/* Logger class for easy and aesthetically pleasing console logging */ const chalk = require("chalk"); const moment = require("moment"); exports.log = (content, type = "log") => { const timestamp = `[${moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")}]:`; switch (type) { case "log": { return console.log(`${timestamp} ${chalk.bgBlue(type.toUpperCase())} ${content} `); } case "warn": { return console.log(`${timestamp} ${chalk.black.bgYellow(type.toUpperCase())} ${content} `); } case "error": { return console.log(`${timestamp} ${chalk.bgRed(type.toUpperCase())} ${content} `); } case "debug": { return console.log(`${timestamp} ${chalk.green(type.toUpperCase())} ${content} `); } case "cmd": { return console.log(`${timestamp} ${chalk.black.bgWhite(type.toUpperCase())} ${content}`); } case "ready": { return console.log(`${timestamp} ${chalk.black.bgGreen(type.toUpperCase())} ${content}`); } default: throw new TypeError("Logger type must be either warn, debug, log, ready, cmd or error."); } }; exports.error = (...args) => this.log(...args, "error"); exports.warn = (...args) => this.log(...args, "warn"); exports.debug = (...args) => this.log(...args, "debug"); exports.cmd = (...args) => this.log(...args, "cmd");