Refactor intcode machine so that it's actually usable

This commit is contained in:
Aly 2019-12-07 14:42:54 -08:00 committed by Anthony Cerruti
parent 4047fc52ac
commit 17e061d2e1
4 changed files with 133 additions and 133 deletions

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@ -1,22 +1,20 @@
package aoc.y2019
import aoc.Day
import cats._
import cats.implicits._
object Day02 extends Day {
import Day05.Machine, Day05.MachineState, Day05.executeMachine
def initialReplacement(noun: Int, verb: Int): MachineState = State { m =>
(m.copy(m.memory.updated(1, noun).updated(2, verb)), false)
def initialReplacement(noun: Int, verb: Int): Intcode.Operation = Intcode.set(1, noun) *> Intcode.set(2, verb)
def runMachine(memory: Vector[Int], noun: Int, verb: Int): Int = {
val initialState = Machine(memory)
val initialState = Intcode.Machine(memory)
val runMachine = for {
_ <- initialReplacement(noun, verb)
run <- executeMachine
} yield run
ran <-
} yield ran
val endState = runMachine.runS(initialState).value

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@ -7,134 +7,13 @@ import
object Day05 extends Day {
case class Oresult(result: Option[Int], appendOutput: Vector[Int], newPointer: Option[Int])
object Oresult {
def apply(result: Int): Oresult = Oresult(result.some, Vector.empty, None)
sealed trait Operation {
val opcode: Int
val operandCount: Int
val inputCount: Int
def apply(operands: Vector[Int], inputs: Vector[Int]): Oresult
case object Add extends Operation {
override val opcode: Int = 1
override val operandCount: Int = 2
override val inputCount: Int = 0
def apply(operands: Vector[Int], inputs: Vector[Int]): Oresult = Oresult(operands(0) + operands(1))
case object Multiply extends Operation {
override val opcode: Int = 2
override val operandCount: Int = 2
override val inputCount: Int = 0
override def apply(operands: Vector[Int], inputs: Vector[Int]): Oresult = Oresult(operands(0) * operands(1))
case object Input extends Operation {
override val opcode: Int = 3
override val operandCount: Int = 0
override val inputCount: Int = 1
override def apply(operands: Vector[Int], inputs: Vector[Int]): Oresult = Oresult(inputs.headOption, Vector.empty, None)
case object Output extends Operation {
override val opcode: Int = 4
override val operandCount: Int = 1
override val inputCount: Int = 0
override def apply(operands: Vector[Int], inputs: Vector[Int]): Oresult = Oresult(None, operands, None)
case object JumpIfTrue extends Operation {
override val opcode: Int = 5
override val operandCount: Int = 2
override val inputCount: Int = 0
override def apply(operands: Vector[Int], inputs: Vector[Int]): Oresult = Oresult(None, Vector.empty, Option.when(operands(0) != 0)(operands(1)))
case object JumpIfFalse extends Operation {
override val opcode: Int = 6
override val operandCount: Int = 2
override val inputCount: Int = 0
override def apply(operands: Vector[Int], inputs: Vector[Int]): Oresult = Oresult(None, Vector.empty, Option.when(operands(0) == 0)(operands(1)))
case object LessThan extends Operation {
override val opcode: Int = 7
override val operandCount: Int = 2
override val inputCount: Int = 0
override def apply(operands: Vector[Int], inputs: Vector[Int]): Oresult = Oresult(if(operands(0) < operands(1)) 1 else 0)
case object Equal extends Operation {
override val opcode: Int = 8
override val operandCount: Int = 2
override val inputCount: Int = 0
override def apply(operands: Vector[Int], inputs: Vector[Int]): Oresult = Oresult(if(operands(0) == operands(1)) 1 else 0)
object Operation {
val all: Map[Int, Operation] = Seq(
).map(op => (op.opcode, op)).toMap
case class Machine(memory: Vector[Int], pointer: Int = 0 , input: Vector[Int] = Vector.empty, output: Vector[Int] = Vector.empty)
type MachineState = State[Machine, Boolean]
def inputNumber(num: Int): MachineState = State { machine =>
(machine.copy(input = machine.input :+ num), false)
val executeMachine: MachineState = State { machine =>
lazy val states: LazyList[(Machine, Boolean)] =
(machine, false) #:: {
case (state, true) => (state, true)
case (m @ Machine(memory, pointer, input, output), false) =>
memory(pointer) match {
case 99 => (m, true)
case opcode =>
val operation = Operation.all(opcode % 100)
val operandCount = operation.operandCount
val inputCount = operation.inputCount
val inputs = input.take(inputCount)
val immediateParameters = (1 to operandCount) { operandNum =>
val divide = Math.pow(10, operandNum + 1).toInt
val modulo = Math.pow(10, operandNum + 2).toInt
((opcode % modulo) / divide) == 1
val operands = (1 to operandCount) {
case (operandNum, false) => memory(memory(pointer + operandNum))
case (operandNum, true) => memory(pointer + operandNum)
val Oresult(result, appendOutput, changePointer) = operation(operands, inputs)
val newMemory = result match {
case Some(result) => memory.updated(memory(pointer + operandCount + 1), result)
case None => memory
val newPointer = (result, changePointer) match {
case (_, Some(newAddress)) => newAddress
case (Some(_), None) => pointer + operandCount + 2
case (None, None) => pointer + operandCount + 1
val newInput = input.drop(inputCount)
val newOutput = output ++ appendOutput
(Machine(newMemory, newPointer, newInput, newOutput), false)
def diagnostic(input: String, diagnosticNumber: Int): Int = {
val memory = input.split(",")
val initialState = Machine(memory)
val initialState = Intcode.Machine(memory)
val machineInput = diagnosticNumber
val runMachine: MachineState = for {
_ <- inputNumber(machineInput)
ran <- executeMachine
val runMachine: Intcode.Operation = for {
_ <- Intcode.input(machineInput)
ran <-
} yield ran
val endState = runMachine.runS(initialState).value

