package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.movieproviders import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.extractors.Cinestart import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.logError import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.loadExtractor class CinecalidadProvider:MainAPI() { override var mainUrl = "" override var name = "Cinecalidad" override val lang = "es" override val hasMainPage = true override val hasChromecastSupport = true override val hasDownloadSupport = true override val supportedTypes = setOf( TvType.Movie, TvType.TvSeries, ) override val vpnStatus = VPNStatus.MightBeNeeded //Due to evoload sometimes not loading override suspend fun getMainPage(): HomePageResponse { val items = ArrayList() val urls = listOf( Pair("$mainUrl/ver-serie/", "Series"), Pair("$mainUrl/", "Peliculas"), Pair("$mainUrl/genero-de-la-pelicula/peliculas-en-calidad-4k/", "4K UHD"), ) for ((url, name) in urls) { try { val soup = app.get(url).document val home =".item.movies").map { val title = it.selectFirst("div.in_title").text() val link = it.selectFirst("a").attr("href") TvSeriesSearchResponse( title, link,, if (link.contains("/ver-pelicula/")) TvType.Movie else TvType.TvSeries, it.selectFirst(".poster.custom img").attr("data-src"), null, null, ) } items.add(HomePageList(name, home)) } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) } } if (items.size <= 0) throw ErrorLoadingException() return HomePageResponse(items) } override suspend fun search(query: String): List { val url = "$mainUrl/?s=${query}" val document = app.get(url).document return"article").map { val title = it.selectFirst("div.in_title").text() val href = it.selectFirst("a").attr("href") val image = it.selectFirst(".poster.custom img").attr("data-src") val isMovie = href.contains("/ver-pelicula/") if (isMovie) { MovieSearchResponse( title, href,, TvType.Movie, image, null ) } else { TvSeriesSearchResponse( title, href,, TvType.TvSeries, image, null, null ) } } } override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse? { val soup = app.get(url, timeout = 120).document val title = soup.selectFirst(".single_left h1").text() val description = soup.selectFirst("div.single_left table tbody tr td p")?.text()?.trim() val poster: String? = soup.selectFirst(".alignnone").attr("data-src") val episodes =" ul.episodios li").map { li -> val href = li.selectFirst("a").attr("href") val epThumb = li.selectFirst("img.lazy").attr("data-src") val name = li.selectFirst(".episodiotitle a").text() val seasonid = li.selectFirst(".numerando").text().replace(Regex("(S|E)"),"").let { str -> str.split("-").mapNotNull { subStr -> subStr.toIntOrNull() } } val isValid = seasonid.size == 2 val episode = if (isValid) seasonid.getOrNull(1) else null val season = if (isValid) seasonid.getOrNull(0) else null TvSeriesEpisode( name, season, episode, href, if (epThumb.contains("svg")) null else epThumb ) } return when (val tvType = if (url.contains("/ver-pelicula/")) TvType.Movie else TvType.TvSeries) { TvType.TvSeries -> { TvSeriesLoadResponse( title, url,, tvType, episodes, poster, null, description, ) } TvType.Movie -> { MovieLoadResponse( title, url,, tvType, url, poster, null, description, ) } else -> null } } override suspend fun loadLinks( data: String, isCasting: Boolean, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ): Boolean { val datam = app.get(data) val doc = datam.document val datatext = datam.text".dooplay_player_option").apmap { val url = it.attr("data-option") if (url.startsWith("")) { val extractor = Cinestart() extractor.getSafeUrl(url)?.forEach { link -> callback.invoke(link) } } else { loadExtractor(url, mainUrl, callback) } if (url.startsWith("")) { val cineurlregex = Regex("(https:\\/\\/cinecalidad\\.lol\\/play\\/\\?h=[a-zA-Z0-9]{0,8}[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)") cineurlregex.findAll(url).map { it.value.replace("/play/","/play/r.php") }.toList().apmap { app.get(it, headers = mapOf( "Host" to "", "User-Agent" to USER_AGENT, "Accept" to "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8", "Accept-Language" to "en-US,en;q=0.5", "DNT" to "1", "Connection" to "keep-alive", "Referer" to data, "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests" to "1", "Sec-Fetch-Dest" to "iframe", "Sec-Fetch-Mode" to "navigate", "Sec-Fetch-Site" to "same-origin", "Sec-Fetch-User" to "?1", ), allowRedirects = false).response.headers.values("location").apmap { extractedurl -> if (extractedurl.contains("cinestart")) { loadExtractor(extractedurl, mainUrl, callback) } } } } } if (datatext.contains("en castellano")) app.get("$data?ref=es")".dooplay_player_option").apmap { val url = it.attr("data-option") if (url.startsWith("")) { val extractor = Cinestart() extractor.getSafeUrl(url)?.forEach { link -> callback.invoke(link) } } else { loadExtractor(url, mainUrl, callback) } if (url.startsWith("")) { val cineurlregex = Regex("(https:\\/\\/cinecalidad\\.lol\\/play\\/\\?h=[a-zA-Z0-9]{0,8}[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)") cineurlregex.findAll(url).map { it.value.replace("/play/","/play/r.php") }.toList().apmap { app.get(it, headers = mapOf( "Host" to "", "User-Agent" to USER_AGENT, "Accept" to "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8", "Accept-Language" to "en-US,en;q=0.5", "DNT" to "1", "Connection" to "keep-alive", "Referer" to data, "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests" to "1", "Sec-Fetch-Dest" to "iframe", "Sec-Fetch-Mode" to "navigate", "Sec-Fetch-Site" to "same-origin", "Sec-Fetch-User" to "?1", ), allowRedirects = false).response.headers.values("location").apmap { extractedurl -> if (extractedurl.contains("cinestart")) { loadExtractor(extractedurl, mainUrl, callback) } } } } } if (datatext.contains("Subtítulo LAT") || datatext.contains("Forzados LAT")) {"#panel_descarga.pane a").apmap { val link = if (data.contains("serie") || data.contains("episodio")) "${data}${it.attr("href")}" else it.attr("href") val docsub = app.get(link) val linksub = docsub.document val validsub = docsub.text if (validsub.contains("Subtítulo") || validsub.contains("Forzados")) { val langregex = Regex("(Subtítulo.*\$|Forzados.*\$)") val langdoc = linksub.selectFirst("div.titulo h3").text() val reallang = langregex.find(langdoc)?.destructured?.component1()"").apmap { val sublink = if (data.contains("serie") || data.contains("episodio")) "${data}${it.attr("href")}" else it.attr("href") subtitleCallback( SubtitleFile(reallang!!, sublink) ) } } } } return true } }