fanscript.andThen(additionOperands, Builtin.AddNumbers)
val carryPull: (T.type × Pull.type) (Number.type × Pull.type) = fanscript.first(add)
val branch: Pull.type (T.type × Pull.type) = fanscript.deunitorLeft[Pull.type]
fanscript.andThen(fanscript.andThen(branch, carryPull), set)
// min, indexToLoopStart -> before
val initialize: (Number × Pull) Pull = initializeIndex >>> initializeSum
val initialize: (Number.type × Pull.type) Pull.type = fanscript.andThen(initializeIndex, initializeSum)
// result, incrementToLoop -> end
val postLoop: (Number × Pull) Pull = {
val carryResult = fanscript.second[Pull, Pull, Number](incrementIndex)
val postLoop: (Number.type × Pull.type) Pull.type = {
val carryResult = fanscript.second[Pull.type, Pull.type, Number.type](incrementIndex)
fanscript.andThen(carryResult, increaseSum)
// max, start, after -> (indexToLoopStart + incrementToLoop)
val condition: (Number × Pull × Pull) Pull = {
val zThree: (Number × Pull) (Number × Pull × Pull) =
val condition: (Number.type × Pull.type × Pull.type) Pull.type = {
val zThree: (Number.type × Pull.type) (Number.type × Pull.type × Pull.type) =
fanscript.andThen(fanscript.deunitorRight, fanscript.rbimap(Z))
val zFour: (Number × Pull × Pull) (Number × Pull × Pull × Pull) =
val zFour: (Number.type × Pull.type × Pull.type) (Number.type × Pull.type × Pull.type × Pull.type) =
fanscript.ldimap[Number.type × Pull.type × Pull.type × Pull.type, Pull.type, Number.type × Pull.type × Pull.type](zFour).apply(checkContinue)
// min, max, start, result, after -> end, index, sum, before
val result: (Number × Number × Pull × Number × Pull) (Pull × Number × Number × Pull) = {
val result: (Number.type × Number.type × Pull.type × Number.type × Pull.type) (Pull.type × Number.type × Number.type × Pull.type) = {
// max, start, after -> indexToLoopStart, incrementToLoop
val duplicateCondition: (Number × Pull × Pull) (Pull × Pull) =
val duplicateCondition: (Number.type × Pull.type × Pull.type) (Pull.type × Pull.type) =
fanscript.andThen(condition, fanscript.duplicate)
// min, indexToLoopStart, result, incrementToLoop -> before, end
val conditionPrecursors: (Number × Pull × Number × Pull) (Pull × Pull) =
fanscript.andThen(fanscript.associateRight[Number × Pull, Number, Pull], fanscript.split[Number × Pull, Pull, Number × Pull, Pull](initialize, postLoop))
val conditionPrecursors: (Number.type × Pull.type × Number.type × Pull.type) (Pull.type × Pull.type) =
fanscript.associateRight[Number.type × Pull.type, Number.type, Pull.type] >>> (initialize *** postLoop)
// min, result, (indexToLoopStart, incrementToLoop) -> end, before
val orientConditionPrecursors: ((Number × Number) × (Pull × Pull)) (Pull × Pull) = {
val flattenAssoc: ((Number × Number) × (Pull × Pull)) (((Number × Number) × Pull) × Pull) = fanscript.associateLeft
val assocInside: (((Number × Number) × Pull) × Pull) ((Number × (Number × Pull)) × Pull) = fanscript.lbimap(fanscript.associateRight)
val swapInside: ((Number × (Number × Pull)) × Pull) ((Number × (Pull × Number)) × Pull) = fanscript.lbimap(fanscript.rbimap(fanscript.swap))
val reassocInside: ((Number × (Pull × Number)) × Pull) (((Number × Pull) × Number) × Pull) = fanscript.lbimap(fanscript.associateLeft)
val orientConditionInputs: ((Number × Number) × (Pull × Pull)) (((Number × Pull) × Number) × Pull) =
val orientConditionPrecursors: ((Number.type × Number.type) × (Pull.type × Pull.type)) (Pull.type × Pull.type) = {
val flattenAssoc: ((Number.type × Number.type) × (Pull.type × Pull.type)) (((Number.type × Number.type) × Pull.type) × Pull.type) = fanscript.associateLeft
val assocInside: (((Number.type × Number.type) × Pull.type) × Pull.type) ((Number.type × (Number.type × Pull.type)) × Pull.type) = fanscript.lbimap(fanscript.associateRight)
val swapInside: ((Number.type × (Number.type × Pull.type)) × Pull.type) ((Number.type × (Pull.type × Number.type)) × Pull.type) = fanscript.lbimap(fanscript.rbimap(fanscript.swap))
val reassocInside: ((Number.type × (Pull.type × Number.type)) × Pull.type) (((Number.type × Pull.type) × Number.type) × Pull.type) = fanscript.lbimap(fanscript.associateLeft)
val orientConditionInputs: ((Number.type × Number.type) × (Pull.type × Pull.type)) (((Number.type × Pull.type) × Number.type) × Pull.type) =
fanscript.andThen(fanscript.andThen(fanscript.andThen(flattenAssoc, assocInside), swapInside), reassocInside)
val swapEnd: (Pull × Pull) (Pull × Pull) = fanscript.swap
val swapEnd: (Pull.type × Pull.type) (Pull.type × Pull.type) = fanscript.swap
fanscript.dimap(orientConditionInputs, swapEnd)(conditionPrecursors)
// min, max, start, result, after -> end, before
val nonNumbers: (Number × Number × Pull × Number × Pull) (Pull × Pull) = {
