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1 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Kai Kitching 995efeda29
Merge 434cb87784 into 4399a612df 2024-04-22 01:15:06 +02:00
6 changed files with 23 additions and 498 deletions

View File

@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.metaproviders
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.*
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAlias
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.LoadResponse.Companion.addImdbId
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.LoadResponse.Companion.addTMDbId
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.LoadResponse.Companion.addTrailer
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.logError
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.parseJson
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.toJson
import java.util.Locale
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
open class TraktProvider : MainAPI() {
override var name = "Trakt"
override val hasMainPage = true
override val providerType = ProviderType.MetaProvider
override val supportedTypes = setOf(
private val traktClientId = base64Decode("N2YzODYwYWQzNGI4ZTZmOTdmN2I5MTA0ZWQzMzEwOGI0MmQ3MTdlMTM0MmM2NGMxMTg5NGE1MjUyYTQ3NjE3Zg==")
private val traktApiUrl = base64Decode("aHR0cHM6Ly9hcGl6LnRyYWt0LnR2")
override val mainPage = mainPageOf(
"$traktApiUrl/movies/trending" to "Trending Movies", //Most watched movies right now
"$traktApiUrl/movies/popular" to "Popular Movies", //The most popular movies for all time
"$traktApiUrl/shows/trending" to "Trending Shows", //Most watched Shows right now
"$traktApiUrl/shows/popular" to "Popular Shows", //The most popular Shows for all time
override suspend fun getMainPage(page: Int, request: MainPageRequest): HomePageResponse {
val apiResponse = getApi("${}?extended=cloud9,full&page=$page")
val results = parseJson<List<MediaDetails>>(apiResponse).map { element ->
return newHomePageResponse(, results)
private fun MediaDetails.toSearchResponse(): SearchResponse {
val media = ?: this
val mediaType = if (media.ids?.tvdb == null) TvType.Movie else TvType.TvSeries
val poster = media.images?.poster?.firstOrNull()
if (mediaType == TvType.Movie) {
return newMovieSearchResponse(
name = media.title!!,
url = Data(
type = mediaType,
mediaDetails = media,
type = TvType.Movie,
) {
posterUrl = fixPath(poster)
} else {
return newTvSeriesSearchResponse(
name = media.title!!,
url = Data(
type = mediaType,
mediaDetails = media,
type = TvType.TvSeries,
) {
this.posterUrl = fixPath(poster)
override suspend fun search(query: String): List<SearchResponse>? {
val apiResponse = getApi("$traktApiUrl/search/movie,show?extended=cloud9,full&limit=20&page=1&query=$query")
val results = parseJson<List<MediaDetails>>(apiResponse).map { element ->
return results
override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse {
val data = parseJson<Data>(url)
val mediaDetails = data.mediaDetails
val moviesOrShows = if (data.type == TvType.Movie) "movies" else "shows"
val posterUrl = mediaDetails?.images?.poster?.firstOrNull()
val backDropUrl = mediaDetails?.images?.fanart?.firstOrNull()
val resActor = getApi("$traktApiUrl/$moviesOrShows/${mediaDetails?.ids?.trakt}/people?extended=cloud9,full")
val actors = parseJson<People>(resActor).cast?.map {
name = it.person?.name!!,
image = getWidthImageUrl(it.person.images?.headshot?.firstOrNull(), "w500")
roleString = it.character
val resRelated = getApi("$traktApiUrl/$moviesOrShows/${mediaDetails?.ids?.trakt}/related?extended=cloud9,full&limit=20")
val relatedMedia = parseJson<List<MediaDetails>>(resRelated).map { it.toSearchResponse() }
val isCartoon = mediaDetails?.genres?.contains("animation") == true || mediaDetails?.genres?.contains("anime") == true
val isAnime = isCartoon && (mediaDetails?.language == "zh" || mediaDetails?.language == "ja")
val isAsian = !isAnime && (mediaDetails?.language == "zh" || mediaDetails?.language == "ko")
val isBollywood = mediaDetails?.country == "in"
if (data.type == TvType.Movie) {
val linkData = LinkData(
id = mediaDetails?.ids?.tmdb,
imdbId = mediaDetails?.ids?.imdb.toString(),
tvdbId = mediaDetails?.ids?.tvdb,
type = data.type.toString(),
title = mediaDetails?.title,
year = mediaDetails?.year,
orgTitle = mediaDetails?.title,
isAnime = isAnime,
//jpTitle = later if needed as it requires another network request,
airedDate = mediaDetails?.released
?: mediaDetails?.firstAired,
isAsian = isAsian,
isBollywood = isBollywood,
return newMovieLoadResponse(
name = mediaDetails?.title!!,
url = data.toJson(),
dataUrl = linkData.toJson(),
type = if (isAnime) TvType.AnimeMovie else TvType.Movie,
) { = mediaDetails.title
this.apiName = "Trakt"
this.type = if (isAnime) TvType.AnimeMovie else TvType.Movie
this.posterUrl = getOriginalWidthImageUrl(posterUrl)
this.year = mediaDetails.year
this.plot = mediaDetails.overview
