This commit is contained in:
rysertio 2023-10-29 07:15:42 +06:00
commit c7398da895
32 changed files with 97059 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

Makefile Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
BUILD_DIR := ./build
# Find all the C and C++ files we want to compile
# Note the single quotes around the * expressions. The shell will incorrectly expand these otherwise, but we want to send the * directly to the find command.
SRCS := $(shell find $(SRC_DIRS) -name '*.cpp' -or -name '*.c' -or -name '*.s')
# Prepends BUILD_DIR and appends .o to every src file
# As an example, ./your_dir/hello.cpp turns into ./build/./your_dir/hello.cpp.o
OBJS := $(SRCS:%=$(BUILD_DIR)/%.o)
# String substitution (suffix version without %).
# As an example, ./build/hello.cpp.o turns into ./build/hello.cpp.d
DEPS := $(OBJS:.o=.d)
# Every folder in ./src will need to be passed to GCC so that it can find header files
INC_DIRS := $(shell find $(SRC_DIRS) -path .git -prune -type d)
# Add a prefix to INC_DIRS. So moduleA would become -ImoduleA. GCC understands this -I flag
INC_FLAGS := $(addprefix -I,$(INC_DIRS))
# The -MMD and -MP flags together generate Makefiles for us!
# These files will have .d instead of .o as the output.
# The final build step.
$(CXX) -shared $(OBJS) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS)
# Build step for C source
$(BUILD_DIR)/%.c.o: %.c
mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
# Build step for C++ source
$(BUILD_DIR)/%.cpp.o: %.cpp
mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
.PHONY: clean
rm -r $(BUILD_DIR)
# Include the .d makefiles. The - at the front suppresses the errors of missing
# Makefiles. Initially, all the .d files will be missing, and we don't want those
# errors to show up.
-include $(DEPS)

common.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#include <complex>
typedef std::complex<float> Complex;
namespace Mengu {
// returns a Complex number with the same norm as x but with the angle phase
template <typename T>
std::complex<T> with_phase(const std::complex<T> &x, T phase);
// A complex number with the same phase as x, but with distance from the origin amp
template <typename T>
std::complex<T> with_amp(const std::complex<T> &x, T amp) {
return x / std::sqrt(std::norm(x)) * amp;

correlation.cpp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
#include "correlation.h"
#include "common.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "mengumath.h"
#include <cstdint>
float Mengu::dsp::correlation(const Complex *s1, const Complex *s2, const int length, const int n) {
float total = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
total += s1[i].real() * s2[n + i].real();
return total;
float Mengu::dsp::autocorrelation(const Complex *s, const int length, const int n) {
return correlation(s, s, length, n);
int Mengu::dsp::find_max_correlation(const Complex *s1, const Complex *s2, const int length, const int search_window_size) {
float max_corr = correlation(s1, s2, length, 0);
int max_lag = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < search_window_size; i++) {
float corr = correlation(s1, s2, length, i);
if (corr > max_corr) {
max_corr = corr;
max_lag = i;
return max_lag;
int Mengu::dsp::find_max_correlation_quad(const Complex *s1, const Complex *s2, const int length, const int search_window_size) {
float max_corr = -1e10;
int max_lag = 0;
float *scaled_s1 = new float[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
scaled_s1[i] = s1[i].real() * i * (length - i);
// do max iteration
for (int i = 0; i < search_window_size; i++) {
float corr = 0.0f;
for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
corr += scaled_s1[j] * s2[i + j].real();
if (corr > max_corr) {
max_corr = corr;
max_lag = i;
delete[] scaled_s1;
return max_lag;
std::vector<float> Mengu::dsp::calc_srhs(const float *envelope,
const int &size,
const int &min_freq_ind,
const int &max_freq_ind,
const int &n_harm,
const int &step) {
std::vector<float> output;
for (int freq_ind = min_freq_ind; freq_ind < max_freq_ind; freq_ind += step) {
output.push_back(calc_srh(envelope, size, freq_ind, n_harm));
return output;
float Mengu::dsp::calc_srh(const float *envelope, const int &size, const int &freq_ind, const int &n_harm) {
const int pos_n_harm = MIN(n_harm, size / freq_ind);
float pos_interference = 0;
for (int k = 1; k < pos_n_harm; k++) {
pos_interference += envelope[freq_ind * k];
const int neg_n_harm = MIN(n_harm, (int) ((float) size / freq_ind + 0.5));
float neg_interference = 0;
for (int k = 2; k < neg_n_harm; k++) {
neg_interference += envelope[(int) (freq_ind * k - 0.5)];
return pos_interference - neg_interference;

correlation.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
* @file correlation.h
* @author 9exa
* @brief Correlation/Convolution functions between signals
* @version 0.1
* @date 2023-04-30
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2023
#include "common.h"
#include "fft.h"
#include "linalg.h"
#include "mengumath.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <complex>
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
namespace Mengu {
namespace dsp {
// The (real finite non-circular) cross-correlation of two signals of equal length, on the offset n
// basically just a dot product
float correlation(const Complex *s1, const Complex *s2, const int length, const int n);
// The (real finite non-circular) cross-correlation of of a signal on itself, on the offset n
float autocorrelation(const Complex *s, const int length, const int n);
// Find the offset/lag that corresponds to the max cross-correlation between s1 and s2 explored up to length
// s2 is assumed to be at least length + search_window_size long
int find_max_correlation(const Complex *s1, const Complex *s2, const int length, const int search_window_size);
// Max correlation where portions toward the center are weighted more
int find_max_correlation_quad(const Complex *s1, const Complex *s2, const int length, const int search_window_size);
// find the sr harmonics of (the positive half of) a frequency amplitude spectrum
std::vector<float> calc_srhs(const float *envelope,
const int &size,
const int &min_freq_ind,
const int &max_freq_ind,
const int &n_harm = 8,
const int &step = 1);
// the srh of only one frequency
float calc_srh(const float *envelope, const int &size, const int &freq_ind, const int &n_harm);
// performs and stores results of LinearPredictiveCoding. expects a fixed process size so it can be put on the stack
template<uint32_t SampleSize, uint32_t NParams>
class LPC {
// _b(NParams + 1),
// _autocovariance_slice(NParams + 1) {
_autocovariance_slice{0} {
_b[0] = 1;
// perform LPC on a sample and set up the intermediate variables
void load_sample(const Complex *sample) {
// assumes that sample are all real numbers; In general-purpose dsp this will cause bugs
// multiplication in the frequency domain is convolution (reversed correlation) in the real domain
std::array<Complex, SampleSize> freq_squared;
std::array<Complex, SampleSize> autocovariance_comp;
[] (Complex f) { return std::norm(f); }
[] (Complex c) { return c.real(); }
_autocovariance.cbegin() + NParams + 1,
std::array<float, NParams + 1> a = solve_sym_toeplitz(_autocovariance_slice, _b);
std::array<Complex, SampleSize> a_comp{0};
const float a0 = a[0];
std::transform(a.cbegin(), a.cend(), a_comp.begin(),
[a0] (float f) { return Complex(f / a0); }
std::array<Complex, SampleSize> A;
// calc envelope
std::transform(A.cbegin(), A.cend(), _envelope.begin(),
// try to prevent infs
[] (Complex c) { return 1.0f / (sqrt(std::norm(c))); }
// calce residuals
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < SampleSize; i++) {
_residuals[i] = std::sqrt(std::norm(_freq_spectrum[i] * A[i]));
// std::transform(_freq_spectrum.cbegin(), _freq_spectrum.cend(), A.cbegin(), _residuals.begin(),
// [] (Complex x_val, Complex a_val) { return std::sqrt(std::norm(x_val * a_val)); }
// );
// The dft of the loaded samples
const std::array<Complex, SampleSize> &get_freq_spectrum() const {
return _freq_spectrum;
// The correlation of the signal with itself
const std::array<float, SampleSize> &get_autocovariance() const {
return _autocovariance;
// Normalized copy of autocovariance
std::array<float, SampleSize> get_autocorrelation() const {
std::array<float, SampleSize> autocorrelation;
float max_cov = *std::max_element(_autocovariance);
[max_cov] (float cov) {return cov / max_cov;}
// Envelope of the frequency spectrum
const std::array<float, SampleSize> &get_envelope() const {
return _envelope;
// LCP residuals of the frequency
const std::array<float, SampleSize> &get_residuals() const {
return _residuals;
// useful for inversion
const FFT &get_fft() const {
return _fft;
// results to be getted
std::array<Complex, SampleSize> _freq_spectrum;
std::array<float, SampleSize> _autocovariance;
std::array<float, SampleSize> _envelope;
std::array<float, SampleSize> _residuals;
// intermediates
FFT _fft;
std::array<float, NParams + 1> _b;
std::array<float, NParams + 1> _autocovariance_slice;
// std::vector<float> _b;
// std::vector<float> _autocovariance_slice;

cyclequeue.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
* @file cyclevector.h
* @author 9exa
* @brief An user-determined-size array where pushing an item removes one from the other end.
* Useful for not having to reallocate memory for rapidly appended contiguious data (i.e. sampling)
* @version 0.1
* @date 2023-02-21
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2023
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include "mengumath.h"
namespace Mengu {
template <class T>
class CycleQueue {
T *_data = nullptr;
uint32_t _size = 0;
// what part of the data array is the front of the queue and first to be replaced on a push_back()
uint32_t _front = 0;
uint32_t _capacity = 0;
inline uint32_t start_inc_down1() {
// assert(size != 0)
// equiv to posmod (_front + _size - 1) % _size but faster?????
return _front == 0 ? _size - 1 : _front - 1;
CycleQueue() {}
CycleQueue(uint32_t size) {
if (size > 0) {
// implement "copy" so they don't share the same data array
CycleQueue(const CycleQueue &from) {
_capacity = from._capacity;
_data = new T[_capacity];
std::cout << "from something\n";
memcpy(_data, from._data, _capacity * sizeof(T));
_size = from._size;
_front = from._front;
~CycleQueue() {
delete[] _data;
inline uint32_t size() const {
return _size;
inline void push_back(const T &x) {
if (_size == 0) return;
_data[_front] = x;
_front = (_front + 1) % _size;
inline void push_front(const T &x) {
if (_size == 0) return;
_front = (_front == 0) ? _size - 1 : _front - 1;
_data[_front] = x;
void resize(const uint32_t &new_size) {
if (_capacity < new_size) {
uint32_t new_cap = MAX(_capacity, 1);
while (new_cap < new_size) {
new_cap = new_cap << 1; // if you leave out the new_cap = the optimizer just skips this loop.
// Which makes this infinite loop bug hard to spot
} else if (new_size < _size) {
//move element of an array such that those at the front are removed
uint32_t shift;
uint32_t i;
if (_front <= new_size) {
// shift elements after _front down
shift = _size - new_size;
i = _front;
else {
// shift elements before _front up
shift = _front - new_size;
i = 0;
_front = 0;
for (; i < new_size; i++) {
_data[i] = _data[i + shift];
// set the deleted slots to be ready for future resizes
for (; i < _size; i++) {
_data[i] = T();
else { // (new_size > size) but reserve() has yet to initialize values
uint32_t i = _size;
for (; i < _front; i++) {
_data[(i + _size) % new_size] = _data[i];
_data[i] = T();
_size = new_size;
inline uint32_t capacity() const {
return _capacity;
const T *data() const {
return _data;
void reserve(const uint32_t &new_cap) {
if (_capacity < new_cap) {
T *new_data = new T[new_cap];
// copy and initialise new array
uint32_t i = 0;
if (_data != nullptr) {
for (; i < _capacity; i++) {
new_data[i] = std::move(_data[i]);
delete[] _data;
for (; i< new_cap; i++) {
new_data[i] = T();
_data = new_data;
_capacity = new_cap;
if (_size > _capacity) {
// rotates the data array so that ir begins with _friont
void make_contiguous() {
T *new_data = new T[_capacity];
uint32_t i = 0;
if (_data != nullptr) {
for (; i < _size; i++) {
new_data[i] = std::move(_data[(i + _front) % _size]);
delete[] _data;
for (; i< _capacity; i++) {
new_data[i] = T();
_data = new_data;
void set(int i, const T &item) {
if (i > _size) {
std::cout << "tried to set item " << i << "on CycleQueue of size i. Out of range"<< std::endl;
_data[posmod(i +_front, _size)] = item;
const T get(int i) const {
if (i > _size) {
std::cout << "tried to get item " << i << "on CycleQueue of size i. Out of range"<< std::endl;
return _data[posmod(i + _front, _size)];
// just moves the front of the Ccle queue by an amount
void rotate(int by) {
_front = posmod(_front + by, _size);
//// Operators
inline T &operator[](int i) {
return _data[posmod(i + _front, _size)];
inline const T &operator[](int i) const {
// std::cout << (i + _front) % _size << std::endl;
return _data[posmod(i + _front, _size)];
CycleQueue &operator=(const CycleQueue &from) {
if (from._size != _size) {
_front = from._front;
memcpy(_data, from._data, _size);
return *this;
//// Conversions
// converts the first 'size' items into a contiguous array. -1 does the whole queue
T* to_array(T *out, int size = -1) const {
if (size == -1) {
size = _size;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
out[i] = _data[(i + _front) % _size];
return out;
// converts the first 'size' items into a vector. -1 does the whole queue
std::vector<T> to_vector(int size = -1) const {
if (size == -1) {
size = _size;
std::vector<T> out;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
out[i] = _data[(i + _front) % _size];
return out;
template<typename T>
std::string to_string(const CycleQueue<T> &cq) {
using std::to_string;
std::string out_string;
if (cq.size() == 0) {
return out_string;
out_string.reserve(to_string(cq[0]).size() * cq.size());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cq.size(); i++) {
out_string += to_string(cq[i]);
return out_string;

effect.cpp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
#include "effect.h"
#include "mengumath.h"
Mengu::dsp::EffectChain::EffectChain(uint32_t buffer_size) {
_buffer_size = Mengu::last_pow_2(buffer_size);
Mengu::dsp::EffectChain::~EffectChain() {
for (auto effect: _effects) {
void Mengu::dsp::EffectChain::push_signal(const Complex *input, const uint32_t &size) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
void Mengu::dsp::EffectChain::pop_transformed_signal(Complex *output, const uint32_t &size) {
for (uint32_t i = _buffer_size - size; i < _buffer_size; i++) {
output[i] = _transformed_buffer[i];
void Mengu::dsp::EffectChain::append_effect(Effect *effect) {