val duplicateConditionLeftNumbers: ((Number × Number) × (Number × Pull × Pull)) ((Number × Number) × (Pull × Pull)) =
fanscript.second[Number × Pull × Pull, Pull × Pull, Number × Number](duplicateCondition)
val nonNumbers: (Number.type × Number.type × Pull.type × Number.type × Pull.type) (Pull.type × Pull.type) = {
val duplicateConditionLeftNumbers: ((Number.type × Number.type) × (Number.type × Pull.type × Pull.type)) ((Number.type × Number.type) × (Pull.type × Pull.type)) =
fanscript.second[Number.type × Pull.type × Pull.type, Pull.type × Pull.type, Number.type × Number.type](duplicateCondition)
// (min, result), (max, start, after) -> end, before
val aggregate: ((Number × Number) × (Number × Pull × Pull)) (Pull × Pull) =
val aggregate: ((Number.type × Number.type) × (Number.type × Pull.type × Pull.type)) (Pull.type × Pull.type) =
fanscript.andThen(duplicateConditionLeftNumbers, orientConditionPrecursors)
// (max, start, after, (min, result)) -> end, before
val align: (Number × Pull × Pull × (Number × Number)) (Pull × Pull) =
val align: (Number.type × Pull.type × Pull.type × (Number.type × Number.type)) (Pull.type × Pull.type) =
fanscript.andThen(fanscript.swap, aggregate)
// max, start, after, min, result -> end, before
val assoc: (Number × Pull × Pull × Number × Number) (Pull × Pull) =
val assoc: (Number.type × Pull.type × Pull.type × Number.type × Number.type) (Pull.type × Pull.type) =
fanscript.andThen(fanscript.associateRight, align)
// min, max, start, result, after -> max, start, after, min, result
val realign: ((((Number × Number) × Pull) × Number) × Pull) ((((Number × Pull) × Pull) × Number) × Number) = {
val one: ((((Number × Number) × Pull) × Number) × Pull) (((Number × (Number × Pull)) × Number) × Pull) =
val realign: ((((Number.type × Number.type) × Pull.type) × Number.type) × Pull.type) ((((Number.type × Pull.type) × Pull.type) × Number.type) × Number.type) = {
val one: ((((Number.type × Number.type) × Pull.type) × Number.type) × Pull.type) (((Number.type × (Number.type × Pull.type)) × Number.type) × Pull.type) =
val two: (((Number × (Number × Pull)) × Number) × Pull) ((((Number × Pull) × Number) × Number) × Pull) =
val two: (((Number.type × (Number.type × Pull.type)) × Number.type) × Pull.type) ((((Number.type × Pull.type) × Number.type) × Number.type) × Pull.type) =
val three: ((((Number × Pull) × Number) × Number) × Pull) (((Number × Pull) × Number) × (Number × Pull)) =
val three: ((((Number.type × Pull.type) × Number.type) × Number.type) × Pull.type) (((Number.type × Pull.type) × Number.type) × (Number.type × Pull.type)) =
val four: (((Number × Pull) × Number) × (Number × Pull)) (((Number × Pull) × Number) × (Pull × Number)) =
val four: (((Number.type × Pull.type) × Number.type) × (Number.type × Pull.type)) (((Number.type × Pull.type) × Number.type) × (Pull.type × Number.type)) =
val five: (((Number × Pull) × Number) × (Pull × Number)) ((((Number × Pull) × Number) × Pull) × Number) =
val five: (((Number.type × Pull.type) × Number.type) × (Pull.type × Number.type)) ((((Number.type × Pull.type) × Number.type) × Pull.type) × Number.type) =
val six: ((((Number × Pull) × Number) × Pull) × Number) (((Number × Pull) × (Number × Pull)) × Number) =
val six: ((((Number.type × Pull.type) × Number.type) × Pull.type) × Number.type) (((Number.type × Pull.type) × (Number.type × Pull.type)) × Number.type) =
val seven: (((Number × Pull) × (Number × Pull)) × Number) (((Number × Pull) × (Pull × Number)) × Number) =
val seven: (((Number.type × Pull.type) × (Number.type × Pull.type)) × Number.type) (((Number.type × Pull.type) × (Pull.type × Number.type)) × Number.type) =
val eight: (((Number × Pull) × (Pull × Number)) × Number) ((((Number × Pull) × Pull) × Number) × Number) =
val eight: (((Number.type × Pull.type) × (Pull.type × Number.type)) × Number.type) ((((Number.type × Pull.type) × Pull.type) × Number.type) × Number.type) =
@ -175,10 +175,10 @@ object Main {
// end, before -> end, index, sum, before
val addOutputs: (Pull × Pull) (Pull × Number × Number × Pull) =
val addOutputs: (Pull.type × Pull.type) (Pull.type × Number.type × Number.type × Pull.type) =
fanscript.andThen[Pull, Pull × T, Pull × Number](fanscript.deunitorRight[Pull], fanscript.rbimap(getIndex)),
fanscript.andThen[Pull × Number, Pull × Number × T, Pull × Number × Number](fanscript.deunitorRight[Pull × Number], fanscript.rbimap(getSum))
fanscript.andThen[Pull.type, Pull.type × T.type, Pull.type × Number.type](fanscript.deunitorRight[Pull.type], fanscript.rbimap(getIndex)),
fanscript.andThen[Pull.type × Number.type, Pull.type × Number.type × T.type, Pull.type × Number.type × Number.type](fanscript.deunitorRight[Pull.type × Number.type], fanscript.rbimap(getSum))
fanscript.andThen(nonNumbers, addOutputs)