package com.lagradost import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.* import java.util.ArrayList class Gomunimeis : MainAPI() { override var mainUrl = "" override var name = "" override val hasMainPage = true override var lang = "id" override val hasQuickSearch = true override val hasDownloadSupport = true override val supportedTypes = setOf( TvType.Anime, TvType.AnimeMovie, TvType.OVA ) companion object { private const val mainImageUrl = "" fun getType(t: String): TvType { return if (t.contains("OVA", true) || t.contains("Special", true)) TvType.OVA else if (t.contains("Movie", true)) TvType.AnimeMovie else TvType.Anime } fun getStatus(t: String): ShowStatus { return when (t) { "Completed" -> ShowStatus.Completed "Ongoing" -> ShowStatus.Ongoing else -> ShowStatus.Completed } } } override val mainPage = mainPageOf( "&limit=12&action=load_movie_last_update&status=Ongoing" to "Episode Baru", "&limit=15&action=load_movie_last_update&status=Completed" to "Completed", "&limit=15&action=load_movie_last_update&type=Live Action" to "Live Action", "&limit=15&action=load_movie_trending" to "Trending" ) override suspend fun getMainPage( page: Int, request: MainPageRequest ): HomePageResponse { val home = app.get( "$mainUrl/my-ajax?page=$page${}", headers = mapOf("X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest") ) .parsedSafe()?.data ?.mapNotNull { media -> media.toSearchResponse() } ?: throw ErrorLoadingException("Invalid Json reponse") return newHomePageResponse(, home) } private fun Anime.toSearchResponse(): SearchResponse? { return newAnimeSearchResponse( postTitle ?: return null, "$mainUrl/anime/$postName.$salt", TvType.TvSeries, ) { this.posterUrl = "$mainImageUrl/$image" addSub(totalEpisode?.toIntOrNull()) } } override suspend fun quickSearch(query: String): List = search(query) override suspend fun search(query: String): List { return app.get( "$mainUrl/my-ajax?page=1&limit=10&action=load_search_movie&keyword=$query", referer = "$mainUrl/search/?keyword=$query", headers = mapOf("X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest") ).parsedSafe()?.data ?.mapNotNull { media -> media.toSearchResponse() } ?: throw ErrorLoadingException("Invalid Json reponse") } override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse { val document = app.get(url).document val title = document.selectFirst(".entry-title")?.text().toString() val poster = document.selectFirst(".thumbposter > img")?.attr("src") val tags =".genxed > a").map { it.text() } val type = getType(document.selectFirst(" .spe span:last-child")?.ownText().toString()) val year = Regex("\\d, ([0-9]*)").find( document.selectFirst(" .spe span.split")?.ownText().toString() )?.groupValues?.get(1)?.toIntOrNull() val status = getStatus(document.selectFirst(".spe > span")!!.ownText()) val description ="div[itemprop = description] > p").text() val episodes =".eplister > ul > li").map { val header =".epl-title").text() val name = Regex("(Episode\\s?[0-9]+)").find(header)?.groupValues?.getOrNull(0) ?: header val link ="a").attr("href") Episode(link, name) }.reversed() return newAnimeLoadResponse(title, url, type) { engName = title posterUrl = poster this.year = year addEpisodes(DubStatus.Subbed, episodes) showStatus = status plot = description this.tags = tags } } override suspend fun loadLinks( data: String, isCasting: Boolean, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ): Boolean { val document = app.get(data).document"div.player-container iframe").attr("src").substringAfter("html#").let { id -> app.get("$id").parsedSafe()?.server?.streamsb?.link?.let { link -> loadExtractor(link, "", subtitleCallback, callback) } } return true } data class Streamsb( @JsonProperty("link") val link: String?, ) data class Server( @JsonProperty("streamsb") val streamsb: Streamsb?, ) data class Sources( @JsonProperty("server") val server: Server?, ) data class Responses( @JsonProperty("data") val data: ArrayList? = arrayListOf(), ) data class Anime( @JsonProperty("post_title") val postTitle: String?, @JsonProperty("post_name") val postName: String?, @JsonProperty("image") val image: String?, @JsonProperty("total_episode") val totalEpisode: String?, @JsonProperty("salt") val salt: String?, ) }