effect.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
#include <cstdint>
#include "common.h"
#include "cyclequeue.h"
#include <vector>
namespace Mengu {
namespace dsp {
// Types of Properties that an Effect has and how they can be edited by gui
// If this was Rust (a better language) this would all be one enum
enum EffectPropType {
Toggle, // Edited With a ToggleButton
Slider, // Edited with A Slider. A min and max value must be declared. Stores real number
Knob, // Edited with A Knob. A min and max value must be declared. Stores real number
Counter, // Edited with a counter. A step size must be declared. Stores real numbers, but often casted into an int
enum EffectPropContScale {
// Description for the editable properties of an Effect.
struct EffectPropDesc {
EffectPropType type;
const char *name;
const char *desc;
union {
struct {
float min_value;
float max_value;
float step_size;
EffectPropContScale scale;
} slider_data; // use by slider, knob and counter
// Data used to get and set EffectProperty data
struct EffectPropPayload {
EffectPropType type;
union {
bool on; // Used by Toggle
float value; // used by slider, knob, and counter
// object that takes in the next value signal (time or frequency domain)
// and can be queried for the next value in the process signal.
class Effect {
virtual ~Effect() = default;
// tells an EffectChain what type of input the effect expects
enum InputDomain {
Time = 0,
Spectral = 1,
Frequency = 1
virtual InputDomain get_input_domain() = 0;
// push new value of signal
virtual void push_signal(const Complex *input, const uint32_t &size) = 0;
// Last value of transformed signal
virtual uint32_t pop_transformed_signal(Complex *output, const uint32_t &size) = 0;
// number of samples that can be output given the current pushed signals of the Effect
virtual uint32_t n_transformed_ready() const = 0;
// resets state of effect to make it reading to take in a new sample
virtual void reset() = 0;
// The properties that this Effect exposes to be changed by GUI.
// The index that they are put in is considered the props id
virtual std::vector<EffectPropDesc> get_property_descs() const = 0;
// Sets a property with the specified id the value declared in the payload
virtual void set_property(uint32_t id, EffectPropPayload data) = 0;
// Gets the value of a property with the specified id
virtual EffectPropPayload get_property(uint32_t id) const = 0;
// Represents a series of effects chained consequtivly. Processed on demand
class EffectChain {
EffectChain(uint32_t buffer_size);
// push a new signal. Unlike an Effect the pushed signal can be an arbitrary size as it is stored in a ringbuffer
void push_signal(const Complex *input, const uint32_t &size);
// Last values of transformed signal
void pop_transformed_signal(Complex *output, const uint32_t &size);
// add an Effect
void append_effect(Effect *effect);
// apply all effects
void process();
uint32_t _buffer_size;
CycleQueue<Complex> _input_buffer;
std::vector<Complex> _transformed_buffer;
std::vector<Effect *> _effects;

fastmath.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
#include "mengumath.h"
#include <cmath>
namespace Mengu {
namespace dsp {
// PADE approximations. Only accurate on certain ranges
// use between -pi to +pi
template<typename FloatType>
FloatType sin(FloatType x) {
x = std::fmod(x + MATH_PI, MATH_TAU) - MATH_PI;
FloatType x2 = x * x;
FloatType numerator = x * ((11 * x2) * x2 + 2520);
FloatType denominator = 60 * x2 + 2520;
return numerator / denominator;
// use between -pi to +pi
template<typename FloatType>
FloatType cos(FloatType x) {
x = std::fmod(x + MATH_PI, MATH_TAU) - MATH_PI;
FloatType x2 = x * x;
FloatType numerator = 131040 + x2 * (62160 + x2 * (3814 - x2 * 59));
FloatType denominator = 131040 + x2 * (3360 + x2 * 34);
return numerator / denominator;
template<typename FloatType>
FloatType tan(FloatType x) {
x = std::fmod(x + MATH_PI, MATH_TAU) - MATH_PI;
FloatType x2 = x * x;
FloatType numerator = x * (-135135 + x2 * (17325 + x2 * (-378 + x2)));
FloatType denominator = -135135 + x2 * (62370 + x2 * (-3150 + 28 * x2));
return numerator / denominator;
} // namespace dsp
} // namespace Mengu

fft.cpp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
#include "fft.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "fastmath.h"
#include "mengumath.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
using namespace Mengu;
// helpers
static void conjugate_arr(Complex *arr, const uint32_t a_size) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < a_size; i++) {
std::vector<Complex> dsp::SFT::perform(const std::vector<Complex> &input) {
const size_t outsize = input.size();
const Complex mitau(0, -MATH_TAU);
Complex *es = new Complex[outsize];
for (size_t j = 0; j < outsize; j++) {
float n = (float) j / outsize;
es[j] = std::exp(mitau * n);
// std::cout << es[j] << std::endl;
std::vector<Complex> outvec;
for (size_t k = 0; k < outsize; k++) {
for (size_t n = 0; n < outsize; n++) {
outvec[k] += input[n] * es[n * k % outsize];
outvec[k] /= outsize;
delete[] es;
return outvec;
dsp::FFT::FFT(uint32_t size) {
_fft_size = is_pow_2(size) ? size : next_pow_2(size);
_size = size;
_es = new complex<float>[_fft_size];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _fft_size; i++) {
_es[i] = std::polar(1.0f, -(float) MATH_TAU * i / _fft_size);
_inp_vec = new Complex[_fft_size];
_out_vec = new Complex[_fft_size];
dsp::FFT::~FFT() {
delete[] _es;
delete[] _inp_vec;
delete[] _out_vec;
void dsp::FFT::transform(const Complex *input, Complex *output) const {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _size; i++) {
_inp_vec[i] = input[i];
for (uint32_t i = _size; i < _fft_size; i++) {
_inp_vec[i] = Complex(0.0f);
_transform_rec(_inp_vec, _out_vec, _fft_size, 1);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _size; i++) {
output[i] = _out_vec[i] / sqrtf((float) _fft_size);
void dsp::FFT::transform(const CycleQueue<Complex>&input, Complex *output) const {
// _transform_rec(input, 0, output, _size, 1);
// zero pad the input
for (uint32_t i = input.size(); i < _fft_size; i++) {
_inp_vec[i] = 0.0f;
_transform_rec(_inp_vec, _out_vec, _fft_size, 1);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _size / 2; i++) {
output[i] = _out_vec[i] / sqrtf((float) _fft_size);
void dsp::FFT::inverse_transform(const Complex *input, Complex *output) const {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _size; i++) {
_inp_vec[i] = input[i];
// zero pad input buffer
for (uint32_t i = _size; i < _fft_size; i++) {
_inp_vec[i] = 0.0f;
conjugate_arr(_inp_vec, _size);
_transform_rec(_inp_vec, _out_vec, _fft_size, 1);
conjugate_arr(_out_vec, _size);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _size; i++) {
// only inverse-transforming first half of the freq spectrum. so multiply by 2
output[i] = _out_vec[i] / sqrtf((float) _fft_size);
void dsp::FFT::_transform_rec(const Complex *input, Complex *output, const uint32_t N, const uint32_t stride) const {
// recursive implementaion of radix-2 fft
// Thanks wikipedia
if (N == 1) {
output[0] = input[0];
_transform_rec(input, output, N / 2, 2 * stride);
_transform_rec(input + stride, output + N / 2, N / 2, 2 * stride);
for (uint32_t k = 0; k < N / 2; k++) {
const Complex e = _es[k * stride];
const Complex p = output[k]; // kth even
const Complex q = e * output[k + N / 2]; //kth odd
output[k] = p + q;
output[k + N / 2] = p - q;
void dsp::FFT::_transform_rec(const CycleQueue<Complex> &input, uint32_t inp_ind, Complex *output, const uint32_t N, const uint32_t stride) const{
// recursive implementaion of radix-2 fft
// Thanks wikipedia
if (N == 1) {
output[0] = input[inp_ind];
_transform_rec(input, inp_ind, output, N / 2, 2 * stride);
_transform_rec(input, inp_ind + stride, output + N / 2, N / 2, 2 * stride);
for (uint32_t k = 0; k < N / 2; k++) {
const Complex e = _es[k * stride];
const Complex p = output[k]; // kth even
const Complex q = e * output[k + N / 2]; //kth odd
output[k] = p + q;
output[k + N / 2] = p - q;
const Complex *dsp::FFT::get_es() const {
return _es;

fft.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
#ifndef MENGA_FFT
#define MENGA_FFT
#include <valarray>
#include <vector>
#include "common.h"
#include "cyclequeue.h"
typedef std::complex<float> Complex;
typedef std::valarray<Complex> CArray;
namespace Mengu {
namespace dsp {
using namespace std;
class SFT {
// Slow O(N^2) Fourier Transform
// SFT();
// out-of-place ft
vector<Complex> perform(const vector<Complex> &input);
vector<Complex> _es;
// vector<Complex> _sines;
class FFTBuffer; // foward declaration
class FFT {
// Fast Fourier transform that uses lookup tables and performs onto an established array
// Only works for arrays of a declared size. Designed to be cached and use many times
// To use it for different sample rates/lengths, create a new FFT of a different size
// The size needs to be a power of 2 in order for this to work properly
FFT(uint32_t size);
// Both arrays must be at least as long as _size
void transform(const Complex *input, Complex *output) const;
void transform(const CycleQueue<Complex> &input, Complex *output) const; // to avoid having to reallocate array
//unlike 'transform' this edits *input to avoid unnecissary memory allocation
void inverse_transform(const Complex *input, Complex *output) const;
const Complex *get_es() const;
uint32_t size() const { return _size; }
Complex *_es;
uint32_t _size;
uint32_t _fft_size; // size of arrays used in fft computations. must be a power of 2
// cache buffers used in intermediate calculation
Complex *_inp_vec;
Complex *_out_vec;
void _transform_rec(const Complex *input, Complex *output, const uint32_t N, const uint32_t stride) const;
void _transform_rec(const CycleQueue<Complex> &input, uint32_t inp_ind, Complex *output, const uint32_t N, const uint32_t stride) const;
friend class FFTBuffer;
class FFTBuffer {
// class designed to do update a n FFT of a signal in real time
void push_signal(const Complex *x, const uint32_t &size) {}
// copies the last 'size'
void pop_transformed_signal(const Complex *output, const uint32_t &size) {}
CycleQueue<Complex> _buffer;

filter.cpp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
#include "filter.h"
#include "common.h"
#include <complex>
#include <cstdint>
using namespace Mengu;
using namespace dsp;
Complex Mengu::dsp::quad_filter_trans(Complex z, float a1, float a2, float b0, float b1, float b2) {
Complex z1 = std::conj(z); //z^-1
Complex z2 = z1 * z1;
return (b0 + b1 * z1 + b2 * z2) / (1.0f + a1 * z1 + a2 * z2);
BiquadFilter::BiquadFilter(float pa1, float pa2, float pb0, float pb1, float pb2) :
a1(pa1), a2(pa2), b0(pb0), b1(pb1), b2(pb2) {}
void BiquadFilter::transform(const float *input, float *output, uint32_t size) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
float m = input[i] - a1 * _last_ms[_last_offset] - a2 * _last_ms[(_last_offset + 1) % 2];
output[i] = b0 * m + b1 * _last_ms[_last_offset] + b2 * _last_ms[(_last_offset + 1) % 2];
// push the last m
_last_offset = (_last_offset + 1) % 2;
_last_ms[_last_offset] = m;
void BiquadFilter::reset() {
_last_ms[0] = _last_ms[1] = 0.0f;

filter.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
* @file filter.h
* @author your name (
* @brief Filter functions
* @version 0.1
* @date 2023-06-10
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2023
#include "common.h"
#include <cstdint>
namespace Mengu {
namespace dsp {
// the transfer function for a quadratic filter with denominator coefficients a1, a2 and numerator cofficients b0, b1, b2
// assumes z is on a unit circle
Complex quad_filter_trans(Complex z, float a1, float a2, float b0, float b1, float b2);
class BiquadFilter {
float a1;
float a2;
float b0;
float b1;
float b2;
BiquadFilter(float pa1, float pa2, float pb0, float pb1, float pb2);
void transform(const float *input, float *output, uint32_t size);
void reset();
// store the last 2 raw inputs and intermediaries
float _last_ms[2] {0};
uint32_t _last_offset = 0;

formantshifter.cpp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
#include "formantshifter.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "effect.h"
#include "interpolation.h"
#include "loudness.h"
#include "mengumath.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <complex>
#include <cstdint>
using namespace Mengu;
using namespace dsp;
LPCFormantShifter::LPCFormantShifter() {
Effect::InputDomain LPCFormantShifter::get_input_domain() {
return InputDomain::Time;
// push new value of signal
void LPCFormantShifter::push_signal(const Complex *input, const uint32_t &size) {
_raw_buffer.extend_back(input, size);
// Last value of transformed signal
uint32_t LPCFormantShifter::pop_transformed_signal(Complex *output, const uint32_t &size) {
std::array<Complex, ProcSize> freq_shifted {0};
std::array<Complex, ProcSize> samples {0};
std::array<Complex, ProcSize> shifted_samples {0};
while (_raw_buffer.size() >= ProcSize && _transformed_buffer.size() < size + OverlapSize) {
// Load sample segment. 0 unused frames
_raw_buffer.to_array(, ProcSize);
// do the shifty
// Make downward shifts not quieter and upward shifts not louder
// Automatically adjusts for the fact that only half of the frequency spectrum is used
// copy to output
mix_and_extend(_transformed_buffer, shifted_samples, OverlapSize, hamming_window);
_raw_buffer.pop_front_many(nullptr, HopSize);
if (_transformed_buffer.size() < size + OverlapSize) {
// Not enough samples to output anything
return 0;
else {
return _transformed_buffer.pop_front_many(output, size);
// number of samples that can be output given the current pushed signals of the Effect
uint32_t LPCFormantShifter::n_transformed_ready() const {
return _raw_buffer.size();
// resets state of effect to make it reading to take in a new sample
void LPCFormantShifter::reset() {
// The properties that this Effect exposes to be changed by GUI.
// The index that they are put in is considered the props id
std::vector<EffectPropDesc> LPCFormantShifter::get_property_descs() const {
return {
EffectPropDesc {
.type = EffectPropType::Slider,
.name = "Formant Shift",
.desc = "Scales the formant of pushed signals by this amount",
.slider_data = {
.min_value = 0.5,
.max_value = 2,
.scale = Exp,
// Sets a property with the specified id the value declared in the payload
void LPCFormantShifter::set_property(uint32_t id, EffectPropPayload data) {
switch (id) {
case 0:
if (data.type == Slider) {
_shift_factor = data.value;
// Gets the value of a property with the specified id
EffectPropPayload LPCFormantShifter::get_property(uint32_t id) const {
return EffectPropPayload {
.type = Slider,
.value = _shift_factor,
// rescale an array in the freqency domain by the shape of an envelope if it were to be shifted up or down
void LPCFormantShifter::_shift_by_env(const Complex *input,
Complex *output,
const float *envelope,
const float shift_factor) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ProcSize / 2; i++) {
uint32_t shifted_ind = i / shift_factor;
if (shifted_ind < ProcSize / 2) {
float correction = envelope[shifted_ind] / envelope[i];
if (!std::isfinite(correction)) {
output[i] = Complex(0.0f);
else {
output[i] = correction * input[i];
else {
// output[i] = input[size - 1];
output[i] = Complex(0.0f);

