package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.result import android.os.Bundle import import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.APIHolder.getApiDubstatusSettings import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.DubStatus import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.R import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.SearchResponse import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.TvType import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.result.EpisodeAdapter.Companion.getPlayerAction import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.DataStoreHelper import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.DataStoreHelper.getVideoWatchState import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.DataStoreHelper.getViewPos import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Event const val START_ACTION_RESUME_LATEST = 1 const val START_ACTION_LOAD_EP = 2 /** * Future proofed way to mark episodes as watched **/ enum class VideoWatchState { /** Default value when no key is set */ None, Watched } data class ResultEpisode( val headerName: String, val name: String?, val poster: String?, val episode: Int, val seasonIndex: Int?, // this is the "season" index used season names val season: Int?, // this is the display val data: String, val apiName: String, val id: Int, val index: Int, val position: Long, // time in MS val duration: Long, // duration in MS val rating: Int?, val description: String?, val isFiller: Boolean?, val tvType: TvType, val parentId: Int, /** * Conveys if the episode itself is marked as watched **/ val videoWatchState: VideoWatchState, /** Sum of all previous season episode counts + episode */ val totalEpisodeIndex: Int? = null, val airDate: Long? = null, ) fun ResultEpisode.getRealPosition(): Long { if (duration <= 0) return 0 val percentage = position * 100 / duration if (percentage <= 5 || percentage >= 95) return 0 return position } fun ResultEpisode.getDisplayPosition(): Long { if (duration <= 0) return 0 val percentage = position * 100 / duration if (percentage <= 1) return 0 if (percentage <= 5) return 5 * duration / 100 if (percentage >= 95) return duration return position } fun buildResultEpisode( headerName: String, name: String? = null, poster: String? = null, episode: Int, seasonIndex: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, data: String, apiName: String, id: Int, index: Int, rating: Int? = null, description: String? = null, isFiller: Boolean? = null, tvType: TvType, parentId: Int, totalEpisodeIndex: Int? = null, airDate: Long? = null, ): ResultEpisode { val posDur = getViewPos(id) val videoWatchState = getVideoWatchState(id) ?: VideoWatchState.None return ResultEpisode( headerName, name, poster, episode, seasonIndex, season, data, apiName, id, index, posDur?.position ?: 0, posDur?.duration ?: 0, rating, description, isFiller, tvType, parentId, videoWatchState, totalEpisodeIndex, airDate, ) } /** 0f-1f */ fun ResultEpisode.getWatchProgress(): Float { return (getDisplayPosition() / 1000).toFloat() / (duration / 1000).toFloat() } object ResultFragment { private const val URL_BUNDLE = "url" private const val API_NAME_BUNDLE = "apiName" private const val SEASON_BUNDLE = "season" private const val EPISODE_BUNDLE = "episode" private const val START_ACTION_BUNDLE = "startAction" private const val START_VALUE_BUNDLE = "startValue" private const val RESTART_BUNDLE = "restart" fun newInstance( card: SearchResponse, startAction: Int = 0, startValue: Int? = null ): Bundle { return Bundle().apply { putString(URL_BUNDLE, card.url) putString(API_NAME_BUNDLE, card.apiName) if (card is DataStoreHelper.ResumeWatchingResult) { if (card.season != null) putInt(SEASON_BUNDLE, card.season) if (card.episode != null) putInt(EPISODE_BUNDLE, card.episode) } putInt(START_ACTION_BUNDLE, startAction) if (startValue != null) putInt(START_VALUE_BUNDLE, startValue) putBoolean(RESTART_BUNDLE, true) } } fun newInstance( url: String, apiName: String, startAction: Int = 0, startValue: Int = 0 ): Bundle { return Bundle().apply { putString(URL_BUNDLE, url) putString(API_NAME_BUNDLE, apiName) putInt(START_ACTION_BUNDLE, startAction) putInt(START_VALUE_BUNDLE, startValue) putBoolean(RESTART_BUNDLE, true) } } fun updateUI(id: Int? = null) { // updateUIListener?.invoke() updateUIEvent.invoke(id) } val updateUIEvent = Event() //private var updateUIListener: (() -> Unit)? = null //protected open val resultLayout = R.layout.fragment_result_swipe /* override var layout = R.layout.fragment_result_swipe override fun onCreateView( inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?, ): View? { return super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState) //return inflater.inflate(resultLayout, container, false) } override fun onDestroyView() { updateUIListener = null super.onDestroyView() } override fun onResume() { afterPluginsLoadedEvent += ::reloadViewModel super.onResume() activity?.let { it.window?.navigationBarColor = it.colorFromAttribute(R.attr.primaryBlackBackground) } } override fun onDestroy() { afterPluginsLoadedEvent -= ::reloadViewModel super.onDestroy() } private fun updateUI() { syncModel.updateUserData() viewModel.reloadEpisodes() }*/ data class StoredData( val url: String, val apiName: String, val showFillers: Boolean, val dubStatus: DubStatus, val start: AutoResume?, val playerAction: Int, val restart : Boolean, ) fun Fragment.getStoredData(): StoredData? { val context = this.context ?: this.activity ?: return null val settingsManager = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) val url = arguments?.getString(URL_BUNDLE) ?: return null val apiName = arguments?.getString(API_NAME_BUNDLE) ?: return null val showFillers = settingsManager.getBoolean(context.getString(R.string.show_fillers_key), false) val dubStatus = if (context.getApiDubstatusSettings() .contains(DubStatus.Dubbed) ) DubStatus.Dubbed else DubStatus.Subbed val startAction = arguments?.getInt(START_ACTION_BUNDLE) val playerAction = getPlayerAction(context) val restart = arguments?.getBoolean(RESTART_BUNDLE) ?: false if (restart) { arguments?.putBoolean(RESTART_BUNDLE, false) } val start = startAction?.let { action -> val startValue = arguments?.getInt(START_VALUE_BUNDLE) val resumeEpisode = arguments?.getInt(EPISODE_BUNDLE) val resumeSeason = arguments?.getInt(SEASON_BUNDLE) arguments?.remove(START_VALUE_BUNDLE) arguments?.remove(START_ACTION_BUNDLE) AutoResume( startAction = action, id = startValue, episode = resumeEpisode, season = resumeSeason ) } return StoredData(url, apiName, showFillers, dubStatus, start, playerAction, restart) } /*private fun reloadViewModel(forceReload: Boolean) { if (!viewModel.hasLoaded() || forceReload) { val storedData = getStoredData(activity ?: context ?: return) ?: return viewModel.load( activity, storedData.url ?: return, storedData.apiName, storedData.showFillers, storedData.dubStatus, storedData.start ) } } @SuppressLint("SetTextI18n") override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) updateUIListener = ::updateUI val restart = arguments?.getBoolean(RESTART_BUNDLE) ?: false if (restart) { arguments?.putBoolean(RESTART_BUNDLE, false) } activity?.window?.decorView?.clearFocus() hideKeyboard() context?.updateHasTrailers() activity?.loadCache() //activity?.fixPaddingStatusbar(result_barstatus) /* val backParameter = result_back.layoutParams as FrameLayout.LayoutParams backParameter.setMargins( backParameter.leftMargin, backParameter.topMargin + requireContext().getStatusBarHeight(), backParameter.rightMargin, backParameter.bottomMargin ) result_back.layoutParams = backParameter*/ // activity?.fixPaddingStatusbar(result_toolbar) val storedData = (activity ?: context)?.let { getStoredData(it) } // This is to band-aid FireTV navigation val isTv = isTvSettings() result_season_button?.isFocusableInTouchMode = isTv result_episode_select?.isFocusableInTouchMode = isTv result_dub_select?.isFocusableInTouchMode = isTv if (storedData?.url != null) { if (restart || !viewModel.hasLoaded()) { //viewModel.clear() viewModel.load( activity, storedData.url, storedData.apiName, storedData.showFillers, storedData.dubStatus, storedData.start ) } } }*/ }