The next step is to...write down the structure of our json!
This is the boring part for some, but it can be automated by using websites like [json2kt]( or [quicktype]( to generate the entire code for you.
First step to declaring the structure for a json is to import the JsonProperty annotation.
Enough of the examples, this is the representation of `` in kotlin:
data class Planet (
@JsonProperty("name") val name: String,
@JsonProperty("rotation_period") val rotationPeriod: String,
@JsonProperty("orbital_period") val orbitalPeriod: String,
@JsonProperty("diameter") val diameter: String,
@JsonProperty("climate") val climate: String,
@JsonProperty("gravity") val gravity: String,
@JsonProperty("terrain") val terrain: String,
@JsonProperty("surface_water") val surfaceWater: String,
@JsonProperty("population") val population: String,
@JsonProperty("residents") val residents: List<String>,
@JsonProperty("films") val films: List<String>,
@JsonProperty("created") val created: String,
@JsonProperty("edited") val edited: String,
@JsonProperty("url") val url: String
**For json that don't necessarily contain a key, or its type can be either the expected type or null, you need to write that type as nullable in the representation of that json.** <br/>
Example of the above situation:
It's representation would be:
data class Example (
@JsonProperty("cat") val cat: String,
@JsonProperty("dog") val dog: String?,
@JsonProperty("fish") val fish: String?
As you can see, `dog` and `fish` are nullable because they are properties that are missing in an item. <br/>
Whilst `cat` is not nullable because it is available in all of the items. <br/>
Basic nullable detection is implemented in [json2kt]( so its recommended to use that. <br/>
But it is very likely that it might fail to detect some nullable types, so it's up to us to validate the generated code.
Second step to parsing json just call our `mapper` instance.
val json = mapper.readValue<Planet>(jsonString)
And voila! <br/>
We have successfully parsed our json within kotlin. <br/>
One thing to note is that you don't need to add all of the json key/value pairs to the structure, you can just have what you need.
### Note
Even though we set `DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES` as `false` it will still error on missing properties. <br/>
If a json may or may not include some info, make those properties as nullable in the structure you build.