formantshifter.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
* @file formantshifter.h
* @author 9exa
* @brief Shifts the formants of a signal in real time.
* @date 2023-06-08
#include "common.h"
#include "correlation.h"
#include "effect.h"
#include "loudness.h"
#include "vecdeque.h"
#include <cstdint>
namespace Mengu {
namespace dsp {
// shifts formants using lpc envelope estimation
class LPCFormantShifter: public Effect {
// tells an EffectChain what type of input the effect expects
virtual InputDomain get_input_domain() override;
// push new value of signal
virtual void push_signal(const Complex *input, const uint32_t &size) override;
// Last value of transformed signal
virtual uint32_t pop_transformed_signal(Complex *output, const uint32_t &size) override;
// number of samples that can be output given the current pushed signals of the Effect
virtual uint32_t n_transformed_ready() const override;
// resets state of effect to make it reading to take in a new sample
virtual void reset() override;
// The properties that this Effect exposes to be changed by GUI.
// The index that they are put in is considered the props id
virtual std::vector<EffectPropDesc> get_property_descs() const override;
// Sets a property with the specified id the value declared in the payload
virtual void set_property(uint32_t id, EffectPropPayload data) override;
// Gets the value of a property with the specified id
virtual EffectPropPayload get_property(uint32_t id) const override;
VecDeque<Complex> _raw_buffer;
VecDeque<Complex> _transformed_buffer;
static constexpr uint32_t ProcSize = 1 << 11;
static constexpr uint32_t HopSize = ProcSize * 4 / 5;
static constexpr uint32_t OverlapSize = ProcSize - HopSize;
LPC<ProcSize, 60> _lpc;
void _shift_by_env(const Complex *input,
Complex *output,
const float *envelope,
const float shift_factor);
float _shift_factor = 1.0f;
// Amplifies the formant_shifted samples so they have the same LUFS loudness as the raw_sample
LoudnessNormalizer<Complex, ProcSize, 2> _loudness_norm;
LUFSFilter _raw_sample_filter;
LUFSFilter _shifted_sample_filter;

interpolation.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
#include "mengumath.h"
#include "fastmath.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
// Helper functions for various interpolation and windowing methods
namespace Mengu {
namespace dsp{
// The hann function
inline float hann(float a0, float x) {
return a0 - (1.0 - a0) * std::cos(MATH_TAU * x);
// equals
// a - (1-a) (c2 -s2)
// a (1 - c2 + s2) - (c2 - s2)
// a (2s2) - 2s2 - 1
// (a - 1) 2 s2
// root of the hann function designed to be used once each before and after processing
inline float hann_root(float a0, float x) {
return std::sqrt(2.0 *(a0 - 1)) * std::sin(MATH_PI * x);
// the hann function, centered around 0
// inline float hann_centered(float a0, float x) {
// return hann(a0, (x + 0.5f));
// }
// windows are 1 at 1, 0 at 0
inline float hann_window(float x) {
return hann(0.5, 0.5f * x);
inline float hamming_window(float x) {
return hann((float)25 / 46, 0.5f * x);
// windows are 1 at 1, 0 at 0
inline float hann_window_root(float x) {
return std::sin(0.5 * MATH_PI * x);
// does windowing to both ends of a sequence, in place
template<class T>
inline void window_ends(T* a, uint32_t a_size, uint32_t window_size, float window_f (float)) {
window_size = MIN(a_size / 2, window_size);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < window_size; i++) {
const float w = window_f((float) i / window_size);
a[i] *= w;
a[a_size - 1 - i] *= w;
// added the tail and head of an array after applying a window function to bothe sides
template<class T>
inline void overlap_add(const T *prev, const T *next, T *output, uint32_t size, float window_f (float)) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
const float w = window_f((float) i / size);
output[i] = w * next[i] + (1- w) * prev[i];
// overlap and extend after applying a window function first
// overlap_size may be larger than new_data.size(), in which case only new_data.size() is added. the offset is the same
template<class T, class NewT>
inline void mix_and_extend(T &array, const NewT &new_data, const uint32_t &overlap_size, float window_f (float)) {
uint32_t i = 0;
for(; i < MIN(overlap_size, new_data.size()); i++) {
float w = (float) i / overlap_size;
float w1 = window_f(w);
float w2 = window_f(1.0-w);
w2 = 1.0f - w1;
uint32_t ind = array.size() - overlap_size + i;
array[ind] = array[ind] * w2 + new_data[i] * w1;
for (; i < new_data.size(); i++) {

linalg.cpp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#include "linalg.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
std::vector<float> Mengu::dsp::solve_sym_toeplitz(const std::vector<float> &cols, const std::vector<float> &y) {
// good ol dynamic programming to repeatedly do each step of levinson_recursion consequtively
std::vector<float> backward_vec = {1.0f /}; // y.size assumed small, so use vec
std::vector<float> forward_vec(1);
float error = 0.0f;
std::vector<float> result = { /};
for (int n = 1; n < y.size(); n++) {
// calculate the current error and backward vec
std::copy(backward_vec.crbegin(), backward_vec.crend(), forward_vec.begin());
error = dot( + 1,, n);
float denom = 1.0f / (1 - error * error);
scalar_mul_inplace(denom,, backward_vec.size());
backward_vec.emplace(backward_vec.begin(), 0);
scalar_mul_inplace(-error * denom,, forward_vec.size());
vec_add_inplace(forward_vec, backward_vec);
// calculate this iterations result
auto cols_iter = cols.crbegin() + (cols.size() - n - 1); // the elements n to 1
float result_error = dot(cols_iter, cols.crend() - 1, result.cbegin());
std::vector<float> scaled_backward_vec = scalar_mul(y[n] - result_error, backward_vec);
vec_add_inplace(scaled_backward_vec, result);
return result;

linalg.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
* @file linalg.h
* @author 9exa
* @brief objects and algorithms to solve linear equations
* @version 0.1
* @date 2023-05-04
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2023
#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
namespace Mengu {
namespace dsp {
//2-D matrix
// dot_product
// c-style dot product
template<typename T>
inline T dot(const T *a, const T *b, const int size) {
T total = T();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
total += a[i] * b[i];
return total;
// do product on iterator
template<class InputIt1, class InputIt2>
inline float dot(InputIt1 afirst, InputIt1 alast, InputIt2 bfirst) {
float total = 0.0f;
while (afirst != alast) {
total += *afirst * *bfirst;
return total;
template<typename T>
std::vector<T> scalar_mul(const T lambda, const std::vector<T> &a) {
std::vector<T> scaled;
for (T x: a) {
scaled.push_back(lambda * x);
return scaled;
template<typename T, size_t N>
std::array<T, N> scalar_mul(const T lambda, const T *a, size_t size) {
std::array<T, N> scaled;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
scaled[i] = lambda * a[i];
return scaled;
template<typename T>
void scalar_mul_inplace(const T lambda, T *a, const int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
a[i] = lambda * a[i];
// add b to a inplace
template<typename T>
void vec_add_inplace(const std::vector<T> &b, std::vector<T> &a) {
for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) {
a[i] +=;
template<typename T>
void vec_add_inplace(const T *b, T *a, const int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
a[i] += b[i];
// Solves a system of equations where the matrix is a symmetric TOEplitz matrix,
// The matrix is represented as a list of its column values
std::vector<float> solve_sym_toeplitz(const std::vector<float> &cols, const std::vector<float> &y);
template <typename T, size_t N>
std::array<T, N> solve_sym_toeplitz(const std::array<T, N> &cols, const std::array<T, N> &y) {
// good ol dynamic programming to repeatedly do each step of levinson_recursion consequtively
std::array<T, N> backward_vec;
std::array<T, N> forward_vec;
backward_vec[backward_vec.size() - 1] = forward_vec[0] = 1.0 /;
float error = 0.0f;
std::array<T, N> result;
result[0] = { /};
for (int n = 1; n < N; n++) {
// calculate the current error and backward vec
std::copy(backward_vec.crbegin(), backward_vec.crbegin() + n, forward_vec.begin());
error = dot( + 1, + (N - n), n);
float denom = 1.0f / (1 - error * error);
scalar_mul_inplace(denom, + (N - n), n);
backward_vec[N - 1 - n] = T();
scalar_mul_inplace(-error * denom,, n);
forward_vec[n] = T();
vec_add_inplace(, + (N - n - 1), n + 1);
// calculate this iterations result
auto cols_iter = cols.crbegin() + (cols.size() - n - 1); // the elements n to 0
float result_error = dot(cols_iter, cols.crend() - 1, result.cbegin());
std::array<T, N> scaled_backward_vec = scalar_mul<T, N>(
y[n] - result_error, + (N - n - 1),
n + 1);
result[n] = T();
vec_add_inplace(,, n + 1);
return result;

loudness.cpp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
#include "loudness.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "mengumath.h"
#include <complex>
#include <cstdint>
// Coefficients for LUFS_freq filteters
// High shelf filter stage
#define S1_A1 -1.69065929318241
#define S1_A2 0.73248077421585
#define S1_B0 1.53512485958697
#define S1_B1 -2.69169618940638
#define S1_B2 1.19839281085285
// High pass Filter stage
#define S2_A1 -1.99004745483398
#define S2_A2 0.99007225036621
#define S2_B0 1.0
#define S2_B1 -2.0
#define S2_B2 1.0
using namespace Mengu;
using namespace dsp;
float Mengu::dsp::LUFS_freq(Complex *freqs, uint32_t size, uint32_t sample_rate) {
// Adjust to the custum sample rate
float sample_rate_correction = (float) sample_rate / LUFS_DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATE * 2;
float total_amp2 = 0.0f; // total squared amplitude of each freq bin
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
// argument for the transfer functions
float omega = (float) MATH_PI * i / size * sample_rate_correction;
Complex z = std::polar(1.0f, omega);
// filtered frequency
Complex y = freqs[i] * quad_filter_trans(z, S1_A1, S1_A2, S1_B0, S1_B1, S1_B2);
y = y * quad_filter_trans(z, S2_A1, S2_A2, S2_B0, S2_B1, S2_B2);
total_amp2 += std::norm(y);
return -0.691 + 10 * Mengu::log10(total_amp2 / size);
Complex Mengu::dsp::LUFS_filter_transfer(float freq) {
float omega = (float) MATH_PI * freq / LUFS_DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATE * 2;
Complex z = std::polar(1.0f, omega);
Complex y = quad_filter_trans(z, S1_A1, S1_A2, S1_B0, S1_B1, S1_B2);
return y * quad_filter_trans(z, S2_A1, S2_A2, S2_B0, S2_B1, S2_B2);
_high_shelf_filter(S1_A1, S1_A2, S1_B0, S1_B1, S1_B2),
_high_pass_filter(S2_A1, S2_A2, S2_B0, S2_B1, S2_B2) {}
void LUFSFilter::transform(const float *input, float *output, uint32_t size) {
_high_shelf_filter.transform(input, output, size);
_high_pass_filter.transform(output, output, size);
void LUFSFilter::reset() {

loudness.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
* @file loudness.h
* @author your name (
* @brief Functions for calculating loudness in a signal
* @version 0.1
* @date 2023-06-10
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2023
#include "common.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <stdint.h>
namespace Mengu {
namespace dsp {
// Loudness Units relative to Full Scale of a sample in the frequency domain
// first (positive) half of the frequency spectrum only
// Only supports 1 channel
float LUFS_freq(Complex *freqs, uint32_t size, uint32_t sample_rate = 48000);
// The value of the transfer function associated with the described frequency bin
Complex LUFS_filter_transfer(float freq);
// Performs the filter step associated with LUFS
class LUFSFilter {
void transform(const float *input, float *output, uint32_t size);
void reset();
BiquadFilter _high_shelf_filter; // Stage 1 filter
BiquadFilter _high_pass_filter; // Stage 2 filter
// Scales a raw sample to have the same Loudness (in LUFS) as a reference sample
// The raw sample and reference sample are assumed to come from their own persistant samples
template<typename T, uint32_t N, int DefCorrection = 1>
class LoudnessNormalizer {
void normalize(const T *raw_sample, const T *reference_sample, T *output) {
float filtered_raw[N];
float filtered_reference[N];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < N; i++) {
filtered_raw[i] = _as_float(raw_sample[i]);
filtered_reference[i] = _as_float(reference_sample[i]);
// perform filter
_raw_sample_filter.transform(filtered_raw, filtered_raw, N);
_reference_sample_filter.transform(filtered_reference, filtered_reference, N);
// Get the (unormalized) power of each filtered sample
float raw_power = 0.0f;
float reference_power = 0.0f;
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < N; i++) {
raw_power += filtered_raw[i] * filtered_raw[i];
reference_power += filtered_reference[i] * filtered_reference[i];
float correction = sqrt(reference_power / raw_power);
// std::cout << correction << ", " << raw_power << ", " << shifted_power << std::endl;
if (!std::isfinite(correction)) {
// just correct for 1/2 freq spectrum sampling if correction is not real
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < N; i++) {
output[i] = raw_sample[i] * (float) DefCorrection;
else {
// otherwise scale the shifted by the correction
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < N; i++) {
output[i] = raw_sample[i] * correction;
// resets memory on previous raw and reference samples
void reset() {
LUFSFilter _raw_sample_filter;
LUFSFilter _reference_sample_filter;
static float _as_float(T v) {
return Complex(v).real();

