exports.run = async (client, message, args, level) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars const response = await client.awaitReply(message, "**Are you sure you want to shut me down?** Respond with \`yes\` to proceed.") const msg = question; console.log(`Response is ${response}`); if(response = "yes") { await msg.edit(`Confirmed by ${message.author} Shutting down...`); await Promise.all(client.commands.map(cmd => client.unloadCommand(cmd) )); await msg.edit("Successfully shut down."); process.exit(0); } }; exports.conf = { enabled: true, guildOnly: false, aliases: [], permLevel: "Bot Owner" }; exports.help = { name: "shutdown", category: "System", description: "Shuts down the bot.", usage: "shutdown" };