this.rating = mediaDetails.rating?.times(1000)?.roundToInt()
this.tags = mediaDetails.genres
this.duration = mediaDetails.runtime
this.recommendations = relatedMedia
this.actors = actors
this.comingSoon = isUpcoming(mediaDetails.released)
this.backgroundPosterUrl = getOriginalWidthImageUrl(backDropUrl)
this.contentRating = mediaDetails.certification
} else {
val resSeasons = getApi("$traktApiUrl/shows/${mediaDetails?.ids?.trakt.toString()}/seasons?extended=cloud9,full,episodes")
val episodes = mutableListOf<Episode>()
val seasons = parseJson<List<Seasons>>(resSeasons)
val seasonsNames = mutableListOf<SeasonData>()
seasons.forEach { season ->
season.episodes?.map { episode ->
val linkData = LinkData(
id = mediaDetails?.ids?.tmdb,
imdbId = mediaDetails?.ids?.imdb.toString(),
tvdbId = mediaDetails?.ids?.tvdb,
type = data.type.toString(),
season = episode.season,
episode = episode.number,
title = mediaDetails?.title,
year = mediaDetails?.year,
orgTitle = mediaDetails?.title,
isAnime = isAnime,
airedYear = mediaDetails?.year,
lastSeason = seasons.size,
epsTitle = episode.title,
//jpTitle = later if needed as it requires another network request,
date = episode.firstAired,
airedDate = episode.firstAired,
isAsian = isAsian,
isBollywood = isBollywood,
isCartoon = isCartoon
data = linkData.toJson(),
name = episode.title,
season = episode.season,
episode = episode.number,
posterUrl = fixPath(episode.images?.screenshot?.firstOrNull()),
rating = episode.rating?.times(10)?.roundToInt(),
description = episode.overview,
).apply {
return newTvSeriesLoadResponse(
name = mediaDetails?.title!!,
url = data.toJson(),
type = if (isAnime) TvType.Anime else TvType.TvSeries,
episodes = episodes
) { = mediaDetails.title
this.apiName = "Trakt"
this.type = if (isAnime) TvType.Anime else TvType.TvSeries
this.episodes = episodes
this.posterUrl = getOriginalWidthImageUrl(posterUrl)
this.year = mediaDetails.year
this.plot = mediaDetails.overview
this.showStatus = getStatus(mediaDetails.status)
this.rating = mediaDetails.rating?.times(1000)?.roundToInt()
this.tags = mediaDetails.genres
this.duration = mediaDetails.runtime
this.recommendations = relatedMedia
this.actors = actors
this.comingSoon = isUpcoming(mediaDetails.released)
this.seasonNames = seasonsNames
this.backgroundPosterUrl = getOriginalWidthImageUrl(backDropUrl)
this.contentRating = mediaDetails.certification
private suspend fun getApi(url: String) : String {
return app.get(
url = url,
headers = mapOf(
"Content-Type" to "application/json",
"trakt-api-version" to "2",
"trakt-api-key" to traktClientId,
private fun isUpcoming(dateString: String?): Boolean {
return try {
val format = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.getDefault())
val dateTime = dateString?.let { format.parse(it)?.time } ?: return false
APIHolder.unixTimeMS < dateTime
} catch (t: Throwable) {
private fun getStatus(t: String?): ShowStatus {
return when (t) {
"returning series" -> ShowStatus.Ongoing
"continuing" -> ShowStatus.Ongoing
else -> ShowStatus.Completed
private fun fixPath(url: String?): String? {
url ?: return null
return "https://$url"
private fun getWidthImageUrl(path: String?, width: String) : String? {
if (path == null) return null
if (!path.contains("")) return fixPath(path)
val fileName = Uri.parse(path).lastPathSegment ?: return null
return "${width}/${fileName}"
private fun getOriginalWidthImageUrl(path: String?) : String? {
if (path == null) return null
if (!path.contains("")) return fixPath(path)
return getWidthImageUrl(path, "original")
data class Data(
val type: TvType? = null,
val mediaDetails: MediaDetails? = null,
data class MediaDetails(
@JsonProperty("title") val title: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("year") val year: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("ids") val ids: Ids? = null,
@JsonProperty("tagline") val tagline: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("overview") val overview: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("released") val released: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("runtime") val runtime: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("country") val country: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("updatedAt") val updatedAt: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("trailer") val trailer: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("homepage") val homepage: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("status") val status: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("rating") val rating: Double? = null,
@JsonProperty("votes") val votes: Long? = null,
@JsonProperty("comment_count") val commentCount: Long? = null,
@JsonProperty("language") val language: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("languages") val languages: List<String>? = null,
@JsonProperty("available_translations") val availableTranslations: List<String>? = null,
