package com.lagradost import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.MainAPI import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.SearchResponse import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.TvType import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.parseJson import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.toJson import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Qualities import com.lagradost.nicehttp.RequestBodyTypes import okhttp3.MediaType.Companion.toMediaTypeOrNull import okhttp3.RequestBody.Companion.toRequestBody class SkillShareProvider : MainAPI() { // all providers must be an instance of MainAPI override var mainUrl = "" override var name = "SkillShare" private val apiUrl = "" private val bypassApiUrl = "" override val supportedTypes = setOf(TvType.TvSeries) override val hasChromecastSupport = true override var lang = "en" override val hasMainPage = true private var cursor = mutableMapOf("SIX_MONTHS_ENGAGEMENT" to "", "ML_TRENDINESS" to "") override val mainPage = mainPageOf( "SIX_MONTHS_ENGAGEMENT" to "Popular Classes", "ML_TRENDINESS" to "Trending Classes", ) private suspend fun queryMovieApi(payload: String): String { val req = payload.toRequestBody(RequestBodyTypes.JSON.toMediaTypeOrNull()) return, requestBody = req, referer = "$mainUrl/", timeout = 30).text } override suspend fun getMainPage(page: Int, request: MainPageRequest): HomePageResponse { val sortAttribute = if (page == 1) //reset the cursor to "" if the first page is requested cursor[sortAttribute] = "" val payload= """ { "query":"query GetClassesByType(${'$'}filter: ClassFilters!, ${'$'}pageSize: Int, ${'$'}cursor: String, ${'$'}type: ClassListType!, ${'$'}sortAttribute: ClassListByTypeSortAttribute) { classListByType(type: ${'$'}type, where: ${'$'}filter, first: ${'$'}pageSize, after: ${'$'}cursor, sortAttribute: ${'$'}sortAttribute) { nodes { id title url sku smallCoverUrl largeCoverUrl } } }", "variables":{ "type":"TRENDING_CLASSES", "filter":{ "subCategory":"", "classLength":[] }, "pageSize":30, "cursor":"${cursor[sortAttribute]}", "sortAttribute":"$sortAttribute" }, "operationName":"GetClassesByType" } """.replace(Regex("\n")," ") val responseBody = queryMovieApi(payload) val parsedJson = parseJson(responseBody).data.classListByType.nodes val home = { it.toSearchResult() } cursor[sortAttribute] = parsedJson.lastOrNull()?.id ?: "" //set the right cursor for the nextPage to work return newHomePageResponse( arrayListOf(HomePageList(, home, isHorizontalImages = true)), hasNext = home.isNotEmpty(), ) } override suspend fun search(query: String): List { val payload = """ { "query":"fragment ClassFields on Class { id smallCoverUrl largeCoverUrl sku title url } query GetClassesQuery(${"$"}query: String!, ${"$"}where: SearchFilters!, ${"$"}after: String!, ${"$"}first: Int!) { search(query: ${"$"}query, where: ${"$"}where, analyticsTags: [\"src:browser\", \"src:browser:search\"], after: ${"$"}after, first: ${"$"}first) { edges { node { ...ClassFields } } } }", "variables":{ "query":"$query", "where":{ "level": ["ALL_LEVELS","BEGINNER","INTERMEDIATE","ADVANCED"] }, "after":"-1", "first":30 }, "operationName":"GetClassesQuery" } """.replace(Regex("\n")," ") val responseBody = queryMovieApi(payload) val home = parseJson(responseBody) { it.node.toSearchResult() } return home } private fun ApiNode.toSearchResult(): SearchResponse { val title = this.title ?: "" val posterUrl = this.smallCoverUrl return newTvSeriesSearchResponse( title, Data( title = this.title, courseId = this.courseId, largeCoverUrl = this.largeCoverUrl ).toJson(), TvType.TvSeries ) { addPoster(posterUrl) } } override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse { val data = parseJson(url) val document = app.get(bypassApiUrl + "/${data.courseId}/0") .parsedSafe() ?: throw ErrorLoadingException("Invalid Json Response") val title = data.title ?: "" val poster = data.largeCoverUrl val episodeList = document.lessons.mapIndexed { index, episode -> Episode(episode.url ?: "", episode.title, 1, index) } return newTvSeriesLoadResponse(title, data.courseId, TvType.TvSeries, episodeList) { addPoster(poster) } } override suspend fun loadLinks( data: String, isCasting: Boolean, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ): Boolean { callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( name, name, data, isM3u8 = false, referer = "$mainUrl/", quality = Qualities.Unknown.value ) ) return true } data class ApiNode( //mainpage and search page @JsonProperty("id") var id: String? = null, @JsonProperty("title") var title: String? = null, @JsonProperty("url") var url: String? = null, @JsonProperty("sku") var courseId: String? = null, @JsonProperty("smallCoverUrl") var smallCoverUrl: String? = null, @JsonProperty("largeCoverUrl") var largeCoverUrl: String? = null, ) data class ApiNodes( //mainpage @JsonProperty("nodes") var nodes: ArrayList = arrayListOf() ) data class ApiClassListByType( //mainpage @JsonProperty("classListByType") var classListByType: ApiNodes = ApiNodes() ) data class ApiData( //mainpage @JsonProperty("data") var data: ApiClassListByType = ApiClassListByType() ) data class SearchApiNodes( //search @JsonProperty("node") var node: ApiNode = ApiNode() ) data class SearchApiEdges( //search @JsonProperty("edges") var edges: ArrayList = arrayListOf() ) data class SearchApiSearch( //search @JsonProperty("search") var search: SearchApiEdges = SearchApiEdges() ) data class SearchApiData( //search @JsonProperty("data") var data: SearchApiSearch = SearchApiSearch() ) data class BypassApiLesson( //bypass @JsonProperty("title") var title: String? = null, @JsonProperty("url") var url: String? = null ) data class BypassApiData( //bypass @JsonProperty("class") var title: String? = null, @JsonProperty("class_thumbnail") var largeCoverUrl: String? = null, @JsonProperty("lessons") var lessons: ArrayList = arrayListOf() ) data class Data( //for loading val title: String? = null, val courseId: String? = null, val largeCoverUrl: String? = null, ) }