package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.result import android.annotation.SuppressLint import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import android.content.Intent.* import android.content.res.ColorStateList import import android.os.Build import android.os.Bundle import android.text.Editable import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.AbsListView import android.widget.ArrayAdapter import android.widget.ImageView import import androidx.core.view.isGone import androidx.core.view.isVisible import androidx.core.widget.doOnTextChanged import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager import com.discord.panels.OverlappingPanelsLayout import import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.APIHolder.getApiDubstatusSettings import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.APIHolder.getApiFromNameNull import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.APIHolder.updateHasTrailers import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.DubStatus import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.MainActivity.Companion.afterPluginsLoadedEvent import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.R import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.SearchResponse import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.TvType import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.syncproviders.providers.Kitsu import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.WatchType import import import import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.quicksearch.QuickSearchFragment import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.result.EpisodeAdapter.Companion.getPlayerAction import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.settings.SettingsFragment.Companion.isTrueTvSettings import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.settings.SettingsFragment.Companion.isTvSettings import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.getNameFull import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.html import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.loadCache import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.openBrowser import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Coroutines.ioWorkSafe import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Coroutines.main import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.DataStoreHelper.getViewPos import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.SingleSelectionHelper.showBottomDialog import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.colorFromAttribute import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.dismissSafe import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.fixPaddingStatusbar import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.hideKeyboard import* import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import* import* import* import kotlinx.coroutines.delay import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking import const val START_ACTION_RESUME_LATEST = 1 const val START_ACTION_LOAD_EP = 2 data class ResultEpisode( val headerName: String, val name: String?, val poster: String?, val episode: Int, val seasonIndex: Int?, // this is the "season" index used season names val season: Int?, // this is the display val data: String, val apiName: String, val id: Int, val index: Int, val position: Long, // time in MS val duration: Long, // duration in MS val rating: Int?, val description: String?, val isFiller: Boolean?, val tvType: TvType, val parentId: Int, ) fun ResultEpisode.getRealPosition(): Long { if (duration <= 0) return 0 val percentage = position * 100 / duration if (percentage <= 5 || percentage >= 95) return 0 return position } fun ResultEpisode.getDisplayPosition(): Long { if (duration <= 0) return 0 val percentage = position * 100 / duration if (percentage <= 1) return 0 if (percentage <= 5) return 5 * duration / 100 if (percentage >= 95) return duration return position } fun buildResultEpisode( headerName: String, name: String? = null, poster: String? = null, episode: Int, seasonIndex: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, data: