package com.lagradost import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.parseJson import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.toJson import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Qualities import class TvItalianaProvider : MainAPI() { override var lang = "it" override var mainUrl = "" override var name = "TvItaliana" override val hasMainPage = true override val hasChromecastSupport = true override val supportedTypes = setOf( TvType.Live, ) override suspend fun getMainPage( page: Int, request : MainPageRequest ): HomePageResponse { val data = IptvPlaylistParser().parseM3U(app.get(mainUrl).text) return HomePageResponse(data.items.groupBy{it.attributes["group-title"]}.map { group -> val title = group.key ?: "" val show = { channel -> val streamurl = channel.url.toString() val channelname = channel.title.toString() val posterurl = channel.attributes["tvg-logo"].toString() val nation = channel.attributes["group-title"].toString() LiveSearchResponse( channelname, LoadData(streamurl, channelname, posterurl, nation).toJson(),, TvType.Live, posterurl, lang = "ita" ) } HomePageList( title, show, isHorizontalImages = true ) }) } override suspend fun search(query: String): List { val data = IptvPlaylistParser().parseM3U(app.get(mainUrl).text) return data.items.filter { it.attributes["tvg-id"]?.contains(query) ?: false }.map { channel -> val streamurl = channel.url.toString() val channelname = channel.attributes["tvg-id"].toString() val posterurl = channel.attributes["tvg-logo"].toString() val nation = channel.attributes["group-title"].toString() LiveSearchResponse( channelname, LoadData(streamurl, channelname, posterurl, nation).toJson(),, TvType.Live, posterurl, ) } } override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse { val data = parseJson(url) return LiveStreamLoadResponse( data.title, data.url,, url, data.poster, plot = data.nation ) } data class LoadData( val url: String, val title: String, val poster: String, val nation: String ) override suspend fun loadLinks( data: String, isCasting: Boolean, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ): Boolean { val loadData = parseJson(data) callback.invoke( ExtractorLink(, loadData.title, loadData.url, "", Qualities.Unknown.value, isM3u8 = true ) ) return true } } data class Playlist( val items: List = emptyList(), ) data class PlaylistItem( val title: String? = null, val attributes: Map = emptyMap(), val headers: Map = emptyMap(), val url: String? = null, val userAgent: String? = null, ) class IptvPlaylistParser { /** * Parse M3U8 string into [Playlist] * * @param content M3U8 content string. * @throws PlaylistParserException if an error occurs. */ fun parseM3U(content: String): Playlist { return parseM3U(content.byteInputStream()) } /** * Parse M3U8 content [InputStream] into [Playlist] * * @param input Stream of input data. * @throws PlaylistParserException if an error occurs. */ @Throws(PlaylistParserException::class) fun parseM3U(input: InputStream): Playlist { val reader = input.bufferedReader() if (!reader.readLine().isExtendedM3u()) { throw PlaylistParserException.InvalidHeader() } val playlistItems: MutableList = mutableListOf() var currentIndex = 0 var line: String? = reader.readLine() while (line != null) { if (line.isNotEmpty()) { if (line.startsWith(EXT_INF)) { val title = line.getTitle() val attributes = line.getAttributes() playlistItems.add(PlaylistItem(title, attributes)) } else if (line.startsWith(EXT_VLC_OPT)) { val item = playlistItems[currentIndex] val userAgent = line.getTagValue("http-user-agent") val referrer = line.getTagValue("http-referrer") val headers = if (referrer != null) { item.headers + mapOf("referrer" to referrer) } else item.headers playlistItems[currentIndex] = item.copy(userAgent = userAgent, headers = headers) } else { if (!line.startsWith("#")) { val item = playlistItems[currentIndex] val url = line.getUrl() val userAgent = line.getUrlParameter("user-agent") val referrer = line.getUrlParameter("referer") val urlHeaders = if (referrer != null) { item.headers + mapOf("referrer" to referrer) } else item.headers playlistItems[currentIndex] = item.copy( url = url, headers = item.headers + urlHeaders, userAgent = userAgent ) currentIndex++ } } } line = reader.readLine() } return Playlist(playlistItems) } /** * Replace "" (quotes) from given string. */ private fun String.replaceQuotesAndTrim(): String { return replace("\"", "").trim() } /** * Check if given content is valid M3U8 playlist. */ private fun String.isExtendedM3u(): Boolean = startsWith(EXT_M3U) /** * Get title of media. * * Example:- * * Input: * ``` * #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="1234" group-title="Kids" tvg-logo="url/to/logo", Title * ``` * Result: Title */ private fun String.getTitle(): String? { return split(",").lastOrNull()?.replaceQuotesAndTrim() } /** * Get media url. * * Example:- * * Input: * ``` *|user-agent="Custom" * ``` * Result: */ private fun String.getUrl(): String? { return split("|").firstOrNull()?.replaceQuotesAndTrim() } /** * Get url parameters. * * Example:- * * Input: * ``` *|User-Agent=Mozilla&Referer=CustomReferrer * ``` * Result will be equivalent to kotlin map: * ```Kotlin * mapOf( * "User-Agent" to "Mozilla", * "Referer" to "CustomReferrer" * ) * ``` */ private fun String.getUrlParameters(): Map { val urlRegex = Regex("^(.*)\\|", RegexOption.IGNORE_CASE) val headersString = replace(urlRegex, "").replaceQuotesAndTrim() return headersString.split("&").mapNotNull { val pair = it.split("=") if (pair.size == 2) pair.first() to pair.last() else null }.toMap() } /** * Get url parameter with key. * * Example:- * * Input: * ``` *|User-Agent=Mozilla&Referer=CustomReferrer * ``` * If given key is `user-agent`, then * * Result: Mozilla */ private fun String.getUrlParameter(key: String): String? { val urlRegex = Regex("^(.*)\\|", RegexOption.IGNORE_CASE) val keyRegex = Regex("$key=(\\w[^&]*)", RegexOption.IGNORE_CASE) val paramsString = replace(urlRegex, "").replaceQuotesAndTrim() return keyRegex.find(paramsString)?.groups?.get(1)?.value } /** * Get attributes from `#EXTINF` tag as Map. * * Example:- * * Input: * ``` * #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="1234" group-title="Kids" tvg-logo="url/to/logo", Title * ``` * Result will be equivalent to kotlin map: * ```Kotlin * mapOf( * "tvg-id" to "1234", * "group-title" to "Kids", * "tvg-logo" to "url/to/logo" *) * ``` */ private fun String.getAttributes(): Map { val extInfRegex = Regex("(#EXTINF:.?[0-9]+)", RegexOption.IGNORE_CASE) val attributesString = replace(extInfRegex, "").replaceQuotesAndTrim().split(",").first() return attributesString.split(Regex("\\s")).mapNotNull { val pair = it.split("=") if (pair.size == 2) pair.first() to pair.last() .replaceQuotesAndTrim() else null }.toMap() } /** * Get value from a tag. * * Example:- * * Input: * ``` * #EXTVLCOPT:http-referrer= * ``` * Result: */ private fun String.getTagValue(key: String): String? { val keyRegex = Regex("$key=(.*)", RegexOption.IGNORE_CASE) return keyRegex.find(this)?.groups?.get(1)?.value?.replaceQuotesAndTrim() } companion object { const val EXT_M3U = "#EXTM3U" const val EXT_INF = "#EXTINF" const val EXT_VLC_OPT = "#EXTVLCOPT" } } /** * Exception thrown when an error occurs while parsing playlist. */ sealed class PlaylistParserException(message: String) : Exception(message) { /** * Exception thrown if given file content is not valid. */ class InvalidHeader : PlaylistParserException("Invalid file header. Header doesn't start with #EXTM3U") }