package com.lagradost.cloudstream3.extractors import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.lagradost.MultiQuality import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.AcraApplication.Companion.getKey import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.safeApiCall import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.* import org.jsoup.Jsoup import org.jsoup.nodes.Document import import javax.crypto.Cipher import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec /** * overrideMainUrl is necessary for for other vidstream clones like * If they diverge it'd be better to make them separate. * */ class Vidstream(val mainUrl: String) { val name: String = "Vidstream" companion object { data class GogoSources( @JsonProperty("source") val source: List?, @JsonProperty("sourceBk") val sourceBk: List?, //val track: List, //val advertising: List, //val linkiframe: String ) data class GogoSource( @JsonProperty("file") val file: String, @JsonProperty("label") val label: String?, @JsonProperty("type") val type: String?, @JsonProperty("default") val default: String? = null ) // // No Licence on the function private fun cryptoHandler( string: String, iv: String, secretKeyString: String, encrypt: Boolean = true ): String { //println("IV: $iv, Key: $secretKeyString, encrypt: $encrypt, Message: $string") val ivParameterSpec = IvParameterSpec(iv.toByteArray()) val secretKey = SecretKeySpec(secretKeyString.toByteArray(), "AES") val cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding") return if (!encrypt) { cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secretKey, ivParameterSpec) String(cipher.doFinal(base64DecodeArray(string))) } else { cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey, ivParameterSpec) base64Encode(cipher.doFinal(string.toByteArray())) } } /** * @param iframeUrl something like * @param mainApiName used for ExtractorLink names and source * @param iv secret iv from site, required non-null if isUsingAdaptiveKeys is off * @param secretKey secret key for decryption from site, required non-null if isUsingAdaptiveKeys is off * @param secretDecryptKey secret key to decrypt the response json, required non-null if isUsingAdaptiveKeys is off * @param isUsingAdaptiveKeys generates keys from IV and ID, see getKey() * @param isUsingAdaptiveData generate encrypt-ajax data based on $("script[data-name='episode']")[0].dataset.value * */ suspend fun extractVidstream( iframeUrl: String, mainApiName: String, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, iv: String?, secretKey: String?, secretDecryptKey: String?, // This could be removed, but i prefer it verbose isUsingAdaptiveKeys: Boolean, isUsingAdaptiveData: Boolean, // If you don't want to re-fetch the document iframeDocument: Document? = null ) = safeApiCall { // // No Licence on the following code // Also modified of // License on the code above if ((iv == null || secretKey == null || secretDecryptKey == null) && !isUsingAdaptiveKeys) return@safeApiCall val id = Regex("id=([^&]+)").find(iframeUrl)!!.value.removePrefix("id=") var document: Document? = iframeDocument val foundIv = iv ?: (document ?: app.get(iframeUrl).document.also { document = it }) .select("""div.wrapper[class*=container]""") .attr("class").split("-").lastOrNull() ?: return@safeApiCall val foundKey = secretKey ?: getKey(base64Decode(id) + foundIv) ?: return@safeApiCall val foundDecryptKey = secretDecryptKey ?: foundKey val uri = URI(iframeUrl) val mainUrl = "https://" + val encryptedId = cryptoHandler(id, foundIv, foundKey) val encryptRequestData = if (isUsingAdaptiveData) { // Only fetch the document if necessary val realDocument = document ?: app.get(iframeUrl).document val dataEncrypted ="script[data-name='episode']").attr("data-value") val headers = cryptoHandler(dataEncrypted, foundIv, foundKey, false) "id=$encryptedId&alias=$id&" + headers.substringAfter("&") } else { "id=$encryptedId&alias=$id" } val jsonResponse = app.get( "$mainUrl/encrypt-ajax.php?$encryptRequestData", headers = mapOf("X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest") ) val dataencrypted = jsonResponse.text.substringAfter("{\"data\":\"").substringBefore("\"}") val datadecrypted = cryptoHandler(dataencrypted, foundIv, foundDecryptKey, false) val sources = AppUtils.parseJson(datadecrypted) fun invokeGogoSource( source: GogoSource, sourceCallback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { sourceCallback.invoke( ExtractorLink( mainApiName, mainApiName, source.file, mainUrl, getQualityFromName(source.label), isM3u8 = source.type == "hls" || source.label?.contains( "auto", ignoreCase = true ) == true ) ) } sources.source?.forEach { invokeGogoSource(it, callback) } sources.sourceBk?.forEach { invokeGogoSource(it, callback) } } } private fun getExtractorUrl(id: String): String { return "$mainUrl/streaming.php?id=$id" } private fun getDownloadUrl(id: String): String { return "$mainUrl/download?id=$id" } private val normalApis = arrayListOf(MultiQuality()) // suspend fun getUrl( id: String, isCasting: Boolean = false, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ): Boolean { val extractorUrl = getExtractorUrl(id) argamap( { normalApis.apmap { api -> val url = api.getExtractorUrl(id) api.getSafeUrl( url, callback = callback, subtitleCallback = subtitleCallback ) } }, { /** Stolen from GogoanimeProvider.kt extractor */ val link = getDownloadUrl(id) println("Generated vidstream download link: $link") val page = app.get(link, referer = extractorUrl) val pageDoc = Jsoup.parse(page.text) val qualityRegex = Regex("(\\d+)P") //a[download]".dowload > a")?.apmap { element -> val href = element.attr("href") ?: return@apmap val qual = if (element.text() .contains("HDP") ) "1080" else qualityRegex.find(element.text())?.destructured?.component1() .toString() if (!loadExtractor(href, link, subtitleCallback, callback)) { callback.invoke( ExtractorLink(, name =, href, page.url, getQualityFromName(qual), element.attr("href").contains(".m3u8") ) ) } } }, { with(app.get(extractorUrl)) { val document = Jsoup.parse(this.text) val primaryLinks ="ul.list-server-items > li.linkserver") //val extractedLinksList: MutableList = mutableListOf() // All vidstream links passed to extractors primaryLinks.distinctBy { it.attr("data-video") }.forEach { element -> val link = element.attr("data-video") //val name = element.text() // Matches vidstream links with extractors extractorApis.filter { !it.requiresReferer || !isCasting }.apmap { api -> if (link.startsWith(api.mainUrl)) { api.getSafeUrl(link, extractorUrl, subtitleCallback, callback) } } } } } ) return true } }