const got = require('got'); = async (client, message, args, level) => { if (!args[0]) { message.reply('you must specify a repository or search term!'); message.delete(); return; } const input = args.join(' '); if (input.indexOf('/') !== -1) { let repo = safeRepo(input); let msg = await`:arrows_counterclockwise: Loading info for '${repo}'...`); const res = await got(`${repo}`, { json: true }); const json = res.body; if (json.message === 'Not Found') { msg.edit('That repository could not be found!'); } message.delete(); msg.edit({ embed: client.embed('', getInfo(json)) }); } else { let msg = await`:arrows_counterclockwise: Searching for '${input}'...`); const res = await got(`${args.join('+')}`, { json: true }); const json = res.body; if (json.total_count < 1) msg.edit(`No results found for '${args.join(' ')}'`); message.delete(); msg.edit(':white_check_mark: Top 3 results:'); json.items.slice(0, 3).forEach(item => {{ embed: client.embed('', getInfo(item)) }); }); } }; function safeRepo(input) { if (input.indexOf('/') === -1) { return; } let user = input.substr(0, input.indexOf('/')); input = input.substr(input.indexOf('/') + 1); let repo = input.indexOf('/') === -1 ? input : input.substr(0, input.indexOf('/')); return `${user}/${repo}`; } function getInfo(json) { return `**${json.full_name}** \t**Description:** _${json.description || 'None provided'}_ \t**Owner:** [${json.owner.login}](${json.owner.html_url}) \t**Primary Language:** \`${json.language}\` \t:house: [Home page](${json.html_url}) :small_red_triangle_down: [Downloads](${json.html_url}/releases) :exclamation: [Issues](${json.html_url}/issues) \t:negative_squared_cross_mark: \`${json.open_issues_count}\` open issues :star: \`${json.stargazers_count}\` stargazers :eyes: \`${json.subscribers_count || json.watchers_count}\` watchers \tDo \`git clone ${json.clone_url}\` to clone this repository `; } = { name: 'github', usage: 'github ', description: 'Links to a GitHub repository' }; exports.conf = { enabled: true, guildOnly: false, aliases: ['git'], permLevel: "User" }; = { name: "github", category: "Utility", description: "Look up a GitHub repository, and links to it. If you want a specific repository, use [user/repo] as the additional argument. Otherwise, just use [repo].", usage: "github " };