package com.lagradost import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.metaproviders.TmdbLink import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.metaproviders.TmdbProvider import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.parseJson import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Qualities import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.SubtitleHelper class TrailersTwoProvider : TmdbProvider() { val user = "cloudstream" override val apiName = "" override var name = "" override var mainUrl = "" override val useMetaLoadResponse = true override val instantLinkLoading = true data class TrailersEpisode( // val tvShowItemID: Long?, //val tvShow: String, //val tvShowIMDB: String?, //val tvShowTMDB: Long?, @JsonProperty("ItemID") val itemID: Int, //val title: String, //@JsonProperty("IMDb") @JsonProperty("IMDb") val imdb: String?, //@JsonProperty("TMDb") @JsonProperty("TMDb") val tmdb: Int?, //val releaseDate: String, //val entryDate: String ) data class TrailersMovie( @JsonProperty("ItemID") val itemID: Int, @JsonProperty("IMDb") val imdb: String?, @JsonProperty("TMDb") val tmdb: Int?, //@JsonProperty("Title") //val title: String?, ) /*companion object { private var tmdbToIdMovies: HashMap = hashMapOf() private var imdbToIdMovies: HashMap = hashMapOf() private var tmdbToIdTvSeries: HashMap = hashMapOf() private var imdbToIdTvSeries: HashMap = hashMapOf() private const val startDate = 1900 private const val endDate = 9999 fun getEpisode(tmdb: Int?, imdb: String?): Int? { var currentId: Int? = null if (tmdb != null) { currentId = tmdbToIdTvSeries[tmdb] } if (imdb != null && currentId == null) { currentId = imdbToIdTvSeries[imdb] } return currentId } fun getMovie(tmdb: Int?, imdb: String?): Int? { var currentId: Int? = null if (tmdb != null) { currentId = tmdbToIdMovies[tmdb] } if (imdb != null && currentId == null) { currentId = imdbToIdMovies[imdb] } return currentId } suspend fun fillData(isMovie: Boolean) { if (isMovie) { if (tmdbToIdMovies.isNotEmpty() || imdbToIdMovies.isNotEmpty()) { return } parseJson>( app.get( "$startDate-01-01&to=$endDate", timeout = 30 ).text ).forEach { movie -> { imdbToIdTvSeries[it] = movie.itemID } movie.tmdb?.let { tmdbToIdTvSeries[it] = movie.itemID } } } else { if (tmdbToIdTvSeries.isNotEmpty() || imdbToIdTvSeries.isNotEmpty()) { return } parseJson>( app.get( "$startDate-01-01&to=$endDate", timeout = 30 ).text ).forEach { episode -> { imdbToIdTvSeries[it] = episode.itemID } episode.tmdb?.let { tmdbToIdTvSeries[it] = episode.itemID } } } } }*/ override val supportedTypes = setOf( TvType.Movie, TvType.TvSeries, //TvType.AnimeMovie, //TvType.Anime, //TvType.Cartoon ) override suspend fun loadLinks( data: String, isCasting: Boolean, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ): Boolean { val mappedData = parseJson(data) val (id, site) = if (mappedData.imdbID != null) listOf( mappedData.imdbID, "imdb" ) else listOf(mappedData.tmdbID.toString(), "tmdb") val isMovie = mappedData.episode == null && mappedData.season == null val (videoUrl, subtitleUrl) = if (isMovie) { val suffix = "$user/$site/$id" Pair( "$suffix", "$suffix" ) } else { val suffix = "$user/$site/$id/S${mappedData.season ?: 1}E${mappedData.episode ?: 1}" Pair( "$suffix", "$suffix" ) } callback.invoke( ExtractorLink(,, videoUrl, "", Qualities.Unknown.value, false, ) ) argamap( { val subtitles = app.get(subtitleUrl).text val subtitlesMapped = parseJson>(subtitles) subtitlesMapped.forEach { subtitleCallback.invoke( SubtitleFile( SubtitleHelper.fromTwoLettersToLanguage(it.LanguageCode ?: "en") ?: "English", "${it.ContentHash ?: return@forEach}/${it.LanguageCode ?: return@forEach}.vtt" // ${it.MetaInfo?.SubFormat ?: "srt"}" ) ) } }, { // man val name = mappedData.movieName if (name != null && isMovie) { app.get("${name}")"") .mapNotNull { it?.attr("href") }.map { Regex("""/movie/(\d+)/""").find(it)?