2023-10-30 06:52:43 +06:00

226 lines
8.3 KiB

#include "common.h"
#include "correlation.h"
#include "effect.h"
#include "fft.h"
#include "loudness.h"
#include "vecdeque.h"
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
namespace Mengu {
namespace dsp {
class TimeStretcher: public Effect {
virtual ~TimeStretcher() {}
virtual InputDomain get_input_domain() override;
virtual void set_stretch_factor(const float &scale);
virtual std::vector<EffectPropDesc> get_property_descs() const override;
virtual void set_property(uint32_t id, EffectPropPayload data) override;
virtual EffectPropPayload get_property(uint32_t id) const override;
float _stretch_factor = 1.0f;
// keep track of resampled size error due to rounding errors
double _stretched_sample_truncated = 0.0;
// Classic timeshifter be scale the phases of frequency bins in the time dimension
class PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher: public TimeStretcher {
PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher(bool _preserve_formants = false);
virtual void push_signal(const Complex *input, const uint32_t &size) override;
virtual uint32_t pop_transformed_signal(Complex *output, const uint32_t &size) override;
virtual uint32_t n_transformed_ready() const override;
// virtual void set_stretch_factor(const float &stretch_factor) override;
virtual void reset() override;
static constexpr uint32_t WindowSize = 1 << 9;
static constexpr uint32_t SynthesisHopSize = 400;
static constexpr uint32_t NStoredWindows = 2;
std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> _prev_raw_mag2s;
std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> _prev_raw_phases;
// phases of the last transformed samples
std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> _last_scaled_phases;
VecDeque<Complex> _raw_buffer;
VecDeque<Complex> _transformed_buffer;
virtual std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> _calc_scaled_magnitudes();
// expects time_deltas to be scaled
virtual std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> _calc_scaled_phases(const std::array<Complex, WindowSize / 2> &curr_freqs, const uint32_t hopsize);
std::array<Complex, WindowSize / 2> _load_new_freq_window(const std::array<Complex, WindowSize> &sample);
void _replace_prev_freqs(const std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> &curr_mags, const std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> &curr_phases);
// FFT _fft;
// for finding the envelope and doing fft
LPC<WindowSize, 50> _lpc;
bool _preserve_formants = false;
// Used to make sure the percieved loudness of the sample is preserved
LoudnessNormalizer<Complex, WindowSize, 1> _loudness_norm;
std::array<Complex, WindowSize> _calc_new_samples(const std::array<Complex, WindowSize> &raw_samples, const float *amplitudes, const float *phase_deltas);
// 'Phase vocoder done right' implementation
class PhaseVocoderDoneRightTimeStretcher: public PhaseVocoderTimeStretcher {
PhaseVocoderDoneRightTimeStretcher(bool _preserve_formants = false);
virtual std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> _calc_scaled_phases(const std::array<Complex, WindowSize / 2> &curr_phases, const uint32_t hopsize) override;
// Phase propagation algorithm as described in the paper
std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> _propagate_phase_gradients(const std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> &phase_time_deltas,
const std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> &phase_freq_deltas,
const std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> &last_stretched_phases,
const std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> &prev_mag2s,
const std::array<float, WindowSize / 2> &next_mag2s,
const float stretch_factor,
const float tolerance = 1e-5f);
// Syncronised OverLap and Add time stretcher with fixed window size
class OLATimeStretcher: public TimeStretcher {
OLATimeStretcher(uint32_t w_size);
static inline const float MinScale = 0.05;
// std::vector<Complex> stretch_and_overlap_window2(const Complex *input);
virtual void push_signal(const Complex *input, const uint32_t &size) override;
virtual uint32_t pop_transformed_signal(Complex *output, const uint32_t &size) override;
virtual uint32_t n_transformed_ready() const override;
virtual void reset() override;
uint32_t _window_size;
uint32_t _overlap;
uint32_t _selection_window;
// uint32_t _sample_skip;
float _desired_extension = 0.0f;
VecDeque<Complex> _raw_buffer;
VecDeque<Complex> _transformed_buffer;
// timestrech where extensions are added to best match wave form with. Fixed window size. not fixed soutput size (may be slightly longer)
class WSOLATimeStretcher: public TimeStretcher {
virtual void push_signal(const Complex *input, const uint32_t &size) override;
virtual uint32_t pop_transformed_signal(Complex *output, const uint32_t &size) override;
virtual uint32_t n_transformed_ready() const override;
virtual void reset() override;
VecDeque<Complex> _raw_buffer;
VecDeque<Complex> _transformed_buffer;
// length of the the input buffer must be before transforming and size of arrays in intermediate calculations. Should catch up to 1000hz
static constexpr uint32_t SampleProcSize = 1 << 11;
// length of a window
static constexpr uint32_t WindowSize = 1 << 9;
// stretches the sample, and adds it to the transform buffer, tje position of each window is based on the autocorrelation
// returns how many frames were used and can be discarded
uint32_t _stretch_sample_and_add(const Complex *sample);
// Basically, the beginning of the next overlap(_left_tail_start) can be before the beggining of the last overlap(_right_tail_start)
// and the size of the overlap can change on each process. So store both.
uint32_t _last_overlap_start = 0;
uint32_t _next_overlap_start = 0;
// Formant preserving, pitch changing time stretch
// Inherits a lot of algorithmic functionality from SOLA
class PSOLATimeStretcher: public TimeStretcher {
virtual void push_signal(const Complex *input, const uint32_t &size) override;
virtual uint32_t pop_transformed_signal(Complex *output, const uint32_t &size) override;
virtual uint32_t n_transformed_ready() const override;
virtual void reset() override;
VecDeque<Complex> _raw_buffer;
VecDeque<Complex> _transformed_buffer;
static constexpr uint32_t SampleProcSize = 1 << 11;
// basically how accurate the reconstruction will be. Assumes ~44kHz input, good for operation in up to 16kHz
static constexpr uint32_t LPCSize = (uint32_t) 1.25 * 16;
static constexpr uint32_t MinFreqHz = 50;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxFreqHz = 800;
static constexpr uint32_t InputSampleRate = 44100;
static constexpr uint32_t MinFreqInd = MAX(MinFreqHz * SampleProcSize / InputSampleRate, 2);
static constexpr uint32_t MaxFreqInd = MAX(MaxFreqHz * SampleProcSize / InputSampleRate, MinFreqInd * 2);
// the amount of frames in _transformed_buffer that need to remain in case of overlapping future samples
static constexpr uint32_t MaxBackWindowOverlap = (1.0f / MinFreqHz * InputSampleRate) + 1;
// for finding fundemental frequency
// FFT _fft;
LPC<SampleProcSize, LPCSize> _lpc;
// returns the index of the fundemental frequency (pitch) in an fft of samples
int _est_fund_frequency(const Complex *sample);
// store the last estimated pitches. the median will be used
VecDeque<int> _last_periods;
//used to meld windows in the same sample of different length (peaks are not uniformly spaced)
uint32_t _next_right_window_overlap = 0;
// estimate the peaks in the upcoming sample
std::vector<uint32_t> _find_upcoming_peaks(const Complex *samples, const uint32_t est_period);
// stretches the sample, and adds it to the transform buffer;
void _stretch_peaks_and_add(const Complex *samples, const std::vector<uint32_t> &est_peaks);