package com.jacekun import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.MainAPI import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.TvType import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import import org.jsoup.Jsoup class JavMost : MainAPI() { private val DEV = "DevDebug" private val globaltvType = TvType.Movie override var name = "" override var mainUrl = "" override val supportedTypes = setOf(TvType.NSFW) override val hasDownloadSupport = false override val hasMainPage = true override val hasQuickSearch = false override suspend fun getMainPage( page: Int, request: MainPageRequest ): HomePageResponse { val html = app.get(mainUrl).text val document = Jsoup.parse(html) val all = ArrayList() val mainbody = document.getElementsByTag("body") ?.select("div#page-container > div#content > div#content-update > div") ?.select("div.col-md-4.col-sm-6") val title = "Homepage" // Fetch list of items and map val elements: List = mainbody!!.map { val inner ="div.card") val linkA ="div.card-block > a") val link = linkA?.firstOrNull()?.attr("href") ?: "" val name = listOfNotNull(linkA?.firstOrNull()?.text(), linkA?.getOrNull(1)?.text()).joinToString(" ") //Log.i(DEV, "Result => (name and link) ${name} / ${link}") var image = inner?.select("center > a > img")?.attr("data-src") if (image == null) { image = inner?.select("center > a > img")?.attr("src") } else { if (image == "http") { image = inner?.select("center > a > img")?.attr("src") } } //Log.i(DEV, "Result => (image) ${image}") val year ="div.card-block > p")?.text() ?.substring(0, 20)?.replace("Release", "")?.trim() ?.substring(0, 4)?.toIntOrNull() MovieSearchResponse( name, link,, globaltvType, image, year, null, ) } all.add( HomePageList( title, elements ) ) return HomePageResponse(all) } override suspend fun search(query: String): List? { val html = app.get("$mainUrl/search/${query}/").text val document = Jsoup.parse(html) val mainbody = document.getElementsByTag("body") ?.select("div#page-container > div#content > div#content-update > div") ?.select("div.col-md-4.col-sm-6") //Log.i(DEV, "Result => $document") if (mainbody != null) { return { val content ="div.card").firstOrNull() val linkImg = content?.select("a")?.firstOrNull() val href = fixUrl(linkImg?.attr("href") ?: "") var image = linkImg?.select("img")?.attr("data-src")?.trim('\'') if (image != null) { image = fixUrl(image) } //Log.i(DEV, "Result => (link) ${href}, (img) ${image}") val titleContent = content?.select("div.card-block > a") //Log.i(DEV, "Result => (titleContent) ${titleContent}") val title = when (titleContent?.size) { 2 -> listOfNotNull( titleContent[0]?.text(), titleContent[1]?.text() ).joinToString(" ") 1 -> titleContent[0]?.text() else -> "" } ?: "" //Log.i(DEV, "Result => (title) ${title}") var year: Int? = null val yearP = content?.select("div.card-block")?.firstOrNull()?.select("p") //Log.i(DEV, "Result => (yearP) ${yearP}") val yearElem = when(yearP != null) { true -> yearP?.filter { yearit -> yearit.text()?.contains("Release") == true } false -> null } val yearString = when (yearElem?.size!! > 0) { true -> yearElem?.get(0)?.text()?.substring(0, 22)?.trim() ?.replace("Release", "")?.trim() false -> null } //Log.i(DEV, "Result => (yearString) ${yearString}") if (yearString != null) { val maxSize = if (yearString.length > 4) { 4 } else { yearString.length } year = yearString?.substring(0, maxSize)?.toIntOrNull() } //Log.i(DEV, "Result => (year) ${year}") MovieSearchResponse( title, href,, globaltvType, image, year ) } } return null } override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse { val response = app.get(url).text val document = Jsoup.parse(response) //Log.i(DEV, "Url => ${url}") val body = document.getElementsByTag("head") //Log.i(DEV, "Result => ${body}") var poster = body?.select("meta[property=og:image]")?.firstOrNull()?.attr("content") if (poster != null) { poster = fixUrl(poster) } //Log.i(DEV, "Result (image) => ${poster}") val title = body?.select("meta[property=og:title]")?.firstOrNull()?.attr("content") ?: "" val descript = body?.select("meta[property=og:description]")?.firstOrNull()?.attr("content") ?: "" //Log.i(DEV, "Result => ${descript}") val streamUrl = "" val year = null return MovieLoadResponse( name = title, url = url, apiName =, type = globaltvType, dataUrl = streamUrl, posterUrl = poster, year = year, plot = descript, comingSoon = true ) } }