2023-10-30 06:52:43 +06:00

113 lines
3.5 KiB

#include <cstdint>
#include "common.h"
#include "cyclequeue.h"
#include <vector>
namespace Mengu {
namespace dsp {
// Types of Properties that an Effect has and how they can be edited by gui
// If this was Rust (a better language) this would all be one enum
enum EffectPropType {
Toggle, // Edited With a ToggleButton
Slider, // Edited with A Slider. A min and max value must be declared. Stores real number
Knob, // Edited with A Knob. A min and max value must be declared. Stores real number
Counter, // Edited with a counter. A step size must be declared. Stores real numbers, but often casted into an int
enum EffectPropContScale {
// Description for the editable properties of an Effect.
struct EffectPropDesc {
EffectPropType type;
const char *name;
const char *desc;
union {
struct {
float min_value;
float max_value;
float step_size;
EffectPropContScale scale;
} slider_data; // use by slider, knob and counter
// Data used to get and set EffectProperty data
struct EffectPropPayload {
EffectPropType type;
union {
bool on; // Used by Toggle
float value; // used by slider, knob, and counter
// object that takes in the next value signal (time or frequency domain)
// and can be queried for the next value in the process signal.
class Effect {
virtual ~Effect() = default;
// tells an EffectChain what type of input the effect expects
enum InputDomain {
Time = 0,
Spectral = 1,
Frequency = 1
virtual InputDomain get_input_domain() = 0;
// push new value of signal
virtual void push_signal(const Complex *input, const uint32_t &size) = 0;
// Last value of transformed signal
virtual uint32_t pop_transformed_signal(Complex *output, const uint32_t &size) = 0;
// number of samples that can be output given the current pushed signals of the Effect
virtual uint32_t n_transformed_ready() const = 0;
// resets state of effect to make it reading to take in a new sample
virtual void reset() = 0;
// The properties that this Effect exposes to be changed by GUI.
// The index that they are put in is considered the props id
virtual std::vector<EffectPropDesc> get_property_descs() const = 0;
// Sets a property with the specified id the value declared in the payload
virtual void set_property(uint32_t id, EffectPropPayload data) = 0;
// Gets the value of a property with the specified id
virtual EffectPropPayload get_property(uint32_t id) const = 0;
// Represents a series of effects chained consequtivly. Processed on demand
class EffectChain {
EffectChain(uint32_t buffer_size);
// push a new signal. Unlike an Effect the pushed signal can be an arbitrary size as it is stored in a ringbuffer
void push_signal(const Complex *input, const uint32_t &size);
// Last values of transformed signal
void pop_transformed_signal(Complex *output, const uint32_t &size);
// add an Effect
void append_effect(Effect *effect);
// apply all effects
void process();
uint32_t _buffer_size;
CycleQueue<Complex> _input_buffer;
std::vector<Complex> _transformed_buffer;
std::vector<Effect *> _effects;