package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.extractors import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink import import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.* import org.mozilla.javascript.Context import org.mozilla.javascript.EvaluatorException import org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable import java.util.* open class Userload : ExtractorApi() { override var name = "Userload" override var mainUrl = "" override val requiresReferer = false private fun splitInput(input: String): List { var counter = 0 val array = ArrayList() var buffer = "" for (c in input) { when (c) { '(' -> counter++ ')' -> counter-- else -> {} } buffer += c if (counter == 0) { if (buffer.isNotBlank() && buffer != "+") array.add(buffer) buffer = "" } } return array } private fun evaluateMath(mathExpression : String): String { val rhino = Context.enter() rhino.initStandardObjects() rhino.optimizationLevel = -1 val scope: Scriptable = rhino.initStandardObjects() return try { rhino.evaluateString(scope, "eval($mathExpression)", "JavaScript", 1, null).toString() } catch (e: EvaluatorException){ "" } } private fun decodeVideoJs(text: String): List { text.replace("""\s+|/\*.*?\*/""".toRegex(), "") val data = text.split("""+(゚Д゚)[゚o゚]""")[1] val chars = data.split("""+ (゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+""").drop(1) val newchars = { char -> char.replace("(o゚ー゚o)", "u") .replace("c", "0") .replace("(゚Д゚)['0']", "c") .replace("゚Θ゚", "1") .replace("!+[]", "1") .replace("-~", "1+") .replace("o", "3") .replace("_", "3") .replace("゚ー゚", "4") .replace("(+", "(") } val subchar = mutableListOf() newchars.dropLast(1).forEach { v -> subchar.add(splitInput(v).map { evaluateMath(it).substringBefore(".") }.toString().filter { it.isDigit() }) } var txtresult = "" subchar.forEach{ txtresult = } val val1 = Regex(""""morocco="((.|\\n)*?)"&mycountry="""").find(txtresult)?.groups?.get(1)?.value.toString().drop(1).dropLast(1) val val2 = txtresult.substringAfter("""&mycountry="+""").substringBefore(")") return listOf( val1, val2 ) } override suspend fun getUrl(url: String, referer: String?): List? { val extractedLinksList: MutableList = mutableListOf() val response = app.get(url).text val jsToUnpack = Regex("ext/javascript\">eval((.|\\n)*?)").find(response)?.groups?.get(1)?.value val unpacked = JsUnpacker(jsToUnpack).unpack() val videoJs = app.get("$mainUrl/api/assets/userload/js/videojs.js") val videoJsToDecode = videoJs.text val values = decodeVideoJs(videoJsToDecode) val morocco = unpacked!!.split(";").filter { it.contains(values[0]) }[0].split("=")[1].drop(1).dropLast(1) val mycountry = unpacked.split(";").filter { it.contains(values[1]) }[0].split("=")[1].drop(1).dropLast(1) val videoLinkPage ="$mainUrl/api/request/", data = mapOf( "morocco" to morocco, "mycountry" to mycountry )) val videoLink = videoLinkPage.text val nameSource = app.get(url).document.head().selectFirst("title")!!.text() extractedLinksList.add( ExtractorLink( name, name, videoLink, mainUrl, getQualityFromName(nameSource), ) ) return extractedLinksList } }