lv2.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
// Copyright 2006-2020 David Robillard <>
// Copyright 2006-2012 Steve Harris <>
// Copyright 2000-2002 Richard W.E. Furse, Paul Barton-Davis, Stefan Westerfeld.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
#ifndef LV2_H_INCLUDED
#define LV2_H_INCLUDED
@defgroup lv2 LV2
The LV2 specification.
@defgroup lv2core LV2 Core
Core LV2 specification.
See <> for details.
#include <stdint.h>
// clang-format off
#define LV2_CORE_URI "" ///<
#define LV2_CORE_PREFIX LV2_CORE_URI "#" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__AllpassPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "AllpassPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__AmplifierPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "AmplifierPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__AnalyserPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "AnalyserPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__AudioPort LV2_CORE_PREFIX "AudioPort" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__BandpassPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "BandpassPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__CVPort LV2_CORE_PREFIX "CVPort" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__ChorusPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "ChorusPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__CombPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "CombPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__CompressorPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "CompressorPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__ConstantPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "ConstantPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__ControlPort LV2_CORE_PREFIX "ControlPort" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__ConverterPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "ConverterPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__DelayPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "DelayPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__DistortionPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "DistortionPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__DynamicsPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "DynamicsPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__EQPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "EQPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__EnvelopePlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "EnvelopePlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__ExpanderPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "ExpanderPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__ExtensionData LV2_CORE_PREFIX "ExtensionData" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__Feature LV2_CORE_PREFIX "Feature" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__FilterPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "FilterPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__FlangerPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "FlangerPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__FunctionPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "FunctionPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__GatePlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "GatePlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__GeneratorPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "GeneratorPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__HighpassPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "HighpassPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__InputPort LV2_CORE_PREFIX "InputPort" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__InstrumentPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "InstrumentPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__LimiterPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "LimiterPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__LowpassPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "LowpassPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__MixerPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "MixerPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__ModulatorPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "ModulatorPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__MultiEQPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "MultiEQPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__OscillatorPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "OscillatorPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__OutputPort LV2_CORE_PREFIX "OutputPort" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__ParaEQPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "ParaEQPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__PhaserPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "PhaserPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__PitchPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "PitchPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__Plugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "Plugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__PluginBase LV2_CORE_PREFIX "PluginBase" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__Point LV2_CORE_PREFIX "Point" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__Port LV2_CORE_PREFIX "Port" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__PortProperty LV2_CORE_PREFIX "PortProperty" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__Resource LV2_CORE_PREFIX "Resource" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__ReverbPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "ReverbPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__ScalePoint LV2_CORE_PREFIX "ScalePoint" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__SimulatorPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "SimulatorPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__SpatialPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "SpatialPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__Specification LV2_CORE_PREFIX "Specification" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__SpectralPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "SpectralPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__UtilityPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "UtilityPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__WaveshaperPlugin LV2_CORE_PREFIX "WaveshaperPlugin" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__appliesTo LV2_CORE_PREFIX "appliesTo" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__binary LV2_CORE_PREFIX "binary" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__connectionOptional LV2_CORE_PREFIX "connectionOptional" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__control LV2_CORE_PREFIX "control" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__default LV2_CORE_PREFIX "default" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__designation LV2_CORE_PREFIX "designation" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__documentation LV2_CORE_PREFIX "documentation" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__enabled LV2_CORE_PREFIX "enabled" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__enumeration LV2_CORE_PREFIX "enumeration" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__extensionData LV2_CORE_PREFIX "extensionData" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__freeWheeling LV2_CORE_PREFIX "freeWheeling" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__hardRTCapable LV2_CORE_PREFIX "hardRTCapable" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__inPlaceBroken LV2_CORE_PREFIX "inPlaceBroken" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__index LV2_CORE_PREFIX "index" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__integer LV2_CORE_PREFIX "integer" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__isLive LV2_CORE_PREFIX "isLive" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__latency LV2_CORE_PREFIX "latency" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__maximum LV2_CORE_PREFIX "maximum" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__microVersion LV2_CORE_PREFIX "microVersion" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__minimum LV2_CORE_PREFIX "minimum" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__minorVersion LV2_CORE_PREFIX "minorVersion" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__name LV2_CORE_PREFIX "name" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__optionalFeature LV2_CORE_PREFIX "optionalFeature" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__port LV2_CORE_PREFIX "port" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__portProperty LV2_CORE_PREFIX "portProperty" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__project LV2_CORE_PREFIX "project" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__prototype LV2_CORE_PREFIX "prototype" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__reportsLatency LV2_CORE_PREFIX "reportsLatency" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__requiredFeature LV2_CORE_PREFIX "requiredFeature" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__sampleRate LV2_CORE_PREFIX "sampleRate" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__scalePoint LV2_CORE_PREFIX "scalePoint" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__symbol LV2_CORE_PREFIX "symbol" ///<
#define LV2_CORE__toggled LV2_CORE_PREFIX "toggled" ///<
// clang-format on
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
Plugin Instance Handle.
This is a handle for one particular instance of a plugin. It is valid to
compare to NULL (or 0 for C++) but otherwise the host MUST NOT attempt to
interpret it.
typedef void* LV2_Handle;
Features allow hosts to make additional functionality available to plugins
without requiring modification to the LV2 API. Extensions may define new
features and specify the `URI` and `data` to be used if necessary.
Some features, such as lv2:isLive, do not require the host to pass data.
typedef struct {
A globally unique, case-sensitive identifier (URI) for this feature.
This MUST be a valid URI string as defined by RFC 3986.
const char* URI;
Pointer to arbitrary data.
The format of this data is defined by the extension which describes the
feature with the given `URI`.
void* data;
} LV2_Feature;
Plugin Descriptor.
This structure provides the core functions necessary to instantiate and use
a plugin.
typedef struct LV2_Descriptor {
A globally unique, case-sensitive identifier for this plugin.
This MUST be a valid URI string as defined by RFC 3986. All plugins with
the same URI MUST be compatible to some degree, see for details.
const char* URI;
Instantiate the plugin.
Note that instance initialisation should generally occur in activate()
rather than here. If a host calls instantiate(), it MUST call cleanup()
at some point in the future.
@param descriptor Descriptor of the plugin to instantiate.
@param sample_rate Sample rate, in Hz, for the new plugin instance.
@param bundle_path Path to the LV2 bundle which contains this plugin
binary. It MUST include the trailing directory separator so that simply
appending a filename will yield the path to that file in the bundle.
@param features A NULL terminated array of LV2_Feature structs which
represent the features the host supports. Plugins may refuse to
instantiate if required features are not found here. However, hosts MUST
NOT use this as a discovery mechanism: instead, use the RDF data to
determine which features are required and do not attempt to instantiate
unsupported plugins at all. This parameter MUST NOT be NULL, i.e. a host
that supports no features MUST pass a single element array containing
@return A handle for the new plugin instance, or NULL if instantiation
has failed.
LV2_Handle (*instantiate)(const struct LV2_Descriptor* descriptor,
double sample_rate,
const char* bundle_path,
const LV2_Feature* const* features);
Connect a port on a plugin instance to a memory location.
Plugin writers should be aware that the host may elect to use the same
buffer for more than one port and even use the same buffer for both
input and output (see lv2:inPlaceBroken in lv2.ttl).
If the plugin has the feature lv2:hardRTCapable then there are various
things that the plugin MUST NOT do within the connect_port() function;
see lv2core.ttl for details.
connect_port() MUST be called at least once for each port before run()
is called, unless that port is lv2:connectionOptional. The plugin must
pay careful attention to the block size passed to run() since the block
allocated may only just be large enough to contain the data, and is not
guaranteed to remain constant between run() calls.
connect_port() may be called more than once for a plugin instance to
allow the host to change the buffers that the plugin is reading or
writing. These calls may be made before or after activate() or
deactivate() calls.
@param instance Plugin instance containing the port.
@param port Index of the port to connect. The host MUST NOT try to
connect a port index that is not defined in the plugin's RDF data. If
it does, the plugin's behaviour is undefined (a crash is likely).
@param data_location Pointer to data of the type defined by the port
type in the plugin's RDF data (for example, an array of float for an
lv2:AudioPort). This pointer must be stored by the plugin instance and
used to read/write data when run() is called. Data present at the time
of the connect_port() call MUST NOT be considered meaningful.
void (*connect_port)(LV2_Handle instance, uint32_t port, void* data_location);
Initialise a plugin instance and activate it for use.
This is separated from instantiate() to aid real-time support and so
that hosts can reinitialise a plugin instance by calling deactivate()
and then activate(). In this case the plugin instance MUST reset all
state information dependent on the history of the plugin instance except
for any data locations provided by connect_port(). If there is nothing
for activate() to do then this field may be NULL.
When present, hosts MUST call this function once before run() is called
for the first time. This call SHOULD be made as close to the run() call
as possible and indicates to real-time plugins that they are now live,
however plugins MUST NOT rely on a prompt call to run() after
The host MUST NOT call activate() again until deactivate() has been
called first. If a host calls activate(), it MUST call deactivate() at
some point in the future. Note that connect_port() may be called before
or after activate().
void (*activate)(LV2_Handle instance);
Run a plugin instance for a block.
Note that if an activate() function exists then it must be called before
run(). If deactivate() is called for a plugin instance then run() may
not be called until activate() has been called again.
If the plugin has the feature lv2:hardRTCapable then there are various
things that the plugin MUST NOT do within the run() function (see
lv2core.ttl for details).
As a special case, when `sample_count` is 0, the plugin should update
any output ports that represent a single instant in time (for example,
control ports, but not audio ports). This is particularly useful for
latent plugins, which should update their latency output port so hosts
can pre-roll plugins to compute latency. Plugins MUST NOT crash when
`sample_count` is 0.
@param instance Instance to be run.
@param sample_count The block size (in samples) for which the plugin
instance must run.
void (*run)(LV2_Handle instance, uint32_t sample_count);
Deactivate a plugin instance (counterpart to activate()).
Hosts MUST deactivate all activated instances after they have been run()
for the last time. This call SHOULD be made as close to the last run()
call as possible and indicates to real-time plugins that they are no
longer live, however plugins MUST NOT rely on prompt deactivation. If
there is nothing for deactivate() to do then this field may be NULL
Deactivation is not similar to pausing since the plugin instance will be
reinitialised by activate(). However, deactivate() itself MUST NOT fully
reset plugin state. For example, the host may deactivate a plugin, then
store its state (using some extension to do so).
Hosts MUST NOT call deactivate() unless activate() was previously
called. Note that connect_port() may be called before or after
void (*deactivate)(LV2_Handle instance);
Clean up a plugin instance (counterpart to instantiate()).
Once an instance of a plugin has been finished with it must be deleted
using this function. The instance handle passed ceases to be valid after
this call.
If activate() was called for a plugin instance then a corresponding call
to deactivate() MUST be made before cleanup() is called. Hosts MUST NOT
call cleanup() unless instantiate() was previously called.
void (*cleanup)(LV2_Handle instance);
Return additional plugin data defined by some extension.
A typical use of this facility is to return a struct containing function
pointers to extend the LV2_Descriptor API.
The actual type and meaning of the returned object MUST be specified
precisely by the extension. This function MUST return NULL for any
unsupported URI. If a plugin does not support any extension data, this
field may be NULL.
The host is never responsible for freeing the returned value.
const void* (*extension_data)(const char* uri);
} LV2_Descriptor;
Helper macro needed for LV2_SYMBOL_EXPORT when using C++.
#ifdef __cplusplus
# define LV2_SYMBOL_EXTERN extern "C"
Put this (LV2_SYMBOL_EXPORT) before any functions that are to be loaded
by the host as a symbol from the dynamic library.
#ifdef _WIN32
# define LV2_SYMBOL_EXPORT LV2_SYMBOL_EXTERN __declspec(dllexport)
# define LV2_SYMBOL_EXPORT \
LV2_SYMBOL_EXTERN __attribute__((visibility("default")))
Prototype for plugin accessor function.
Plugins are discovered by hosts using RDF data (not by loading libraries).
See for details on the discovery process, though most
hosts should use an existing library to implement this functionality.
This is the simple plugin discovery API, suitable for most statically
defined plugins. Advanced plugins that need access to their bundle during
discovery can use lv2_lib_descriptor() instead. Plugin libraries MUST
include a function called "lv2_descriptor" or "lv2_lib_descriptor" with
C-style linkage, but SHOULD provide "lv2_descriptor" wherever possible.
When it is time to load a plugin (designated by its URI), the host loads the
plugin's library, gets the lv2_descriptor() function from it, and uses this
function to find the LV2_Descriptor for the desired plugin. Plugins are
accessed by index using values from 0 upwards. This function MUST return
NULL for out of range indices, so the host can enumerate plugins by
increasing `index` until NULL is returned.
Note that `index` has no meaning, hosts MUST NOT depend on it remaining
consistent between loads of the plugin library.
const LV2_Descriptor*
lv2_descriptor(uint32_t index);
Type of the lv2_descriptor() function in a library (old discovery API).
typedef const LV2_Descriptor* (*LV2_Descriptor_Function)(uint32_t index);
Handle for a library descriptor.
typedef void* LV2_Lib_Handle;
Descriptor for a plugin library.
To access a plugin library, the host creates an LV2_Lib_Descriptor via the
lv2_lib_descriptor() function in the shared object.
typedef struct {
Opaque library data which must be passed as the first parameter to all
the methods of this struct.
LV2_Lib_Handle handle;
The total size of this struct. This allows for this struct to be
expanded in the future if necessary. This MUST be set by the library to
sizeof(LV2_Lib_Descriptor). The host MUST NOT access any fields of this
struct beyond get_plugin() unless this field indicates they are present.
uint32_t size;
Destroy this library descriptor and free all related resources.
void (*cleanup)(LV2_Lib_Handle handle);
Plugin accessor.
Plugins are accessed by index using values from 0 upwards. Out of range
indices MUST result in this function returning NULL, so the host can
enumerate plugins by increasing `index` until NULL is returned.
const LV2_Descriptor* (*get_plugin)(LV2_Lib_Handle handle, uint32_t index);
} LV2_Lib_Descriptor;
Prototype for library accessor function.
This is the more advanced discovery API, which allows plugin libraries to
access their bundles during discovery, which makes it possible for plugins to
be dynamically defined by files in their bundle. This API also has an
explicit cleanup function, removing any need for non-portable shared library
destructors. Simple plugins that do not require these features may use
lv2_descriptor() instead.
This is the entry point for a plugin library. Hosts load this symbol from
the library and call this function to obtain a library descriptor which can
be used to access all the contained plugins. The returned object must not
be destroyed (using LV2_Lib_Descriptor::cleanup()) until all plugins loaded
from that library have been destroyed.
const LV2_Lib_Descriptor*
lv2_lib_descriptor(const char* bundle_path, const LV2_Feature* const* features);
Type of the lv2_lib_descriptor() function in an LV2 library.
typedef const LV2_Lib_Descriptor* (*LV2_Lib_Descriptor_Function)(
const char* bundle_path,
const LV2_Feature* const* features);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */
#endif /* LV2_H_INCLUDED */

mengubah_lv2.cpp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
#include <cstdint>
#include "lv2.h"
#include <array>
#include "common.h"
#include "effect.h"
#include "pitchshifter.h"
#include "formantshifter.h"
#include "timestretcher.h"
using namespace Mengu;
using namespace dsp;
struct PluginHandler {
std::array<PitchShifter *, 3> pitch_shifters;
std::array<Effect *, 2> formant_shifters;
const float *in_buffer;
float *out_buffer;
const float *pitch_shifter_ind;
const float *pitch_shift;
const float *formant_shifter_ind;
const float *formant_shift;
enum PitchShiftInd {
WSOLAPitch = 0,
PhaseVocoderPitch = 1,
PhaseVocoderDoneRightPitch = 2,
enum FormantShiftInd {
LPCFormant = 0,
PSOLAFormant = 1,
/* internal core methods */
static LV2_Handle instantiate (const struct LV2_Descriptor *descriptor, double sample_rate, const char *bundle_path, const LV2_Feature *const *features) {
PluginHandler *plugin = new PluginHandler;
plugin->pitch_shifters = {
new TimeStretchPitchShifter(new WSOLATimeStretcher(), 1),
new TimeStretchPitchShifter(new PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher(), 1),
new TimeStretchPitchShifter(new PhaseVocoderDoneRightTimeStretcher(), 1),
plugin->formant_shifters = {
new LPCFormantShifter(),
new TimeStretchPitchShifter(new PSOLATimeStretcher(), 1),
return plugin;
static void connect_port (LV2_Handle instance, uint32_t port, void *data_location) {
PluginHandler* plugin = (PluginHandler*) instance;
if (plugin == nullptr) return;
switch (port)
case 0:
plugin->in_buffer = (const float*) data_location;
case 1:
plugin->out_buffer = (float*) data_location;
case 2:
plugin->pitch_shifter_ind = (const float*) data_location;
case 3:
plugin->pitch_shift = (const float*) data_location;
case 4:
plugin->formant_shifter_ind = (const float*) data_location;
case 5:
plugin->formant_shift = (const float*) data_location;
static void activate (LV2_Handle instance)
/* not needed here */
static void run (LV2_Handle instance, uint32_t sample_count)
PluginHandler* plugin = (PluginHandler*) instance;
if (plugin == nullptr) return;
if ((!plugin->in_buffer) || (!plugin->out_buffer) || (!plugin->pitch_shift)) return;
// apply effects
Effect *pitch_shifter = plugin->pitch_shifters[static_cast<PitchShiftInd>(*plugin->pitch_shifter_ind)];
Effect *formant_shifter = plugin->formant_shifters[static_cast<FormantShiftInd>(*plugin->formant_shifter_ind)];
pitch_shifter->set_property(0, EffectPropPayload {
.type = Slider,
.value = *plugin->pitch_shift,
formant_shifter->set_property(0, EffectPropPayload {
.type = Slider,
.value = *plugin->formant_shift,
static constexpr uint32_t ProcSize = 1 << 10;
Complex cbuffer[ProcSize];
uint32_t num_processed = 0;
while (num_processed < sample_count) {
uint32_t num_this_pass = MIN(ProcSize, sample_count - num_processed);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_this_pass; i++) {
cbuffer[i] = (Complex) plugin->in_buffer[num_processed + i];
pitch_shifter->push_signal(cbuffer, num_this_pass);
pitch_shifter->pop_transformed_signal(cbuffer, num_this_pass);
formant_shifter->push_signal(cbuffer, num_this_pass);
formant_shifter->pop_transformed_signal(cbuffer, num_this_pass);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_this_pass; i++) {
plugin->out_buffer[num_processed + i] = cbuffer[i].real();
num_processed += num_this_pass;
static void deactivate (LV2_Handle instance)
/* not needed here */
static void cleanup (LV2_Handle instance) {
PluginHandler *plugin = (PluginHandler *) instance;
if (plugin == nullptr) {
for (auto pitch_shifter: plugin->pitch_shifters) {
delete pitch_shifter;
for (auto formant_shifter: plugin->formant_shifters) {
delete formant_shifter;
delete plugin;
static const void* extension_data (const char *uri)
return nullptr;
/* descriptor */
static LV2_Descriptor const descriptor =
activate /* or NULL */,
deactivate /* or NULL */,
extension_data /* or NULL */
/* interface */
LV2_SYMBOL_EXPORT const LV2_Descriptor* lv2_descriptor (uint32_t index)
if (index == 0) return &descriptor;
else return NULL;

