const inquirer = require("inquirer"); const Enmap = require("enmap"); const fs = require("fs"); let baseConfig = fs.readFileSync("./config_base.txt", "utf8"); const defaultSettings = { "prefix": "/", "modLogChannel": "nsa-survellience-system", "modRole": "modinator", "adminRole": "adminator", "systemNotice": "true", "welcomeChannel": "welcome", "welcomeMessage": "Say hello to {{user}}, everyone! We all need a warm welcome sometimes :D", "welcomeEnabled": "false" }; const settings = new Enmap({ name: "settings", cloneLevel: 'deep', ensureProps: true }); let prompts = [ { type: "list", name: "resetDefaults", message: "Do you want to reset default settings?", choices: ["Yes", "No"] }, { type: "input", name: "token", message: "Please enter the bot token from the application page." }, { type: "input", name: "ownerID", message: "Please enter the bot owner's User ID" }, ]; (async function () { console.log("Setting Up Cardboard Bot Configuration..."); await settings.defer; if (!settings.has("default")) { prompts = prompts.slice(1); console.log("First Start! Inserting default guild settings in the database..."); await settings.set("default", defaultSettings); } const answers = await inquirer.prompt(prompts); if (answers.resetDefaults && answers.resetDefaults === "Yes") { console.log("Resetting default guild settings..."); await settings.set("default", defaultSettings); } baseConfig = baseConfig .replace("{{ownerID}}", answers.ownerID) .replace("{{token}}", `"${answers.token}"`); fs.writeFileSync("./config.js", baseConfig); console.log("REMEMBER TO NEVER SHARE YOUR TOKEN WITH ANYONE!"); console.log("Configuration has been written, enjoy!"); await settings.close(); }());