const got = require('got'); const cheerio = require('cheerio'); = async (bot, msg, args) => { if (args.length < 1) { throw 'Please provide the username of a player.'; } const username = args[0]; const uuid = await getUUID(username); if (!uuid) { throw 'That player could not be found.'; } msg.delete(); return{ embed: bot.utils.embed('', '', [ { name: 'Username', value: username }, { name: 'UUID', value: `\`${uuid}\`` }, { name: 'Skin', value: `[Download](${uuid}.png)` } ], { thumbnail: `${uuid}.png?size=250&overlay=true` }) }); }; async function getUUID(username) { const res = await got(`${username}`); const $ = cheerio.load(res.body); const input = $('input')[1]; if (!input) { return; } return input.attribs['value']; } = { name: 'playerinfo', usage: 'playerinfo ', description: 'Shows information about a Minecraft player' };