mengumath.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
#ifndef MENGA_MATH
#define MENGA_MATH
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
namespace Mengu {
// Copied from Godot
#define MATH_PI 3.1415926535897932
#define MATH_TAU 6.283185307179586
// Make room for our constexpr's below by overriding potential system-specific macros.
#undef ABS
#undef SIGN
#undef MIN
#undef MAX
#undef CLAMP
// Generic ABS function, for math uses please use Math::abs.
template <typename T>
constexpr T ABS(T m_v) {
return m_v < 0 ? -m_v : m_v;
template <typename T>
constexpr const T SIGN(const T m_v) {
return m_v == 0 ? 0.0f : (m_v < 0 ? -1.0f : +1.0f);
template <typename T, typename T2>
constexpr auto MIN(const T m_a, const T2 m_b) {
return m_a < m_b ? m_a : m_b;
template <typename T, typename T2>
constexpr auto MAX(const T m_a, const T2 m_b) {
return m_a > m_b ? m_a : m_b;
template <typename T, typename T2, typename T3>
constexpr auto CLAMP(const T m_a, const T2 m_min, const T3 m_max) {
return m_a < m_min ? m_min : (m_a > m_max ? m_max : m_a);
//// #####
template <typename T>
inline T min(T a, T b) {
return a < b ? a : b;
template <typename T>
inline T max(T a, T b) {
return a > b ? a : b;
template <typename T>
inline T sign(T x) {
return static_cast<T>(SIGN(x));
template <typename T>
inline T abs(T x) {
return std::abs(x);
template <typename T>
inline T pow(T x, T e) {
return std::pow(x, e);
template <typename T>
inline T exp2(T x) {
return std::exp2(x);
template <typename T>
inline T log2(T x) {
return std::log2(x);
template <typename T>
inline T log10(T x) {
return std::log10(x);
template <typename T>
inline T logb(T base, T x) {
return std::log2(x) / std::log2(base);
template <typename T>
inline T sqrt(T x) {
return std::sqrt(x);
template <typename T>
inline T lerp(T min_v, T max_v, float w) {
return min_v + w * (max_v - min_v);
inline float inverse_lerp(float min_v, float max_v, float v) {
return (v - min_v) / (max_v - min_v);
// linearly interpelates between the shortest path between 2 angles. Does NOT gaurentee th output be within [-pi, pi]
inline float lerp_angle(float min_v, float max_v, float w) {
if ((max_v - min_v) > MATH_PI) { min_v += MATH_TAU; }
else if ((min_v - max_v) > MATH_PI) { max_v += MATH_TAU; }
return lerp(min_v, max_v, w);
template <typename T>
inline T modf(T x, T *iptr) {
return std::modf(x, iptr);
inline int posmod(int x, int y) {
int v = x % y;
if (v < 0) {
v += y;
return v;
inline float fposmod(float x, float y) {
float v = std::fmod(x, y);
if (v * y < 0.0f) {
v += y;
return v;
inline bool is_pow_2(uint32_t x) {
return x != 0 && ((x - 1) & x) == 0;
inline uint32_t last_pow_2(uint32_t x) {
x |= (x >> 1);
x |= (x >> 2);
x |= (x >> 4);
x |= (x >> 8);
x |= (x >> 16);
return x - (x >> 1);
inline uint32_t next_pow_2(uint32_t x) {
x |= (x >> 1);
x |= (x >> 2);
x |= (x >> 4);
x |= (x >> 8);
x |= (x >> 16);
return (x << 1) & ~x;

miniaudio.h Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

pitchshifter.cpp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "effect.h"
#include "timestretcher.h"
#include "sampling.h"
#include "fft.h"
#include "interpolation.h"
#include "vecdeque.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <complex>
#include <cstdint>
#include "pitchshifter.h"
#include "singletons.h"
#include <iterator>
#include "mengumath.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace Mengu;
using namespace dsp;
std::vector<EffectPropDesc> PitchShifter::get_property_descs() const {
return {
EffectPropDesc {
.type = EffectPropType::Slider,
.name = "Pitch Shift",
.desc = "Scales the pitch of pushed signals by this amount",
.slider_data = {
.min_value = 0.5,
.max_value = 2,
.scale = Exp,
void PitchShifter::set_property(uint32_t id, EffectPropPayload data) {
if (id == 0) {
if (data.type == Slider) {
EffectPropPayload PitchShifter::get_property(uint32_t id) const {
if (id == 0) {
return EffectPropPayload {
.type = Slider,
.value = _shift_factor,
return EffectPropPayload {
.type = Slider,
.value = 0.0f,
PhaseVocoderPitchShifterV2::PhaseVocoderPitchShifterV2() {
PhaseVocoderPitchShifterV2::~PhaseVocoderPitchShifterV2() {}
void PhaseVocoderPitchShifterV2::push_signal(const Complex *input, const uint32_t &size) {
_raw_buffer.extend_back(input, size);
uint32_t PhaseVocoderPitchShifterV2::pop_transformed_signal(Complex *output, const uint32_t &size) {
while ((_transformed_buffer.size() < size + OverlapSize) && (_raw_buffer.size() >= ProcSize)) {
std::array<Complex, ProcSize> samples;
_raw_buffer.to_array(, ProcSize);
const std::array<float, ProcSize> &envelope = _lpc.get_envelope();
const std::array<float, ProcSize> &residuals = _lpc.get_residuals();
const std::array<Complex, ProcSize> &frequencies = _lpc.get_freq_spectrum();
// std::array<float, ProcSize / 2> log_envelope{};
std::array<float, ProcSize / 2> log_residuals{};
std::transform(residuals.cbegin(), residuals.cend(), log_residuals.begin(), [] (float f) {
return log2(f);
std::array<float, ProcSize / 2> args{};
std::transform(frequencies.cbegin(), frequencies.cend(), args.begin(), [] (Complex freq) {
// shifted to be positive to make lerping easier
return std::arg(freq);
// resample in the log-frequency domain
std::array<Complex, ProcSize / 2> new_freq{};
if (_shift_factor > 1.0f) {
linear_resample_no_filter(,, ProcSize, _shift_factor, -2e5f);
linear_resample_no_filter(,, ProcSize, _shift_factor, 0.0f);
else {
linear_resample_no_filter(,, ProcSize, _shift_factor, -2e5f);
linear_resample_no_filter(,, ProcSize, _shift_factor, 0.0f);
// 0 the rest
for (uint32_t i = ProcSize * _shift_factor; i < ProcSize; i++) {
log_residuals[i] = -2e5f;
args[i] = 0.0f;
std::transform(log_residuals.cbegin(), log_residuals.cend(), new_freq.begin(), [] (float f) {
return exp2(f);
std::transform(new_freq.cbegin(), new_freq.cend(), envelope.cbegin(), new_freq.begin(),
[] (Complex resid, float env) {
return resid * env;
// rescale the frequencies
float max_base_freq = 0.0f;
float max_new_freq = 0.0f;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ProcSize / 2; i++) {
float freq_amp = std::norm(frequencies[i]);
if (max_base_freq < freq_amp) { max_base_freq = freq_amp; }
if (max_new_freq < new_freq[i].real()) { max_new_freq = new_freq[i].real(); }
max_base_freq = std::sqrt(max_base_freq); // rooting delayed until after the loop
std::transform(new_freq.cbegin(), new_freq.cend(), new_freq.begin(),
[max_base_freq, max_new_freq] (Complex freq) {
return freq * max_base_freq / max_new_freq;
// adjust phases
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ProcSize / 2; i++) {
// new_freq[i] = std::polar(std::sqrt(std::norm(frequencies[i])), std::arg(frequencies[i]));
new_freq[i] = std::polar(new_freq[i].real(), args[i]);
// new_freq[i] = std::polar(new_freq[i].real(), (float) -MATH_TAU * (_samples_processed * i) / ProcSize);
std::array<Complex, ProcSize / 2> new_freq{};
std::array<float, ProcSize / 2> freq_mags{};
std::transform(frequencies.cbegin(), frequencies.cend(), freq_mags.begin(), [] (Complex c) {
return std::sqrt(std::norm(c));
if (_shift_factor > 1.0f) {
linear_resample_no_filter(,, ProcSize / 2, _shift_factor);
linear_resample_no_filter(,, ProcSize / 2, _shift_factor);
// linear_resample_no_filter(,, ProcSize, _shift_factor);
else {
linear_resample_no_filter(,, ProcSize / 2, _shift_factor);
linear_resample_no_filter(,, ProcSize / 2, _shift_factor);
// linear_resample_no_filter(,, ProcSize, _shift_factor);
// 0 the rest
for (uint32_t i = ProcSize * _shift_factor; i < ProcSize; i++) {
freq_mags[i] = 0.0f;
// args[i] = 0.0f;
// std::transform(freq_mags.cbegin(), freq_mags.cend(), new_freq.cbegin(), new_freq.begin(),
// [] (float mag, Complex old_freq) { return old_freq / std::sqrt(std::norm(old_freq)) * mag; }
// );
// scale by formants
// float envelope_max = -2e5;
// float new_freq_max = -2e5;
// float scaled_freq_max = -2e5;
// for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ProcSize / 2; i++) {
// if (envelope_max < envelope[i]) { envelope_max = envelope[i]; }
// if (new_freq_max < std::norm(new_freq[i])) { new_freq_max = std::norm(new_freq[i]); }
// }
// new_freq_max = std::sqrt(new_freq_max);
// for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ProcSize / 2; i++) {
// new_freq[i] = new_freq[i] * envelope[i] / envelope_max;
// if (scaled_freq_max < std::norm(new_freq[i])) { scaled_freq_max = std::norm(new_freq[i]); }
// }
// scaled_freq_max = std::sqrt(scaled_freq_max);
// for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ProcSize / 2; i++) {
// new_freq[i] *= new_freq_max / scaled_freq_max;
// }
mix_and_extend(_transformed_buffer, samples, OverlapSize, hann_window);
_samples_processed += ProcSize - OverlapSize;
_raw_buffer.pop_front_many(nullptr, ProcSize - OverlapSize);
uint32_t n = _transformed_buffer.pop_front_many(output, size);
return n;
uint32_t PhaseVocoderPitchShifterV2::n_transformed_ready() const {
return _transformed_buffer.size() - ProcSize;
void PhaseVocoderPitchShifterV2::reset() {
_transformed_buffer.resize(ProcSize, Complex(0.0f));
TimeStretchPitchShifter::TimeStretchPitchShifter(TimeStretcher *stretcher, uint32_t nchannels):
_resampler(nchannels, 1.0f) {
_shift_factor = 1.0f;
// Complex zeros[MinResampleInputSize] = {Complex()};
// _stretcher.push_signal(zeros, MinResampleInputSize);
// _pitch_shifting_stretcher.push_signal(zeros, MinResampleInputSize);
// _raw_buffer.resize(MinResampleInputSize * 2, 0);
TimeStretchPitchShifter::~TimeStretchPitchShifter() {
delete _stretcher;
void TimeStretchPitchShifter::push_signal(const Complex *input, const uint32_t &size) {
// _raw_buffer.extend_back(input, size);
_stretcher->push_signal(input, size);
// _pitch_shifting_stretcher.push_signal(input, size);
uint32_t TimeStretchPitchShifter::pop_transformed_signal(Complex *output, const uint32_t &size) {
// do transform, eagerly
// resample the time-stretch pitch shifted samples
// while (_pitch_shifting_stretcher.n_transformed_ready() >= MinResampleInputSize) {
bool can_still_process = true;
while (can_still_process && n_transformed_ready() < size) {
const uint32_t desired_stretched_size = size * _shift_factor;
std::vector<Complex> stretched(desired_stretched_size);
const uint32_t actually_stretched = _stretcher->pop_transformed_signal(, desired_stretched_size);
can_still_process = actually_stretched > 0;
std::vector<Complex> unstretched = _resampler.resample(stretched);
_transformed_buffer.extend_back(, unstretched.size());
uint32_t n = _transformed_buffer.pop_front_many(output, size);
// std::cout << "n " << n << std::endl;
// compensate for drift
if (n_transformed_ready() > IncreaseResampleThreshold) {
static constexpr float ResampleHalflife = IncreaseResampleThreshold * 1.5;
float resample_factor = exp2(-(int)(n_transformed_ready() - IncreaseResampleThreshold) / ResampleHalflife);
_stretcher->set_stretch_factor(_shift_factor * resample_factor);
else if (n_transformed_ready() < StandardResampleThreshold) {
for (uint32_t i = n; i < size; i++) {
output[i] = 0;
return n;
uint32_t TimeStretchPitchShifter::n_transformed_ready() const {
return _transformed_buffer.size();
void TimeStretchPitchShifter::reset() {
void TimeStretchPitchShifter::set_shift_factor(const float &shift_factor) {
_shift_factor = shift_factor;

