function makeCommand(name, displayName, methodName) { return { run: async (bot, msg, args) => { const parsed = bot.utils.parseArgs(args, 'r'); if (parsed.leftover.length < 1) { throw 'You must have something to upload!'; } await msg.edit(':arrows_counterclockwise: Uploading...'); const { url, rawUrl } = await bot.utils[methodName](parsed.leftover.join(' ')); if (!url) { throw 'Failed to upload, no key was returned!'; } if (parsed.options.r) { msg.edit(`:white_check_mark: ${rawUrl}`); } else { msg.edit(`:white_check_mark: ${url}`); } }, info: { name, usage: `${name} `, description: `Uploads some text to ${displayName}`, options: [ { name: '-r', description: 'Returns the URL for a raw version of your upload' } ] } }; } module.exports = [ makeCommand('haste', 'Hastebin', 'hastebinUpload'), makeCommand('ix', '', 'ixUpload') ];