const normalizeUrl = require('normalize-url'); = async (bot, msg, args) => { let { leftover, options } = bot.utils.parseArgs(args, ['s:', 'w', 'l']); if (leftover.length < 1) { if (options.s) { throw 'You must provide a game as well as a stream URL.'; } bot.user.setActivity(null, {}); return msg.edit('Cleared your game! :ok_hand:').then(m => m.delete(3000)); } let game = leftover.join(' '); let stream = options.s; let fields = []; let activityOptions = { type: 'PLAYING' }; let activityFieldTitle = ':video_game: Game'; if (stream) { stream = normalizeUrl(`${stream}`); activityOptions.url = stream; activityOptions.type = 'STREAMING'; fields.push({ name: ':headphones: Stream URL', value: stream }); } else if (options.w) { activityOptions.type = 'WATCHING'; activityFieldTitle = ':eyes: Watching'; } else if (options.l) { activityOptions.type = 'LISTENING'; activityFieldTitle = ':sound: Listening to'; } fields.unshift({ name: activityFieldTitle, value: game }); bot.user.setActivity(game, activityOptions); msg.delete(); (await{ embed: bot.utils.embed(':ok_hand: Game changed!', '', fields) })).delete(5000); }; = { name: 'setgame', usage: 'setgame ', description: 'Sets your game (shows for other people)', options: [ { name: '-s', usage: '-s ', description: 'Sets your streaming URL to' }, { name: '-w', description: 'Sets your game prefix to **Watching**' }, { name: '-l', description: 'Sets your game prefix to **Listening to**' } ] };