pitchshifter.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
* (Real time) Pitch shifting object implementations
#include "correlation.h"
#include "effect.h"
#include "sampling.h"
#include "timestretcher.h"
#include "fft.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include "common.h"
#include "cyclequeue.h"
#include "vecdeque.h"
#include <vector>
namespace Mengu {
namespace dsp {
class PitchShifter: public Effect {
~PitchShifter() {}
virtual InputDomain get_input_domain() override {
return InputDomain::Time;
virtual void set_shift_factor(const float &factor) {
_shift_factor = factor;
virtual std::vector<EffectPropDesc> get_property_descs() const override;
virtual void set_property(uint32_t id, EffectPropPayload data) override;
virtual EffectPropPayload get_property(uint32_t id) const override;
float _shift_factor = 1.0f;
// Shifter in the frequency domain that uses LPC to estimate formant preservation.
class PhaseVocoderPitchShifterV2: public PitchShifter {
virtual void push_signal(const Complex *input, const uint32_t &size) override;
virtual uint32_t pop_transformed_signal(Complex *output, const uint32_t &size) override;
virtual uint32_t n_transformed_ready() const override;
virtual void reset() override;
// raw time-domain data
VecDeque<Complex> _raw_buffer;
// time domain data after pitch_shift
VecDeque<Complex> _transformed_buffer;
static constexpr uint32_t ProcSize = 1 << 9;
static constexpr uint32_t OverlapSize = 1 << 6;
LPC<ProcSize, 30> _lpc;
uint32_t _samples_processed;
// Shifts by resampling a time stretcher
class TimeStretchPitchShifter: public PitchShifter {
TimeStretchPitchShifter(TimeStretcher *stretcher, uint32_t nchannels);
virtual void push_signal(const Complex *input, const uint32_t &size) override;
virtual uint32_t pop_transformed_signal(Complex *output, const uint32_t &size) override;
virtual uint32_t n_transformed_ready() const override;
virtual void reset() override;
virtual void set_shift_factor(const float &factor) override;
float _formant_shift = 1.0f;
static constexpr uint32_t MinResampleInputSize = 1 << 10;
// Size of transformed buffer before we increase resampling to compensate for drift
static constexpr uint32_t IncreaseResampleThreshold = 5000;
static constexpr uint32_t StandardResampleThreshold = 3000;
// raw time-domain data
VecDeque<Complex> _raw_buffer;
// time domain data after pitch_shift
VecDeque<Complex> _transformed_buffer;
LinearResampler _resampler;
TimeStretcher *_stretcher;
class PTimeStretchPitchShifter: public PitchShifter {
PTimeStretchPitchShifter(uint32_t nchannels);
virtual void push_signal(const Complex *input, const uint32_t &size) override;
virtual uint32_t pop_transformed_signal(Complex *output, const uint32_t &size) override;
virtual uint32_t n_transformed_ready() override;
virtual void reset() override;
virtual void set_shift_factor(const float &factor) override;
static constexpr uint32_t MinResampleInputSize = 1 << 10;
// Size of transformed buffer before we increase resampling to compensate for drift
static constexpr uint32_t IncreaseResampleThreshold = 10000;
static constexpr uint32_t StandardResampleThreshold = 4000;
// raw time-domain data
VecDeque<Complex> _raw_buffer;
// time domain data after pitch_shift
VecDeque<Complex> _transformed_buffer;
LinearResampler _resampler;
PSOLATimeStretcher _pitch_shifting_stretcher;
}; // namespace dsp
}; // namespace Mengu

sampling.cpp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
#include "sampling.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "mengumath.h"
#include "miniaudio.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iterator>
#include <math.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace Mengu;
using namespace dsp;
constexpr uint32_t DefaultSampleRate = 44100;
// void Mengu::dsp::linear_resample_no_filter(const float *input, float *output, uint32_t size, float shift_factor, float def_val)
LinearResampler::LinearResampler(uint32_t nchannels, float stretch_factor) :
_nchannels(nchannels) {
ma_linear_resampler_config resampler_config = ma_linear_resampler_config_init(
DefaultSampleRate * stretch_factor
ma_result result = ma_linear_resampler_init(&resampler_config, nullptr, &_resampler);
if (result != MA_SUCCESS) {
std::string err_msg ("Could not create resampler");
err_msg += std::to_string(result);
throw std::runtime_error(err_msg);
LinearResampler::~LinearResampler() {
ma_linear_resampler_uninit(&_resampler, nullptr);
void LinearResampler::set_stretch_factor(float stretch_factor) {
_stretch_factor = stretch_factor;
ma_linear_resampler_set_rate_ratio(&_resampler, stretch_factor);
std::vector<Complex> LinearResampler::resample(const std::vector<Complex> &samples) {
std::vector<float> fsamples;
std::transform(samples.cbegin(), samples.cend(), std::back_inserter(fsamples),
[] (Complex f) { return f.real(); }
ma_uint64 input_size = fsamples.size();
ma_uint64 output_size;
ma_linear_resampler_get_expected_output_frame_count(&_resampler, samples.size(), &output_size);
std::vector<float> foutput(output_size);
ma_result result = ma_linear_resampler_process_pcm_frames(&_resampler,, &input_size,, &output_size);
if (result != MA_SUCCESS) {
std::string err_msg ("Could not perform resample");
err_msg += std::to_string(result);
throw std::runtime_error(err_msg);
std::vector<Complex> output;
std::transform(foutput.cbegin(), foutput.cend(), std::back_inserter(output),
[] (float f) { return Complex(f); }
return output;

sampling.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
* @file sampling.h
* @author 9exa
* @brief Objects that resamples signal frames
* @version 0.1
* @date 2023-05-08
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2023
#include "miniaudio.h"
#include "mengumath.h"
#include "common.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
namespace Mengu {
namespace dsp {
// Performs linear resampling without any filtering. Useful for resampling frequency domain directly
template<class T>
inline void linear_resample_no_filter(const T *input,
T *output,
uint32_t size,
float shift_factor,
T interp(T a, T b, float w) = &lerp,
T def_val = T()) {
float shift_rep = 1 / shift_factor;
// interpelate the positiobs in the input
if (shift_factor > 1.0f) {
// iterate from the back of the array to make the resample work in-place
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < size; j++) {
float inp_index = j * shift_rep;
uint32_t lower = uint32_t(inp_index);
float remainder = inp_index - lower;
output[j] = interp(input[lower], input[lower + 1], remainder);
else {
int j = size - 1;
int resample_start = (int) (size * shift_factor);
while (j >= resample_start) {
output[j] = def_val;
j -= 1;
while (j >= 0) {
int inp_index = j * shift_rep;
int lower = int(inp_index);
float remainder = inp_index - lower;
output[j] = interp(input[lower], input[lower + 1], remainder);
j -= 1;
// Just a wrapper around miniaudios resampler API, which uses linear resampling
// with a 4th order lowpass filter by default
class LinearResampler {
LinearResampler(uint32_t nchannels, float stretch_factor);
void set_stretch_factor(float stretch_factor);
std::vector<Complex> resample(const std::vector<Complex> &samples);
ma_linear_resampler _resampler;
float _stretch_factor;
uint32_t _nchannels;

singletons.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
Store large objects used by multiple dsp objects in one place (i.e. FFT Transforms)
#include <unordered_map>
#include "common.h"
#include "fft.h"
namespace Mengu {
namespace dsp {
struct Singletons {
static Singletons *_singleton;
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, FFT> _ffts;
static Singletons *get_singleton() {
if (_singleton = nullptr) {
_singleton = new Singletons();
return _singleton;
// getters are gaurenteed to return a valid object. If none exists one will be created
// ffts initialized to process predetermined length of signal
const FFT &get_fft(uint32_t size) {
if (_ffts.find(size) != _ffts.end()) {
_ffts.emplace(size, FFT(size));