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1) } .firstOrNull()?.let { movieId -> val correctUrl = app.get(videoUrl).url callback.invoke( ExtractorLink(, "${} Backup", correctUrl.replace("/$user/0/", "/$user/$movieId/"), "", Qualities.Unknown.value, false, ) ) } } } ) /* // the problem with this code is that it tages ages and the json file is 50mb or so for movies fillData(isMovie) val movieId = if (isMovie) { getMovie(mappedData.tmdbID, mappedData.imdbID) } else { getEpisode(mappedData.tmdbID, mappedData.imdbID) } ?: return@argamap val request = app.get(data) val endUrl = request.url callback.invoke( ExtractorLink(, "${} Backup", endUrl.replace("/cloudstream/0/", "/cloudstream/$movieId/"), "", Qualities.Unknown.value, false, ) ) */ return true } } // Auto generated data class TrailersSubtitleFile( @JsonProperty("SubtitleID") val SubtitleID: Int?, @JsonProperty("ItemID") val ItemID: Int?, @JsonProperty("ContentText") val ContentText: String?, @JsonProperty("ContentHash") val ContentHash: String?, @JsonProperty("LanguageCode") val LanguageCode: String?, @JsonProperty("MetaInfo") val MetaInfo: MetaInfo?, @JsonProperty("EntryDate") val EntryDate: String?, @JsonProperty("ItemSubtitleAdaptations") val ItemSubtitleAdaptations: List?, @JsonProperty("ReleaseNames") val ReleaseNames: List?, @JsonProperty("SubFileNames") val SubFileNames: List?, @JsonProperty("Framerates") val Framerates: List?, @JsonProperty("IsRelevant") val IsRelevant: Boolean? ) data class QueryParameters( @JsonProperty("imdbid") val imdbid: String? ) data class MetaInfo( @JsonProperty("MatchedBy") val MatchedBy: String?, @JsonProperty("IDSubMovieFile") val IDSubMovieFile: String?, @JsonProperty("MovieHash") val MovieHash: String?, @JsonProperty("MovieByteSize") val MovieByteSize: String?, @JsonProperty("MovieTimeMS") val MovieTimeMS: String?, @JsonProperty("IDSubtitleFile") val IDSubtitleFile: String?, @JsonProperty("SubFileName") val SubFileName: String?, @JsonProperty("SubActualCD") val SubActualCD: String?, @JsonProperty("SubSize") val SubSize: String?, @JsonProperty("SubHash") val SubHash: String?, @JsonProperty("SubLastTS") val SubLastTS: String?, @JsonProperty("SubTSGroup") val SubTSGroup: String?, @JsonProperty("InfoReleaseGroup") val InfoReleaseGroup: String?, @JsonProperty("InfoFormat") val InfoFormat: String?, @JsonProperty("InfoOther") val InfoOther: String?, @JsonProperty("IDSubtitle") val IDSubtitle: String?, @JsonProperty("UserID") val UserID: String?, @JsonProperty("SubLanguageID") val SubLanguageID: String?, @JsonProperty("SubFormat") val SubFormat: String?, @JsonProperty("SubSumCD") val SubSumCD: String?, @JsonProperty("SubAuthorComment") val SubAuthorComment: String?, @JsonProperty("SubAddDate") val SubAddDate: String?, @JsonProperty("SubBad") val SubBad: String?, @JsonProperty("SubRating") val SubRating: String?, @JsonProperty("SubSumVotes") val SubSumVotes: String?, @JsonProperty("SubDownloadsCnt") val SubDownloadsCnt: String?, @JsonProperty("MovieReleaseName") val MovieReleaseName: String?, @JsonProperty("MovieFPS") val MovieFPS: String?, @JsonProperty("IDMovie") val IDMovie: String?, @JsonProperty("IDMovieImdb") val IDMovieImdb: String?, @JsonProperty("MovieName") val MovieName: String?, @JsonProperty("MovieNameEng") val MovieNameEng: String?, @JsonProperty("MovieYear") val MovieYear: String?, @JsonProperty("MovieImdbRating") val MovieImdbRating: String?, @JsonProperty("SubFeatured") val SubFeatured: String?, @JsonProperty("UserNickName") val UserNickName: String?, @JsonProperty("SubTranslator") val SubTranslator: String?, @JsonProperty("ISO639") val ISO639: String?, @JsonProperty("LanguageName") val LanguageName: String?, @JsonProperty("SubComments") val SubComments: String?, @JsonProperty("SubHearingImpaired") val SubHearingImpaired: String?, @JsonProperty("UserRank") val UserRank: String?, @JsonProperty("SeriesSeason") val SeriesSeason: String?, @JsonProperty("SeriesEpisode") val SeriesEpisode: String?, @JsonProperty("MovieKind") val MovieKind: String?, @JsonProperty("SubHD") val SubHD: String?, @JsonProperty("SeriesIMDBParent") val SeriesIMDBParent: String?, @JsonProperty("SubEncoding") val SubEncoding: String?, @JsonProperty("SubAutoTranslation") val SubAutoTranslation: String?, @JsonProperty("SubForeignPartsOnly") val SubForeignPartsOnly: String?, @JsonProperty("SubFromTrusted") val SubFromTrusted: String?, @JsonProperty("QueryCached") val QueryCached: Int?, @JsonProperty("SubTSGroupHash") val SubTSGroupHash: String?, @JsonProperty("SubDownloadLink") val SubDownloadLink: String?, @JsonProperty("ZipDownloadLink") val ZipDownloadLink: String?, @JsonProperty("SubtitlesLink") val SubtitlesLink: String?, @JsonProperty("QueryNumber") val QueryNumber: String?, @JsonProperty("QueryParameters") val QueryParameters: QueryParameters?, @JsonProperty("Score") val Score: Double? ) data class ItemSubtitleAdaptations( @JsonProperty("ContentHash") val ContentHash: String?, @JsonProperty("OffsetMs") val OffsetMs: Int?, @JsonProperty("Framerate") val Framerate: Int?, @JsonProperty("Views") val Views: Int?, @JsonProperty("EntryDate") val EntryDate: String?, @JsonProperty("Subtitle") val Subtitle: String? )