package com.jacekun import android.util.Log import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.toJson import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.tryParseJson import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.loadExtractor import org.jsoup.nodes.Element class JavHD : MainAPI() { private val globalTvType = TvType.NSFW override var name = "JavHD" override var mainUrl = "" override val supportedTypes: Set get() = setOf(TvType.NSFW) override val hasDownloadSupport: Boolean get() = true override val hasMainPage: Boolean get() = true override val hasQuickSearch: Boolean get() = false override val mainPage = mainPageOf( "$mainUrl/page/" to "Main Page", ) private val prefix = "JAV HD" override suspend fun getMainPage(page: Int, request: MainPageRequest): HomePageResponse { val homePageList = mutableListOf() val pagedlink = if (page > 0) + page else val document = app.get(pagedlink).document val mainbody = document.getElementsByTag("body").select("div.container") //Log.i(, "Result => (mainbody) ${mainbody}") var count = 0 val titles ="div.section-header").mapNotNull { val text = it?.text() ?: return@mapNotNull null count++ Pair(count, text) } //Log.i(, "Result => (titles) ${titles}") val entries ="div#video-widget-3016") count = 0 entries.forEach { it2 -> count++ // Fetch row title val pair = titles.filter { aa -> aa.first == count } val title = if (pair.isNotEmpty()) { pair[0].second } else { "" } // Fetch list of items and map val inner ="") val elements: List = inner.mapNotNull { // Inner element val aa = it.selectFirst("div.item-img > a") ?: return@mapNotNull null // Video details val link = aa.attr("href") ?: return@mapNotNull null val name = aa.attr("title").cleanTitle() val image ="img").attr("src") val year = null //Log.i(, "Result => (link) ${link}") //Log.i(, "Result => (image) ${image}") MovieSearchResponse( name = name, url = link, apiName =, type = globalTvType, posterUrl = image, year = year, id = null, ) }.distinctBy { a -> a.url } if (elements.isNotEmpty()) { homePageList.add( HomePageList( name = title, list = elements, isHorizontalImages = true ) ) } } if (homePageList.isNotEmpty()) { HomePageResponse( items = homePageList, hasNext = homePageList.any{ it.list.isNotEmpty() } ) } throw ErrorLoadingException("No homepage data found!") } override suspend fun search(query: String): List { val url = "$mainUrl/?s=$query" val document = app.get(url).document.getElementsByTag("body") .select("div.container > div.row") .select("div.col-md-8.col-sm-12.main-content") .select("") .select("div.item.responsive-height.col-md-4.col-sm-6.col-xs-6") //Log.i(, "Result => $document") return document.mapNotNull { val content = it.selectFirst("div.item-img > a") ?: return@mapNotNull null //Log.i(, "Result => $content") val link = fixUrlNull(content.attr("href")) ?: return@mapNotNull null val imgContent ="img") val title = imgContent.attr("alt").cleanTitle() val image = imgContent.attr("src").trim('\'') val year = null //Log.i(, "Result => Title: ${title}, Image: ${image}") MovieSearchResponse( name = title, url = link, apiName =, type = globalTvType, posterUrl = image, year = year ) }.distinctBy { it.url } } override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse { val document = app.get(url).document val body = document.getElementsByTag("body") .select("div.container > div.row") .select("div.col-md-8.col-sm-12.main-content") .firstOrNull() //Log.i(, "Result => ${body}") val videoDetailsEl = body?.select("") val innerBody = videoDetailsEl?.select("") val innerDiv = innerBody?.select("div")?.firstOrNull() // Video details val poster = innerDiv?.select("img")?.attr("src") val title = innerDiv?.selectFirst("p.wp-caption-text")?.text()?.cleanTitle() ?: "" //Log.i(, "Result => (title) $title") val descript = innerBody?.select("p")?.get(0)?.text()?.cleanTitle() //Log.i(, "ApiError => (innerDiv) ${innerBody?.select("p")}") val re = Regex("[^0-9]") var yearString = videoDetailsEl?.select("")?.firstOrNull()?.text() //Log.i(, "Result => (yearString) ${yearString}") yearString = yearString?.let { re.replace(it, "").trim() } //Log.i(, "Result => (yearString) ${yearString}") val year = yearString?.takeLast(4)?.toIntOrNull() val tags = mutableListOf() videoDetailsEl?.select("span.meta")?.forEach { //Log.i(, "Result => (span meta) $it") val caption = it?.selectFirst("span.meta-info")?.text()?.trim()?.lowercase() ?: "" when (caption) { "category", "tag" -> { val tagtexts ="a").mapNotNull { tag -> tag?.text()?.trim() ?: return@mapNotNull null } if (tagtexts.isNotEmpty()) { tags.addAll(tagtexts.filter { a -> a.isNotBlank() }.distinct()) } } } } val recs = body?.select("div.latest-wrapper > div")?.mapNotNull { val innerAImg = it?.select("div.item-img") ?: return@mapNotNull null val aName ="h3 > a").text().cleanTitle() val aImg ="img").attr("src") val aUrl ="a").get(0)?.attr("href") ?: return@mapNotNull null MovieSearchResponse( url = aUrl, name = aName, type = globalTvType, posterUrl = aImg, year = null, apiName = ) } // Video links, find if it contains multiple scene links //val sceneList = mutableListOf() val sceneList = body?.select(" > li")?.apmap { section -> val innerA = section?.select("a") ?: return@apmap null val vidlink = fixUrlNull(innerA.attr("href")) ?: return@apmap null Log.i(, "Result => (vidlink) $vidlink") val sceneCount = innerA.text().toIntOrNull() val viddoc = app.get(vidlink).document.getElementsByTag("body").get(0) val streamEpLink = viddoc?.getValidLinks()?.removeInvalidLinks() ?: "" Episode( name = "Scene $sceneCount", season = null, episode = sceneCount, data = streamEpLink, posterUrl = poster, date = null ) }?.filterNotNull() ?: listOf() if (sceneList.isNotEmpty()) { return TvSeriesLoadResponse( name = title, url = url, apiName =, type = TvType.TvSeries, episodes = sceneList.filter { }, posterUrl = poster, year = year, plot = descript, tags = tags, recommendations = recs ) } val videoLinks = body?.getValidLinks()?.removeInvalidLinks() ?: "" return MovieLoadResponse( name = title, url = url, apiName =, type = globalTvType, dataUrl = videoLinks, posterUrl = poster, year = year, plot = descript, tags = tags, recommendations = recs ) } override suspend fun loadLinks( data: String, isCasting: Boolean, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ): Boolean { var count = 0 tryParseJson>(data.trim())?.apmap { vid -> Log.i(, "Result => (vid) $vid") if (vid.startsWith("http")) { count++ when { vid.startsWith("") -> { val editedLink = vid.removePrefix("https://") val idx = editedLink.indexOf('/', 0) + 1 val finalLink = "${editedLink.substring(idx)}" loadExtractor( url = finalLink, referer = vid, subtitleCallback = subtitleCallback, callback = callback ) } vid.startsWith("") -> { val url = vid.replace("", "") loadExtractor( url = url, referer = url, subtitleCallback = subtitleCallback, callback = callback ) } else -> { loadExtractor( url = vid, referer = vid, subtitleCallback = subtitleCallback, callback = callback ) } } } } return count > 0 } private fun Element?.getValidLinks(): List? = this?.select("iframe")?.mapNotNull { iframe -> //Log.i("debug", "Result => (iframe) $iframe") fixUrlNull(iframe.attr("src")) ?: return@mapNotNull null }?.toList() private fun List.removeInvalidLinks(): String = this.filter { a -> a.isNotBlank() && !a.startsWith("") }.toJson() private fun String.cleanTitle(): String = this.trim().removePrefix(prefix).trim() }