package com.lagradost import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.loadExtractor import org.jsoup.Jsoup import class IHaveNoTvProvider : MainAPI() { override var mainUrl = "" override var name = "I Have No TV" override val hasQuickSearch = false override val hasMainPage = true override val supportedTypes = setOf(TvType.Documentary) override suspend fun getMainPage(page: Int, request : MainPageRequest): HomePageResponse { // Uhh, I am too lazy to scrape the "latest documentaries" and "recommended documentaries", // so I am just scraping 3 random categories val allCategories = listOf( "astronomy", "brain", "creativity", "design", "economics", "environment", "health", "history", "lifehack", "math", "music", "nature", "people", "physics", "science", "technology", "travel" ) val categories = allCategories.asSequence().shuffled().take(3) .toList() // randomly get 3 categories, because there are too many val items = ArrayList() categories.forEach { cat -> val link = "$mainUrl/category/$cat" val html = app.get(link).text val soup = Jsoup.parse(html) val searchResults: MutableMap = mutableMapOf()".episodesDiv .episode").forEach { res -> val poster = res.selectFirst("img")?.attr("src") val aTag = if (res.html().contains("/series/")) { res.selectFirst(".episodeMeta > a") } else { res.selectFirst("a[href][title]") } val year = Regex("""•?\s+(\d{4})\s+•""").find( res.selectFirst(".episodeMeta")!!.text() )?.destructured?.component1()?.toIntOrNull() val title = aTag!!.attr("title") val href = fixUrl(aTag.attr("href")) searchResults[href] = TvSeriesSearchResponse( title, href,, TvType.Documentary,//if (href.contains("/series/")) TvType.TvSeries else TvType.Movie, poster, year, null ) } items.add( HomePageList( capitalizeString(cat), ArrayList(searchResults.values).subList(0, 5) ) ) // just 5 results per category, app crashes when they are too many } return HomePageResponse(items) } override suspend fun search(query: String): ArrayList { val url = """$mainUrl/search/${URLEncoder.encode(query, "UTF-8")}""" val response = app.get(url).text val soup = Jsoup.parse(response) val searchResults: MutableMap = mutableMapOf()".episodesDiv .episode").forEach { res -> val poster = res.selectFirst("img")?.attr("src") val aTag = if (res.html().contains("/series/")) { res.selectFirst(".episodeMeta > a") } else { res.selectFirst("a[href][title]") } val year = Regex("""•?\s+(\d{4})\s+•""").find( res.selectFirst(".episodeMeta")!!.text() )?.destructured?.component1() ?.toIntOrNull() val title = aTag!!.attr("title") val href = fixUrl(aTag.attr("href")) searchResults[href] = TvSeriesSearchResponse( title, href,, TvType.Documentary, //if (href.contains("/series/")) TvType.TvSeries else TvType.Movie, poster, year, null ) } return ArrayList(searchResults.values) } override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse { val isSeries = url.contains("/series/") val html = app.get(url).text val soup = Jsoup.parse(html) val container = soup.selectFirst(".container-fluid h1")?.parent() val title = if (isSeries) { container?.selectFirst("h1")?.text()?.split("•")?.firstOrNull().toString() } else soup.selectFirst(".videoDetails")!!.selectFirst("strong")?.text().toString() val description = if (isSeries) { container?.selectFirst("p")?.text() } else { soup.selectFirst(".videoDetails > p")?.text() } var year: Int? = null val categories: MutableSet = mutableSetOf() val episodes = if (isSeries) { container?.select(".episode")?.map { ep -> val thumb = ep.selectFirst("img")!!.attr("src") val epLink = fixUrl(ep.selectFirst("a[title]")!!.attr("href")) val (season, epNum) = if (ep.selectFirst(".episodeMeta > strong") != null && ep.selectFirst(".episodeMeta > strong")!!.html().contains("S") ) { val split = ep.selectFirst(".episodeMeta > strong")?.text()?.split("E") Pair( split?.firstOrNull()?.replace("S", "")?.toIntOrNull(), split?.get(1)?.toIntOrNull() ) } else Pair(null, null) year = Regex("""•?\s+(\d{4})\s+•""").find( ep.selectFirst(".episodeMeta")!!.text() )?.destructured?.component1()?.toIntOrNull() categories.addAll(".episodeMeta > a[href*=\"/category/\"]").map { it.text().trim() }) newEpisode(epLink) { = ep.selectFirst("a[title]")!!.attr("title") this.season = season this.episode = epNum this.posterUrl = thumb this.description = ep.selectFirst(".episodeSynopsis")?.text() } } } else { listOf(MovieLoadResponse( title, url,, TvType.Movie, url, soup.selectFirst("[rel=\"image_src\"]")!!.attr("href"), Regex("""•?\s+(\d{4})\s+•""").find( soup.selectFirst(".videoDetails")!!.text() )?.destructured?.component1()?.toIntOrNull(), description, null, soup.selectFirst(".videoDetails")!!.select("a[href*=\"/category/\"]") .map { it.text().trim() } )) } val poster = episodes?.firstOrNull().let { if (isSeries && it != null) (it as Episode).posterUrl else null } return if (isSeries) TvSeriesLoadResponse( title, url,, TvType.TvSeries, episodes!!.map { it as Episode }, poster, year, description, null, null, categories.toList() ) else (episodes?.first() as MovieLoadResponse) } override suspend fun loadLinks( data: String, isCasting: Boolean, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ): Boolean { val html = app.get(data).text val soup = Jsoup.parse(html) val iframe = soup.selectFirst("#videoWrap iframe") if (iframe != null) { loadExtractor(iframe.attr("src"), null, subtitleCallback, callback) } return true } }