const {stripIndents} = require('common-tags'); class TodoItem { constructor(description, completed = false) { this.description = description; this.completed = completed; } complete(completed = true) { this.completed = completed; } toString() { return `${this.completed ? ':ballot_box_with_check:' : ':black_square_button: '} ${this.description}`; } static fromJSON({description, completed}) { return new TodoItem(description, completed); } } class TodoList { constructor(name) { = name; this.items = []; } _validateIndex(index) { if (Number.isNaN(index)) { // This will throw the error below index = 0; } index -= 1; if (index < 0 || index > this.items.length) { throw 'Please specify a valid number!'; } return index; } add(description, completed = false) { this.items.push(new TodoItem(description, completed)); } remove(index) { index = this._validateIndex(index); this.items.splice(index, 1); } markComplete(index, completed = true) { index = this._validateIndex(index); this.items[index].complete(completed); } toString() { return stripIndents` **List: ${}** **Items:** ${this.items.length === 0 ? 'None' : ''} ${, i) => `${i + 1}. ${item.toString()}`).join('\n')} `; } static fromJSON({name, items}) { const todoList = new TodoList(name); todoList.items = => TodoItem.fromJSON(item)); return todoList; } } class TodoLists { constructor(bot) { this._bot = bot; ='todos'); this.lists = {}; const lists =; if (!lists) { this.lists = { [TodoLists.mainListName]: new TodoList(TodoLists.mainListName) }; } else { Object.keys(lists) .forEach(listName => { this.lists[listName] = TodoList.fromJSON(lists[listName]); }); } let currentList =; if (!this.getList(currentList)) { currentList = TodoLists.mainListName; } this.currentListName = currentList; } /** * * @returns {TodoList} */ getCurrentList() { return this.getList(this.currentListName); } save() {, this.currentListName);, this.lists);; } getList(name) { return this.lists[name]; } getListNames() { return Object.keys(this.lists); } deleteList(name) { if (!this.getList(name)) { throw `List '${name}' does not exist!`; } if (name === TodoLists.mainListName) { throw `List '${name}' cannot be deleted!`; } delete this.lists[name]; if (this.currentListName === name) { this.switchList(TodoLists.mainListName); } } createList(name) { if (this.getList(name)) { throw `List'${name}' already exists!`; } this.lists[name] = new TodoList(name); this.switchList(name); } switchList(name) { if (!this.getList(name)) { throw `List '${name}' does not exist!`; } this.currentListName = name; } } TodoLists.listsStorageKey = 'lists'; TodoLists.currentListStorageKey = 'currentListName'; TodoLists.mainListName = 'Main'; = (bot, msg, args) => { const send = (message, deleteInSeconds = 5, prefix = ':white_check_mark: ') => msg.edit({ embed: bot.utils.embed(`Todo List Utility (message will self-destruct in ${deleteInSeconds} seconds)`, `${prefix}${message}`) }) .then(m => m.delete(deleteInSeconds * 1000)); if (args.length < 1) { return send(Lists.getCurrentList(), 45, ''); } const {options, leftover} = bot.utils.parseArgs(args, ['d', 'c', 'i', 'l', 'n', 'r', 's']); let indexOption = parseInt(leftover[0], 10); const ensureProperNumberOfArgs = (max, message = 'Expected list item number only', min = 1) => { if (leftover.length > max || leftover.length < min) { throw message; } }; if (options.c) { ensureProperNumberOfArgs(1); Lists.getCurrentList().markComplete(indexOption); send(`Item ${indexOption} marked complete!`); } else if (options.i) { ensureProperNumberOfArgs(1); Lists.getCurrentList().markComplete(indexOption, false); send(`Item ${indexOption} marked incomplete!`); } else if (options.d) { ensureProperNumberOfArgs(1); Lists.getCurrentList().remove(indexOption); send(`Item ${indexOption} deleted!`); } else if (options.l) { send(`Available lists: ${Lists.getListNames().join(', ')}`, 30); } else if (options.n) { ensureProperNumberOfArgs(1, 'Expected name of new list to be a single word'); Lists.createList(leftover[0]); send(`List '${leftover[0]}' created!`); } else if (options.r) { ensureProperNumberOfArgs(1, 'Expected name of list to delete to be a single word'); Lists.deleteList(leftover[0]); send(`List '${leftover[0]}' deleted!`); } else if (options.s) { ensureProperNumberOfArgs(1, 'Expected name of chosen list to be a single word'); Lists.switchList(leftover[0]); send(`Switched to list '${leftover[0]}'`); } else { Lists.getCurrentList().add(leftover.join(' ')); send(`Item '${leftover.join(' ')}' added!`); }; }; /** * @type {TodoLists} */ let Lists; module.exports.init = bot => { Lists = new TodoLists(bot); }; = { name: 'todo', usage: 'todo | todo [options...] | todo ', description: 'Manage a todo list. The command by itself will show the items in the current list.', options: [ { name: '-c', usage: '-c ', description: 'Mark an item complete' }, { name: '-i', usage: '-i ', description: 'Mark an item incomplete' }, { name: '-d', usage: '-d', description: 'Delete an item' }, { name: '-l', usage: '-l', description: 'Show all lists' }, { name: '-n', usage: '-n ', description: 'Make a new list and set it as the current list' }, { name: '-r', usage: '-r ', description: 'Remove a list. If the list being removed is the list currently in use, automatically switches back to the Main list.' }, { name: '-s', usage: '-s ', description: 'Switch lists' } ] };