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@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
package aoc.y2019
import cats._
import cats.implicits._
import{Kleisli, State}
object Intcode {
case class Machine(memory: Vector[Int], pc: Int = 0, input: Vector[Int] = Vector.empty, output: Vector[Int] = Vector.empty)
type Operation = State[Machine, Unit]
type Instruction = Kleisli[State[Machine, *], LazyList[Boolean], Unit]
val instructions: Map[Int, Instruction] = Map(
1 -> Instruction.add,
2 -> Instruction.multiply,
3 -> Instruction.input,
4 -> Instruction.output,
5 -> Instruction.jumpIfTrue,
6 -> Instruction.jumpIfFalse,
7 -> Instruction.lessThan,
8 -> Instruction.equals,
val parse: State[Machine, (Instruction, LazyList[Boolean])] = State.inspect {
machine: Machine =>
val instructionAndFlags = machine.memory(machine.pc)
val instruction: Instruction = instructions(instructionAndFlags % 100)
val flags: LazyList[Boolean] = {
val flagString = instructionAndFlags.toString.reverseIterator.drop(2)
val flagIterator = == '1')
LazyList.from(flagIterator) ++ LazyList.continually(false)
(instruction, flags)
val step: Operation = for {
(instruction, flags) <- parse
_ <- advance(1)
result <-
} yield result
val run: Operation = step.untilM[Vector](State.inspect(machine => machine.memory(machine.pc) % 100 == 99)).map(_.last)
val noop: Operation = State.pure(())
def goto(address: Int): Operation = State.modify(_.copy(pc = address))
val location: State[Machine, Int] = State.inspect(_.pc)
def advance(by: Int): Operation = location.flatMap(c => goto(c + by))
def set(address: Int, value: Int): Operation = State.modify { machine =>
val newMemory = machine.memory.updated(address, value)
machine.copy(memory = newMemory)
def get(address: Int): State[Machine, Int] = State.inspect(_.memory(address))
def input(value: Int): Operation = State.modify { machine =>
machine.copy(input = machine.input :+ value)
val pullInput: State[Machine, Int] = State { machine =>
(machine.copy(input = machine.input.tail), machine.input.head)
def output(value: Int): Operation = State.modify { machine =>
machine.copy(output = machine.output :+ value)
object Instruction {
def trans(operandCount: Int, operation: Kleisli[State[Machine, *], Vector[Int], Unit]): Instruction = Kleisli {
flags: LazyList[Boolean] =>
State.inspect { machine: Machine =>
.slice(machine.pc, machine.pc + operandCount)
.map {
case (argument, true) => argument
case (argument, false) => machine.memory(argument)
def op(operandCount: Int, operation: Vector[Int] => Int): Instruction =
trans(operandCount, Kleisli( { result =>
for {
loc <- location
outputAddr <- get(loc + operandCount)
_ <- set(outputAddr, result)
advance <- advance(operandCount + 1)
} yield advance
val add: Instruction = op(operandCount = 2, { case Vector(a, b) => a + b })
val multiply: Instruction = op(operandCount = 2, { case Vector(a, b) => a * b })
val input: Instruction = Kleisli { _ =>
for {
loc <- location
toAddr <- get(loc)
input <- pullInput
_ <- set(toAddr, input)
advance <- advance(1)
} yield advance
val output: Instruction = trans(1, Kleisli {
case Vector(value) => Intcode.output(value) *> advance(1)
val jumpIfTrue: Instruction = trans(2, Kleisli {
case Vector(condition, newAddr) => if(condition != 0) goto(newAddr) else advance(2)
val jumpIfFalse: Instruction = trans(2, Kleisli {
case Vector(condition, newAddr) => if(condition == 0) goto(newAddr) else advance(2)
val lessThan: Instruction = op(2, {
case Vector(a, b) if a < b => 1
case Vector(_, _) => 0
val equals: Instruction = op(2, {
case Vector(a, b) if a == b => 1
case Vector(_, _) => 0

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@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ val sharedSettings = Seq(
"org.typelevel" %%% "cats-free" % "2.0.0",
mainClass := Some("tf.bug.aoc.Main"),
addCompilerPlugin("org.typelevel" %% "kind-projector" % "0.11.0" cross CrossVersion.full),
addCompilerPlugin("com.olegpy" %% "better-monadic-for" % "0.3.1"),
// lazy val aoc = crossProject(/* JSPlatform, */ JVMPlatform /* , NativePlatform */ )