package com.lagradost import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.toJson import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.tryParseJson import org.jsoup.nodes.Element import me.xdrop.fuzzywuzzy.FuzzySearch import java.util.* import kotlin.collections.ArrayList class NekosamaProvider : MainAPI() { override var mainUrl = "" override var name = "Neko-sama" override val hasQuickSearch = false // recherche rapide (optionel, pas vraimet utile) override val hasMainPage = true // page d'accueil (optionel mais encoragé) override var lang = "fr" // fournisseur est en francais override val supportedTypes = setOf(TvType.Anime, TvType.AnimeMovie, TvType.OVA) // animes, animesfilms private val nCharQuery = 10 // take the lenght of the query + nCharQuery private val resultsSearchNbr = 50 // take only n results from search function data class EpisodeData( @JsonProperty("id") val id: Int, @JsonProperty("title") val title: String?, @JsonProperty("title_english") val title_english: String?, @JsonProperty("title_romanji") val title_romanji: String?, @JsonProperty("title_french") val title_french: String?, @JsonProperty("others") val others: String?, @JsonProperty("type") val type: String?, @JsonProperty("status") val status: String?, @JsonProperty("popularity") val popularity: Int?, @JsonProperty("url") val url: String, @JsonProperty("genre") val genre: Genre?, @JsonProperty("url_image") val url_image: String?, @JsonProperty("score") val score: String?, @JsonProperty("start_date_year") val start_date_year: String?, @JsonProperty("nb_eps") val nb_eps: String?, ) data class Genre( @JsonProperty("0") val action: String?, @JsonProperty("1") val adventure: String?, @JsonProperty("2") val drama: String?, @JsonProperty("3") val fantasy: String?, @JsonProperty("4") val military: String?, @JsonProperty("5") val shounen: String?, ) // Looking for the best title matching from parsed Episode data private fun EpisodeData.titleObtainedBysortByQuery(query: String?): String? { if (query == null) { // No shorting so return the first title var title = this.title return title } else { val titles = listOf(title, title_french, title_english, title_romanji).filterNotNull() // Sorted by the best title matching val titlesSorted = titles.sortedBy { it -> -FuzzySearch.ratio( it?.take(query.length + nCharQuery), query ) } return titlesSorted.elementAt(0) } } private fun List.sortByQuery(query: String?): List { return if (query == null) { // Return list to base state if no query this.sortedBy { it.title } } else { this.sortedBy { val bestTitleMatching = it.titleObtainedBysortByQuery(query) -FuzzySearch.ratio( bestTitleMatching?.take(query.length + nCharQuery) ?: bestTitleMatching, query ) } } } /** This function is done because there is two database (vf and vostfr). So it allows to sort the combined database **/ private fun List.sortByname(query: String?): List { return if (query == null) { // Return list to base state if no query this.sortedBy { } } else { this.sortedBy { val name = -FuzzySearch.ratio(name.take(query.length + nCharQuery), query) } } } /** Cherche le site pour un titre spécifique La recherche retourne une SearchResponse, qui peut être des classes suivants: AnimeSearchResponse, MovieSearchResponse, TorrentSearchResponse, TvSeriesSearchResponse Chaque classes nécessite des données différentes, mais a en commun le nom, le poster et l'url **/ override suspend fun search(query: String): List { var listofResults = ArrayList() listOf( "$mainUrl/animes-search-vf.json" to "(VF) ", "$mainUrl/animes-search-vostfr.json" to "(Vostfr) " ).apmap {(url, version) -> val dubStatus = when (!version.isNullOrBlank()) { version.contains("VF") -> DubStatus.Dubbed version.contains("Vostfr") -> DubStatus.Subbed else -> null } val reponse = app.get(url).text val ParsedData = tryParseJson>(reponse) ParsedData?.sortByQuery(query)?.take(resultsSearchNbr)?.forEach { it -> val type = it.type val mediaPoster = it.url_image val href = fixUrl(it.url) val bestTitleMatching = it.titleObtainedBysortByQuery(query) val title = version + bestTitleMatching when (type) { "m0v1e", "special" -> ( listofResults.add(newMovieSearchResponse( // réponse du film qui sera ajoutée à la liste apmap qui sera ensuite return title, href, TvType.AnimeMovie, false ) { this.posterUrl = mediaPoster } )) null, "tv", "ova", "" -> ( listofResults.add(newAnimeSearchResponse( title, href, TvType.Anime, false ) { this.posterUrl = mediaPoster this.dubStatus = EnumSet.of(dubStatus) } )) else -> { throw ErrorLoadingException("invalid media type") // le type n'est pas reconnu ==> affiche une erreur } } } ?: throw ErrorLoadingException("ParsedData failed") } return listofResults.sortByname(query) .take(resultsSearchNbr) // Do that to short the vf and vostfr anime together } /** * charge la page d'informations, il ya toutes les donées, les épisodes, le résumé etc ... * Il faut retourner soit: AnimeLoadResponse, MovieLoadResponse, TorrentLoadResponse, TvSeriesLoadResponse. */ override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse { val document = app.get(url).document // // url est le lien retourné par la fonction search (la variable href) ou la fonction getMainPage val episodes = ArrayList() var mediaType = TvType.Anime val script ="div#main > script:first-of-type") val srcAllInfoEpisode = Regex("""min\"\,\"([^\}]*)\}""") val results = srcAllInfoEpisode.findAll(script.toString()) //srcAllInfoEpisode.find(script.toString())?.groupValues?.get(1)? ////////////////////////////////////// var title = "" //"div.offset-md-4 >:not(small)").text() var dataUrl = "" var link_video = "" ///////////////////////////////////// results.forEach { infoEpisode -> val episodeScript = infoEpisode.groupValues[1] val srcScriptEpisode = Regex("""episode\"\:\"Ep\. ([0-9]*)\"""") val episodeNum = srcScriptEpisode.find(episodeScript)?.groupValues?.get(1)?.toInt() val srcScriptTitle = Regex("""title\"\:\"([^\"]*)\"\,\"url\"\:\"\\\/anime""") var titleE = srcScriptTitle.find(episodeScript)?.groupValues?.get(1) if (titleE != null) title = titleE val srcScriptlink = Regex("""\"url\"\:\"([^\"]*)\"""") // remove\ val link = srcScriptlink.find(episodeScript)?.groupValues?.get(1) if (link != null) link_video = fixUrl(link.replace("\\", "")) val srcScriptposter = Regex("""\"url_image\"\:\"([^\"]*)\"""") // remove\ val poster = srcScriptposter.find(episodeScript)?.groupValues?.get(1) var link_poster = "" if (poster != null) link_poster = poster.replace("\\", "") dataUrl = link_video episodes.add( Episode( link_video, episode = episodeNum, name = title, posterUrl = link_poster ) ) } val regexYear = Regex("""Diffusion [a-zA-Z]* (\d*)""") val infosList = document.selectFirst("div#anime-info-list")?.text() val isinfosList = !infosList.isNullOrBlank() var year:Int?=null if (isinfosList) { if (infosList!!.contains("movie")) mediaType = TvType.AnimeMovie year =regexYear.find(infosList)!!.groupValues.get(1).toInt() } val description = document.selectFirst("div.synopsis > p")?.text() val poster ="div.cover > img").attr("src") if (mediaType == TvType.AnimeMovie) { return newMovieLoadResponse( title, url, mediaType, dataUrl ) { // retourne les informations du film this.posterUrl = poster this.plot = description this.year = year } } else // an anime { val status = when (isinfosList) { infosList!!.contains("En cours") -> ShowStatus.Ongoing // En cours infosList!!.contains("Terminé") -> ShowStatus.Completed else -> null } return newAnimeLoadResponse( title, url, mediaType, ) { this.posterUrl = poster this.plot = description