package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.animeproviders import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.safeApiCall import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.* import org.jsoup.Jsoup import import java.util.* import javax.crypto.Cipher import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec class GogoanimeProvider : MainAPI() { companion object { fun getType(t: String): TvType { return if (t.contains("OVA") || t.contains("Special")) TvType.OVA else if (t.contains("Movie")) TvType.AnimeMovie else TvType.Anime } fun getStatus(t: String): ShowStatus { return when (t) { "Completed" -> ShowStatus.Completed "Ongoing" -> ShowStatus.Ongoing else -> ShowStatus.Completed } } val qualityRegex = Regex("(\\d+)P") // // No Licence on the function private fun cryptoHandler( string: String, iv: ByteArray, secretKeyString: ByteArray, encrypt: Boolean = true ): String { val ivParameterSpec = IvParameterSpec(iv) val secretKey = SecretKeySpec(secretKeyString, "AES") val cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding") return if (!encrypt) { cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secretKey, ivParameterSpec) String(cipher.doFinal(base64DecodeArray(string))) } else { cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey, ivParameterSpec) base64Encode(cipher.doFinal(string.toByteArray())) } } private fun String.decodeHex(): ByteArray { check(length % 2 == 0) { "Must have an even length" } return chunked(2) .map { it.toInt(16).toByte() } .toByteArray() } /** * @param iframeUrl something like * @param mainApiName used for ExtractorLink names and source * @param iv secret iv from site, required non-null * @param secretKey secret key for decryption from site, required non-null * */ suspend fun extractVidstream( iframeUrl: String, mainApiName: String, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, iv: ByteArray?, secretKey: ByteArray? ) = safeApiCall { // // No Licence on the following code // Also modified of // License on the code above if (iv == null || secretKey == null) return@safeApiCall val uri = URI(iframeUrl) val mainUrl = "https://" + val id = Regex("id=([^&]+)").find(iframeUrl)!!.value.removePrefix("id=") val encryptedId = cryptoHandler(id, iv, secretKey) val jsonResponse = app.get( "$mainUrl/encrypt-ajax.php?id=$encryptedId", headers = mapOf("X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest") ) val dataencrypted = jsonResponse.text.substringAfter("{\"data\":\"").substringBefore("\"}") val datadecrypted = cryptoHandler(dataencrypted, iv, secretKey, false) val sources = AppUtils.parseJson(datadecrypted) fun invokeGogoSource( source: GogoSource, sourceCallback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { when { source.file.contains("m3u8") -> { M3u8Helper().m3u8Generation( M3u8Helper.M3u8Stream( source.file, headers = mapOf("Referer" to "") ), true ) .map { stream -> val qualityString = if ((stream.quality ?: 0) == 0) "" else "${stream.quality}p" sourceCallback( ExtractorLink( mainApiName, "$mainApiName $qualityString", stream.streamUrl, mainUrl, getQualityFromName(stream.quality.toString()), true ) ) } } source.file.contains("vidstreaming") -> { sourceCallback.invoke( ExtractorLink( mainApiName, "$mainApiName ${source.label?.replace("0 P", "0p") ?: ""}", source.file, mainUrl, getQualityFromName(source.label ?: ""), isM3u8 = source.type == "hls" ) ) } else -> { sourceCallback.invoke( ExtractorLink( mainApiName, "$mainApiName ${source.label?.replace("0 P", "0p") ?: ""}", source.file, mainUrl, getQualityFromName(source.label ?: ""), isM3u8 = source.type == "hls" ) ) } } } sources.source?.forEach { invokeGogoSource(it, callback) } sources.sourceBk?.forEach { invokeGogoSource(it, callback) } } } override var mainUrl = "" override var name = "GogoAnime" override val hasQuickSearch = false override val hasMainPage = true override val supportedTypes = setOf( TvType.AnimeMovie, TvType.Anime, TvType.OVA ) override suspend fun getMainPage(): HomePageResponse { val headers = mapOf( "authority" to "", "sec-ch-ua" to "\"Google Chrome\";v=\"89\", \"Chromium\";v=\"89\", \";Not A Brand\";v=\"99\"", "accept" to "text/html, */*; q=0.01", "dnt" to "1", "sec-ch-ua-mobile" to "?0", "user-agent" to "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.90 Safari/537.36", "origin" to mainUrl, "sec-fetch-site" to "cross-site", "sec-fetch-mode" to "cors", "sec-fetch-dest" to "empty", "referer" to "$mainUrl/" ) val parseRegex = Regex("""
