package com.lagradost import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.json.JsonMapper import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.KotlinModule import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.parseJson import com.lagradost.nicehttp.NiceResponse import com.lagradost.nicehttp.Session import org.jsoup.Jsoup import import java.util.* private fun String.toAscii() = { it.code }.joinToString() class KrunchyGeoBypasser { companion object { const val BYPASS_SERVER = "" val headers = mapOf( "Accept" to "*/*", "Accept-Encoding" to "gzip, deflate", "Connection" to "keep-alive", "Referer" to "", "User-Agent" to "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.159 Safari/537.36".toAscii() ) var sessionId: String? = null val session = Session(app.baseClient) } data class KrunchySession( @JsonProperty("data") var data: DataInfo? = DataInfo(), @JsonProperty("error") var error: Boolean? = null, @JsonProperty("code") var code: String? = null ) data class DataInfo( @JsonProperty("session_id") var sessionId: String? = null, @JsonProperty("country_code") var countryCode: String? = null, ) private suspend fun getSessionId(): Boolean { return try { val response = app.get(BYPASS_SERVER, params = mapOf("version" to "1.1")).text val json = parseJson(response) sessionId = true } catch (e: Exception) { sessionId = null false } } private suspend fun autoLoadSession(): Boolean { if (sessionId != null) return true getSessionId() return autoLoadSession() } suspend fun geoBypassRequest(url: String): NiceResponse { autoLoadSession() return session.get(url, headers = headers, cookies = mapOf("session_id" to sessionId!!)) } } class KrunchyProvider : MainAPI() { companion object { val crUnblock = KrunchyGeoBypasser() val episodeNumRegex = Regex("""Episode (\d+)""") val mapper: JsonMapper = JsonMapper.builder().addModule(KotlinModule()) .configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false).build() } override var mainUrl = "" override var name: String = "Crunchyroll" override var lang = "en" override val hasQuickSearch = false override val hasMainPage = true override val supportedTypes = setOf( TvType.AnimeMovie, TvType.Anime, TvType.OVA ) override val mainPage = mainPageOf( "$mainUrl/videos/anime/popular/ajax_page?pg=" to "Popular", "$mainUrl/videos/anime/simulcasts/ajax_page" to "Simulcasts" ) override suspend fun getMainPage(page: Int, request: MainPageRequest): HomePageResponse { val categoryData = val paginated = categoryData.endsWith("=") val pagedLink = if (paginated) categoryData + page else categoryData val items = mutableListOf() // Only fetch page at first-time load of homepage if (page <= 1) { val doc = Jsoup.parse(crUnblock.geoBypassRequest(mainUrl).text) val featured =".js-featured-show-list > li").mapNotNull { anime -> val url = fixUrlNull(anime?.selectFirst("a")?.attr("href")) ?: return@mapNotNull null val imgEl = anime.selectFirst("img") val name = imgEl?.attr("alt") ?: "" val posterUrl = imgEl?.attr("src")?.replace("small", "full") AnimeSearchResponse( name = name, url = url, apiName =, type = TvType.Anime, posterUrl = posterUrl, dubStatus = EnumSet.of(DubStatus.Subbed) ) } val recent ="div.welcome-countdown-day:contains(Now Showing) li").mapNotNull { val link = fixUrlNull(it.selectFirst("a")?.attr("href")) ?: return@mapNotNull null val name = it.selectFirst("span.welcome-countdown-name")?.text() ?: "" val img = it.selectFirst("img")?.attr("src")?.replace("medium", "full") val dubstat = if (name.contains("Dub)", true)) EnumSet.of(DubStatus.Dubbed) else EnumSet.of(DubStatus.Subbed) val details = it.selectFirst("span.welcome-countdown-details")?.text() val epnum = if (details.isNullOrBlank()) null else episodeNumRegex.find(details)?.value?.replace( "Episode ", "" ) ?: "0" val episodesMap = mutableMapOf() episodesMap[DubStatus.Subbed] = epnum?.toIntOrNull() ?: 0 episodesMap[DubStatus.Dubbed] = epnum?.toIntOrNull() ?: 0 AnimeSearchResponse( name = "★ $name ★", url = link.replace(Regex("(\\/episode.