
97 lines
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package aoc.y2017
import aoc.Day
object Day25 extends Day {
import fastparse._, MultiLineWhitespace._
case class State(name: String)
case class InState(state: State, whenZero: Branch, whenOne: Branch)
case class Branch(write: Int, move: Direction, stateChange: State)
sealed trait Direction {
def change: Int
case object MoveLeft extends Direction {
override def change: Int = -1
case object MoveRight extends Direction {
override def change: Int = 1
case class Program(
beginIn: State,
diagnosticCount: Int,
states: Map[State, InState],
index: Int = 0,
tape: Map[Int, Int] = Map()
) {
def step: Program = {
val ndc = diagnosticCount - 1
val cs = states(beginIn)
val cc = tape.getOrElse(index, 0)
val br = cc match {
case 0 => cs.whenZero
case 1 => cs.whenOne
val wr = br.write
val mv = br.move
val ns = br.stateChange
val nm = tape + (index -> wr)
Program(ns, ndc, states, index + mv.change, nm)
def stateParser[_: P]: P[State] = P("state" ~ CharIn("A-Z").rep.!).map(State)
def writeParser[_: P]: P[Int] = P("- Write the value" ~ ("0" | "1").! ~ ".").map(_.toInt)
def directionParser[_: P]: P[Direction] = P("- Move one slot to the" ~ ("left" | "right").! ~ ".").map {
case "left" => MoveLeft
case "right" => MoveRight
def stateChangeParser[_: P]: P[State] = P("- Continue with" ~ stateParser ~ ".")
def branchParser[_: P]: P[Branch] = P(writeParser ~ directionParser ~ stateChangeParser).map {
case (write, dir, state) => Branch(write, dir, state)
def inStateParser[_: P]: P[InState] =
"In" ~ stateParser ~ ":" ~ "If the current value is 0:" ~ branchParser ~ "If the current value is 1:" ~ branchParser
).map {
case (state, v0, v1) => InState(state, v0, v1)
def programParser[_: P]: P[Program] =
"Begin in" ~ stateParser ~ "." ~
"Perform a diagnostic checksum after" ~ CharIn("0-9").rep(1).!.map(_.toInt) ~ "steps." ~ => {
val z =
).map {
case (begin, steps, states) => Program(begin, steps, states)
override def part1(input: String): String = {
val Parsed.Success(program, _) = parse(input, programParser(_))
def finalState(p: Program): Program = {
val np = p.step
print(s"\rInstructions Left: ${np.diagnosticCount}${" " * program.diagnosticCount.toString.length}")
np.diagnosticCount match {
case 0 => np
case _ => finalState(np)
finalState(program).tape.values.count(_ == 1).toString
override def part2(input: String): String = {
"You Win!"