timestretcher.cpp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,809 @@
#include "timestretcher.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "correlation.h"
#include "effect.h"
#include "interpolation.h"
#include "linalg.h"
#include "mengumath.h"
#include "vecdeque.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <complex>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <vector>
using namespace Mengu;
using namespace dsp;
void TimeStretcher::set_stretch_factor(const float &scale) {
_stretch_factor = scale;
Effect::InputDomain TimeStretcher::get_input_domain() {
return InputDomain::Time;
std::vector<EffectPropDesc> TimeStretcher::get_property_descs() const {
return {
EffectPropDesc {
.type = EffectPropType::Slider,
.name = "stretch_factor",
.desc = "Scales the length of pushed signals by this amount",
.slider_data = {
.min_value = 0.5,
.max_value = 2,
.scale = Exp,
void TimeStretcher::set_property(uint32_t id, EffectPropPayload data) {
switch (id) {
case 0:
if (data.type == Slider) {
EffectPropPayload TimeStretcher::get_property(uint32_t id) const {
switch (id) {
case 0:
return EffectPropPayload {
.type = Slider,
.value = _stretch_factor,
return EffectPropPayload {};
static float _wrap_phase(float phase) {
return fposmod(phase + MATH_PI, MATH_TAU) - MATH_PI;
// difference between 2 unwrapped phases. since, phases are preiodic, picks the closest one to the estimate
static float _phase_diff(float next, float prev, float est = 0.0f) {
return _wrap_phase(next - prev - est) + est;
PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher::PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher(bool preserve_formants) {
_preserve_formants = preserve_formants;
void PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher::push_signal(const Complex *input, const uint32_t &size) {
_raw_buffer.extend_back(input, size);
uint32_t PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher::pop_transformed_signal(Complex *output, const uint32_t &size) {
while (n_transformed_ready() < size && _raw_buffer.size() >= WindowSize) {
std::array<Complex, WindowSize> sample;
_raw_buffer.to_array(, WindowSize);
std::array<Complex, WindowSize / 2> curr_freqs;
std::copy(_lpc.get_freq_spectrum().cbegin(), _lpc.get_freq_spectrum().cbegin() + WindowSize / 2, curr_freqs.begin());
float analysis_hop_sizef = SynthesisHopSize / _stretch_factor;
_stretched_sample_truncated += std::modf(analysis_hop_sizef, &analysis_hop_sizef);
uint32_t analysis_hop_size = (uint32_t) analysis_hop_sizef;
if (_stretched_sample_truncated) {
analysis_hop_size += 1;
_stretched_sample_truncated -= 1;
std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> amplitudes = _calc_scaled_magnitudes();
std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> new_phases = _calc_scaled_phases(curr_freqs, analysis_hop_size);
// std::array<Complex, WindowSize> new_samples = _calc_new_samples(,;
std::array<Complex, WindowSize> new_samples = _calc_new_samples(sample,,;
mix_and_extend(_transformed_buffer, new_samples, WindowSize - SynthesisHopSize, hann_window);
// _transformed_buffer.extend_back(, WindowSize);
std::transform(new_phases.cbegin(), new_phases.cend(), _last_scaled_phases.begin(),
[] (float unwrapped) { return _wrap_phase(unwrapped); }
_raw_buffer.pop_front_many(nullptr, analysis_hop_size);
return _transformed_buffer.pop_front_many(output, MIN(n_transformed_ready(), size));
uint32_t PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher::n_transformed_ready() const {
return MAX(SynthesisHopSize, _transformed_buffer.size()) - (SynthesisHopSize);
void PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher::reset() {
_transformed_buffer.resize(SynthesisHopSize, 0);
_stretched_sample_truncated = 0.0;
// void PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher::set_stretch_factor(const float &stretch_factor) {
// _stretch_factor = stretch_factor;
// // _last_scaled_phases.fill(0.0f);
// };
std::array<float, PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher::WindowSize / 2> PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher::_calc_scaled_magnitudes() {
std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> mags;
if (_preserve_formants) {
const std::array<float, WindowSize> &envelope = _lpc.get_envelope();
const std::array<float, WindowSize> &residuals = _lpc.get_residuals();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < WindowSize / 2; i++) {
const uint32_t stretched_ind = i * _stretch_factor;
if (stretched_ind < WindowSize / 2 && std::isfinite(residuals[i] * envelope[stretched_ind])) {
mags[i] = residuals[i] * envelope[stretched_ind];
else {
mags[i] = 0.0f;
else {
const std::array<Complex, WindowSize> &freqs = _lpc.get_freq_spectrum();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < WindowSize / 2; i++) {
mags[i] = sqrt(std::norm(freqs[i]));
return mags;
std::array<float, PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher::WindowSize / 2> PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher::_calc_scaled_phases(
const std::array<Complex, WindowSize / 2> &curr_freqs,
const uint32_t hopsize) {
std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> curr_mag2s;
std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> curr_phases;
std::transform(curr_freqs.cbegin(), curr_freqs.cend(), curr_mag2s.begin(),
[] (Complex freq) { return std::norm(freq); }
std::transform(curr_freqs.cbegin(), curr_freqs.cend(), curr_phases.begin(),
[] (Complex freq) { return std::arg(freq); }
std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> phase_deltas;
float stretch_factor = (float) SynthesisHopSize / hopsize;
for (int i = 0; i < WindowSize / 2; i++) {
const float est = i * MATH_TAU * ((float) hopsize / WindowSize);// / stretch_factor;
phase_deltas[i] = _phase_diff(curr_phases[i], _prev_raw_phases[i], est);
std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> new_phases;
for (int i = 0; i < WindowSize / 2; i++) {
new_phases[i] = _last_scaled_phases[i] + (phase_deltas[i] * stretch_factor);
_replace_prev_freqs(curr_mag2s, curr_phases);
return new_phases;
std::array<Complex, PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher::WindowSize / 2> PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher::_load_new_freq_window(const std::array<Complex, WindowSize> &sample) {
std::array<Complex, WindowSize / 2> new_freqs;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < WindowSize / 2; i++) {
new_freqs[i] = _lpc.get_freq_spectrum()[i];
return new_freqs;
void PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher::_replace_prev_freqs(const std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> &curr_mag2s, const std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> &curr_phases) {
std::copy(curr_mag2s.cbegin(), curr_mag2s.cend(), _prev_raw_mag2s.begin());
std::copy(curr_phases.cbegin(), curr_phases.cend(), _prev_raw_phases.begin());
std::array<Complex, PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher::WindowSize> PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher::_calc_new_samples(
const std::array<Complex, WindowSize> &raw_samples,
const float *amplitudes,
const float *phases) {
std::array<Complex, WindowSize> freqs = {0.0};
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < WindowSize / 2; i++) {
freqs[i] = 2.0f * std::polar(amplitudes[i], phases[i]);
std::array<Complex, WindowSize> new_samples;
// Make shifted as loud as raw samples
return new_samples;
PhaseVocoderDoneRightTimeStretcher::PhaseVocoderDoneRightTimeStretcher(bool preserve_formants) : PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher(preserve_formants) {}
std::array<float, PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher::WindowSize / 2> PhaseVocoderDoneRightTimeStretcher::_calc_scaled_phases(
const std::array<Complex, WindowSize / 2> &curr_freqs,
const uint32_t hopsize) {
std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> curr_mag2s;
std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> curr_phases;
std::transform(curr_freqs.cbegin(), curr_freqs.cend(), curr_mag2s.begin(),
[] (Complex freq) { return std::norm(freq); }
std::transform(curr_freqs.cbegin(), curr_freqs.cend(), curr_phases.begin(),
[] (Complex freq) { return std::arg(freq); }
float stretch_factor = (float) SynthesisHopSize / hopsize;
std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> time_phase_deltas;
for (int i = 0; i < WindowSize / 2; i++) {
const float est = i * MATH_TAU * ((float) hopsize / WindowSize);
time_phase_deltas[i] = _phase_diff(curr_phases[i], _prev_raw_phases[i], est);
std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> freq_phase_deltas;
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < WindowSize / 2 - 1; i++) {
const float up_delta = _wrap_phase(curr_phases[i + 1] - curr_phases[i]);
const float down_delta = _wrap_phase(curr_phases[i] - curr_phases[i - 1]);
freq_phase_deltas[i] = 0.5f * (up_delta + down_delta);
freq_phase_deltas[0] = _wrap_phase(curr_phases[1] - curr_phases[0]);
freq_phase_deltas[WindowSize / 2 - 1] = _wrap_phase(curr_phases[WindowSize / 2 - 1] - curr_phases[WindowSize / 2 - 2]);
std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> new_phases = _propagate_phase_gradients (
// for (int i = 0; i < WindowSize / 2; i++) {
// new_phases[i] = _last_scaled_phases[i] + (time_phase_deltas[i] * stretch_factor);
// }
_replace_prev_freqs(curr_mag2s, curr_phases);
return new_phases;
std::array<float, PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher::WindowSize / 2> PhaseVocoderDoneRightTimeStretcher::_propagate_phase_gradients(
const std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> &phase_time_deltas,
const std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> &phase_freq_deltas,
const std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> &last_stretched_phases,
const std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> &prev_freq_mags,
const std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> &next_freq_mags,
const float stretch_factor,
const float tolerance) {
// sort indexes to the next frequencies based on the magnitude of that bin, in descending order
// also, bins with magnitude under the threshold do not propagate in the frequency domain
float max_mag = 0.0f;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < WindowSize / 2; i++) {
max_mag = MAX(MAX(max_mag, prev_freq_mags[i]), next_freq_mags[i]);
const float abs_tol = max_mag * (tolerance * tolerance);
// Used to store indexs to each frequencing in the propagation_queue
struct FreqBin {
enum {
uint8_t frame;
uint32_t bin;
const auto freq_bin_cmp = [&prev_freq_mags, &next_freq_mags] (FreqBin a, FreqBin b) {
float a_mag = (a.frame == FreqBin::Prev) ? prev_freq_mags[a.bin] : next_freq_mags[a.bin];
float b_mag = (b.frame == FreqBin::Prev) ? prev_freq_mags[b.bin] : next_freq_mags[b.bin];
return a_mag < b_mag;
// Max Heap of the frequency bins to propagate. (Listen I REALLY don't want allocate dynamically)
std::array<FreqBin, WindowSize * 3> propagation_queue;
uint32_t propagation_queue_size = WindowSize / 2;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < WindowSize / 2; i++) {
propagation_queue[i] = FreqBin { .frame = FreqBin::Prev, .bin = i };
std::make_heap(propagation_queue.begin(), propagation_queue.begin() + propagation_queue_size, freq_bin_cmp);
// Set of frequency bins to propagate to
bool can_recieve_propagation[WindowSize / 2];
uint32_t n_can_recieve_propagation = WindowSize / 2;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < WindowSize / 2; i++) {
if ((next_freq_mags[i] < abs_tol)) {
can_recieve_propagation[i] = false;
n_can_recieve_propagation -= 1;
else {
can_recieve_propagation[i] = true;
// perform propagation in all dimension
std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> new_phases {0};
while (n_can_recieve_propagation > 0) {
std::pop_heap(propagation_queue.begin(), propagation_queue.begin() + propagation_queue_size, freq_bin_cmp);
FreqBin next_bin = propagation_queue[propagation_queue_size - 1];
propagation_queue_size -= 1;
const uint32_t freq_ind = next_bin.bin;
if (next_bin.frame == FreqBin::Prev) {
if (can_recieve_propagation[freq_ind]) {
new_phases[freq_ind] = last_stretched_phases[freq_ind] + (phase_time_deltas[freq_ind] * stretch_factor);
//remove from set
can_recieve_propagation[freq_ind] = false;
n_can_recieve_propagation -= 1;
// push to the heap
propagation_queue[propagation_queue_size] = FreqBin {.frame = FreqBin::Next, .bin = freq_ind};
propagation_queue_size += 1;
std::push_heap(propagation_queue.begin(), propagation_queue.begin() + propagation_queue_size, freq_bin_cmp);
else {
if (freq_ind > 0 && can_recieve_propagation[freq_ind - 1]) {
const uint32_t freq_down = freq_ind - 1;
new_phases[freq_down] = new_phases[freq_ind] - (0.5 * (phase_freq_deltas[freq_down] + phase_freq_deltas[freq_ind]) * stretch_factor);
//remove from set
can_recieve_propagation[freq_down] = false;
n_can_recieve_propagation -= 1;
// push to the heap
propagation_queue[propagation_queue_size] = FreqBin {.frame = FreqBin::Next, .bin = freq_down};
propagation_queue_size += 1;
std::push_heap(propagation_queue.begin(), propagation_queue.begin() + propagation_queue_size, freq_bin_cmp);
if ((freq_ind < WindowSize / 2 - 1) && can_recieve_propagation[freq_ind + 1]) {
const uint32_t freq_up = freq_ind + 1;
new_phases[freq_up] = new_phases[freq_ind] + (0.5 * (phase_freq_deltas[freq_up] + phase_freq_deltas[freq_ind]) * stretch_factor);
//remove from set
can_recieve_propagation[freq_up] = false;
n_can_recieve_propagation -= 1;
// push to the heap
propagation_queue[propagation_queue_size] = FreqBin {.frame = FreqBin::Next, .bin = freq_up};
propagation_queue_size += 1;
std::push_heap(propagation_queue.begin(), propagation_queue.begin() + propagation_queue_size, freq_bin_cmp);
// std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> new_phases {0};
// auto freq_ind_cmp = [next_freq_mags] (uint32_t a, uint32_t b) { return next_freq_mags[a] > next_freq_mags[b]; };
// std::array<uint32_t, WindowSize / 2> freq_inds;
// for (uint32_t i = 0; i < WindowSize / 2; i++) { freq_inds[i] = i;}
// std::sort(freq_inds.begin(), freq_inds.end(), freq_ind_cmp);
// std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> prop_source_mag {0.0f};
// for (uint32_t i = 0; i < WindowSize / 2; i++) {
// new_phases[i] = last_stretched_phases[i] + phase_time_deltas[i] * stretch_factor;
// prop_source_mag[i] = prev_freq_mags[i];
// }
// for (const uint32_t freq_ind: freq_inds) {
// if (freq_ind > 0 && prop_source_mag[freq_ind - 1] < next_freq_mags[freq_ind]) {
// const uint32_t freq_down = freq_ind - 1;
// new_phases[freq_down] = new_phases[freq_ind] - 0.5 * stretch_factor * (phase_freq_deltas[freq_down] + phase_freq_deltas[freq_ind]);
// prop_source_mag[freq_down] = next_freq_mags[freq_ind];
// }
// if (freq_ind < WindowSize / 2 && prop_source_mag[freq_ind + 1] < next_freq_mags[freq_ind]) {
// const uint32_t freq_up = freq_ind + 1;
// new_phases[freq_up] = new_phases[freq_ind] - 0.5 * stretch_factor * (phase_freq_deltas[freq_up] + phase_freq_deltas[freq_ind]);
// prop_source_mag[freq_up] = next_freq_mags[freq_ind];
// }
// prop_source_mag[freq_ind] = 2e10;
// }
return new_phases;
OLATimeStretcher::OLATimeStretcher(uint32_t w_size) {
_window_size = w_size;
_overlap = _window_size / 5;
_selection_window = _window_size / 2;
template<class T>
static void mix_into_extend_by_pointer(const Complex *new_data,
T &output,
const uint32_t &window_size,
const uint32_t &overlap_size) {
uint32_t i = 0;
for (; i < overlap_size; i++) {
const float w = hann_window((float) i / overlap_size);
const uint32_t output_ind = output.size() - overlap_size + i;
output[output_ind] = lerp(new_data[i], output[output_ind], w);
for (; i < window_size; i++) {
void OLATimeStretcher::push_signal(const Complex *input, const uint32_t &size) {
_raw_buffer.extend_back(input, size);
uint32_t OLATimeStretcher::pop_transformed_signal(Complex *output, const uint32_t &size) {
// Do stretchy
// Theoretical interval between samples per process
const uint32_t sample_skip = (_window_size - _overlap) / _stretch_factor;
// based on the example given by
const uint32_t length_for_process = MAX(sample_skip, _window_size + _selection_window);
while (_raw_buffer.size() > length_for_process) {
std::vector<Complex> new_data(_window_size + _selection_window);
_raw_buffer.to_array(, _window_size + _selection_window);
std::vector<Complex> prev_tail(_overlap);
_transformed_buffer.pop_back_many(, _overlap);
// find best start for overlap
uint32_t overlap_ind = find_max_correlation_quad(,, _overlap, _selection_window);
mix_into_extend_by_pointer( + overlap_ind, prev_tail, _window_size, _overlap);
for (auto v: prev_tail) {
_raw_buffer.pop_front_many(nullptr, sample_skip);
uint32_t n = _transformed_buffer.pop_front_many(output, MIN(size, n_transformed_ready()));
for (uint32_t i = n; i < size; i++ ) {
output[i] = 0;
return n;
uint32_t OLATimeStretcher::n_transformed_ready() const {
return _transformed_buffer.size() - _overlap;
void OLATimeStretcher::reset() {
_transformed_buffer.resize(_window_size, 0);
WSOLATimeStretcher::WSOLATimeStretcher() {
// _transformed_buffer.resize(MaxBackWindowOverlap);
void WSOLATimeStretcher::push_signal(const Complex *input, const uint32_t &size) {
_raw_buffer.extend_back(input, size);
// perform the stretchy
// if (_raw_buffer.size() > SampleProcSize) {
// std::array<Complex, SampleProcSize> samples;
// _raw_buffer.to_array(, SampleProcSize);
// // do the stretchy
// uint32_t frames_used = _stretch_sample_and_add(;
// // delete everything used
// _raw_buffer.pop_front_many(nullptr, frames_used);
// _last_overlap_start -= frames_used;
// _next_overlap_start -= frames_used;
// }
uint32_t WSOLATimeStretcher::pop_transformed_signal(Complex *output, const uint32_t &size) {
// lazily perform the stretchy
while ((_raw_buffer.size() > SampleProcSize) && (n_transformed_ready() < size)) {
std::array<Complex, SampleProcSize> samples;
_raw_buffer.to_array(, SampleProcSize);
// do the stretchy
uint32_t frames_used = _stretch_sample_and_add(;
// delete everything used
_raw_buffer.pop_front_many(nullptr, frames_used);
_last_overlap_start -= frames_used;
_next_overlap_start -= frames_used;
uint32_t n = _transformed_buffer.pop_front_many(output, MIN(size, n_transformed_ready()));
for (uint32_t i = n; i < size; i++) {
output[i] = 0;
return n;
uint32_t WSOLATimeStretcher::n_transformed_ready() const {
return _transformed_buffer.size();
void WSOLATimeStretcher::reset() {
uint32_t WSOLATimeStretcher::_stretch_sample_and_add(const Complex *sample) {
// base overlap
const uint32_t overlap_size = WindowSize / 4;
// search forward for better overlap point
const uint32_t search_window = WindowSize / 5;
const uint32_t flat_duration = WindowSize - 2 * overlap_size;
// consider te amount of frames skiped through truncation
double sample_skipd;
double dropped_per_window = std::modf((WindowSize - overlap_size) / _stretch_factor, &sample_skipd);
const uint32_t sample_skip = sample_skipd;
while (_next_overlap_start + WindowSize < SampleProcSize) {
// Find insertion that best fits the new sample
uint32_t prev_not_overlapped = find_max_correlation(
sample + _next_overlap_start,
sample + _last_overlap_start,
uint32_t actual_last_overlap = _last_overlap_start + prev_not_overlapped;
const uint32_t actually_overlapped = overlap_size - prev_not_overlapped;
Complex overlap_buffer[SampleProcSize / 2];
sample + actual_last_overlap,
sample + _next_overlap_start,
// append new data
_transformed_buffer.extend_back(sample + _last_overlap_start, prev_not_overlapped);
_transformed_buffer.extend_back(overlap_buffer, actually_overlapped);
// take 2 * prev_not_overlapped from both sides of the flat duration
_transformed_buffer.extend_back(sample + _next_overlap_start + actually_overlapped, flat_duration);
// set for next cycle
_last_overlap_start = _next_overlap_start + actually_overlapped + flat_duration;
_next_overlap_start = _next_overlap_start + sample_skip;
_stretched_sample_truncated += dropped_per_window;
if (_stretched_sample_truncated > 1.0) {
_next_overlap_start += 1;
_stretched_sample_truncated -= 1.0;
return MIN(_last_overlap_start, _next_overlap_start);
PSOLATimeStretcher::PSOLATimeStretcher() {
void PSOLATimeStretcher::push_signal(const Complex *input, const uint32_t &size) {
_raw_buffer.extend_back(input, size);
uint32_t PSOLATimeStretcher::pop_transformed_signal(Complex *output, const uint32_t &size) {
// lazily perform the stretchy
while ((_raw_buffer.size() > SampleProcSize) && (size > n_transformed_ready())) {
std::array<Complex, SampleProcSize> samples;
std::array<Complex, SampleProcSize> windowed_samples;
_raw_buffer.to_array(, SampleProcSize);
_raw_buffer.to_array(, SampleProcSize);
window_ends(, SampleProcSize, SampleProcSize / 10, hann_window);
int est_freq = _est_fund_frequency(;
uint32_t est_period = (1.0 / est_freq) * SampleProcSize / 2;
std::vector<uint32_t> est_peaks = _find_upcoming_peaks(, est_period);
_stretch_peaks_and_add(, est_peaks);
// delete everything used
_raw_buffer.pop_front_many(nullptr, est_peaks.back() + 1); // +1 because est_peaks are the INDEX of the peaks, not the num of frames used
uint32_t n = _transformed_buffer.pop_front_many(output, MIN(size, n_transformed_ready()));
for (uint32_t i = n; i < size; i++) {
output[i] = 0;
return n;
uint32_t PSOLATimeStretcher::n_transformed_ready() const {
return _transformed_buffer.size() - MaxBackWindowOverlap;
void PSOLATimeStretcher::reset() {
_transformed_buffer.resize(MaxBackWindowOverlap, 0);
int PSOLATimeStretcher::_est_fund_frequency(const Complex *samples) {
// Todo: move all this to a PitchDetecter object or something
const std::array<float, SampleProcSize> residuals = _lpc.get_residuals();
// find candidate from residual peaks (only use positive half of the spectrum)
std::vector<float> srhs = calc_srhs(, residuals.size() / 2, MinFreqInd, MaxFreqInd, 10);
float max_srhs = -10e32;
int max_pitch_ind = MaxFreqInd;
for (int i = 0; i < srhs.size(); i++) {
if (srhs[i] > max_srhs) {
max_pitch_ind = MinFreqInd + i;
max_srhs = srhs[i];
return max_pitch_ind;
std::vector<uint32_t> PSOLATimeStretcher::_find_upcoming_peaks(const Complex *samples, const uint32_t est_period) {
// assume that peaks are around est_period apart, but give some sllack as pitches change slightly
const uint32_t search_start = 0.8 * est_period;
const uint32_t search_end = 1.2 * est_period;
std::vector<uint32_t> peaks;
uint32_t last_peak = 0;
while ((last_peak + est_period) < SampleProcSize) {
uint32_t peak = last_peak + search_start;
float peak_size = 0.0f;
for (uint32_t i = last_peak + search_start; i < MIN(SampleProcSize, last_peak + search_end); i++) {
if (samples[i].real() > peak_size) {
peak_size = samples[i].real();
peak = i;
last_peak = peak;
return peaks;
// // overlap and extend without applying a window function first
// // overlap_size may be larger than new_data.size(), in which case only new_data.size() is added. the offset is the same
template<class T, class NewT>
static void _mix_and_extend_no_window(T &array, const NewT new_data, const uint32_t &overlap_size) {
uint32_t i = 0;
for(; i < MIN(overlap_size, new_data.size()); i++) {
uint32_t ind = array.size() - overlap_size + i;
array[ind] = array[ind] + new_data[i];
for (; i < new_data.size(); i++) {
void PSOLATimeStretcher::_stretch_peaks_and_add(const Complex *samples, const std::vector<uint32_t> &est_peaks) {
// accumulate by collecting the left halves and right halves if each peak sepeartly
std::vector<std::vector<Complex>> right_windows;
std::vector<std::vector<Complex>> left_windows;
uint32_t last_peak = 0;
for (uint32_t next_peak: est_peaks) {
std::vector<Complex> left_window;
std::vector<Complex> right_window;
for (uint32_t i = last_peak; i < next_peak; i++) {
float w = (float) (i - last_peak) / (next_peak - last_peak);
w = hann_window(w);
left_window.emplace_back(w * samples[i]);
right_window.emplace_back((1.0f - w) * samples[i]);
last_peak = next_peak;
// arrange the peaks together
last_peak = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < left_windows.size(); i++) {
const std::vector<Complex> left_window = std::move(left_windows[i]);
const std::vector<Complex> right_window = std::move(right_windows[i]);
// use overlapsize of previous period to make the right window continuous with the previous left window
_mix_and_extend_no_window(_transformed_buffer, right_window, _next_right_window_overlap);
// calculate the frames overlap taking the truncated part of previous processes into account
int curr_period = est_peaks[i] - last_peak;
double overlap_sized;
_stretched_sample_truncated += std::abs(std::modf((2.0 - _stretch_factor) * curr_period, &overlap_sized));
uint32_t overlap_size = std::abs(overlap_sized);
if (_stretched_sample_truncated > 1.0f) {
overlap_size += 1;
_stretched_sample_truncated -= 1.0f;
if (_stretch_factor >= 1.0f) {
if (_stretch_factor > 2.0f) {
// pad the gap between each side with 0s
uint32_t padding_size = std::move(overlap_size);
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < padding_size; j++) {
_transformed_buffer.extend_back(, left_window.size());
else {
// some parts are overlapped
// mix it with the left window of the next
_mix_and_extend_no_window(_transformed_buffer, left_window, overlap_size);
// the end of the _transform buffer is the end of the left window, which is equivalenting to setting both of these values to 0
_next_right_window_overlap = 0;
else {
// since the left peak ends before the right peak ends, we have to overlap both the right and left peaks into the transformed data
_mix_and_extend_no_window(_transformed_buffer, left_window, overlap_size);
_next_right_window_overlap = overlap_size - curr_period;
last_peak = est_peaks[i];