@JsonProperty("genres") val genres: List<String>? = null,
@JsonProperty("certification") val certification: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("aired_episodes") val airedEpisodes: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("first_aired") val firstAired: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("airs") val airs: Airs? = null,
@JsonProperty("network") val network: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("images") val images: Images? = null,
@JsonProperty("movie") @JsonAlias("show") val media: MediaDetails? = null
data class Airs(
@JsonProperty("day") val day: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("time") val time: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("timezone") val timezone: String? = null,
data class Ids(
@JsonProperty("trakt") val trakt: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("slug") val slug: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("tvdb") val tvdb: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("imdb") val imdb: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("tmdb") val tmdb: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("tvrage") val tvrage: String? = null,
data class Images(
@JsonProperty("fanart") val fanart: List<String>? = null,
@JsonProperty("poster") val poster: List<String>? = null,
@JsonProperty("logo") val logo: List<String>? = null,
@JsonProperty("clearart") val clearart: List<String>? = null,
@JsonProperty("banner") val banner: List<String>? = null,
@JsonProperty("thumb") val thumb: List<String>? = null,
@JsonProperty("screenshot") val screenshot: List<String>? = null,
@JsonProperty("headshot") val headshot: List<String>? = null,
data class People(
@JsonProperty("cast") val cast: List<Cast>? = null,
data class Cast(
@JsonProperty("character") val character: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("characters") val characters: List<String>? = null,
@JsonProperty("episode_count") val episodeCount: Long? = null,
@JsonProperty("person") val person: Person? = null,
@JsonProperty("images") val images: Images? = null,
data class Person(
@JsonProperty("name") val name: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("ids") val ids: Ids? = null,
@JsonProperty("images") val images: Images? = null,
data class Seasons(
@JsonProperty("aired_episodes") val airedEpisodes: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("episode_count") val episodeCount: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("episodes") val episodes: List<TraktEpisode>? = null,
@JsonProperty("first_aired") val firstAired: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("ids") val ids: Ids? = null,
@JsonProperty("images") val images: Images? = null,
@JsonProperty("network") val network: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("number") val number: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("overview") val overview: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("rating") val rating: Double? = null,
@JsonProperty("title") val title: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("updated_at") val updatedAt: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("votes") val votes: Int? = null,
data class TraktEpisode(
@JsonProperty("available_translations") val availableTranslations: List<String>? = null,
@JsonProperty("comment_count") val commentCount: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("episode_type") val episodeType: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("first_aired") val firstAired: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("ids") val ids: Ids? = null,
@JsonProperty("images") val images: Images? = null,
@JsonProperty("number") val number: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("number_abs") val numberAbs: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("overview") val overview: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("rating") val rating: Double? = null,
@JsonProperty("runtime") val runtime: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("season") val season: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("title") val title: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("updated_at") val updatedAt: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("votes") val votes: Int? = null,
data class LinkData(
val id: Int? = null,
val imdbId: String? = null,
val tvdbId: Int? = null,
val type: String? = null,
val season: Int? = null,
val episode: Int? = null,
val aniId: String? = null,
val animeId: String? = null,
val title: String? = null,
val year: Int? = null,
val orgTitle: String? = null,
val isAnime: Boolean = false,
val airedYear: Int? = null,
val lastSeason: Int? = null,
val epsTitle: String? = null,
val jpTitle: String? = null,
val date: String? = null,
val airedDate: String? = null,
val isAsian: Boolean = false,
val isBollywood: Boolean = false,
val isCartoon: Boolean = false,