String, apiName: String, id: Int, index: Int, rating: Int? = null, description: String? = null, isFiller: Boolean? = null, tvType: TvType, parentId: Int, ): ResultEpisode { val posDur = getViewPos(id) return ResultEpisode( headerName, name, poster, episode, seasonIndex, season, data, apiName, id, index, posDur?.position ?: 0, posDur?.duration ?: 0, rating, description, isFiller, tvType, parentId, ) } /** 0f-1f */ fun ResultEpisode.getWatchProgress(): Float { return (getDisplayPosition() / 1000).toFloat() / (duration / 1000).toFloat() } open class ResultFragment : ResultTrailerPlayer() { companion object { const val URL_BUNDLE = "url" const val API_NAME_BUNDLE = "apiName" const val SEASON_BUNDLE = "season" const val EPISODE_BUNDLE = "episode" const val START_ACTION_BUNDLE = "startAction" const val START_VALUE_BUNDLE = "startValue" const val RESTART_BUNDLE = "restart" fun newInstance( card: SearchResponse, startAction: Int = 0, startValue: Int? = null ): Bundle { return Bundle().apply { putString(URL_BUNDLE, card.url) putString(API_NAME_BUNDLE, card.apiName) if (card is DataStoreHelper.ResumeWatchingResult) { if (card.season != null) putInt(SEASON_BUNDLE, card.season) if (card.episode != null) putInt(EPISODE_BUNDLE, card.episode) } putInt(START_ACTION_BUNDLE, startAction) if (startValue != null) putInt(START_VALUE_BUNDLE, startValue) putBoolean(RESTART_BUNDLE, true) } } fun newInstance( url: String, apiName: String, startAction: Int = 0, startValue: Int = 0 ): Bundle { return Bundle().apply { putString(URL_BUNDLE, url) putString(API_NAME_BUNDLE, apiName) putInt(START_ACTION_BUNDLE, startAction) putInt(START_VALUE_BUNDLE, startValue) putBoolean(RESTART_BUNDLE, true) } } fun updateUI() { updateUIListener?.invoke() } private var updateUIListener: (() -> Unit)? = null } open fun setTrailers(trailers: List?) {} protected lateinit var viewModel: ResultViewModel2 //by activityViewModels() protected lateinit var syncModel: SyncViewModel protected open val resultLayout = R.layout.fragment_result_swipe override fun onCreateView( inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?, ): View? { viewModel = ViewModelProvider(this)[] syncModel = ViewModelProvider(this)[] return inflater.inflate(resultLayout, container, false) } private var downloadButton: EasyDownloadButton? = null override fun onDestroyView() { updateUIListener = null (result_episodes?.adapter as EpisodeAdapter?)?.killAdapter() downloadButton?.dispose() super.onDestroyView() } override fun onResume() { afterPluginsLoadedEvent += ::reloadViewModel super.onResume() activity?.let { it.window?.navigationBarColor = it.colorFromAttribute(R.attr.primaryBlackBackground) } } override fun onDestroy() { afterPluginsLoadedEvent -= ::reloadViewModel super.onDestroy() } /// 0 = LOADING, 1 = ERROR LOADING, 2 = LOADED private fun updateVisStatus(state: Int) { when (state) { 0 -> { result_bookmark_fab?.isGone = true result_loading?.isVisible = true result_finish_loading?.isVisible = false result_loading_error?.isVisible = false } 1 -> { result_bookmark_fab?.isGone = true result_loading?.isVisible = false result_finish_loading?.isVisible = false result_loading_error?.isVisible = true result_reload_connection_open_in_browser?.isVisible = true } 2 -> { result_bookmark_fab?.isGone = isTrueTvSettings() result_bookmark_fab?.extend() //if (result_bookmark_button?.context?.isTrueTvSettings() == true) { // when { // result_play_movie?.isVisible == true -> { // result_play_movie?.requestFocus() // } // result_resume_series_button?.isVisible == true -> { // result_resume_series_button?.requestFocus() // } // else -> { // result_bookmark_button?.requestFocus() // } // } //} result_loading?.isVisible = false result_finish_loading?.isVisible = true result_loading_error?.isVisible = false } } } open fun setRecommendations(rec: List?, validApiName: String?) { } private fun updateUI() { syncModel.updateUserData() viewModel.reloadEpisodes() } open fun updateMovie(data: ResourceSome>) { when (data) { is ResourceSome.Success -> { data.value.let { (text, ep) -> result_play_movie.setText(text) result_play_movie?.setOnClickListener { viewModel.handleAction( activity, EpisodeClickEvent(ACTION_CLICK_DEFAULT, ep) ) } result_play_movie?.setOnLongClickListener { viewModel.handleAction( activity, EpisodeClickEvent(ACTION_SHOW_OPTIONS, ep) ) return@setOnLongClickListener true } main { val file = ioWorkSafe { context?.let { VideoDownloadManager.getDownloadFileInfoAndUpdateSettings( it, ) } } downloadButton?.dispose() downloadButton = EasyDownloadButton() downloadButton?.setUpMoreButton( file?.fileLength, file?.totalBytes, result_movie_progress_downloaded ?: return@main, result_movie_download_icon ?: return@main, result_movie_download_text ?: return@main, result_movie_download_text_precentage ?: return@main, result_download_movie ?: return@main, true, VideoDownloadHelper.DownloadEpisodeCached(, ep.poster, 0, null,,, null, null, System.currentTimeMillis(), ) ) { click -> when (click.action) { DOWNLOAD_ACTION_DOWNLOAD -> { viewModel.handleAction( activity, EpisodeClickEvent(ACTION_DOWNLOAD_EPISODE, ep) ) } else -> handleDownloadClick(activity, click) } } result_movie_progress_downloaded_holder?.isVisible = true } } } else -> { result_movie_progress_downloaded_holder?.isVisible = false result_play_movie?.isVisible = false } } } open fun updateEpisodes(episodes: ResourceSome>) { when (episodes) { is ResourceSome.None -> { result_episode_loading?.isVisible = false result_episodes?.isVisible = false } is ResourceSome.Loading -> { result_episode_loading?.isVisible = true result_episodes?.isVisible = false } is ResourceSome.Success -> { result_episodes?.isVisible = true result_episode_loading?.isVisible = false /* * Okay so what is this fuckery? * Basically Android TV will crash if you request a new focus while * the adapter gets updated. * * This means that if you load thumbnails and request a next focus at the same time * the app will crash without any way to catch it! * * How to bypass this? * This code basically steals the focus for 500ms and puts it in an inescapable view * then lets out the focus by requesting focus to result_episodes */ // Do not use this.isTv, that is the player val isTv = isTvSettings() val hasEpisodes = !(result_episodes?.adapter as? EpisodeAdapter?)?.cardList.isNullOrEmpty() if (isTv && hasEpisodes) { // Make it impossible to focus anywhere else! temporary_no_focus?.isFocusable = true temporary_no_focus?.requestFocus() } (result_episodes?.adapter as? EpisodeAdapter?)?.updateList(episodes.value) if (isTv && hasEpisodes) main { delay(500) temporary_no_focus?.isFocusable = false // This might make some people sad as it changes the focus when leaving an episode :( result_episodes?.requestFocus() } } } } data class StoredData( val url: String?, val apiName: String, val showFillers: Boolean, val dubStatus: DubStatus, val start: AutoResume?, val playerAction: Int ) private fun getStoredData(context: Context): StoredData? { val settingsManager = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) val url = arguments?.getString(URL_BUNDLE) val apiName = arguments?.getString(API_NAME_BUNDLE) ?: return null val showFillers = settingsManager.getBoolean(context.getString(R.string.show_fillers_key), false) val dubStatus = if (context.getApiDubstatusSettings() .contains(DubStatus.Dubbed) ) DubStatus.Dubbed else DubStatus.Subbed val startAction = arguments?.getInt(START_ACTION_BUNDLE) val playerAction = getPlayerAction(context) val start = startAction?.let { action -> val startValue = arguments?.getInt(START_VALUE_BUNDLE) val resumeEpisode = arguments?.getInt(EPISODE_BUNDLE) val resumeSeason = arguments?.getInt(SEASON_BUNDLE) arguments?.remove(START_VALUE_BUNDLE) arguments?.remove(START_ACTION_BUNDLE) AutoResume( startAction = action, id = startValue, episode = resumeEpisode, season = resumeSeason ) } return StoredData(url, apiName, showFillers, dubStatus, start, playerAction) } private fun reloadViewModel(success: Boolean = false) { if (!viewModel.hasLoaded()) { val storedData = getStoredData(activity ?: context ?: return) ?: return //viewModel.clear() viewModel.load( activity, storedData.url ?: return, storedData.apiName, storedData.showFillers, storedData.dubStatus, storedData.start ) } } @SuppressLint("SetTextI18n") override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) result_cast_items?.adapter = ActorAdaptor() updateUIListener = ::updateUI