120 lines
3.7 KiB
120 lines
3.7 KiB
const got = require('got');
let templates = [];
function getMeme(name) {
return templates.find(m => m.name.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase());
function cleanInput(input) {
if (!input) return '';
return input.replace(/"/g, '\'\'').replace(/#/g, '~h')
.replace(/-/g, '--').replace(/_/g, '__')
.replace(/ /g, '_').replace(/\?/g, '~q')
.replace(/%/g, '~p').replace(/\//g, '~s');
exports.init = () => {
got('https://memegen.link/templates/').then(res => {
let data = JSON.parse(res.body);
templates = [];
let promises = [];
for (let key in data) {
Promise.all(promises).then(() => {
templates = templates.filter(e => !!e);
templates.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name));
function _loadMeme(url) {
return got(url).then(res => {
let singleData = JSON.parse(res.body);
name: url.replace(/https:\/\/memegen\.link\/api\/templates\/(.*)/, '$1'),
url: url.replace('/api/templates', ''),
styles: singleData.styles
exports.run = async (bot, msg, args) => {
if (templates.length < 1) {
throw 'The memes haven\'t loaded yet!';
if (/^(h(elp)?|\?)$/i.test(args[0])) {
return bot.commands.get('help').run(bot, msg, 'meme');
if (/^(ls|list|s(earch)?)$/i.test(args[0])) {
return (await msg.channel.send({
embed: bot.utils.embed('Available Memes', '*This message will vanish in 30 seconds*\n\n' + templates.map(meme => `- \`${meme.name}\``).join('\n'))
if (/^(i(nf(o)?)?)$/i.test(args[0])) {
if (args.length < 2) {
throw 'You must provide a meme to get info about!';
let info = getMeme(args[1]);
if (!info) {
throw `That is not a valid meme! Do \`${bot.config.prefix}${this.info.name} list\` to see available memes.`;
return (await msg.channel.send({
embed: bot.utils.embed(`\`${info.name}\``, `Styles: ${info.styles && info.styles.length > 1 ? info.styles.map(s => `\n- \`${s}\``).join('') : 'None'}`)
let input = args.join(' ');
let parts = input.split('|').map(p => p.trim());
if (parts.length < 3) {
throw `No message was provided! Do \`${bot.config.prefix}help ${this.info.name}\` for info on how to use this.`;
let meme = getMeme(args[0]);
if (!meme) {
throw `That is not a valid meme! Do \`${bot.config.prefix}${this.info.name} list\` to see available memes.`;
let topText = cleanInput(parts[1]);
let bottomText = cleanInput(parts[2]);
if (!topText || !bottomText) {
throw 'Empty message!';
let url = `${meme.url}/${cleanInput(parts[1])}/${cleanInput(parts[2])}.jpg`;
if (parts[3]) url += `?alt=${encodeURIComponent(parts[3])}`;
await msg.edit(':arrows_counterclockwise:');
await msg.channel.send({
files: [
attachment: url,
name: parts[0] + '.jpg'
exports.info = {
name: 'meme',
usage: 'meme list | info <name> | [<name> | <line 1> | <line 2> | [style]]',
description: 'Helps you generate meme images with custom text',
examples: [
'meme info sad-biden',
'meme facepalm | please, oh please | rtfm',
'meme sad-biden | sad joe biden | doesn\'t have discord | scowl'