package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.syncproviders.providers import android.util.Log import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import import import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.AcraApplication.Companion.getKey import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.AcraApplication.Companion.removeKey import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.AcraApplication.Companion.setKey import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.logError import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.subtitles.AbstractSubApi import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.subtitles.AbstractSubtitleEntities import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.syncproviders.AuthAPI import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.syncproviders.InAppAuthAPI import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.syncproviders.InAppAuthAPIManager import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils import import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets class OpenSubtitlesApi(index: Int) : InAppAuthAPIManager(index), AbstractSubApi { override val idPrefix = "opensubtitles" override val name = "OpenSubtitles" override val icon = R.drawable.open_subtitles_icon override val requiresPassword = true override val requiresUsername = true override val createAccountUrl = "" companion object { const val OPEN_SUBTITLES_USER_KEY: String = "open_subtitles_user" // user data like profile const val apiKey = "uyBLgFD17MgrYmA0gSXoKllMJBelOYj2" const val host = "" const val TAG = "OPENSUBS" const val coolDownDuration: Long = 1000L * 30L // CoolDown if 429 error code in ms var currentCoolDown: Long = 0L var currentSession: SubtitleOAuthEntity? = null } private fun canDoRequest(): Boolean { return unixTimeMs > currentCoolDown } private fun throwIfCantDoRequest() { if (!canDoRequest()) { throw ErrorLoadingException("Too many requests wait for ${(currentCoolDown - unixTimeMs) / 1000L}s") } } private fun throwGotTooManyRequests() { currentCoolDown = unixTimeMs + coolDownDuration throw ErrorLoadingException("Too many requests") } private fun getAuthKey(): SubtitleOAuthEntity? { return getKey(accountId, OPEN_SUBTITLES_USER_KEY) } private fun setAuthKey(data: SubtitleOAuthEntity?) { if (data == null) removeKey(accountId, OPEN_SUBTITLES_USER_KEY) currentSession = data setKey(accountId, OPEN_SUBTITLES_USER_KEY, data) } override fun loginInfo(): AuthAPI.LoginInfo? { getAuthKey()?.let { user -> return AuthAPI.LoginInfo( profilePicture = null, name = user.user, accountIndex = accountIndex ) } return null } override fun getLatestLoginData(): InAppAuthAPI.LoginData? { val current = getAuthKey() ?: return null return InAppAuthAPI.LoginData(username = current.user, current.pass) } /* Authorize app to connect to API, using username/password. Required to run at startup. Returns OAuth entity with valid access token. */ override suspend fun initialize() { currentSession = getAuthKey() ?: return // just in case the following fails initLogin(currentSession?.user ?: return, currentSession?.pass ?: return) } override fun logOut() { setAuthKey(null) removeAccountKeys() currentSession = getAuthKey() } private suspend fun initLogin(username: String, password: String): Boolean { //Log.i(TAG, "DATA = [$username] [$password]") val response = url = "$host/login", headers = mapOf( "Api-Key" to apiKey, "Content-Type" to "application/json" ), data = mapOf( "username" to username, "password" to password ) ) //Log.i(TAG, "Responsecode = ${response.code}") //Log.i(TAG, "Result => ${response.text}") if (response.isSuccessful) { AppUtils.tryParseJson(response.text)?.let { token -> setAuthKey( SubtitleOAuthEntity( user = username, pass = password, access_token = token.token ?: run { return false }) ) } return true } return false } override suspend fun login(data: InAppAuthAPI.LoginData): Boolean { val username = data.username ?: throw ErrorLoadingException("Requires Username") val password = data.password ?: throw ErrorLoadingException("Requires Password") switchToNewAccount() try { if (initLogin(username, password)) { registerAccount() return true } } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) switchToOldAccount() } switchToOldAccount() return false } /** * Some languages do not use the normal country codes on OpenSubtitles * */ private val languageExceptions = mapOf( // "pt" to "pt-PT", // "pt" to "pt-BR" ) private fun fixLanguage(language: String?) : String? { return languageExceptions[language] ?: language } // O(n) but good enough, BiMap did not want to work properly private fun fixLanguageReverse(language: String?) : String? { return languageExceptions.entries.firstOrNull { it.value == language }?.key ?: language } /** * Fetch subtitles using token authenticated on previous method (see authorize). * Returns list of Subtitles which user can select to download (see load). * */ override suspend fun search(query: AbstractSubtitleEntities.SubtitleSearch): List? { throwIfCantDoRequest() val fixedLang = fixLanguage(query.lang) val imdbId = ?: 0 val queryText = query.query.replace(" ", "+") val epNum = query.epNumber ?: 0 val seasonNum = query.seasonNumber ?: 0 val yearNum = query.year ?: 0 val epQuery = if (epNum > 0) "&episode_number=$epNum" else "" val seasonQuery = if (seasonNum > 0) "&season_number=$seasonNum" else "" val yearQuery = if (yearNum > 0) "&year=$yearNum" else "" val searchQueryUrl = when (imdbId > 0) { //Use imdb_id to search if its valid true -> "$host/subtitles?imdb_id=$imdbId&languages=${fixedLang}$yearQuery$epQuery$seasonQuery" false -> "$host/subtitles?query=${URLEncoder.encode(queryText.lowercase(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8.toString())}&languages=${fixedLang}$yearQuery$epQuery$seasonQuery" } val req = app.get( url = searchQueryUrl, headers = mapOf( Pair("Api-Key", apiKey), Pair("Content-Type", "application/json") ) ) Log.i(TAG, "Search Req => ${req.text}") if (!req.isSuccessful) { if (req.code == 429) throwGotTooManyRequests() return null } val results = mutableListOf() AppUtils.tryParseJson(req.text)?.let { { item -> val attr = item.attributes ?: return@forEach val featureDetails = attr.featDetails //Use filename as name, if its valid val filename = attr.files?.firstNotNullOfOrNull { subfile -> subfile.fileName } //Use any valid name/title in hierarchy val name = filename ?: featureDetails?.movieName ?: featureDetails?.title ?: featureDetails?.parentTitle ?: attr.release ?: query.query val lang = fixLanguageReverse(attr.language)?: "" val resEpNum = featureDetails?.episodeNumber ?: query.epNumber val resSeasonNum = featureDetails?.seasonNumber ?: query.seasonNumber val year = featureDetails?.year ?: query.year val type = if ((resSeasonNum ?: 0) > 0) TvType.TvSeries else TvType.Movie val isHearingImpaired = attr.hearing_impaired ?: false //Log.i(TAG, "Result id/name => ${} / $name") item.attributes?.files?.forEach { file -> val resultData = file.fileId?.toString() ?: "" //Log.i(TAG, "Result file => ${file.fileId} / ${file.fileName}") results.add( AbstractSubtitleEntities.SubtitleEntity( idPrefix = this.idPrefix, name = name, lang = lang, data = resultData, type = type, source =, epNumber = resEpNum, seasonNumber = resSeasonNum, year = year, isHearingImpaired = isHearingImpaired ) ) } } } return results } /* Process data returned from search. Returns string url for the subtitle file. */ override suspend fun load(data: AbstractSubtitleEntities.SubtitleEntity): String? { throwIfCantDoRequest() val req = url = "$host/download", headers = mapOf( Pair( "Authorization", "Bearer ${currentSession?.access_token ?: throw ErrorLoadingException("No access token active in current session")}" ), Pair("Api-Key", apiKey), Pair("Content-Type", "application/json"), Pair("Accept", "*/*") ), data = mapOf( Pair("file_id", ) ) Log.i(TAG, "Request result => (${req.code}) ${req.text}") //Log.i(TAG, "Request headers => ${req.headers}") if (req.isSuccessful) { AppUtils.tryParseJson(req.text)?.let { val link = ?: "" Log.i(TAG, "Request load link => $link") return link } } else { if (req.code == 429) throwGotTooManyRequests() } return null } data class SubtitleOAuthEntity( var user: String, var pass: String, var access_token: String, ) data class OAuthToken( @JsonProperty("token") var token: String? = null, @JsonProperty("status") var status: Int? = null ) data class Results( @JsonProperty("data") var data: List? = listOf() ) data class ResultData( @JsonProperty("id") var id: String? = null, @JsonProperty("type") var type: String? = null, @JsonProperty("attributes") var attributes: ResultAttributes? = ResultAttributes() ) data class ResultAttributes( @JsonProperty("subtitle_id") var subtitleId: String? = null, @JsonProperty("language") var language: String? = null, @JsonProperty("release") var release: String? = null, @JsonProperty("url") var url: String? = null, @JsonProperty("files") var files: List? = listOf(), @JsonProperty("feature_details") var featDetails: ResultFeatureDetails? = ResultFeatureDetails(), @JsonProperty("hearing_impaired") var hearing_impaired: Boolean? = null, ) data class ResultFiles( @JsonProperty("file_id") var fileId: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("file_name") var fileName: String? = null ) data class ResultDownloadLink( @JsonProperty("link") var link: String? = null, @JsonProperty("file_name") var fileName: String? = null, @JsonProperty("requests") var requests: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("remaining") var remaining: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("message") var message: String? = null, @JsonProperty("reset_time") var resetTime: String? = null, @JsonProperty("reset_time_utc") var resetTimeUtc: String? = null ) data class ResultFeatureDetails( @JsonProperty("year") var year: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("title") var title: String? = null, @JsonProperty("movie_name") var movieName: String? = null, @JsonProperty("imdb_id") var imdbId: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("tmdb_id") var tmdbId: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("season_number") var seasonNumber: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("episode_number") var episodeNumber: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("parent_imdb_id") var parentImdbId: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("parent_title") var parentTitle: String? = null, @JsonProperty("parent_tmdb_id") var parentTmdbId: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("parent_feature_id") var parentFeatureId: Int? = null ) }