package com.lagradost import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.LoadResponse.Companion.addActors import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.LoadResponse.Companion.addTrailer import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.safeApiCall import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.parseJson import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.toJson import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Coroutines.mainWork import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.M3u8Helper import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Qualities import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.loadExtractor import org.jsoup.Jsoup import org.mozilla.javascript.Context import org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable import class AllAnimeProvider : MainAPI() { override var mainUrl = "" private val apiUrl = "" override var name = "AllAnime" override val hasQuickSearch = false override val hasMainPage = true private fun getStatus(t: String): ShowStatus { return when (t) { "Finished" -> ShowStatus.Completed "Releasing" -> ShowStatus.Ongoing else -> ShowStatus.Completed } } override val supportedTypes = setOf(TvType.Anime, TvType.AnimeMovie) private data class Data( @JsonProperty("shows") val shows: Shows ) private data class Shows( @JsonProperty("pageInfo") val pageInfo: PageInfo, @JsonProperty("edges") val edges: List, @JsonProperty("__typename") val _typename: String ) private data class Edges( @JsonProperty("_id") val Id: String?, @JsonProperty("name") val name: String, @JsonProperty("englishName") val englishName: String?, @JsonProperty("nativeName") val nativeName: String?, @JsonProperty("thumbnail") val thumbnail: String?, @JsonProperty("type") val type: String?, @JsonProperty("season") val season: Season?, @JsonProperty("score") val score: Double?, @JsonProperty("airedStart") val airedStart: AiredStart?, @JsonProperty("availableEpisodes") val availableEpisodes: AvailableEpisodes?, @JsonProperty("availableEpisodesDetail") val availableEpisodesDetail: AvailableEpisodesDetail?, @JsonProperty("studios") val studios: List?, @JsonProperty("genres") val genres: List?, @JsonProperty("averageScore") val averageScore: Int?, @JsonProperty("description") val description: String?, @JsonProperty("status") val status: String?, @JsonProperty("banner") val banner: String?, @JsonProperty("episodeDuration") val episodeDuration: Int?, @JsonProperty("prevideos") val prevideos: List = emptyList(), ) private data class AvailableEpisodes( @JsonProperty("sub") val sub: Int, @JsonProperty("dub") val dub: Int, @JsonProperty("raw") val raw: Int ) private data class AiredStart( @JsonProperty("year") val year: Int, @JsonProperty("month") val month: Int, @JsonProperty("date") val date: Int ) private data class Season( @JsonProperty("quarter") val quarter: String, @JsonProperty("year") val year: Int ) private data class PageInfo( @JsonProperty("total") val total: Int, @JsonProperty("__typename") val _typename: String ) private data class AllAnimeQuery( @JsonProperty("data") val data: Data ) data class RandomMain( @JsonProperty("data") var data: DataRan? = DataRan() ) data class DataRan( @JsonProperty("queryRandomRecommendation") var queryRandomRecommendation: ArrayList = arrayListOf() ) data class QueryRandomRecommendation( @JsonProperty("_id") val Id: String? = null, @JsonProperty("name") val name: String? = null, @JsonProperty("englishName") val englishName: String? = null, @JsonProperty("nativeName") val nativeName: String? = null, @JsonProperty("thumbnail") val thumbnail: String? = null, @JsonProperty("airedStart") val airedStart: String? = null, @JsonProperty("availableChapters") val availableChapters: String? = null, @JsonProperty("availableEpisodes") val availableEpisodes: String? = null, @JsonProperty("__typename") val _typename: String? = null ) private val popularTitle = "Popular" private val recentTitle = "Recently updated" override val mainPage = listOf( MainPageData( recentTitle, """$mainUrl/allanimeapi?variables={"search":{"sortBy":"Recent","allowAdult":${settingsForProvider.enableAdult},"allowUnknown":false},"limit":26,"page":%d,"translationType":"sub","countryOrigin":"ALL"}&extensions={"persistedQuery":{"version":1,"sha256Hash":"9c7a8bc1e095a34f2972699e8105f7aaf9082c6e1ccd56eab99c2f1a971152c6"}}""" ), MainPageData( popularTitle, """$mainUrl/allanimeapi?variables={"type":"anime","size":30,"dateRange":1,"page":%d,"allowAdult":${settingsForProvider.enableAdult},"allowUnknown":false}&extensions={"persistedQuery":{"version":1,"sha256Hash":"6f6fe5663e3e9ea60bdfa693f878499badab83e7f18b56acdba5f8e8662002aa"}}""" ) ) override suspend fun getMainPage(page: Int, request: MainPageRequest): HomePageResponse { val url = val test = app.get(url).text val home = when ( { recentTitle -> { val json = parseJson(test) val results = { // filtering in case there is an anime with 0 episodes available on the site. !(it.availableEpisodes?.raw == 0 && it.availableEpisodes.sub == 0 && it.availableEpisodes.dub == 0) } { newAnimeSearchResponse(, "$mainUrl/anime/${it.Id}", fix = false) { this.posterUrl = it.thumbnail this.year = it.airedStart?.year this.otherName = it.englishName addDub(it.availableEpisodes?.dub) addSub(it.availableEpisodes?.sub) } } } popularTitle -> { val json = parseJson(test) val results = { // filtering in case there is an anime with 0 episodes available on the site. !(it.anyCard?.availableEpisodes?.raw == 0 && it.anyCard.availableEpisodes.sub == 0 && it.anyCard.availableEpisodes.dub == 0) } results?.mapNotNull { newAnimeSearchResponse( it.anyCard?.name ?: return@mapNotNull null, "$mainUrl/anime/${it.anyCard.Id ?: it.pageStatus?.Id}", fix = false ) { this.posterUrl = it.anyCard.thumbnail this.otherName = it.anyCard.englishName addDub(it.anyCard.availableEpisodes?.dub) addSub(it.anyCard.availableEpisodes?.sub) } } ?: emptyList() } else -> emptyList() } return HomePageResponse( listOf( HomePageList(, home) ), hasNext = home.isNotEmpty() ) } override suspend fun search(query: String): List { val link = """$mainUrl/allanimeapi?variables={"search":{"allowAdult":false,"allowUnknown":false,"query":"$query"},"limit":26,"page":1,"translationType":"sub","countryOrigin":"ALL"}&extensions={"persistedQuery":{"version":1,"sha256Hash":"9c7a8bc1e095a34f2972699e8105f7aaf9082c6e1ccd56eab99c2f1a971152c6"}}""" var res = app.get(link).text if (res.contains("PERSISTED_QUERY_NOT_FOUND")) { res = app.get(link).text if (res.contains("PERSISTED_QUERY_NOT_FOUND")) return emptyList() } val response = parseJson(res) val results = { // filtering in case there is an anime with 0 episodes available on the site. !(it.availableEpisodes?.raw == 0 && it.availableEpisodes.sub == 0 && it.availableEpisodes.dub == 0) } return { newAnimeSearchResponse(, "$mainUrl/anime/${it.Id}", fix = false) { this.posterUrl = it.thumbnail this.year = it.airedStart?.year this.otherName = it.englishName addDub(it.availableEpisodes?.dub) addSub(it.availableEpisodes?.sub) } } } private data class AvailableEpisodesDetail( @JsonProperty("sub") val sub: List, @JsonProperty("dub") val dub: List, @JsonProperty("raw") val raw: List ) override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse? { val (rhino, scope) = mainWork { val rhino = Context.enter() rhino.optimizationLevel = -1 val scope: Scriptable = rhino.initSafeStandardObjects() rhino to scope } val html = app.get(url).text val soup = Jsoup.parse(html) val script ="script").firstOrNull { it.html().contains("window.__NUXT__") } ?: return null val js = """ const window = {} ${script.html()} const returnValue = JSON.stringify(window.__NUXT__.fetch[0].show) """.trimIndent() val jsEval = mainWork { rhino.evaluateString(scope, js, "JavaScript", 1, null) scope.get("returnValue", scope) ?: return@mainWork null } ?: return null val showData = parseJson(jsEval as String) val title = val description = showData.description val poster = showData.thumbnail val episodes = showData.availableEpisodes.let { if (it == null) return@let Pair(null, null) if (showData.Id == null) return@let Pair(null, null) Pair(if (it.sub != 0) (( { epNum -> Episode( AllAnimeLoadData(showData.Id, "sub", epNum).toJson(), episode = epNum ) }) else null, if (it.dub != 0) (( { epNum -> Episode( AllAnimeLoadData(showData.Id, "dub", epNum).toJson(), episode = epNum ) }) else null) } val characters ="div.character > div.card-character-box").mapNotNull { val img = it?.selectFirst("img")?.attr("src") ?: return@mapNotNull null val name = it.selectFirst("div > a")?.ownText() ?: return@mapNotNull null val role = when (it.selectFirst("div > .text-secondary")?.text()?.trim()) { "Main" -> ActorRole.Main "Supporting" -> ActorRole.Supporting "Background" -> ActorRole.Background else -> null } Pair(Actor(name, img), role) } // bruh, they use graphql and bruh it is fucked //val recommendations ="#suggesction > div > div.p > .swipercard")?.mapNotNull { // val recTitle = it?.selectFirst(".showname > a") ?: return@mapNotNull null // val recName = recTitle.text() ?: return@mapNotNull null // val href = fixUrlNull(recTitle.attr("href")) ?: return@mapNotNull null // val img = it.selectFirst(".image > img").attr("src") ?: return@mapNotNull null // AnimeSearchResponse(recName, href,, TvType.Anime, img) //} return newAnimeLoadResponse(title, url, TvType.Anime) { posterUrl = poster backgroundPosterUrl = showData.banner rating = showData.averageScore?.times(100) tags = showData.genres year = showData.airedStart?.year duration = showData.episodeDuration?.div(60_000) addTrailer(showData.prevideos.filter { it.isNotBlank() } .map { "$it" }) addEpisodes(DubStatus.Subbed, episodes.first) addEpisodes(DubStatus.Dubbed, episodes.second) addActors(characters) //this.recommendations = recommendations showStatus = getStatus(showData.status.toString()) plot = description?.replace(Regex("""<(.*?)>"""), "") } } private val embedBlackList = listOf( "", "", "", "", "", "", "streaming.php", ) private fun embedIsBlacklisted(url: String): Boolean { embedBlackList.forEach { if ( == "kotlin.text.Regex") { if ((it as Regex).matches(url)) { return true } } else { if (url.contains(it)) { return true } } } return false } private fun String.sanitize(): String { var out = this listOf(Pair("\\u002F", "/")).forEach { out = out.replace(it.first, it.second) } return out } private data class Links( @JsonProperty("link") val link: String, @JsonProperty("hls") val hls: Boolean?, @JsonProperty("resolutionStr") val resolutionStr: String, @JsonProperty("src") val src: String? ) private data class AllAnimeVideoApiResponse( @JsonProperty("links") val links: List ) private data class ApiEndPoint( @JsonProperty("episodeIframeHead") val episodeIframeHead: String ) private suspend fun getM3u8Qualities( m3u8Link: String, referer: String, qualityName: String, ): List { return M3u8Helper.generateM3u8(, m3u8Link, referer, name = "${} - $qualityName" ) } data class AllAnimeLoadData( val hash: String, val dubStatus: String, val episode: Int ) override suspend fun loadLinks( data: String, isCasting: Boolean, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ): Boolean { val loadData = parseJson(data) var apiEndPoint = parseJson(app.get("$mainUrl/getVersion").text).episodeIframeHead if (apiEndPoint.endsWith("/")) apiEndPoint = apiEndPoint.slice(0 until apiEndPoint.length - 1) val apiUrl = """$apiUrl/allanimeapi?variables={"showId":"${loadData.hash}","translationType":"${loadData.dubStatus}","episodeString":"${loadData.episode}"}&extensions={"persistedQuery":{"version":1,"sha256Hash":"1f0a5d6c9ce6cd3127ee4efd304349345b0737fbf5ec33a60bbc3d18e3bb7c61"}}""" val apiResponse = app.get(apiUrl).parsed() { source -> safeApiCall { val link = source.sourceUrl?.replace(" ", "%20") ?: return@safeApiCall if (URI(link).isAbsolute || link.startsWith("//")) { val fixedLink = if (link.startsWith("//")) "https:$link" else link val sourceName = source.sourceName ?: URI(link).host if (embedIsBlacklisted(fixedLink)) { loadExtractor(fixedLink, subtitleCallback, callback) } else if (URI(fixedLink).path.contains(".m3u")) { getM3u8Qualities(fixedLink, mainUrl, sourceName).forEach(callback) } else { callback( ExtractorLink( name, sourceName, fixedLink, mainUrl, Qualities.P1080.value, false ) ) } } else { val fixedLink = apiEndPoint + URI(link).path + ".json?" + URI(link).query val links = app.get(fixedLink).parsedSafe()?.links ?: emptyList() links.forEach { server -> if (server.hls != null && server.hls) { getM3u8Qualities(, "$apiEndPoint/player?uri=" + (if (URI( else apiEndPoint + URI( ).path), server.resolutionStr ).forEach(callback) } else { callback( ExtractorLink( "AllAnime - " + URI(, server.resolutionStr,, "$apiEndPoint/player?uri=" + (if (URI( else apiEndPoint + URI( ).path), Qualities.P1080.value, false ) ) } } } } } return true } }