View File

@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.player package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.player
import android.annotation.SuppressLint import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver import android.content.*
import android.content.Context
import android.content.Intent
import android.content.IntentFilter
import import
import import
import import
@ -27,7 +24,11 @@ import
import androidx.media3.common.PlaybackException import androidx.media3.common.PlaybackException
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.ExoPlayer import androidx.media3.exoplayer.ExoPlayer
import androidx.media3.session.MediaSession import androidx.media3.session.MediaSession
import androidx.media3.ui.* import androidx.media3.ui.AspectRatioFrameLayout
import androidx.media3.ui.DefaultTimeBar
import androidx.media3.ui.PlayerView
import androidx.media3.ui.SubtitleView
import androidx.media3.ui.TimeBar
import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager
import import
import com.github.rubensousa.previewseekbar.PreviewBar import com.github.rubensousa.previewseekbar.PreviewBar
@ -441,9 +442,6 @@ abstract class AbstractPlayerFragment(
is VideoEndedEvent -> { is VideoEndedEvent -> {
context?.let { ctx -> context?.let { ctx ->
// Resets subtitle delay on ended video
// Only play next episode if autoplay is on (default) // Only play next episode if autoplay is on (default)
if (PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(ctx) if (PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(ctx)
?.getBoolean( ?.getBoolean(

View File

@ -1118,9 +1118,6 @@ class CS3IPlayer : IPlayer {
} }
Player.STATE_ENDED -> { Player.STATE_ENDED -> {
// Resets subtitle delay on ended video
// Only play next episode if autoplay is on (default) // Only play next episode if autoplay is on (default)
if (PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) if (PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context)
?.getBoolean( ?.getBoolean(

