
252 lines
9.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-08-19 01:51:03 +00:00
package com.jacekun
import android.util.Log
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.*
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.toJson
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.tryParseJson
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Qualities
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import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.loadExtractor
import org.jsoup.Jsoup
class JavSubProvider : MainAPI() {
override var name = "JavSub"
override var mainUrl = "https://javsub.co"
override val supportedTypes: Set<TvType> get() = setOf(TvType.NSFW)
override val hasDownloadSupport: Boolean get() = true
override val hasMainPage: Boolean get() = true
override val hasQuickSearch: Boolean get() = false
private val prefixTag = "dummyTag" //For use on stream links to differentiate links
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private val globalTvType = TvType.NSFW
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data class ResponseMovieDetails(
@JsonProperty("name") val name: String?,
@JsonProperty("description") val description: String?,
@JsonProperty("thumbnailUrl") val thumbnailUrl: String?,
@JsonProperty("uploadDate") val uploadDate: String?,
@JsonProperty("contentUrl") val contentUrl: String?
override val mainPage = mainPageOf(
"$mainUrl/page/" to "Main Page",
override suspend fun getMainPage(page: Int, request: MainPageRequest): HomePageResponse {
val categoryData = request.data
val categoryName = request.name
val pagedlink = if (page > 0) categoryData + page else categoryData
val document = app.get(pagedlink).document
val homepage = document.select("main#main-content").map { it2 ->
val inner = it2?.select("article > div.post-item-wrap") ?: return@map null
//Log.i(this.name, "inner => $inner")
val elements: List<SearchResponse> = inner.mapNotNull {
//Log.i(this.name, "Inner content => $innerArticle")
val innerA = it.selectFirst("div.blog-pic-wrap > a")?: return@mapNotNull null
val link = fixUrlNull(innerA.attr("href")) ?: return@mapNotNull null
val imgArticle = innerA.selectFirst("img")
val name = innerA.attr("title") ?: imgArticle?.attr("alt") ?: "<No Title>"
val image = imgArticle?.attr("data-src")
val year = null
//Log.i(this.name, "image => $image")
name = name,
url = link,
apiName = this.name,
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type = globalTvType,
2022-08-19 01:51:03 +00:00
posterUrl = image,
year = year
}.distinctBy { a -> a.url }
name = categoryName,
list = elements,
isHorizontalImages = true
}.filterNotNull().filter { a -> a.list.isNotEmpty() }
//TODO: Replace 'homepage.first()' with 'homepage' after adding overload on newHomePageResponse()
if (homepage.isNotEmpty()) {
return newHomePageResponse(
list = homepage.first(),
hasNext = true
throw ErrorLoadingException("No homepage data found!")
override suspend fun search(query: String): List<SearchResponse> {
val url = "$mainUrl/?s=${query}"
val document = app.get(url).document.getElementsByTag("body")
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return document.mapNotNull {
2022-08-19 01:51:03 +00:00
if (it == null) { return@mapNotNull null }
val innerA = it.selectFirst("div.blog-pic-wrap > a")?: return@mapNotNull null
val link = fixUrlNull(innerA.attr("href")) ?: return@mapNotNull null
val imgArticle = innerA.selectFirst("img")
val title = innerA.attr("title") ?: imgArticle?.attr("alt") ?: "<No Title>"
val image = imgArticle?.attr("data-src")
val year = null
name = title,
url = link,
apiName = this.name,
2022-08-23 02:03:41 +00:00
type = globalTvType,
2022-08-19 01:51:03 +00:00
posterUrl = image,
year = year
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}.distinctBy { b -> b.url }
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override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse {
val document = app.get(url).document
val body = document.getElementsByTag("body")
// Default values
var title = ""
var poster : String? = null
var year : Int? = null
var descript : String? = null
// Video details
var scriptJson = ""
run breaking@{
body.select("script").forEach {
val scrAttr = it?.attr("type") ?: return@forEach
if (scrAttr.equals("application/ld+json", ignoreCase = true)) {
scriptJson = it.html() ?: ""
//Log.i(this.name, "Result => (scriptJson) $scriptJson")
// Video stream
val playerIframes: MutableList<String> = try {
//Note: Fetch all multi-link urls
document.selectFirst("div.series-listing")?.select("a")?.mapNotNull {
it?.attr("href") ?: return@mapNotNull null
}?.toMutableList() ?: mutableListOf()
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.i(this.name, "Result => Exception (load) $e")
// JAV Info
tryParseJson<ResponseMovieDetails>(scriptJson)?.let {
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//val contentUrl = it.contentUrl
2022-08-19 01:51:03 +00:00
title = it.name ?: ""
poster = it.thumbnailUrl
year = it.uploadDate?.take(4)?.toIntOrNull()
descript = "Title: $title ${System.lineSeparator()} ${it.description}"
// Add additional links, Raw link without needing to fetch from JavSub API
//if (!contentUrl.isNullOrBlank()) {
//Log.i(this.name, "Result => (contentUrl) $contentUrl")
Log.i(this.name, "Result => (playerIframes) ${playerIframes.toJson()}")
return MovieLoadResponse(
name = title,
url = url,
apiName = this.name,
2022-08-23 02:03:41 +00:00
type = globalTvType,
2022-08-19 01:51:03 +00:00
dataUrl = playerIframes.toJson(),
posterUrl = poster,
year = year,
plot = descript
override suspend fun loadLinks(
data: String,
isCasting: Boolean,
subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit,
callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit
): Boolean {
source = this.name,
name = "${this.name} VIP HD",
url = "https://biblescreen.faithlifecdn.com/biblescreen/bibleScreen/playlist.m3u8",//"https://files.catbox.moe/9czzyk.mp4",
referer = data,
quality = Qualities.P2160.value,
isM3u8 = true
2022-08-19 01:51:03 +00:00
var count = 0
tryParseJson<List<String>>(data)?.apmap { link ->
Log.i(this.name, "Result => (link) $link")
if (link.startsWith(prefixTag)) {
val linkUrl = link.removePrefix(prefixTag)
val success = extractStreamLink(linkUrl, subtitleCallback, callback)
if (success) {
else {
val innerDoc =
var innerText = innerDoc?.html() ?: ""
if (innerText.isNotBlank()) {
?.groupValues?.get(0)?.let { iframe ->
innerText = iframe.trim().trim('"')
2022-08-21 08:57:29 +00:00
Jsoup.parse(innerText).selectFirst("iframe")?.attr("src")?.let { server ->
2022-08-19 01:51:03 +00:00
val serverLink = server.replace("\\", "").replace("\"", "")
val success = extractStreamLink(serverLink, subtitleCallback, callback)
if (success) {
Log.i(this.name, "Result => (streamLink add) $serverLink")
//Log.i(this.name, "Result => count: $count")
return count > 0
private suspend fun extractStreamLink(
link: String,
subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit,
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callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit) : Boolean {
2022-08-19 01:51:03 +00:00
if (link.isNotBlank()) {
when {
link.contains("watch-jav") -> {
2022-08-21 08:57:29 +00:00
val editedLink = link.removePrefix("https://")
val idx = editedLink.indexOf('/', 0) + 1
val finalLink = "https://embedsito.com/${editedLink.substring(idx)}"
//Log.i(this.name, "WatchJav link => $finalLink / $link")
return loadExtractor(
url = finalLink,
2022-08-19 01:51:03 +00:00
referer = mainUrl,
subtitleCallback = subtitleCallback,
callback = callback
else -> {
return loadExtractor(
url = link,
referer = mainUrl,
subtitleCallback = subtitleCallback,
callback = callback
return false