package com.darkdemon import com.darkdemon.SoraJioTVExtractor.invokeBF import com.darkdemon.SoraJioTVExtractor.invokeFH import com.darkdemon.SoraJioTVExtractor.invokeFS import com.darkdemon.SoraJioTVExtractor.invokeGDL import com.darkdemon.SoraJioTVExtractor.invokeRPK import com.darkdemon.SoraJioTVExtractor.invokeSW import com.darkdemon.SoraJioTVExtractor.invokeTML import com.darkdemon.SoraJioTVExtractor.invokeTS import com.darkdemon.SoraJioTVExtractor.invokeZL import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.parseJson import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.toJson import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink open class SoraJioTVProvider : MainAPI() { // all providers must be an instance of MainAPI override var name = "SoraJioTV" override val hasMainPage = true override val hasChromecastSupport = true override var lang = "hi" override val supportedTypes = setOf( TvType.Live ) data class Channels( @JsonProperty("result") var result: ArrayList = arrayListOf() ) data class Result( @JsonProperty("channel_id") var channelId: String? = null, @JsonProperty("channel_order") var channelOrder: String? = null, @JsonProperty("channel_name") var channelName: String? = null, @JsonProperty("channelCategoryId") var channelCategoryId: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("channelLanguageId") var channelLanguageId: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("isHD") var isHD: Boolean? = null, @JsonProperty("broadcasterId") var broadcasterId: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("logoUrl") var logoUrl: String? = null ) companion object { private const val jsonUrl = "" const val GDLJioTV = "" const val FSJioTV = "" const val BFJioTV = "" const val FHJioTV = "" const val TSJioTV = "" const val RPKJioTV = "" const val TMLJioTV = "" const val SWJioTV = "" const val ZLZee5 = "" } override suspend fun getMainPage( page: Int, request: MainPageRequest ): HomePageResponse { val categories = mapOf( "Zee5" to 30, "Sonyliv" to 31, "Sports" to 8, "Entertainment" to 5, "Movies" to 6, "News" to 12, "Music" to 13, "Kids" to 7, "Lifestyle" to 9, "Infotainment" to 10, "Devotional" to 15, "Business" to 16, "Educational" to 17, "Shopping" to 18, "JioDarshan" to 19 ) val items = ArrayList() val response = app.get(jsonUrl).parsed().result categories.forEach { cat -> val results: MutableList = mutableListOf() val filtered = response.filter { it.channelCategoryId == cat.value } filtered.forEach { val title = it.channelName.toString() val posterUrl = if (it.logoUrl?.startsWith("https://") == true) it.logoUrl else "${it.logoUrl}" val quality = if (it.isHD == true) "HD" else "" results.add( newMovieSearchResponse(title, it.channelId.toString(), TvType.Live) { this.posterUrl = posterUrl this.quality = getQualityFromString(quality) } ) } items.add( HomePageList( capitalizeString(cat.key), results, isHorizontalImages = true ) ) } return HomePageResponse(items) } override suspend fun search(query: String): List { val response = app.get(jsonUrl).parsed().result val searchResults = response.filter { it.channelName?.lowercase()?.contains(query.lowercase()) == true } return { val title = it.channelName.toString() val posterUrl = if (it.logoUrl?.startsWith("https://") == true) it.logoUrl else "${it.logoUrl}" newMovieSearchResponse(title, it.channelId.toString(), TvType.Live) { this.posterUrl = posterUrl } } } override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse { val response = app.get(jsonUrl).parsed().result val searchResults = response.filter { it.channelId?.contains(url.substringAfterLast("/")) == true } val title = searchResults[0].channelName.toString() val posterUrl = "${searchResults[0].logoUrl}" return newMovieLoadResponse( title, title, TvType.Live, Result( channelId = searchResults[0].channelId, channelName = title, channelCategoryId = searchResults[0].channelCategoryId, logoUrl = searchResults[0].logoUrl ).toJson() ) { this.posterUrl = posterUrl } } override suspend fun loadLinks( data: String, isCasting: Boolean, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ): Boolean { val result = parseJson(data) when (result.channelCategoryId) { 30 -> { argamap( { invokeZL( result.channelId, callback ) }, { invokeTML( result.channelId, result.channelCategoryId, callback ) } ) } 31 -> { argamap( { invokeTML( result.logoUrl?.substringBefore(".png"), result.channelCategoryId, callback ) } ) } else -> { argamap( { invokeGDL( result.logoUrl?.substringBefore(".png"), callback ) }, { invokeFS( result.logoUrl?.substringBefore(".png"), callback ) }, { invokeFH( result.logoUrl?.substringBefore(".png"), callback ) }, { invokeTS( result.logoUrl?.substringBefore(".png"), callback ) }, { invokeRPK( result.logoUrl?.substringBefore(".png"), callback ) }, { invokeBF( result.logoUrl?.substringBefore(".png"), callback ) }, { invokeTML( result.logoUrl?.substringBefore(".png"), result.channelCategoryId, callback ) }, { invokeSW( result.logoUrl?.substringBefore(".png"), callback ) } ) } } return true } }