package com.jacekun import android.util.Log import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.logError import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Qualities import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.getQualityFromName import class HentaiHaven : MainAPI() { private val globalTvType = TvType.NSFW override var name = "Hentai Haven" override var mainUrl = "" override val supportedTypes = setOf(TvType.NSFW) override val hasDownloadSupport = false override val hasMainPage= true override val hasQuickSearch = false override suspend fun getMainPage( page: Int, request: MainPageRequest ): HomePageResponse { val doc = app.get(mainUrl).document val all = ArrayList() doc.getElementsByTag("body").select("div.c-tabs-item") .select("div.vraven_home_slider").forEach { it2 -> // Fetch row title val title = it2?.select("div.home_slider_header")?.text() ?: "Unnamed Row" // Fetch list of items and map" div.item.vraven_item.badge-pos-1").let { inner -> all.add( HomePageList( name = title, list = inner.getResults(, isHorizontalImages = false ) ) } } return HomePageResponse(all) } override suspend fun search(query: String): List { val searchUrl = "${mainUrl}/?s=${query}&post_type=wp-manga" return app.get(searchUrl).document .select("div.c-tabs-item div.row.c-tabs-item__content") .getResults( } override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse { //TODO: Load polishing val doc = app.get(url).document //Log.i(, "Result => (url) ${url}") val poster ="meta[property=og:image]") .firstOrNull()?.attr("content") val title ="meta[name=title]") .firstOrNull()?.attr("content") ?.toString() ?: "" val descript ="div.description-summary").text() val body = doc.getElementsByTag("body") val episodes ="") .first()?.select("li") val year = episodes?.last() ?.selectFirst("span.chapter-release-date") ?.text()?.trim()?.takeLast(4)?.toIntOrNull() val episodeList = episodes?.mapNotNull { val innerA = it?.selectFirst("a") ?: return@mapNotNull null val eplink = innerA.attr("href") ?: return@mapNotNull null val epCount = innerA.text().trim().filter { a -> a.isDigit() }.toIntOrNull() val imageEl = innerA.selectFirst("img") val epPoster = imageEl?.attr("src") ?: imageEl?.attr("data-src") Episode( name = innerA.text(), data = eplink, posterUrl = epPoster, episode = epCount, ) } ?: listOf() //Log.i(, "Result => (id) ${id}") return AnimeLoadResponse( name = title, url = url, apiName =, type = globalTvType, posterUrl = poster, year = year, plot = descript, episodes = mutableMapOf( Pair(DubStatus.Subbed, episodeList.reversed()) ) ) } override suspend fun loadLinks( data: String, isCasting: Boolean, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ): Boolean { //NNN callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( source =, name = "${} VIP HD", url = "",//"", referer = data, quality = Qualities.P2160.value, isM3u8 = true ) ) try { Log.i(name, "Loading iframe") val requestLink = "${mainUrl}/wp-content/plugins/player-logic/api.php" val action = "zarat_get_data_player_ajax" val reA = Regex("(?<=var en =)(.*?)(?=';)", setOf(RegexOption.DOT_MATCHES_ALL)) val reB = Regex("(?<=var iv =)(.*?)(?=';)", setOf(RegexOption.DOT_MATCHES_ALL)) app.get(data).document.selectFirst("div.player_logic_item iframe") ?.attr("src")?.let { epLink -> Log.i(name, "Loading ep link => $epLink") val scrAppGet = app.get(epLink, referer = data) val scrDoc = scrAppGet.document.getElementsByTag("script").toString() //Log.i(name, "Loading scrDoc => (${scrAppGet.code}) $scrDoc") if (scrDoc.isNotBlank()) { //en val a = reA.find(scrDoc)?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1) ?.trim()?.removePrefix("'") ?: "" //iv val b = reB.find(scrDoc)?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1) ?.trim()?.removePrefix("'") ?: "" Log.i(name, "a => $a") Log.i(name, "b => $b") val doc = url = requestLink, headers = mapOf( // Pair("mode", "cors"), // Pair("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data"), // Pair("Origin", mainUrl), // Pair("Host", mainUrl.split("//").last()), Pair("User-Agent", USER_AGENT), Pair("Sec-Fetch-Mode", "cors") ), data = mapOf( Pair("action", action), Pair("a", a), Pair("b", b) ) ) Log.i(name, "Response (${doc.code}) => ${doc.text}") //AppUtils.tryParseJson(doc.text) doc.parsedSafe()?.data?.sources?.map { m3src -> val m3srcFile = m3src.src ?: return@map null val label = m3src.label ?: "" Log.i(name, "M3u8 link: $m3srcFile") callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( name = "$name m3u8", source = "$name m3u8", url = m3srcFile, referer = "$mainUrl/", quality = getQualityFromName(label), isM3u8 = true ) ) } } } } catch (e: Exception) { Log.i(name, "Error => $e") logError(e) return false } return true } private fun Elements?.getResults(apiName: String): List { return this?.mapNotNull { val innerDiv ="div").firstOrNull() val firstA = innerDiv?.selectFirst("a") val link = fixUrlNull(firstA?.attr("href")) ?: return@mapNotNull null val name = firstA?.attr("title") ?: "" val year = innerDiv?.selectFirst("span.c-new-tag")?.selectFirst("a") ?.attr("title")?.takeLast(4)?.toIntOrNull() val imageDiv = firstA?.selectFirst("img") var image = imageDiv?.attr("src") if (image.isNullOrBlank()) { image = imageDiv?.attr("data-src") } val latestEp = innerDiv?.selectFirst("div.list-chapter") ?.selectFirst("div.chapter-item") ?.selectFirst("a") ?.text() ?.filter { a -> a.isDigit() } ?.toIntOrNull() ?: 0 val dubStatus = mutableMapOf( Pair(DubStatus.Subbed, latestEp) ) AnimeSearchResponse( name = name, url = link, apiName = apiName, type = globalTvType, posterUrl = image, year = year, episodes = dubStatus ) } ?: listOf() } private data class ResponseJson( @JsonProperty("data") val data: ResponseData? ) private data class ResponseData( @JsonProperty("sources") val sources: List? = listOf() ) private data class ResponseSources( @JsonProperty("src") val src: String?, @JsonProperty("type") val type: String?, @JsonProperty("label") val label: String? ) }