  • \s*\n.*\n.*\n.*?img src="(.*?)"""") val urls = listOf( Pair("1", "Recent Release - Sub"), Pair("2", "Recent Release - Dub"), Pair("3", "Recent Release - Chinese"), ) val items = ArrayList() for (i in urls) { try { val params = mapOf("page" to "1", "type" to i.first) val html = app.get( "", headers = headers, params = params ) items.add(HomePageList(i.second, (parseRegex.findAll(html.text).map { val (link, epNum, title, poster) = it.destructured val isSub = listOf(1, 3).contains(i.first.toInt()) AnimeSearchResponse( title, link,, TvType.Anime, poster, null, if (isSub) EnumSet.of(DubStatus.Subbed) else EnumSet.of( DubStatus.Dubbed ), null, if (!isSub) epNum.toIntOrNull() else null, if (isSub) epNum.toIntOrNull() else null, ) }).toList())) } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } } if (items.size <= 0) throw ErrorLoadingException() return HomePageResponse(items) } override suspend fun search(query: String): ArrayList { val link = "$mainUrl/search.html?keyword=$query" val html = app.get(link).text val doc = Jsoup.parse(html) val episodes =""".last_episodes li""").map { AnimeSearchResponse( it.selectFirst(".name").text().replace(" (Dub)", ""), fixUrl(it.selectFirst(".name > a").attr("href")),, TvType.Anime, it.selectFirst("img").attr("src"), it.selectFirst(".released")?.text()?.split(":")?.getOrNull(1)?.trim() ?.toIntOrNull(), if (it.selectFirst(".name").text() .contains("Dub") ) EnumSet.of(DubStatus.Dubbed) else EnumSet.of( DubStatus.Subbed ), ) } return ArrayList(episodes) } private fun getProperAnimeLink(uri: String): String { if (uri.contains("-episode")) { val split = uri.split("/") val slug = split[split.size - 1].split("-episode")[0] return "$mainUrl/category/$slug" } return uri } override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse { val link = getProperAnimeLink(url) val episodeloadApi = "" val html = app.get(link).text val doc = Jsoup.parse(html) val animeBody = doc.selectFirst(".anime_info_body_bg") val title = animeBody.selectFirst("h1").text() val poster = animeBody.selectFirst("img").attr("src") var description: String? = null val genre = ArrayList() var year: Int? = null var status: String? = null var nativeName: String? = null var type: String? = null"p.type").forEach { pType -> when (pType.selectFirst("span").text().trim()) { "Plot Summary:" -> { description = pType.text().replace("Plot Summary:", "").trim() } "Genre:" -> { genre.addAll("a").map { it.attr("title") }) } "Released:" -> { year = pType.text().replace("Released:", "").trim().toIntOrNull() } "Status:" -> { status = pType.text().replace("Status:", "").trim() } "Other name:" -> { nativeName = pType.text().replace("Other name:", "").trim() } "Type:" -> { type = pType.text().replace("type:", "").trim() } } } val animeId = doc.selectFirst("#movie_id").attr("value") val params = mapOf("ep_start" to "0", "ep_end" to "2000", "id" to animeId) val episodes = app.get(episodeloadApi, params = params)"a").map { AnimeEpisode( fixUrl(it.attr("href").trim()), "Episode " + it.selectFirst(".name").text().replace("EP", "").trim() ) }.reversed() return newAnimeLoadResponse(title, link, getType(type.toString())) { japName = nativeName engName = title posterUrl = poster this.year = year addEpisodes(DubStatus.Subbed, episodes) // TODO CHECK plot = description tags = genre showStatus = getStatus(status.toString()) } } data class GogoSources( @JsonProperty("source") val source: List?, @JsonProperty("sourceBk") val sourceBk: List?, //val track: List, //val advertising: List, //val linkiframe: String ) data class GogoSource( @JsonProperty("file") val file: String, @JsonProperty("label") val label: String?, @JsonProperty("type") val type: String?, @JsonProperty("default") val default: String? = null ) private suspend fun extractVideos(uri: String, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit) { val doc = app.get(uri).document val iframe = fixUrlNull(doc.selectFirst(" > iframe").attr("src")) ?: return argamap( { val link = iframe.replace("streaming.php", "download") val page = app.get(link, headers = mapOf("Referer" to iframe))".dowload > a").apmap { if (it.hasAttr("download")) { val qual = if (it.text() .contains("HDP") ) "1080" else qualityRegex.find(it.text())?.destructured?.component1() .toString() callback( ExtractorLink( "Gogoanime", if (qual == "null") "Gogoanime" else "Gogoanime - " + qual + "p", it.attr("href"), page.url, getQualityFromName(qual), it.attr("href").contains(".m3u8") ) ) } else { val url = it.attr("href") loadExtractor(url, null, callback) } } }, { val streamingResponse = app.get(iframe, headers = mapOf("Referer" to iframe)) val streamingDocument = streamingResponse.document argamap({".list-server-items > .linkserver") ?.forEach { element -> val status = element.attr("data-status") ?: return@forEach if (status != "1") return@forEach val data = element.attr("data-video") ?: return@forEach loadExtractor(data, streamingResponse.url, callback) } }, { val iv = "4770478969418267".toByteArray() val secretKey = "63976882873559819639988080820907".toByteArray() extractVidstream(iframe,, callback, iv, secretKey) }) } ) } override suspend fun loadLinks( data: String, isCasting: Boolean, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ): Boolean { extractVideos(data, callback) return true } }