55 lines
1.3 KiB
55 lines
1.3 KiB
const got = require('got');
exports.run = async (bot, msg, args) => {
if (args.length < 1) {
throw 'You must specify a time to convert';
let input = args.join(' ');
let url = `https://api.duckduckgo.com/?q=${encodeURIComponent(input)}&format=json`;
await msg.edit(':arrows_counterclockwise: Loading conversion...');
const res = await got(url, { json: true });
if (!res || !res.body) {
throw 'Could not load data from DDG.';
let data = res.body;
let answer = data['Answer'];
let message;
if (data['AnswerType'] === 'timezone_converter') {
let matches = input.match(/(.*?)\s*(to|in)\s*(.*)/);
let prefix;
if (matches) {
prefix = matches[1];
} else {
prefix = input;
message = bot.utils.embed('', '', [
name: 'Timezone:',
value: `${prefix} \u2794 ${answer}`
msg.channel.send({ embed: message });
} else {
throw `No conversion found for ${input}`;
exports.info = {
name: 'timezone',
usage: 'timezone <time> to <time>',
description: 'converts between timezones, using DuckDuckGo searches',
credits: '<@136641861073764352>' // Abyss#0473