package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.result import android.annotation.SuppressLint import android.content.ClipData import android.content.ClipboardManager import android.content.Context import android.content.Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE import android.content.Intent import android.content.Intent.* import android.content.res.ColorStateList import import android.os.Bundle import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.View.GONE import android.view.View.VISIBLE import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.Toast import import androidx.core.content.FileProvider import androidx.core.view.isGone import androidx.core.view.isVisible import androidx.core.widget.NestedScrollView import import import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager import androidx.recyclerview.widget.GridLayoutManager import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView import import import import import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.APIHolder.getApiFromName import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.APIHolder.getId import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.MainActivity.Companion.getCastSession import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.MainActivity.Companion.showToast import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.Resource import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.logError import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.normalSafeApiCall import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.observe import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.WatchType import import import import import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.player.PlayerData import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.player.PlayerFragment import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.quicksearch.QuickSearchFragment import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.settings.SettingsFragment.Companion.isTvSettings import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.subtitles.SubtitlesFragment.Companion.getDownloadSubsLanguageISO639_1 import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.isAppInstalled import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.isCastApiAvailable import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.isConnectedToChromecast import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.CastHelper.startCast import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Coroutines.main import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.DataStore.getFolderName import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.DataStore.setKey import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.DataStoreHelper.getViewPos import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.SingleSelectionHelper.showBottomDialog import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.checkWrite import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.colorFromAttribute import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.fixPaddingStatusbar import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.hideKeyboard import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.navigate import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.popCurrentPage import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.popupMenuNoIcons import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.popupMenuNoIconsAndNoStringRes import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.requestRW import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.setImage import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.setImageBlur import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.VideoDownloadManager.sanitizeFilename import* import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.Job import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext