package com.lagradost import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink import org.json.JSONObject import org.jsoup.Jsoup import org.jsoup.nodes.Document import java.util.* class WcoProvider : MainAPI() { companion object { fun getType(t: String): TvType { return if (t.contains("OVA") || t.contains("Special")) TvType.OVA else if (t.contains("Movie")) TvType.AnimeMovie else TvType.Anime } } override var mainUrl = "" override var name = "WCO Stream" override val hasQuickSearch = true override val hasMainPage = true override val supportedTypes = setOf( TvType.AnimeMovie, TvType.Anime, TvType.OVA ) override suspend fun getMainPage(page: Int, request : MainPageRequest): HomePageResponse { val urls = listOf( Pair("$mainUrl/ajax/list/recently_updated?type=tv", "Recently Updated Anime"), Pair("$mainUrl/ajax/list/recently_updated?type=movie", "Recently Updated Movies"), Pair("$mainUrl/ajax/list/recently_added?type=tv", "Recently Added Anime"), Pair("$mainUrl/ajax/list/recently_added?type=movie", "Recently Added Movies"), ) val items = ArrayList() for (i in urls) { try { val response = JSONObject( app.get( i.first, ).text ).getString("html") // I won't make a dataclass for this shit val document = Jsoup.parse(response) val results ="div.flw-item").map { val filmPoster = it.selectFirst(">") val filmDetail = it.selectFirst(">") val nameHeader = filmDetail!!.selectFirst("> > a") val title = nameHeader!!.text().replace(" (Dub)", "") val href = nameHeader.attr("href").replace("/watch/", "/anime/") .replace(Regex("-episode-.*"), "/") val isDub = filmPoster!!.selectFirst(">")?.text() ?.contains("DUB") ?: false val poster = filmPoster.selectFirst("> img")!!.attr("data-src") val set: EnumSet = EnumSet.of(if (isDub) DubStatus.Dubbed else DubStatus.Subbed) AnimeSearchResponse(title, href,, TvType.Anime, poster, null, set) } items.add(HomePageList(i.second, results)) } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } } if (items.size <= 0) throw ErrorLoadingException() return HomePageResponse(items) } private fun fixAnimeLink(url: String): String { val regex = "watch/([a-zA-Z\\-0-9]*)-episode".toRegex() val (aniId) = regex.find(url)!!.destructured return "$mainUrl/anime/$aniId" } private fun parseSearchPage(soup: Document): List { val items =".film_list-wrap > .flw-item") if (items.isEmpty()) return ArrayList() return { i -> val href = fixAnimeLink(i.selectFirst("a")!!.attr("href")) val img = fixUrl(i.selectFirst("img")!!.attr("data-src")) val title = i.selectFirst("img")!!.attr("title") val isDub = !"").isEmpty() val year = i.selectFirst(" > div > span:nth-child(1)")!!.text() .toIntOrNull() val type = i.selectFirst(" > div > span:nth-child(3)")!!.text() if (getType(type) == TvType.AnimeMovie) { MovieSearchResponse( title, href,, TvType.AnimeMovie, img, year ) } else { AnimeSearchResponse( title, href,, TvType.Anime, img, year, EnumSet.of(if (isDub) DubStatus.Dubbed else DubStatus.Subbed), ) } } } override suspend fun search(query: String): List { val url = "$mainUrl/search" val response = app.get(url, params = mapOf("keyword" to query)) var document = Jsoup.parse(response.text) val returnValue = parseSearchPage(document).toMutableList() while (!".pagination").isEmpty()) { val link ="[rel=\"next\"]") if (!link.isEmpty() && returnValue.size < 40) { val extraResponse = app.get(fixUrl(link[0].attr("href"))).text document = Jsoup.parse(extraResponse) returnValue.addAll(parseSearchPage(document)) } else { break } } return returnValue.distinctBy { it.url } } override suspend fun quickSearch(query: String): List { val response = JSONObject( "", data = mapOf("keyword" to query) ).text ).getString("html") // I won't make a dataclass for this shit val document = Jsoup.parse(response) return"a.nav-item").mapNotNull { val title = it.selectFirst("img")?.attr("title") ?: return@mapNotNull null val img = it?.selectFirst("img")?.attr("src") ?: return@mapNotNull null val href = it?.attr("href") ?: return@mapNotNull null val isDub = title.contains("(Dub)") val filmInfo = it.selectFirst(".film-infor") val year = filmInfo?.select("span")?.get(0)?.text()?.toIntOrNull() val type = filmInfo?.select("span")?.get(1)?.text().toString() if (getType(type) == TvType.AnimeMovie) { MovieSearchResponse( title, href,, TvType.AnimeMovie, img, year ) } else { AnimeSearchResponse( title, href,, TvType.Anime, img, year, EnumSet.of(if (isDub) DubStatus.Dubbed else DubStatus.Subbed), ) } } } override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse { val response = app.get(url, timeout = 120).text val document = Jsoup.parse(response) val japaneseTitle = document.selectFirst("div.elements div.row > div:nth-child(1) > div.row-line:nth-child(1)") ?.text()?.trim()?.replace("Other names:", "")?.trim() val canonicalTitle = document.selectFirst("meta[name=\"title\"]") ?.attr("content")?.split("| W")?.get(0).toString() val isDubbed = canonicalTitle.contains("Dub") val episodeNodes =".tab-content .nav-item > a") val episodes = ArrayList(episodeNodes?.map { Episode(it.attr("href")) } ?: ArrayList()) val statusElem = document.selectFirst("div.elements div.row > div:nth-child(1) > div.row-line:nth-child(2)") val status = when (statusElem?.text()?.replace("Status:", "")?.trim()) { "Ongoing" -> ShowStatus.Ongoing "Completed" -> ShowStatus.Completed else -> null } val yearText = document.selectFirst("div.elements div.row > div:nth-child(2) > div.row-line:nth-child(4)") ?.text() val year = yearText?.replace("Date release:", "")?.trim()?.split("-")?.get(0)?.toIntOrNull() val poster = document.selectFirst(".film-poster-img")?.attr("src") val type = document.selectFirst(" > a")?.text()?.trim() val synopsis = document.selectFirst(".description > p")?.text()?.trim() val genre ="div.elements div.row > div:nth-child(1) > div.row-line:nth-child(5) > a") .map { it?.text()?.trim().toString() } return newAnimeLoadResponse(canonicalTitle, url, getType(type ?: "")) { japName = japaneseTitle engName = canonicalTitle posterUrl = poster this.year = year addEpisodes(if (isDubbed) DubStatus.Dubbed else DubStatus.Subbed, episodes) showStatus = status plot = synopsis tags = genre } } override suspend fun loadLinks( data: String, isCasting: Boolean, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ): Boolean { val response = app.get(data).text val servers = Jsoup.parse(response).select("#servers-list > ul > li").map { mapOf( "link" to it?.selectFirst("a")?.attr("data-embed"), "title" to it?.selectFirst("span")?.text()?.trim() ) } for (server in servers) { WcoStream().getSafeUrl(server["link"].toString(), null, subtitleCallback, callback) Mcloud().getSafeUrl(server["link"].toString(), null, subtitleCallback, callback) } return true } }