timestretcher.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "correlation.h"
#include "effect.h"
#include "fft.h"
#include "loudness.h"
#include "vecdeque.h"
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
namespace Mengu {
namespace dsp {
class TimeStretcher: public Effect {
virtual ~TimeStretcher() {}
virtual InputDomain get_input_domain() override;
virtual void set_stretch_factor(const float &scale);
virtual std::vector<EffectPropDesc> get_property_descs() const override;
virtual void set_property(uint32_t id, EffectPropPayload data) override;
virtual EffectPropPayload get_property(uint32_t id) const override;
float _stretch_factor = 1.0f;
// keep track of resampled size error due to rounding errors
double _stretched_sample_truncated = 0.0;
// Classic timeshifter be scale the phases of frequency bins in the time dimension
class PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher: public TimeStretcher {
PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher(bool _preserve_formants = false);
virtual void push_signal(const Complex *input, const uint32_t &size) override;
virtual uint32_t pop_transformed_signal(Complex *output, const uint32_t &size) override;
virtual uint32_t n_transformed_ready() const override;
// virtual void set_stretch_factor(const float &stretch_factor) override;
virtual void reset() override;
static constexpr uint32_t WindowSize = 1 << 9;
static constexpr uint32_t SynthesisHopSize = 400;
static constexpr uint32_t NStoredWindows = 2;
std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> _prev_raw_mag2s;
std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> _prev_raw_phases;
// phases of the last transformed samples
std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> _last_scaled_phases;
VecDeque<Complex> _raw_buffer;
VecDeque<Complex> _transformed_buffer;
virtual std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> _calc_scaled_magnitudes();
// expects time_deltas to be scaled
virtual std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> _calc_scaled_phases(const std::array<Complex, WindowSize / 2> &curr_freqs, const uint32_t hopsize);
std::array<Complex, WindowSize / 2> _load_new_freq_window(const std::array<Complex, WindowSize> &sample);
void _replace_prev_freqs(const std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> &curr_mags, const std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> &curr_phases);
// FFT _fft;
// for finding the envelope and doing fft
LPC<WindowSize, 50> _lpc;
bool _preserve_formants = false;
// Used to make sure the percieved loudness of the sample is preserved
LoudnessNormalizer<Complex, WindowSize, 1> _loudness_norm;
std::array<Complex, WindowSize> _calc_new_samples(const std::array<Complex, WindowSize> &raw_samples, const float *amplitudes, const float *phase_deltas);
// 'Phase vocoder done right' implementation
class PhaseVocoderDoneRightTimeStretcher: public PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher {
PhaseVocoderDoneRightTimeStretcher(bool _preserve_formants = false);
virtual std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> _calc_scaled_phases(const std::array<Complex, WindowSize / 2> &curr_phases, const uint32_t hopsize) override;
// Phase propagation algorithm as described in the paper
std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> _propagate_phase_gradients(const std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> &phase_time_deltas,
const std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> &phase_freq_deltas,
const std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> &last_stretched_phases,
const std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> &prev_mag2s,
const std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> &next_mag2s,
const float stretch_factor,
const float tolerance = 1e-5f);
// Syncronised OverLap and Add time stretcher with fixed window size
class OLATimeStretcher: public TimeStretcher {
OLATimeStretcher(uint32_t w_size);
static inline const float MinScale = 0.05;
// std::vector<Complex> stretch_and_overlap_window2(const Complex *input);
virtual void push_signal(const Complex *input, const uint32_t &size) override;
virtual uint32_t pop_transformed_signal(Complex *output, const uint32_t &size) override;
virtual uint32_t n_transformed_ready() const override;
virtual void reset() override;
uint32_t _window_size;
uint32_t _overlap;
uint32_t _selection_window;
// uint32_t _sample_skip;
float _desired_extension = 0.0f;
VecDeque<Complex> _raw_buffer;
VecDeque<Complex> _transformed_buffer;
// timestrech where extensions are added to best match wave form with. Fixed window size. not fixed soutput size (may be slightly longer)
class WSOLATimeStretcher: public TimeStretcher {
virtual void push_signal(const Complex *input, const uint32_t &size) override;
virtual uint32_t pop_transformed_signal(Complex *output, const uint32_t &size) override;
virtual uint32_t n_transformed_ready() const override;
virtual void reset() override;
VecDeque<Complex> _raw_buffer;
VecDeque<Complex> _transformed_buffer;
// length of the the input buffer must be before transforming and size of arrays in intermediate calculations. Should catch up to 1000hz
static constexpr uint32_t SampleProcSize = 1 << 11;
// length of a window
static constexpr uint32_t WindowSize = 1 << 9;
// stretches the sample, and adds it to the transform buffer, tje position of each window is based on the autocorrelation
// returns how many frames were used and can be discarded
uint32_t _stretch_sample_and_add(const Complex *sample);
// Basically, the beginning of the next overlap(_left_tail_start) can be before the beggining of the last overlap(_right_tail_start)
// and the size of the overlap can change on each process. So store both.
uint32_t _last_overlap_start = 0;
uint32_t _next_overlap_start = 0;
// Formant preserving, pitch changing time stretch
// Inherits a lot of algorithmic functionality from SOLA
class PSOLATimeStretcher: public TimeStretcher {
virtual void push_signal(const Complex *input, const uint32_t &size) override;
virtual uint32_t pop_transformed_signal(Complex *output, const uint32_t &size) override;
virtual uint32_t n_transformed_ready() const override;
virtual void reset() override;
VecDeque<Complex> _raw_buffer;
VecDeque<Complex> _transformed_buffer;
static constexpr uint32_t SampleProcSize = 1 << 11;
// basically how accurate the reconstruction will be. Assumes ~44kHz input, good for operation in up to 16kHz
static constexpr uint32_t LPCSize = (uint32_t) 1.25 * 16;
static constexpr uint32_t MinFreqHz = 50;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxFreqHz = 800;
static constexpr uint32_t InputSampleRate = 44100;
static constexpr uint32_t MinFreqInd = MAX(MinFreqHz * SampleProcSize / InputSampleRate, 2);
static constexpr uint32_t MaxFreqInd = MAX(MaxFreqHz * SampleProcSize / InputSampleRate, MinFreqInd * 2);
// the amount of frames in _transformed_buffer that need to remain in case of overlapping future samples
static constexpr uint32_t MaxBackWindowOverlap = (1.0f / MinFreqHz * InputSampleRate) + 1;
// for finding fundemental frequency
// FFT _fft;
LPC<SampleProcSize, LPCSize> _lpc;
// returns the index of the fundemental frequency (pitch) in an fft of samples
int _est_fund_frequency(const Complex *sample);
// store the last estimated pitches. the median will be used
VecDeque<int> _last_periods;
//used to meld windows in the same sample of different length (peaks are not uniformly spaced)
uint32_t _next_right_window_overlap = 0;
// estimate the peaks in the upcoming sample
std::vector<uint32_t> _find_upcoming_peaks(const Complex *samples, const uint32_t est_period);
// stretches the sample, and adds it to the transform buffer;
void _stretch_peaks_and_add(const Complex *samples, const std::vector<uint32_t> &est_peaks);

vecdeque.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
* @file vecdeque.h
* @author 9exa
* @brief An dynamically-sized array where elements can be added on either end. Useful for queues
* Supposed to be like Rusts VecDeque, implemented with a ring_buffer
* @version 0.1
* @date 2023-04-22
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2023
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include "mengumath.h"
namespace Mengu {
template<class T>
class VecDeque {
T *_data = nullptr;
uint32_t _front = 0;
// uint32_t _end = 0;
uint32_t _size = 0;
uint32_t _capacity = 0;
VecDeque() {}
VecDeque(const VecDeque &from) {
_front = from._front;
_size = from._size;
_capacity = from._capacity;
if (_capacity > 0) {
_data = new T[_capacity];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _capacity; i++) {
_data[i] = from._data[i];
~VecDeque() {
if (_data != nullptr) {
delete[] _data;
inline uint32_t size() const {
return _size;
inline uint32_t capacity() const {
return _capacity;
inline const T *data() const {
return _data;
void reserve(const uint32_t &new_cap) {
if (_capacity < new_cap) {
T *new_data = new T[new_cap];
// copy and initialise new array
uint32_t i = 0;
if (_data != nullptr) {
for (; i < _size; i++) {
new_data[i] = std::move(_data[(_front + i) % _capacity]);
delete[] _data;
_front = 0;
_data = new_data;
_capacity = new_cap;
if (_size > _capacity) {
void resize(const uint32_t &new_size) {
if (_capacity < new_size) {
uint32_t new_cap = MAX(_capacity, 1);
while (new_cap < new_size) {
new_cap = new_cap << 1; // if you leave out the new_cap = the optimizer just skips this loop.
// Which makes this infinite loop bug hard to spot
if (new_size > _size) {
// expand from back
if ( _size > 0) {
for (uint32_t i = _size; i < new_size; i++) {
_data[(_front + i) % _capacity] = _data[(_front + _size - 1) % _capacity];
else {
for (uint32_t i = _size; i < new_size; i++) {
_data[(_front + i) % _capacity] = T();
_size = new_size;
void resize(const uint32_t &new_size, const T &x) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < new_size; i++) {
_data[(_front + i) % _capacity] = x;
inline void push_back(const T &x) {
resize(_size + 1);
_data[(_front + _size - 1) % _capacity] = x;
inline void push_front(const T &x) {
resize(_size + 1);
_front = (_front == 0) ? _capacity - 1 : _front - 1;
_data[_front] = x;
// adds elements to the end of the queue
inline void extend_back(const T *array, const uint32_t n) {
uint32_t old_size = _size;
resize(_size + n);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
_data[(_front + old_size + i) % _capacity] = array[i];
// moves at most n elements from the front of the queue to the array output. outputs memory must be validated elsewhere
inline uint32_t pop_front_many(T *output, uint32_t n) {
n = MIN(n, _size);
if (output != nullptr) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
output[i] = _data[(_front + i) % _capacity];
if (n != 0){
_front = (_front + n) % _capacity;
resize(_size - n);
return n;
inline uint32_t pop_back_many(T *output, uint32_t n) {
n = MIN(n, _size);
if (output != nullptr) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
output[i] = _data[(_front + _size - n + i) % _capacity];
resize(_size - n);
return n;
void make_contiguous() {
if (_size > 0 && _front > 0) {
T *new_data = new T[_capacity];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _size; i++) {
new_data[i] = std::move(_data[(_front + i) % _capacity]);
delete[] _data;
_data = new_data;
//// Operators
inline T &operator[](int i) {
if (_size == 0) {
return _data[(_front + posmod(i, _size)) % _capacity];
inline const T &operator[](int i) const {
if (_size == 0) {
return _data[(_front + posmod(i, _size)) % _capacity];
VecDeque &operator=(const VecDeque &from) {
_front = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _size; i++) {
_data[i] = from._data[(from._front + _size % from._capacity)];
return *this;
// converts the first 'size' items into a contiguous array. -1 does the whole queue
uint32_t to_array(T *out, int size = -1) {
if (size == -1) {
size = _size;
size = MIN(size, _size);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
out[i] = _data[(i + _front) % _capacity];
return size;
// writes the last 'size' items into a contiguous array
uint32_t to_array_back(T *out, int size) {
size = MIN(size, _size);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
out[i] = _data[(i + _front + _size - size) % _capacity];
return size;