val restart = arguments?.getBoolean(RESTART_BUNDLE) ?: false if (restart) { arguments?.putBoolean(RESTART_BUNDLE, false) } activity?.window?.decorView?.clearFocus() hideKeyboard() context?.updateHasTrailers() activity?.loadCache() activity?.fixPaddingStatusbar(result_top_bar) //activity?.fixPaddingStatusbar(result_barstatus) /* val backParameter = result_back.layoutParams as FrameLayout.LayoutParams backParameter.setMargins( backParameter.leftMargin, backParameter.topMargin + requireContext().getStatusBarHeight(), backParameter.rightMargin, backParameter.bottomMargin ) result_back.layoutParams = backParameter*/ // activity?.fixPaddingStatusbar(result_toolbar) val storedData = (activity ?: context)?.let { getStoredData(it) } syncModel.addFromUrl(storedData?.url) val api = getApiFromNameNull(storedData?.apiName) result_episodes?.adapter = EpisodeAdapter( api?.hasDownloadSupport == true, { episodeClick -> viewModel.handleAction(activity, episodeClick) }, { downloadClickEvent -> handleDownloadClick(activity, downloadClickEvent) } ) observe(viewModel.watchStatus) { watchType -> result_bookmark_button?.text = getString(watchType.stringRes) result_bookmark_fab?.text = getString(watchType.stringRes) if (watchType == WatchType.NONE) { result_bookmark_fab?.context?.colorFromAttribute(R.attr.white) } else { result_bookmark_fab?.context?.colorFromAttribute(R.attr.colorPrimary) }?.let { val colorState = ColorStateList.valueOf(it) result_bookmark_fab?.iconTint = colorState result_bookmark_fab?.setTextColor(colorState) } result_bookmark_fab?.setOnClickListener { fab -> activity?.showBottomDialog( WatchType.values().map { fab.context.getString(it.stringRes) }.toList(), watchType.ordinal, fab.context.getString(R.string.action_add_to_bookmarks), showApply = false, {}) { viewModel.updateWatchStatus(WatchType.values()[it]) } } result_bookmark_button?.setOnClickListener { fab -> activity?.showBottomDialog( WatchType.values().map { fab.context.getString(it.stringRes) }.toList(), watchType.ordinal, fab.context.getString(R.string.action_add_to_bookmarks), showApply = false, {}) { viewModel.updateWatchStatus(WatchType.values()[it]) } } } // This is to band-aid FireTV navigation val isTv = isTvSettings() result_season_button?.isFocusableInTouchMode = isTv result_episode_select?.isFocusableInTouchMode = isTv result_dub_select?.isFocusableInTouchMode = isTv context?.let { ctx -> val arrayAdapter = ArrayAdapter(ctx, R.layout.sort_bottom_single_choice) /* -1 -> None 0 -> Watching 1 -> Completed 2 -> OnHold 3 -> Dropped 4 -> PlanToWatch 5 -> ReWatching */ val items = listOf( R.string.none, R.string.type_watching, R.string.type_completed, R.string.type_on_hold, R.string.type_dropped, R.string.type_plan_to_watch, R.string.type_re_watching ).map { ctx.getString(it) } arrayAdapter.addAll(items) result_sync_check?.choiceMode = AbsListView.CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE result_sync_check?.adapter = arrayAdapter UIHelper.setListViewHeightBasedOnItems(result_sync_check) result_sync_check?.setOnItemClickListener { _, _, which, _ -> syncModel.setStatus(which - 1) } result_sync_rating?.addOnChangeListener { _, value, _ -> syncModel.setScore(value.toInt()) } result_sync_add_episode?.setOnClickListener { syncModel.setEpisodesDelta(1) } result_sync_sub_episode?.setOnClickListener { syncModel.setEpisodesDelta(-1) } result_sync_current_episodes?.doOnTextChanged { text, _, before, count -> if (count == before) return@doOnTextChanged text?.toString()?.toIntOrNull()?.let { ep -> syncModel.setEpisodes(ep) } } } observe(syncModel.synced) { list -> result_sync_names?.text = list.filter { it.isSynced && it.hasAccount }.joinToString { } val newList = list.filter { it.isSynced && it.hasAccount } result_mini_sync?.isVisible = newList.isNotEmpty() (result_mini_sync?.adapter as? ImageAdapter?)