package com.darkdemon import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Qualities import org.jsoup.nodes.Element class MoviesModProvider : MainAPI() { // all providers must be an instance of MainAPI override var mainUrl = "" override var name = "MoviesMod" override val hasMainPage = true override var lang = "hi" override val hasDownloadSupport = true override val supportedTypes = setOf( TvType.Movie, TvType.TvSeries, TvType.Anime ) override val mainPage = mainPageOf( "$mainUrl/latest-released/page/" to "Popular Movies", "$mainUrl/movies/adult-movies/page/" to "Adult Movies", "$mainUrl/tv-series/page/" to "Popular Series", "$mainUrl/k-drama/page/" to "K-Drama", "$mainUrl/tv-series/hindi-tv-show/" to "Hindi Series", "$mainUrl/tv-series/english-tv-shows/page/" to "English Series", "$mainUrl/french-web-series/page/" to "French Series", "$mainUrl/spanish-series/page/" to "Spanish", "$mainUrl/anime/page/" to "Anime" ) override suspend fun getMainPage( page: Int, request: MainPageRequest ): HomePageResponse { val document = app.get( + page).document val home ="article").mapNotNull { it.toSearchResult() } return newHomePageResponse(, home) } private fun Element.toSearchResult(): SearchResponse? { val title = this.selectFirst("h2")?.text()?.replace("""(\(.*${'$'})""".toRegex(), "") ?.replace("Download", "")?.trim() ?: return null val href = fixUrl(this.selectFirst("a")?.attr("href").toString()) val posterUrl = fixUrlNull(getImageSrc(this.selectFirst("img")!!)) val quality = getQualityFromString(title) return newMovieSearchResponse(title, href, TvType.Movie) { this.posterUrl = posterUrl this.quality = quality } } override suspend fun search(query: String): List { val document = app.get("$mainUrl/?s=$query").document return".post-item").mapNotNull { it.toSearchResult() } } override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse? { val document = app.get(url).document val title = document.selectFirst(".thecontent li")?.text()?.trim()?.replace("Full Name: ", "") ?: return null val year = """\((\d{4})""".toRegex() .find(".entry-title").text())?.groupValues?.get(1) ?.toIntOrNull() val description = document.selectFirst(".thecontent > p:nth-child(8)")?.text()?.trim() val tvType = if (url.contains("season")) TvType.TvSeries else TvType.Movie val href1 = if (tvType == TvType.Movie)"h4:contains(1080p), h4:contains(720p)") else "h3:contains(1080p):contains(S0),h3:contains(1080p):contains(Season), h3:contains(720p):contains(S0),h3:contains(720p):contains(Season)" ) val episodeslist = mutableMapOf>() var num = 0 val episodeUrls = mutableMapOf>() val movieLinks = mutableListOf() if (tvType == TvType.TvSeries) { href1.associate { it.text() to it.nextElementSibling()?.firstChild()?.attr("href") }.filterValues { it != null } .filterValues { it!!.contains("") }.map { (k, v) -> val s = """S(\d+)|.eason\s(\d+)""".toRegex().find(k)?.groupValues?.get(0) ?.filter { it.isDigit() }?.toInt()!! if (num == s) episodeUrls[s]?.plusAssign(v!!) else { num = s episodeUrls[s] = mutableListOf(v!!) } } val episodes = mutableListOf() episodeUrls.forEach { (season, urls) -> var count = 0 urls.forEach { url -> app.get(url)"h3").mapNotNull { res -> val episode ="strong").text().filter { it.isDigit() }.toInt() val href ="a").attr("href") if (count == season) episodeslist[episode]?.plusAssign(href) else { episodeslist[episode] = mutableListOf(href) } } count = season } episodeslist.forEach { (e, u) -> episodes += Episode( data = u.toString(), episode = e, season = season ) } } return newTvSeriesLoadResponse(title, url, TvType.TvSeries, episodes) { this.year = year this.plot = description } } else { href1.associate { it.text() to it.nextElementSibling()?.firstChild()?.attr("href") }.filterValues { it != null } .filterValues { it!!.contains("") }.map { (k, v) -> val s = """(1080)""".toRegex().find(k)?.groupValues?.get(0)?.filter { it.isDigit() } ?.toInt()!! if (num == s) episodeUrls[s]?.plusAssign(v!!) else { num = s episodeUrls[s] = mutableListOf(v!!) } } episodeUrls[1080]?.map { u -> movieLinks += app.get(u)"a:contains(Fast Server),a:contains(Google Drive)") .mapNotNull { it.attr("href") } } return newMovieLoadResponse(title, url, TvType.Movie, movieLinks) { //this.posterUrl = poster this.year = year this.plot = description } } } override suspend fun loadLinks( data: String, isCasting: Boolean, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ): Boolean { data.splitToSequence(",").toList().forEach { val url = it.replace("\"", "").replace("[", "").replace("]", "") val source = if (it.contains("")) driveHub(bypassHrefli(url)!!) else driveHub( url ) if (source.contains("404")) return@forEach else callback.invoke( ExtractorLink(,, source, "", quality = Qualities.P1080.value, ) ) } return true } private suspend fun bypassHrefli(url: String): String? { val direct = url.removePrefix("") val res = app.get(direct).document val formLink ="form#landing").attr("action") val wpHttp ="input[name=_wp_http]").attr("value") val res2 =, data = mapOf("_wp_http" to wpHttp)).document val formLink2 ="form#landing").attr("action") val wpHttp2 ="input[name=_wp_http2]").attr("value") val token ="input[name=token]").attr("value") val res3 = formLink2, data = mapOf( "_wp_http2" to wpHttp2, "token" to token ) ).document val script = res3.selectFirst("script:containsData(verify_button)")?.data() val directLink = script?.substringAfter("\"href\",\"")?.substringBefore("\")") val matchCookies = Regex("sumitbot_\\('(\\S+?)',\n|.?'(\\S+?)',").findAll(script ?: return null).map { it.groupValues[1] to it.groupValues[2] }.toList() val cookeName = matchCookies.firstOrNull()?.second ?: return null val cookeValue = matchCookies.lastOrNull()?.second ?: return null val cookies = mapOf( cookeName to cookeValue ) return app.get( directLink ?: return null, cookies = cookies ).document.selectFirst("meta[http-equiv=refresh]")?.attr("content")?.substringAfter("url=") } private suspend fun driveHub(url: String): String { val domain = if (url.startsWith("")) "" else "" val path = app.get(url, allowRedirects = true).text.substringAfter("/").substringBefore("\"") if (path.contains("404")) return path val html = app.get("$domain/$path") val cookies = html.cookies val key = """key",\s+"(.*?)"""".toRegex().find("body > script:nth-child(8)").toString() )?.groupValues?.get(1)!! val fileId ="div.card-body > div:nth-child(2) > a").attr("href") .substringAfterLast("/") val link = url = "$domain/file/${fileId}", cookies = cookies, data = mapOf( "action" to "direct", "key" to key, ), headers = mapOf( "Content-Type" to "multipart/form-data; boundary=----", "x-token" to domain.substringAfter("//") ), referer = "$domain/file/${fileId}" ).parsed().url return """worker_link\s=\s'(.*mkv)""".toRegex().find( app.get(link)"body > script:nth-child(7)").toString() )?.groupValues?.get(1).toString() } private fun getImageSrc(tag: Element): String { var image = "" val src = tag.attr("src") val lazySrc = tag.attr("data-pagespeed-lazy-src") val highResSrc = tag.attr("data-pagespeed-high-res-src") if (!src.isNullOrEmpty() and !src.startsWith("data") and !src.contains(".gif")) { image = tag.attr("src") } else if (!lazySrc.isNullOrEmpty() and !lazySrc.startsWith("data") and !lazySrc.contains(".gif")) { image = tag.attr("data-pagespeed-lazy-src") } else if (!highResSrc.isNullOrEmpty() and !highResSrc.startsWith("data") and !highResSrc.contains( ".gif" ) ) { image = tag.attr("data-pagespeed-high-res-src") } return image } data class DriveHub( @JsonProperty("url") var url: String ) }