import const val MAX_SYNO_LENGH = 1000 const val START_ACTION_NORMAL = 0 const val START_ACTION_RESUME_LATEST = 1 const val START_ACTION_LOAD_EP = 2 const val START_VALUE_NORMAL = 0 data class ResultEpisode( val name: String?, val poster: String?, val episode: Int, val season: Int?, val data: String, val apiName: String, val id: Int, val index: Int, val position: Long, // time in MS val duration: Long, // duration in MS val rating: Int?, val description: String?, val isFiller: Boolean?, ) fun ResultEpisode.getRealPosition(): Long { if (duration <= 0) return 0 val percentage = position * 100 / duration if (percentage <= 5 || percentage >= 95) return 0 return position } fun ResultEpisode.getDisplayPosition(): Long { if (duration <= 0) return 0 val percentage = position * 100 / duration if (percentage <= 1) return 0 if (percentage <= 5) return 5 * duration / 100 if (percentage >= 95) return duration return position } fun Context.buildResultEpisode( name: String?, poster: String?, episode: Int, season: Int?, data: String, apiName: String, id: Int, index: Int, rating: Int?, description: String?, isFiller: Boolean?, ): ResultEpisode { val posDur = getViewPos(id) return ResultEpisode( name, poster, episode, season, data, apiName, id, index, posDur?.position ?: 0, posDur?.duration ?: 0, rating, description, isFiller ) } /** 0f-1f */ fun ResultEpisode.getWatchProgress(): Float { return (getDisplayPosition() / 1000).toFloat() / (duration / 1000).toFloat() } class ResultFragment : Fragment() { companion object { fun newInstance(url: String, apiName: String, startAction: Int = 0, startValue: Int = 0): Bundle { return Bundle().apply { putString("url", url) putString("apiName", apiName) putInt("startAction", startAction) putInt("startValue", startValue) putBoolean("restart", true) } } } private var currentLoadingCount = 0 // THIS IS USED TO PREVENT LATE EVENTS, AFTER DISMISS WAS CLICKED private val viewModel: ResultViewModel by activityViewModels() private var allEpisodes: HashMap> = HashMap() private var allEpisodesSubs: HashMap> = HashMap() private var currentHeaderName: String? = null private var currentType: TvType? = null private var currentEpisodes: List? = null var downloadButton: EasyDownloadButton? = null override fun onCreateView( inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?, ): View? { // viewModel = // ViewModelProvider(activity ?: this).get( return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_result, container, false) } override fun onDestroyView() { (result_episodes?.adapter as EpisodeAdapter?)?.killAdapter() super.onDestroyView() } override fun onDestroy() { //requireActivity().viewModelStore.clear() // REMEMBER THE CLEAR downloadButton?.dispose() super.onDestroy() activity?.let { it.window?.navigationBarColor = it.colorFromAttribute(R.attr.primaryGrayBackground) } } override fun onResume() { super.onResume() activity?.let { it.window?.navigationBarColor = it.colorFromAttribute(R.attr.primaryBlackBackground) } } /// 0 = LOADING, 1 = ERROR LOADING, 2 = LOADED private fun updateVisStatus(state: Int) { when (state) { 0 -> { result_bookmark_fab?.isGone = true result_loading?.isVisible = true result_finish_loading?.isVisible = false result_loading_error?.isVisible = false } 1 -> { result_bookmark_fab?.isGone = true result_loading?.isVisible = false result_finish_loading?.isVisible = false result_loading_error?.isVisible = true result_reload_connection_open_in_browser?.isVisible = url != null } 2 -> { result_bookmark_fab?.isGone = result_bookmark_fab?.context?.isTvSettings() == true result_bookmark_fab?.extend() if (result_bookmark_button?.context?.isTvSettings() == true) { result_bookmark_button?.requestFocus() } result_loading?.isVisible = false result_finish_loading?.isVisible = true result_loading_error?.isVisible = false } } } private var currentPoster: String? = null private var currentId: Int? = null private var currentIsMovie: Boolean? = null private var episodeRanges: List? = null private var dubRange: Set? = null var url: String? = null private fun fromIndexToSeasonText(selection: Int?): String { return when (selection) { null -> getString(R.string.no_season) -2 -> getString(R.string.no_season) else -> "${getString(R.string.season)} $selection" } } var startAction: Int? = null var startValue: Int? = null private fun lateFixDownloadButton(show: Boolean) { if (!show || currentType?.isMovieType() == false) { result_movie_parent.visibility = GONE result_episodes_text.visibility = VISIBLE result_episodes.visibility = VISIBLE } else { result_movie_parent.visibility = VISIBLE result_episodes_text.visibility = GONE result_episodes.visibility = GONE } } @SuppressLint("SetTextI18n") override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) val restart = arguments?.getBoolean("restart") ?: false if (restart) { arguments?.putBoolean("restart", false) } activity?.window?.decorView?.clearFocus() hideKeyboard() activity?.fixPaddingStatusbar(result_scroll) //activity?.fixPaddingStatusbar(result_barstatus) /* val backParameter = result_back.layoutParams as FrameLayout.LayoutParams backParameter.setMargins( backParameter.leftMargin, backParameter.topMargin + requireContext().getStatusBarHeight(), backParameter.rightMargin, backParameter.bottomMargin ) result_back.layoutParams = backParameter*/ // activity?.fixPaddingStatusbar(result_toolbar) url = arguments?.getString("url") val apiName = arguments?.getString("apiName") ?: return startAction = arguments?.getInt("startAction") ?: START_ACTION_NORMAL startValue = arguments?.getInt("startValue") ?: START_VALUE_NORMAL val api = getApiFromName(apiName) if (media_route_button != null) { val chromecastSupport = api.hasChromecastSupport media_route_button?.alpha = if (chromecastSupport) 1f else 0.3f if (!chromecastSupport) { media_route_button.setOnClickListener { showToast(activity, R.string.no_chomecast_support_toast, Toast.LENGTH_LONG) } } activity?.let { if (it.isCastApiAvailable()) { try { CastButtonFactory.setUpMediaRouteButton(it, media_route_button) val castContext = CastContext.getSharedInstance(it.applicationContext) if (castContext.castState != CastState.NO_DEVICES_AVAILABLE) media_route_button.visibility = VISIBLE castContext.addCastStateListener { state -> if (media_route_button != null) { if (state == CastState.NO_DEVICES_AVAILABLE) media_route_button.visibility = GONE else { if (media_route_button.visibility == GONE) media_route_button.visibility = VISIBLE } } } } catch (e: Exception) { logError(e) } } } } result_scroll.setOnScrollChangeListener(NestedScrollView.OnScrollChangeListener { _, _, scrollY, _, oldScrollY -> val dy = scrollY - oldScrollY if (dy > 0) { //check for scroll down result_bookmark_fab?.shrink() } else if (dy < -5) { result_bookmark_fab?.extend() } result_poster_blur_holder?.translationY = -scrollY.toFloat() }) result_back.setOnClickListener { activity?.popCurrentPage() } fun handleAction(episodeClick: EpisodeClickEvent): Job = main { //val id = val index = val buildInPlayer = true currentLoadingCount++ var currentLinks: List? = null var currentSubs: HashMap? = null val showTitle = ?: getString(R.string.episode_name_format).format( getString(R.string.episode), ) suspend fun requireLinks(isCasting: Boolean): Boolean { val currentLinksTemp = if (allEpisodes.containsKey( allEpisodes[] else null val currentSubsTemp = if (allEpisodesSubs.containsKey( allEpisodesSubs[] else null if (currentLinksTemp != null && currentLinksTemp.isNotEmpty()) { currentLinks = currentLinksTemp currentSubs = currentSubsTemp return true } val skipLoading = getApiFromName(apiName).instantLinkLoading var loadingDialog: AlertDialog? = null val currentLoad = currentLoadingCount if (!skipLoading) { val builder = AlertDialog.Builder(requireContext(), val customLayout = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.dialog_loading, null) builder.setView(customLayout) loadingDialog = builder.create() loadingDialog.setOnDismissListener { currentLoadingCount++ } } val data = viewModel.loadEpisode(, isCasting) if (currentLoadingCount != currentLoad) return false loadingDialog?.dismiss() when (data) { is Resource.Success -> { currentLinks = data.value.links currentSubs = data.value.subs return true } is Resource.Failure -> { showToast( activity, R.string.error_loading_links_toast, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ) } else -> { } } return false } fun acquireSingeExtractorLink( links: List, title: String, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val builder = AlertDialog.Builder(requireContext(), builder.setTitle(title) builder.setItems( { }.toTypedArray()) { dia, which -> callback.invoke(links[which]) dia?.dismiss() } builder.create().show() } fun acquireSingeExtractorLink(title: String, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit) { acquireSingeExtractorLink(currentLinks ?: return, title, callback) } fun startChromecast(startIndex: Int) { val eps = currentEpisodes ?: return activity?.getCastSession()?.startCast( apiName, currentIsMovie ?: return, currentHeaderName, currentPoster,, eps, sortUrls(currentLinks ?: return), currentSubs?.values?.toList() ?: emptyList(), startTime =, startIndex = startIndex ) } fun startDownload(links: List, subs: List?) { val isMovie = currentIsMovie ?: return val titleName = sanitizeFilename(currentHeaderName ?: return) val meta = VideoDownloadManager.DownloadEpisodeMetadata(, titleName, apiName, ?: currentPoster,, if (isMovie) null else, if (isMovie) null else ) val folder = when (currentType) { TvType.Anime -> "Anime/$titleName" TvType.Movie -> "Movies" TvType.AnimeMovie -> "Movies" TvType.TvSeries -> "TVSeries/$titleName" TvType.ONA -> "ONA" TvType.Cartoon -> "Cartoons/$titleName" TvType.Torrent -> "Torrent" TvType.Documentary -> "Documentaries" null -> null } context?.let { ctx -> val parentId = currentId ?: return@let val src = "$DOWNLOAD_NAVIGATE_TO/$parentId" // url ?: return@let // SET VISUAL KEYS ctx.setKey( DOWNLOAD_HEADER_CACHE, parentId.toString(), VideoDownloadHelper.DownloadHeaderCached( apiName, url ?: return@let, currentType ?: return@let, currentHeaderName ?: return@let, currentPoster, currentId ?: return@let, System.currentTimeMillis(), ) ) val epData = ctx.setKey( getFolderName( DOWNLOAD_EPISODE_CACHE, parentId.toString() ), // 3 deep folder for faster acess, VideoDownloadHelper.DownloadEpisodeCached(, epData.poster, epData.episode, epData.season,, parentId, epData.rating, epData.description, System.currentTimeMillis(), ) ) // DOWNLOAD VIDEO VideoDownloadManager.downloadEpisodeUsingWorker( ctx, src,//url ?: return, folder, meta, links ) // 1. Checks if the lang should be downloaded // 2. Makes it into the download format // 3. Downloads it as a .vtt file val downloadList = ctx.getDownloadSubsLanguageISO639_1() main { subs?.let { subsList -> subsList.filter { downloadList.contains( SubtitleHelper.fromLanguageToTwoLetters( it.lang, true ) ) } .map { ExtractorSubtitleLink(it.lang, it.url, "") } .forEach { link -> val epName = ?: "${context?.getString(R.string.episode)} ${meta.episode}" val fileName = sanitizeFilename(epName + if (downloadList.size > 1) " ${}" else "") val topFolder = "$folder" withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { normalSafeApiCall { VideoDownloadManager.downloadThing( ctx, link, fileName, topFolder, "vtt", false, null ) { // no notification } } } } } } } } val isLoaded = when (episodeClick.action) { ACTION_PLAY_EPISODE_IN_PLAYER -> true ACTION_CLICK_DEFAULT -> true ACTION_SHOW_TOAST -> true ACTION_CHROME_CAST_EPISODE -> requireLinks(true) ACTION_CHROME_CAST_MIRROR -> requireLinks(true) else -> requireLinks(false) } if (!isLoaded) return@main // CANT LOAD when (episodeClick.action) { ACTION_SHOW_TOAST -> { showToast(activity, R.string.play_episode_toast, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) } ACTION_CLICK_DEFAULT -> { context?.let { ctx -> if (ctx.isConnectedToChromecast()) { handleAction(EpisodeClickEvent(ACTION_CHROME_CAST_EPISODE, } else { handleAction(EpisodeClickEvent(ACTION_PLAY_EPISODE_IN_PLAYER, } } } ACTION_SHOW_OPTIONS -> { context?.let { ctx -> val builder = AlertDialog.Builder(ctx, var dialog: AlertDialog? = null builder.setTitle(showTitle) val options = requireContext().resources.getStringArray(R.array.episode_long_click_options) val optionsValues = requireContext().resources.getIntArray(R.array.episode_long_click_options_values) val verifiedOptions = ArrayList() val verifiedOptionsValues = ArrayList() val hasDownloadSupport = api.hasDownloadSupport for (i in options.indices) { val opv = optionsValues[i] val op = options[i] val isConnected = ctx.isConnectedToChromecast() val add = when (opv) { ACTION_CHROME_CAST_EPISODE -> isConnected ACTION_CHROME_CAST_MIRROR -> isConnected ACTION_DOWNLOAD_EPISODE -> hasDownloadSupport ACTION_DOWNLOAD_MIRROR -> hasDownloadSupport ACTION_PLAY_EPISODE_IN_VLC_PLAYER -> context?.isAppInstalled(VLC_PACKAGE) ?: false else -> true } if (add) { verifiedOptions.add(op) verifiedOptionsValues.add(opv) } } builder.setItems( verifiedOptions.toTypedArray() ) { _, which -> handleAction(EpisodeClickEvent(verifiedOptionsValues[which], dialog?.dismiss() } dialog = builder.create() } } ACTION_COPY_LINK -> { activity?.let { act -> acquireSingeExtractorLink(act.getString(R.string.episode_action_copy_link)) { link -> val serviceClipboard = (act.getSystemService(CLIPBOARD_SERVICE) as ClipboardManager?) ?: return@acquireSingeExtractorLink val clip = ClipData.newPlainText(, link.url) serviceClipboard.setPrimaryClip(clip) showToast(act, R.string.copy_link_toast, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) } } } ACTION_PLAY_EPISODE_IN_BROWSER -> { acquireSingeExtractorLink(getString(R.string.episode_action_play_in_browser)) { link -> val i = Intent(ACTION_VIEW) = Uri.parse(link.url) startActivity(i) } } ACTION_CHROME_CAST_MIRROR -> { acquireSingeExtractorLink(getString(R.string.episode_action_chomecast_mirror)) { link -> val mirrorIndex = currentLinks?.indexOf(link) ?: -1 startChromecast(if (mirrorIndex == -1) 0 else mirrorIndex) } } ACTION_CHROME_CAST_EPISODE -> { startChromecast(0) } ACTION_PLAY_EPISODE_IN_VLC_PLAYER -> { activity?.let { act -> if (!act.checkWrite()) { act.requestRW() if (act.checkWrite()) return@main } val data = currentLinks ?: return@main val subs = currentSubs val outputDir = act.cacheDir val outputFile = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { File.createTempFile("mirrorlist", ".m3u8", outputDir) } var text = "#EXTM3U" if (subs != null) { for (sub in subs.values) { text += "\n#EXT-X-MEDIA:TYPE=SUBTITLES,GROUP-ID=\"subs\",NAME=\"${sub.lang}\",DEFAULT=NO,AUTOSELECT=NO,FORCED=NO,LANGUAGE=\"${sub.lang}\",URI=\"${sub.url}\"" } } for (link in data.sortedBy { -it.quality }) { text += "\n#EXTINF:, ${}\n${link.url}" } outputFile.writeText(text) val vlcIntent = Intent(VLC_INTENT_ACTION_RESULT) vlcIntent.setPackage(VLC_PACKAGE) vlcIntent.addFlags(FLAG_GRANT_PERSISTABLE_URI_PERMISSION) vlcIntent.addFlags(FLAG_GRANT_PREFIX_URI_PERMISSION) vlcIntent.addFlags(FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION) vlcIntent.addFlags(FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION) vlcIntent.setDataAndType( FileProvider.getUriForFile( act, act.applicationContext.packageName + ".provider", outputFile ), "video/*" ) val startId = VLC_FROM_PROGRESS var position = startId if (startId == VLC_FROM_START) { position = 1 } else if (startId == VLC_FROM_PROGRESS) { position = 0 } vlcIntent.putExtra("position", position) vlcIntent.component = VLC_COMPONENT act.setKey(VLC_LAST_ID_KEY, act.startActivityForResult(vlcIntent, VLC_REQUEST_CODE) } } ACTION_PLAY_EPISODE_IN_PLAYER -> { if (buildInPlayer) { activity.navigate(, PlayerFragment.newInstance( PlayerData(index, null, 0), ) ) } } ACTION_RELOAD_EPISODE -> { viewModel.loadEpisode(, false) } ACTION_DOWNLOAD_EPISODE -> { startDownload(currentLinks ?: return@main, currentSubs?.values?.toList() ?: emptyList()) } ACTION_DOWNLOAD_MIRROR -> { currentLinks?.let { links -> acquireSingeExtractorLink( links,//(currentLinks ?: return@main).filter { !it.isM3u8 }, getString(R.string.episode_action_download_mirror) ) { link -> startDownload(listOf(link), currentSubs?.values?.toList() ?: emptyList()) } } } } } val adapter: RecyclerView.Adapter = EpisodeAdapter( ArrayList(), api.hasDownloadSupport, { episodeClick -> handleAction(episodeClick) }, { downloadClickEvent -> handleDownloadClick(activity, currentHeaderName, downloadClickEvent) } ) result_episodes.adapter = adapter result_episodes.layoutManager = GridLayoutManager(context, 1) result_bookmark_button.setOnClickListener { it.popupMenuNoIcons( items = WatchType.values() .map { watchType -> Pair(watchType.internalId, watchType.stringRes) }, //.map { watchType -> Triple(watchType.internalId, watchType.iconRes, watchType.stringRes) }, ) { context?.let { localContext -> viewModel.updateWatchStatus(localContext, WatchType.fromInternalId(this.itemId)) } } } observe(viewModel.watchStatus) { watchType -> result_bookmark_button?.text = getString(watchType.stringRes) result_bookmark_fab?.text = getString(watchType.stringRes) if(watchType == WatchType.NONE) { result_bookmark_fab?.context?.colorFromAttribute(R.attr.white) } else { result_bookmark_fab?.context?.colorFromAttribute(R.attr.colorPrimary) }?.let { val colorState = ColorStateList.valueOf(it) result_bookmark_fab?.iconTint = colorState result_bookmark_fab?.setTextColor(colorState) } result_bookmark_fab?.setOnClickListener { fab -> fab.context.showBottomDialog( WatchType.values().map { fab.context.getString(it.stringRes) }.toList(), watchType.ordinal, fab.context.getString(R.string.action_add_to_bookmarks), showApply = true, {}) { viewModel.updateWatchStatus(fab.context, WatchType.values()[it]) } } } observe(viewModel.episodes) { episodeList -> lateFixDownloadButton(episodeList.size <= 1) // movies can have multible parts but still be *movies* this will fix this when (startAction) { START_ACTION_RESUME_LATEST -> { for (ep in episodeList) { if (ep.getWatchProgress() > 0.90f) { // watched too much continue } handleAction(EpisodeClickEvent(ACTION_PLAY_EPISODE_IN_PLAYER, ep)) break } } START_ACTION_LOAD_EP -> { for (ep in episodeList) { if ( == startValue) { // watched too much handleAction(EpisodeClickEvent(ACTION_PLAY_EPISODE_IN_PLAYER, ep)) break } } } else -> { } } arguments?.remove("startValue") arguments?.remove("startAction") startAction = null startValue = null } observe(viewModel.allEpisodes) { allEpisodes = it } observe(viewModel.allEpisodesSubs) { allEpisodesSubs = it } observe(viewModel.selectedSeason) { season -> result_season_button?.text = fromIndexToSeasonText(season) } observe(viewModel.seasonSelections) { seasonList -> result_season_button?.visibility = if (seasonList.size <= 1) GONE else VISIBLE result_season_button?.setOnClickListener { result_season_button?.popupMenuNoIconsAndNoStringRes( items = seasonList .map { Pair(it ?: -2, fromIndexToSeasonText(it)) }, ) { val id = this.itemId context?.let { viewModel.changeSeason(it, if (id == -2) null else id) } } } } observe(viewModel.publicEpisodes) { episodes -> when (episodes) { is Resource.Failure -> { result_episode_loading?.isVisible = false //result_episodes?.isVisible = false } is Resource.Loading -> { result_episode_loading?.isVisible = true // result_episodes?.isVisible = false } is Resource.Success -> { //result_episodes?.isVisible = true result_episode_loading?.isVisible = false if (result_episodes == null || result_episodes.adapter == null) return@observe currentEpisodes = episodes.value (result_episodes?.adapter as EpisodeAdapter?)?.cardList = episodes.value (result_episodes?.adapter as EpisodeAdapter?)?.updateLayout() (result_episodes?.adapter as EpisodeAdapter?)