?.updateList(newList.mapNotNull { it.icon }) } var currentSyncProgress = 0 fun setSyncMaxEpisodes(totalEpisodes: Int?) { result_sync_episodes?.max = (totalEpisodes ?: 0) * 1000 normalSafeApiCall { val ctx = result_sync_max_episodes?.context result_sync_max_episodes?.text = totalEpisodes?.let { episodes -> ctx?.getString(R.string.sync_total_episodes_some)?.format(episodes) } ?: run { ctx?.getString(R.string.sync_total_episodes_none) } } } observe(syncModel.metadata) { meta -> when (meta) { is Resource.Success -> { val d = meta.value result_sync_episodes?.progress = currentSyncProgress * 1000 setSyncMaxEpisodes(d.totalEpisodes) viewModel.setMeta(d, syncModel.getSyncs()) } is Resource.Loading -> { result_sync_max_episodes?.text = result_sync_max_episodes?.context?.getString(R.string.sync_total_episodes_none) } else -> {} } } observe(syncModel.userData) { status -> var closed = false when (status) { is Resource.Failure -> { result_sync_loading_shimmer?.stopShimmer() result_sync_loading_shimmer?.isVisible = false result_sync_holder?.isVisible = false closed = true } is Resource.Loading -> { result_sync_loading_shimmer?.startShimmer() result_sync_loading_shimmer?.isVisible = true result_sync_holder?.isVisible = false } is Resource.Success -> { result_sync_loading_shimmer?.stopShimmer() result_sync_loading_shimmer?.isVisible = false result_sync_holder?.isVisible = true val d = status.value result_sync_rating?.value = d.score?.toFloat() ?: 0.0f result_sync_check?.setItemChecked(d.status + 1, true) val watchedEpisodes = d.watchedEpisodes ?: 0 currentSyncProgress = watchedEpisodes d.maxEpisodes?.let { // don't directly call it because we don't want to override metadata observe setSyncMaxEpisodes(it) } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) { result_sync_episodes?.setProgress(watchedEpisodes * 1000, true) } else { result_sync_episodes?.progress = watchedEpisodes * 1000 } result_sync_current_episodes?.text = Editable.Factory.getInstance()?.newEditable(watchedEpisodes.toString()) normalSafeApiCall { // format might fail context?.getString(R.string.sync_score_format)?.format(d.score ?: 0)?.let { result_sync_score_text?.text = it } } } null -> { closed = false } } result_overlapping_panels?.setStartPanelLockState(if (closed) OverlappingPanelsLayout.LockState.CLOSE else OverlappingPanelsLayout.LockState.UNLOCKED) } observe(viewModel.resumeWatching) { resume -> when (resume) { is Some.Success -> { result_resume_parent?.isVisible = true val value = resume.value value.progress?.let { progress -> result_resume_series_title?.apply { isVisible = !value.isMovie text = if (value.isMovie) null else activity?.getNameFull(, value.result.episode, value.result.season ) } result_resume_series_progress_text.setText(progress.progressLeft) result_resume_series_progress?.apply { isVisible = true this.max = progress.maxProgress this.progress = progress.progress } result_resume_progress_holder?.isVisible = true } ?: run { result_resume_progress_holder?.isVisible = false result_resume_series_progress?.isVisible = false result_resume_series_title?.isVisible = false result_resume_series_progress_text?.isVisible = false } result_resume_series_button?.isVisible = !value.isMovie result_resume_series_button_play?.isVisible = !value.isMovie val click = View.OnClickListener { viewModel.handleAction( activity, EpisodeClickEvent( storedData?.playerAction ?: ACTION_PLAY_EPISODE_IN_PLAYER, value.result ) ) } result_resume_series_button?.setOnClickListener(click) result_resume_series_button_play?.setOnClickListener(click) } is Some.None -> { result_resume_parent?.isVisible = false } } } observe(viewModel.episodes) { episodes -> updateEpisodes(episodes) } result_cast_items?.setOnFocusChangeListener { _, hasFocus -> // Always escape focus if (hasFocus) result_bookmark_button?.requestFocus() } result_sync_set_score?.setOnClickListener { syncModel.publishUserData() } observe(viewModel.trailers) { trailers -> setTrailers(trailers.flatMap { it.mirros }) // I dont care about subtitles yet! } observe(viewModel.recommendations) { recommendations -> setRecommendations(recommendations, null) } observe( { data -> updateMovie(data) } observe( { data -> when (data) { is Resource.Success -> { val d = data.value updateVisStatus(2) result_vpn.setText(d.vpnText) result_info.setText(d.metaText) result_no_episodes.setText(d.noEpisodesFoundText) result_title.setText(d.titleText) result_meta_site.setText(d.apiName) result_meta_type.setText(d.typeText) result_meta_year.setText(d.yearText) result_meta_duration.setText(d.durationText) result_meta_rating.setText(d.ratingText) result_cast_text.setText(d.actorsText) result_next_airing.setText(d.nextAiringEpisode) result_next_airing_time.setText(d.nextAiringDate) result_poster.setImage(d.posterImage) if (d.posterImage != null && !isTrueTvSettings()) result_poster_holder?.setOnClickListener { try { context?.let { ctx -> runBlocking { val sourceBuilder = AlertDialog.Builder(ctx) sourceBuilder.setView(R.layout.result_poster) val sourceDialog = sourceBuilder.create() sourceDialog.findViewById( ?.apply { setImage(d.posterImage) setOnClickListener { sourceDialog.dismissSafe() } } } } } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) } } result_cast_items?.isVisible = d.actors != null (result_cast_items?.adapter as ActorAdaptor?)?.apply { updateList(d.actors ?: emptyList()) } result_open_in_browser?.isVisible = d.url.startsWith("http") result_open_in_browser?.setOnClickListener { val i = Intent(ACTION_VIEW) = Uri.parse(d.url) try { startActivity(i) } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) } } result_search?.setOnClickListener { QuickSearchFragment.pushSearch(activity, d.title) } result_share?.setOnClickListener { try { val i = Intent(ACTION_SEND) i.type = "text/plain" i.putExtra(EXTRA_SUBJECT, d.title) i.putExtra(EXTRA_TEXT, d.url) startActivity(createChooser(i, d.title)) } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) } } if (syncModel.addSyncs(d.syncData)) { syncModel.updateMetaAndUser() syncModel.updateSynced() } else { syncModel.addFromUrl(d.url) } result_description.setTextHtml(d.plotText) if (this !is ResultFragmentTv) // dont want this clickable on tv layout result_description?.setOnClickListener { view -> view.context?.let { ctx -> val builder: AlertDialog.Builder = AlertDialog.Builder(ctx, builder.setMessage(d.plotText.asString(ctx).html()) .setTitle(d.plotHeaderText.asString(ctx)) .show() } } result_tag?.removeAllViews() d.comingSoon.let { soon -> result_coming_soon?.isVisible = soon result_data_holder?.isGone = soon } val tags = d.tags result_tag_holder?.isVisible = tags.isNotEmpty() result_tag?.apply { tags.forEach { tag -> val chip = Chip(context) val chipDrawable = ChipDrawable.createFromAttributes( context, null, 0, ) chip.setChipDrawable(chipDrawable) chip.text = tag chip.isChecked = false chip.isCheckable = false chip.isFocusable = false chip.isClickable = false addView(chip) } } // if (tags.isNotEmpty()) { //result_tag_holder?.visibility = VISIBLE //val isOnTv = isTrueTvSettings() /*for ((index, tag) in tags.withIndex()) { val viewBtt = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.result_tag, null) val btt = viewBtt.findViewById( btt.text = tag btt.isFocusable = !isOnTv btt.isClickable = !isOnTv result_tag?.addView(viewBtt, index) }*/ //} } is Resource.Failure -> { result_error_text.text = storedData?.url?.plus("\n") + data.errorString updateVisStatus(1) } is Resource.Loading -> { updateVisStatus(0) } } } context?.let { ctx -> //result_bookmark_button?.isVisible = ctx.isTvSettings() val settingsManager = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(ctx) Kitsu.isEnabled = settingsManager.getBoolean(ctx.getString(R.string.show_kitsu_posters_key), true) if (storedData?.url != null) { result_reload_connectionerror.setOnClickListener { viewModel.load( activity, storedData.url, storedData.apiName, storedData.showFillers, storedData.dubStatus, storedData.start ) } result_reload_connection_open_in_browser?.setOnClickListener { val i = Intent(ACTION_VIEW) = Uri.parse(storedData.url) try { startActivity(i) } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) } } result_open_in_browser?.isVisible = storedData.url.startsWith("http") result_open_in_browser?.setOnClickListener { val i = Intent(ACTION_VIEW) = Uri.parse(storedData.url) try { startActivity(i) } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) } } // bloats the navigation on tv if (!isTrueTvSettings()) { result_meta_site?.setOnClickListener { it.context?.openBrowser(storedData.url) } result_meta_site?.isFocusable = true } else { result_meta_site?.isFocusable = false } if (restart || !viewModel.hasLoaded()) { //viewModel.clear() viewModel.load( activity, storedData.url, storedData.apiName, storedData.showFillers, storedData.dubStatus, storedData.start ) } } } } }