exports.run = (bot, msg, args) => { if (args.length < 1) { throw 'You must specify something to embed!'; } let parsed = bot.utils.parseArgs(args, ['f', 'ft:', 'd', 't:', 'c:', 'r', 'i:', 'a:', 'th:']); let color = parsed.options.c; if (parsed.options.r && msg.guild && msg.guild.members) { let member = msg.guild.members.get(msg.author.id); if (member) { color = member.highestRole.hexColor; } } if (color) { if (!color.startsWith('#')) { color = `#${color}`; } if (!/^#[a-fA-F0-9]{6}$/.test(color)) { throw `Invalid color: \`${color}\`. Please use valid hex format (\`#RRGGBB\`)`; } } msg.delete(); msg.channel.send({ embed: bot.utils.embed(parsed.options.t || '', parsed.leftover.join(' '), [], { footer: parsed.options.f || parsed.options.ft, timestamp: parsed.options.d, color, image: parsed.options.i, author: parsed.options.a, thumbnail: parsed.options.th }) }); }; exports.info = { name: 'embed', usage: 'embed [text]', description: 'Sends a message via embeds', examples: [ 'embed Hello world!', 'embed -c #ff0000 Red is my favorite color :heart:', 'embed -r -t "Welcome to my server!" I hope you enjoy your time here.' ], options: [ { name: '-f', description: 'Shows the footer' }, { name: '-ft', usage: '-ft ', description: 'Sets the footer text (use quotes for multiple words)' }, { name: '-d', usage: '-d', description: 'Enables the timestamp (date) in the footer' }, { name: '-t', usage: '-t ', description: 'Sets the embed title (use quotes for multiple words)' }, { name: '-r', description: 'Uses your role color for the embed color' }, { name: '-c', usage: '-c ', description: 'Sets a hex color for the embed in the format of `#RRGGBB`' }, { name: '-i', usage: '-i ', description: 'Sets an image for the embed' }, { name: '-a', usage: '-a ', description: 'Sets the author of the embed' }, { name: '-th', usage: '-th ', description: 'Sets a thumbnail for the embed' } ] };