95 lines
2.8 KiB
95 lines
2.8 KiB
exports.init = bot => {
this.storage = bot.storage('shortcuts');
const ADD = /^a(dd)?|c(reate)?$/i;
const EDIT = /^e(dit)?$/i;
const DELETE = /^d(el(ete)?)?|r(em(ove)?)?$/i;
const INFO = /^i(nfo)?$/i;
exports.run = (bot, msg, args) => {
if (args.length < 1) {
const shortcuts = this.storage.values;
if (shortcuts.length < 1) {
throw 'You have no shortcuts!';
const list = shortcuts.map(shortcut => `- \`${shortcut.name}\``).join('\n');
return bot.utils.sendLarge(msg.channel, `**Shortcuts:**\n${list}`, { cutOn: '\n' });
if (ADD.test(args[0]) || EDIT.test(args[0])) {
if (args.length < 3) {
throw `Usage: \`${bot.config.prefix}shortcut add|edit <id> <command>\``;
let id = args[1].toLowerCase();
let command = args.slice(2).join(' ');
// People keep accidentally putting their command prefix in
if (command.startsWith(bot.config.prefix)) {
command = command.substr(bot.config.prefix.length);
const shortcut = this.storage.get(id);
if (shortcut && !EDIT.test(args[0])) {
throw `The shortcut \`${id}\` already exists!`;
this.storage.set(id, { name: id, command });
msg.edit(`:white_check_mark: Created shortcut \`${id}\`.`)
.then(m => m.delete(5000));
} else if (DELETE.test(args[0])) {
if (args.length < 2) {
throw `Usage: \`${bot.config.prefix}shortcut delete <id>\``;
let id = args[1];
const shortcut = this.storage.get(id);
if (!shortcut) {
throw `The shortcut \`${id}\` doesn't exist!`;
msg.edit(`:white_check_mark: Removed the shortcut \`${id}\`.`)
.then(m => m.delete(5000));
} else if (INFO.test(args[0])) {
if (args.length < 2) {
throw `Usage: \`${bot.config.prefix}shortcut info <name>\``;
const id = args[1];
const shortcut = this.storage.get(id);
if (!shortcut) {
throw `The shortcut \`${id}\` doesn't exist!`;
msg.edit(`**Name:** \`${shortcut.name}\`\n\`\`\`xl\n${shortcut.command}\n\`\`\``)
.then(m => m.delete(30000));
} else {
bot.commands.get('help').run(bot, msg, ['shortcuts']);
exports.info = {
name: 'shortcuts',
usage: 'shortcuts [add <name> <command>|edit <name> <command>|delete <name>|info <name>]',
description: 'Controls or lists your shortcuts',
examples: [
'shortcuts add love embed -c #ff0000 <3',
'shortcuts edit drpg say #!mine;; say #!forage;; say #!chop;; say #!fish',
'shortcuts delete invite',
'shortcuts info love',