?.notifyDataSetChanged() } } } observe(viewModel.dubStatus) { status -> result_dub_select?.text = status.toString() } observe(viewModel.dubSubSelections) { range -> dubRange = range result_dub_select?.visibility = if (range.size <= 1) GONE else VISIBLE } result_dub_select.setOnClickListener { val ranges = dubRange if (ranges != null) { it.popupMenuNoIconsAndNoStringRes( { status -> Pair(status.ordinal, status.toString()) } .toList()) { viewModel.changeDubStatus(requireContext(), DubStatus.values()[itemId]) } } } observe(viewModel.selectedRange) { range -> result_episode_select?.text = range } observe(viewModel.rangeOptions) { range -> episodeRanges = range result_episode_select?.visibility = if (range.size <= 1) GONE else VISIBLE } result_episode_select.setOnClickListener { val ranges = episodeRanges if (ranges != null) { it.popupMenuNoIconsAndNoStringRes(ranges.mapIndexed { index, s -> Pair(index, s) }.toList()) { viewModel.changeRange(requireContext(), itemId) } } } observe(viewModel.publicEpisodesCount) { count -> if (count < 0) { result_episodes_text?.isVisible = false } else { // result_episodes_text?.isVisible = true result_episodes_text?.text = "$count ${if (count == 1) getString(R.string.episode) else getString(R.string.episodes)}" } } observe( { currentId = it } observe(viewModel.resultResponse) { data -> when (data) { is Resource.Success -> { val d = data.value if (d is LoadResponse) { if (d !is AnimeLoadResponse && result_episode_loading.isVisible) { // no episode loading when not anime result_episode_loading.isVisible = false } updateVisStatus(2) result_vpn?.text = when (api.vpnStatus) { VPNStatus.MightBeNeeded -> getString(R.string.vpn_might_be_needed) VPNStatus.Torrent -> getString(R.string.vpn_torrent) else -> "" } result_vpn?.visibility = if (api.vpnStatus == VPNStatus.None) GONE else VISIBLE result_info?.text = when (api.providerType) { ProviderType.MetaProvider -> getString(R.string.provider_info_meta) else -> "" } result_info?.isVisible = api.providerType == ProviderType.MetaProvider //result_bookmark_button.text = getString(R.string.type_watching) currentHeaderName = currentType = d.type currentPoster = d.posterUrl currentIsMovie = !d.isEpisodeBased() result_openinbrower?.setOnClickListener { val i = Intent(ACTION_VIEW) = Uri.parse(d.url) try { startActivity(i) } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } } result_search?.setOnClickListener { QuickSearchFragment.push(activity, true, } result_share?.setOnClickListener { val i = Intent(ACTION_SEND) i.type = "text/plain" i.putExtra(EXTRA_SUBJECT, i.putExtra(EXTRA_TEXT, d.url) startActivity(createChooser(i, } val metadataInfoArray = ArrayList>() if (d is AnimeLoadResponse) { val status = when (d.showStatus) { null -> null ShowStatus.Ongoing -> R.string.status_ongoing ShowStatus.Completed -> R.string.status_completed } if (status != null) { metadataInfoArray.add(Pair(R.string.status, getString(status))) } } result_meta_year?.isGone = d.year == null result_meta_year?.text = d.year?.toString() ?: "" if (d.rating == null) { result_meta_rating?.isVisible = false } else { result_meta_rating?.isVisible = true result_meta_rating?.text = "%.1f/10.0".format(d.rating!!.toFloat() / 10f).replace(",", ".") } val duration = d.duration if (duration.isNullOrEmpty()) { result_meta_duration?.isVisible = false } else { result_meta_duration?.isVisible = true result_meta_duration?.text = if (duration.endsWith("min") || duration.endsWith("h")) duration else "${duration}min" } result_meta_site?.text = d.apiName result_poster?.setImage(d.posterUrl) result_poster_blur?.setImageBlur(d.posterUrl, 10, 3) result_poster_holder?.visibility = if (d.posterUrl.isNullOrBlank()) GONE else VISIBLE result_play_movie?.text = if (d.type == TvType.Torrent) getString(R.string.play_torrent_button) else getString(R.string.play_movie_button) //result_plot_header?.text = // if (d.type == TvType.Torrent) getString(R.string.torrent_plot) else getString(R.string.result_plot) if (!d.plot.isNullOrEmpty()) { var syno = d.plot!! if (syno.length > MAX_SYNO_LENGH) { syno = syno.substring(0, MAX_SYNO_LENGH) + "..." } result_descript.setOnClickListener { val builder: AlertDialog.Builder = AlertDialog.Builder(requireContext()) builder.setMessage(d.plot) .setTitle(if (d.type == TvType.Torrent) R.string.torrent_plot else R.string.result_plot) .show() } result_descript.text = syno } else { result_descript.text = if (d.type == TvType.Torrent) getString(R.string.torrent_no_plot) else getString(R.string.normal_no_plot) } result_tag?.removeAllViews() //result_tag_holder?.visibility = GONE // result_status.visibility = GONE val tags = d.tags if (tags.isNullOrEmpty()) { //result_tag_holder?.visibility = GONE } else { //result_tag_holder?.visibility = VISIBLE for ((index, tag) in tags.withIndex()) { val viewBtt = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.result_tag, null) val btt = viewBtt.findViewById( btt.text = tag result_tag?.addView(viewBtt, index) } } if (d.type.isMovieType()) { val hasDownloadSupport = api.hasDownloadSupport lateFixDownloadButton(true) result_play_movie?.setOnClickListener { val card = currentEpisodes?.firstOrNull() ?: return@setOnClickListener handleAction(EpisodeClickEvent(ACTION_CLICK_DEFAULT, card)) } result_play_movie?.setOnLongClickListener { val card = currentEpisodes?.firstOrNull() ?: return@setOnLongClickListener true handleAction(EpisodeClickEvent(ACTION_SHOW_OPTIONS, card)) return@setOnLongClickListener true } result_download_movie?.setOnLongClickListener { val card = currentEpisodes?.firstOrNull() ?: return@setOnLongClickListener true handleAction(EpisodeClickEvent(ACTION_SHOW_OPTIONS, card)) return@setOnLongClickListener true } // result_options.setOnClickListener { // val card = currentEpisodes?.first() ?: return@setOnClickListener // handleAction(EpisodeClickEvent(ACTION_SHOW_OPTIONS, card)) // } result_download_movie?.visibility = if (hasDownloadSupport) VISIBLE else GONE if (hasDownloadSupport) { val localId = d.getId() val file = VideoDownloadManager.getDownloadFileInfoAndUpdateSettings(requireContext(), localId) downloadButton?.dispose() downloadButton = EasyDownloadButton() downloadButton?.setUpMaterialButton( file?.fileLength, file?.totalBytes, result_movie_progress_downloaded, result_download_movie, result_movie_text_progress, VideoDownloadHelper.DownloadEpisodeCached(, d.posterUrl, 0, null, localId, localId, d.rating, d.plot, System.currentTimeMillis(), ) ) { downloadClickEvent -> if (downloadClickEvent.action == DOWNLOAD_ACTION_DOWNLOAD) { currentEpisodes?.firstOrNull()?.let { episode -> handleAction( EpisodeClickEvent( ACTION_DOWNLOAD_EPISODE, ResultEpisode(, null, 0, null,, d.apiName, localId, 0, 0L, 0L, null, null, null, ) ) ) } } else { handleDownloadClick(activity, currentHeaderName, downloadClickEvent) } } } } else { lateFixDownloadButton(false) } when (d) { is AnimeLoadResponse -> { // val preferEnglish = true //val titleName = (if (preferEnglish) d.engName else d.japName) ?: val titleName = result_title.text = titleName //result_toolbar.title = titleName } else -> result_title.text = } } else { updateVisStatus(1) } } is Resource.Failure -> { result_error_text.text = url?.plus("\n") + data.errorString updateVisStatus(1) } is Resource.Loading -> { updateVisStatus(0) } } } context?.let { ctx -> result_bookmark_button?.isVisible = ctx.isTvSettings() val settingsManager = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(ctx) val showFillers = settingsManager.getBoolean(ctx.getString(R.string.show_fillers_key), true) val tempUrl = url if (tempUrl != null) { result_reload_connectionerror.setOnClickListener { viewModel.load(it.context, tempUrl, apiName, showFillers) } result_reload_connection_open_in_browser?.setOnClickListener { val i = Intent(ACTION_VIEW) = Uri.parse(tempUrl) try { startActivity(i) } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } } result_meta_site?.setOnClickListener { val i = Intent(ACTION_VIEW) = Uri.parse(tempUrl) try { startActivity(i) } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } } if (restart || viewModel.resultResponse.value == null) { viewModel.clear() viewModel.load(ctx, tempUrl, apiName, showFillers) } } } } }