*)"), ""), apiName =, type = TvType.Anime, posterUrl = fixUrlNull(img), dubStatus = dubstat, episodes = episodesMap ) } if (recent.isNotEmpty()) { items.add( HomePageList( name = "Now Showing", list = recent, ) ) } items.add(HomePageList("Featured", featured)) } if (paginated || !paginated && page <= 1) { crUnblock.geoBypassRequest(pagedLink).let { respText -> val soup = Jsoup.parse(respText.text) val episodes ="li").mapNotNull { val innerA = it.selectFirst("a") ?: return@mapNotNull null val urlEps = fixUrlNull(innerA.attr("href")) ?: return@mapNotNull null AnimeSearchResponse( name = innerA.attr("title"), url = urlEps, apiName =, type = TvType.Anime, posterUrl = it.selectFirst("img")?.attr("src"), dubStatus = EnumSet.of(DubStatus.Subbed) ) } if (episodes.isNotEmpty()) { items.add( HomePageList( name =, list = episodes, ) ) } } } if (items.isNotEmpty()) { return newHomePageResponse(items.toList() ) } throw ErrorLoadingException() } private fun getCloseMatches(sequence: String, items: Collection): ArrayList { val closeMatches = ArrayList() val a = sequence.trim().lowercase() for (item in items) { val b = item.trim().lowercase() if (b.contains(a)) { closeMatches.add(item) } else if (a.contains(b)) { closeMatches.add(item) } } return closeMatches } private data class CrunchyAnimeData( @JsonProperty("name") val name: String, @JsonProperty("img") var img: String, @JsonProperty("link") var link: String ) private data class CrunchyJson( @JsonProperty("data") val data: List, ) override suspend fun search(query: String): ArrayList { val json = crUnblock.geoBypassRequest("").text.split( "*/" )[0].replace("\\/", "/") val data = parseJson( json.split("\n").mapNotNull { if (!it.startsWith("/")) it else null }.joinToString("\n") ).data val results = getCloseMatches(query, { }) if (results.isEmpty()) return ArrayList() val searchResutls = ArrayList() var count = 0 for (anime in data) { if (count == results.size) { break } if ( == results[count]) { val dubstat = if ("Dub)", true)) EnumSet.of(DubStatus.Dubbed) else EnumSet.of(DubStatus.Subbed) = fixUrl( anime.img = anime.img.replace("small", "full") searchResutls.add( AnimeSearchResponse( name =, url =, apiName =, type = TvType.Anime, posterUrl = anime.img, dubStatus = dubstat, ) ) ++count } } return searchResutls } override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse { val soup = Jsoup.parse(crUnblock.geoBypassRequest(url).text) val title = soup.selectFirst("#showview-content-header .ellipsis")?.text()?.trim() val posterU = soup.selectFirst(".poster")?.attr("src") val p = soup.selectFirst(".description") var description = p?.selectFirst(".more")?.text()?.trim() if (description.isNullOrBlank()) { description = p?.selectFirst("span")?.text()?.trim() } val genres =".large-margin-bottom > ul:nth-child(2) li:nth-child(2) a") .map { it.text() } val year = genres.filter { it.toIntOrNull() != null }.map { it.toInt() }.sortedBy { it } .getOrNull(0) val subEpisodes = mutableListOf() val dubEpisodes = mutableListOf() val premiumSubEpisodes = mutableListOf() val premiumDubEpisodes = mutableListOf()".season").forEach { val seasonName = it.selectFirst("a.season-dropdown")?.text()?.trim()".episode").forEach { ep -> val epTitle = ep.selectFirst(".short-desc")?.text() val epNum = episodeNumRegex.find( ep.selectFirst("span.ellipsis")?.text().toString() )?.destructured?.component1() var poster = ep.selectFirst("img.landscape")?.attr("data-thumbnailurl") val poster2 = ep.selectFirst("img")?.attr("src") if (poster.isNullOrBlank()) { poster = poster2 } var epDesc = (if (epNum == null) "" else "Episode $epNum") + (if (!seasonName.isNullOrEmpty()) " - $seasonName" else "") val isPremium = poster?.contains("widestar", ignoreCase = true) ?: false if (isPremium) { epDesc = "★ $epDesc ★" } val epi = Episode( fixUrl(ep.attr("href")), "$epTitle", posterUrl = poster?.replace("widestar", "full")?.replace("wide", "full"), description = epDesc ) if (isPremium && seasonName != null && (seasonName.contains("Dub") || seasonName.contains( "Russian" ) || seasonName.contains("Spanish")) ) { premiumDubEpisodes.add(epi) } else if (isPremium) { premiumSubEpisodes.add(epi) } else if (seasonName != null && (seasonName.contains("Dub"))) { dubEpisodes.add(epi) } else { subEpisodes.add(epi) } } } val recommendations =".other-series > ul li")?.mapNotNull { element -> val recTitle ="span.ellipsis[dir=auto]").text() ?: return@mapNotNull null val image ="img")?.attr("src") val recUrl = fixUrl("a").attr("href")) AnimeSearchResponse( recTitle, fixUrl(recUrl),, TvType.Anime, fixUrl(image!!), dubStatus = if (recTitle.contains("(DUB)") || recTitle.contains("Dub")) EnumSet.of( DubStatus.Dubbed ) else EnumSet.of(DubStatus.Subbed), ) } return newAnimeLoadResponse(title.toString(), url, TvType.Anime) { this.posterUrl = posterU this.engName = title if (subEpisodes.isNotEmpty()) addEpisodes(DubStatus.Subbed, subEpisodes.reversed()) if (dubEpisodes.isNotEmpty()) addEpisodes(DubStatus.Dubbed, dubEpisodes.reversed()) // TODO add arbitrary seasons //if (premiumDubEpisodes.isNotEmpty()) addEpisodes( // DubStatus.PremiumDub, // premiumDubEpisodes.reversed() // ) // if (premiumSubEpisodes.isNotEmpty()) addEpisodes( // DubStatus.PremiumSub, // premiumSubEpisodes.reversed() // ) this.plot = description this.tags = genres this.year = year this.recommendations = recommendations } } data class Subtitles( @JsonProperty("language") val language: String, @JsonProperty("url") val url: String, @JsonProperty("title") val title: String?, @JsonProperty("format") val format: String? ) data class Streams( @JsonProperty("format") val format: String?, @JsonProperty("audio_lang") val audioLang: String?, @JsonProperty("hardsub_lang") val hardsubLang: String?, @JsonProperty("url") val url: String, @JsonProperty("resolution") val resolution: String?, @JsonProperty("title") var title: String? ) data class KrunchyVideo( @JsonProperty("streams") val streams: List, @JsonProperty("subtitles") val subtitles: List, ) override suspend fun loadLinks( data: String, isCasting: Boolean, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ): Boolean { val contentRegex = Regex("""vilos\.config\.media = (\{.+\})""") val response = crUnblock.geoBypassRequest(data) val hlsHelper = M3u8Helper() val dat = contentRegex.find(response.text)?.destructured?.component1() if (!dat.isNullOrEmpty()) { val json = parseJson(dat) val streams = ArrayList() for (stream in json.streams) { if ( listOf( "adaptive_hls", "adaptive_dash", "multitrack_adaptive_hls_v2", "vo_adaptive_dash", "vo_adaptive_hls", "trailer_hls", ).contains(stream.format) ) { if (stream.format!!.contains("adaptive") && listOf( "jaJP", "esLA", "esES", "enUS" ) .contains(stream.audioLang) && (listOf( "esLA", "esES", "enUS", null ).contains(stream.hardsubLang)) && URI(stream.url).path.endsWith(".m3u") ) { stream.title = if (stream.hardsubLang == "enUS" && stream.audioLang == "jaJP") "Hardsub (English)" else if (stream.hardsubLang == "esLA" && stream.audioLang == "jaJP") "Hardsub (Latino)" else if (stream.hardsubLang == "esES" && stream.audioLang == "jaJP") "Hardsub (Español España)" else if (stream.audioLang == "esLA") "Latino" else if (stream.audioLang == "esES") "Español España" else if (stream.audioLang == "enUS") "English (US)" else "RAW" streams.add(stream) } //Premium eps if (stream.format == "trailer_hls" && listOf( "jaJP", "esLA", "esES", "enUS" ).contains(stream.audioLang) && (listOf("esLA", "esES", "enUS", null).contains(stream.hardsubLang)) ) { stream.title = if (stream.hardsubLang == "enUS" && stream.audioLang == "jaJP") "Hardsub (English)" else if (stream.hardsubLang == "esLA" && stream.audioLang == "jaJP") "Hardsub (Latino)" else if (stream.hardsubLang == "esES" && stream.audioLang == "jaJP") "Hardsub (Español España)" else if (stream.audioLang == "esLA") "Latino" else if (stream.audioLang == "esES") "Español España" else if (stream.audioLang == "enUS") "English (US)" else "RAW" streams.add(stream) } } } streams.apmap { stream -> if (stream.url.contains("m3u8") && stream.format!!.contains("adaptive")) { hlsHelper.m3u8Generation(M3u8Helper.M3u8Stream(stream.url, null), false).apmap { callback( ExtractorLink( "Crunchyroll", "Crunchy - ${stream.title} - ${it.quality}p", it.streamUrl, "", getQualityFromName(it.quality.toString()), true ) ) } } else if (stream.format == "trailer_hls") { val premiumstream = stream.url .replace("\\/", "/") .replace(Regex("\\/clipFrom.*?index.m3u8"), "").replace("'_,'", "'_'") .replace(stream.url.split("/")[2], "") callback( ExtractorLink(, "Crunchy - ${stream.title} ★", premiumstream, "", Qualities.Unknown.value, false ) ) } else null } json.subtitles.apmap { val langclean = it.language.replace("esLA", "Spanish") .replace("enUS", "English") .replace("esES", "Spanish (Spain)") subtitleCallback( SubtitleFile(langclean, it.url) ) } return true } return false } }