addEpisodes( DubStatus.Dubbed, episodes ) this.showStatus = status this.year = year } } } /** récupere les liens .mp4 ou m3u8 directement à partir du paramètre data généré avec la fonction load()**/ override suspend fun loadLinks( data: String, // fournit par load() isCasting: Boolean, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ): Boolean { val url = data val document = app.get(url).document val script ="""[type^="text"]""")[1] val srcAllvideolinks = Regex("""\'(https:\/\/[^']*)""") val results = srcAllvideolinks.findAll(script.toString()) results.forEach { infoEpisode -> var playerUrl = infoEpisode.groupValues[1] if (!playerUrl.isNullOrBlank()) loadExtractor( httpsify(playerUrl), playerUrl, subtitleCallback ) { link -> callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( link.source, + "", link.url, link.referer, getQualityFromName("HD"), link.isM3u8, link.headers, link.extractorData ) ) } } return true } private fun Element.toSearchResponse(): SearchResponse { val poster = select("div.cover > a >") var posterUrl ="img:last-child").attr("src") if (posterUrl == "#") posterUrl ="img:last-child").attr("data-src") val type = select(" > p.year").text() val title = select(" > a.title > div.limit").text() val link = fixUrl(select("div.cover > a").attr("href")) if (type.contains("Film")) { return newMovieSearchResponse( title, link, TvType.AnimeMovie, false, ) { this.posterUrl = posterUrl } } else // an Anime { return newAnimeSearchResponse( title, link, TvType.Anime, false, ) { this.posterUrl = posterUrl } } } data class LastEpisodeData( @JsonProperty("time") val time: String?, @JsonProperty("timestamp") val timestamp: Int?, @JsonProperty("episode") val episode: String?, @JsonProperty("icons") val icons: String?, @JsonProperty("title") val title: String?, @JsonProperty("lang") val lang: String?, @JsonProperty("url") val url: String?, @JsonProperty("anime_url") val anime_url: String?, @JsonProperty("url_image") val url_image: String?, @JsonProperty("url_bg") val url_bg: String, ) private fun LastEpisodeData.tomainHome(): SearchResponse { var posterUrl = this.url_image?.replace("""\""", "") val link = this.anime_url?.replace("""\""", "")?.let { fixUrl(it) } ?: throw error("Error parsing") val title = this.title ?: throw error("Error parsing") val type = this.episode ?: "" var lang = this.lang val dubStatus = if (lang?.contains("vf") == true) { DubStatus.Dubbed } else { DubStatus.Subbed } if (type.contains("Ep")) { return newAnimeSearchResponse( title.take(15).replace("\n", "") + "\n" + type.replace("Ep", "Episode"), link, TvType.Anime, false, ) { this.posterUrl = posterUrl this.dubStatus = EnumSet.of(dubStatus) } } else // a movie { return newMovieSearchResponse( title, link, TvType.AnimeMovie, false, ) { this.posterUrl = posterUrl } } } override val mainPage = mainPageOf( Pair("$mainUrl", "Nouveaux épisodes"), Pair("$mainUrl/anime-vf/", "Animes et Films en version français"), Pair("$mainUrl/anime/", "Animes et Films sous-titrés en français"), ) override suspend fun getMainPage(page: Int, request: MainPageRequest): HomePageResponse { val categoryName = var cssSelector = "" if (categoryName.contains("Nouveaux") && page <= 1) { cssSelector = "div#main >script"//"div.js-last-episode-container > div.col-lg-3" } val url: String url = if (page == 1) { } else { + page } val document = app.get(url).document val regexLastEpisode = Regex("""lastEpisodes = (.*)\;""") val home = when (!categoryName.isNullOrBlank()) {"Animes") ->"div#regular-list-animes > div.anime") .mapNotNull { article -> article.toSearchResponse() } else -> tryParseJson>( document.selectFirst( cssSelector )?.let { regexLastEpisode.find( it.toString() )?.groupValues?.get(1) } )!!.map { episode -> episode.tomainHome() } } return newHomePageResponse(, home) } }