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.settings package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.settings
import android.os.Bundle import android.os.Bundle
import android.util.Log
import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.LayoutInflater
import android.view.View import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.widget.ImageView import android.widget.ImageView
import androidx.annotation.StringRes import androidx.annotation.StringRes
import androidx.core.view.children import androidx.core.view.children
import androidx.core.view.isVisible
import androidx.core.view.updateLayoutParams import androidx.core.view.updateLayoutParams
import import
import androidx.preference.Preference import androidx.preference.Preference
@ -18,14 +18,12 @@ import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.BuildConfig
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.R import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.R
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.databinding.MainSettingsBinding import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.databinding.MainSettingsBinding
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.logError import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.logError
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.syncproviders.AccountManager
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.syncproviders.AccountManager.Companion.accountManagers import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.syncproviders.AccountManager.Companion.accountManagers
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.home.HomeFragment import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.home.HomeFragment
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.result.txt import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.result.txt
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.settings.Globals.EMULATOR import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.settings.Globals.EMULATOR
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.settings.Globals.TV import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.settings.Globals.TV
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.settings.Globals.isLayout import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.ui.settings.Globals.isLayout
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.DataStoreHelper
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.clipboardHelper import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.clipboardHelper
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.navigate import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.UIHelper.navigate
@ -135,6 +133,7 @@ class SettingsFragment : Fragment() {
val localBinding = MainSettingsBinding.inflate(inflater, container, false) val localBinding = MainSettingsBinding.inflate(inflater, container, false)
binding = localBinding binding = localBinding
return localBinding.root return localBinding.root
//return inflater.inflate(R.layout.main_settings, container, false)
} }
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
@ -142,44 +141,21 @@ class SettingsFragment : Fragment() {
activity?.navigate(id, Bundle()) activity?.navigate(id, Bundle())
} }
/** used to debug leaks // used to debug leaks showToast(activity,"${VideoDownloadManager.downloadStatusEvent.size} : ${VideoDownloadManager.downloadProgressEvent.size}")
showToast(activity,"${VideoDownloadManager.downloadStatusEvent.size} :
${VideoDownloadManager.downloadProgressEvent.size}") **/
fun hasProfilePictureFromAccountManagers(accountManagers: List<AccountManager>): Boolean { for (syncApi in accountManagers) {
for (syncApi in accountManagers) { val login = syncApi.loginInfo()
val login = syncApi.loginInfo() val pic = login?.profilePicture ?: continue
val pic = login?.profilePicture ?: continue if (binding?.settingsProfilePic?.setImage(
if (binding?.settingsProfilePic?.setImage( errorImageDrawable = HomeFragment.errorProfilePic
pic, ) == true
errorImageDrawable = HomeFragment.errorProfilePic ) {
) == true binding?.settingsProfileText?.text =
) { binding?.settingsProfile?.isVisible = true
binding?.settingsProfileText?.text = break
return true // sync profile exists
} }
return false // not syncing
} }
// display local account information if not syncing
if (!hasProfilePictureFromAccountManagers(accountManagers)) {
val activity = activity ?: return
val currentAccount = try {
DataStoreHelper.accounts.firstOrNull {
it.keyIndex == DataStoreHelper.selectedKeyIndex
} ?: activity.let { DataStoreHelper.getDefaultAccount(activity) }
} catch (t: IllegalStateException) {
Log.e("AccountManager", "Activity not found", t)
binding?.settingsProfileText?.text = currentAccount?.name
binding?.apply { binding?.apply {
listOf( listOf(
settingsGeneral to, settingsGeneral to,

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ripple xmlns:android=""
<shape android:shape="oval">
android:color="?attr/white" />
<corners android:radius="10dp" />

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"
android:orientation="horizontal" android:orientation="horizontal"
android:padding="20dp" android:padding="20dp"
tools:visibility="visible"> tools:visibility="visible">
<androidx.cardview.widget.CardView <androidx.cardview.widget.CardView
@ -35,11 +36,7 @@
android:id="@+id/settings_profile_pic" android:id="@+id/settings_profile_pic"
android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_width="match_parent"
android:layout_height="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"
android:scaleType="centerCrop" tools:ignore="ContentDescription" />
</androidx.cardview.widget.CardView> </androidx.cardview.widget.CardView>
<TextView <TextView
@ -53,7 +50,7 @@
android:textColor="?attr/textColor" android:textColor="?attr/textColor"
android:textSize="18sp" android:textSize="18sp"
android:textStyle="normal" android:textStyle="normal"
tools:text="Quick Brown Fox" /> tools:text="Hello world" />
</LinearLayout> </LinearLayout>
<TextView <TextView