2023-10-30 06:52:43 +06:00

177 lines
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* @file correlation.h
* @author 9exa
* @brief Correlation/Convolution functions between signals
* @version 0.1
* @date 2023-04-30
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2023
#include "common.h"
#include "fft.h"
#include "linalg.h"
#include "mengumath.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <complex>
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
namespace Mengu {
namespace dsp {
// The (real finite non-circular) cross-correlation of two signals of equal length, on the offset n
// basically just a dot product
float correlation(const Complex *s1, const Complex *s2, const int length, const int n);
// The (real finite non-circular) cross-correlation of of a signal on itself, on the offset n
float autocorrelation(const Complex *s, const int length, const int n);
// Find the offset/lag that corresponds to the max cross-correlation between s1 and s2 explored up to length
// s2 is assumed to be at least length + search_window_size long
int find_max_correlation(const Complex *s1, const Complex *s2, const int length, const int search_window_size);
// Max correlation where portions toward the center are weighted more
int find_max_correlation_quad(const Complex *s1, const Complex *s2, const int length, const int search_window_size);
// find the sr harmonics of (the positive half of) a frequency amplitude spectrum
std::vector<float> calc_srhs(const float *envelope,
const int &size,
const int &min_freq_ind,
const int &max_freq_ind,
const int &n_harm = 8,
const int &step = 1);
// the srh of only one frequency
float calc_srh(const float *envelope, const int &size, const int &freq_ind, const int &n_harm);
// performs and stores results of LinearPredictiveCoding. expects a fixed process size so it can be put on the stack
template<uint32_t SampleSize, uint32_t NParams>
class LPC {
// _b(NParams + 1),
// _autocovariance_slice(NParams + 1) {
_autocovariance_slice{0} {
_b[0] = 1;
// perform LPC on a sample and set up the intermediate variables
void load_sample(const Complex *sample) {
// assumes that sample are all real numbers; In general-purpose dsp this will cause bugs
// multiplication in the frequency domain is convolution (reversed correlation) in the real domain
std::array<Complex, SampleSize> freq_squared;
std::array<Complex, SampleSize> autocovariance_comp;
[] (Complex f) { return std::norm(f); }
[] (Complex c) { return c.real(); }
_autocovariance.cbegin() + NParams + 1,
std::array<float, NParams + 1> a = solve_sym_toeplitz(_autocovariance_slice, _b);
std::array<Complex, SampleSize> a_comp{0};
const float a0 = a[0];
std::transform(a.cbegin(), a.cend(), a_comp.begin(),
[a0] (float f) { return Complex(f / a0); }
std::array<Complex, SampleSize> A;
// calc envelope
std::transform(A.cbegin(), A.cend(), _envelope.begin(),
// try to prevent infs
[] (Complex c) { return 1.0f / (sqrt(std::norm(c))); }
// calce residuals
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < SampleSize; i++) {
_residuals[i] = std::sqrt(std::norm(_freq_spectrum[i] * A[i]));
// std::transform(_freq_spectrum.cbegin(), _freq_spectrum.cend(), A.cbegin(), _residuals.begin(),
// [] (Complex x_val, Complex a_val) { return std::sqrt(std::norm(x_val * a_val)); }
// );
// The dft of the loaded samples
const std::array<Complex, SampleSize> &get_freq_spectrum() const {
return _freq_spectrum;
// The correlation of the signal with itself
const std::array<float, SampleSize> &get_autocovariance() const {
return _autocovariance;
// Normalized copy of autocovariance
std::array<float, SampleSize> get_autocorrelation() const {
std::array<float, SampleSize> autocorrelation;
float max_cov = *std::max_element(_autocovariance);
[max_cov] (float cov) {return cov / max_cov;}
// Envelope of the frequency spectrum
const std::array<float, SampleSize> &get_envelope() const {
return _envelope;
// LCP residuals of the frequency
const std::array<float, SampleSize> &get_residuals() const {
return _residuals;
// useful for inversion
const FFT &get_fft() const {
return _fft;
// results to be getted
std::array<Complex, SampleSize> _freq_spectrum;
std::array<float, SampleSize> _autocovariance;
std::array<float, SampleSize> _envelope;
std::array<float, SampleSize> _residuals;
// intermediates
FFT _fft;
std::array<float, NParams + 1> _b;
std::array<float, NParams + 1> _autocovariance_slice;
// std::vector<float> _b;
// std::vector<float> _autocovariance_slice;