package com.hexated import android.util.Base64 import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.hexated.SoraStream.Companion.base64DecodeAPI import com.hexated.SoraStream.Companion.baymoviesAPI import com.hexated.SoraStream.Companion.consumetCrunchyrollAPI import com.hexated.SoraStream.Companion.filmxyAPI import com.hexated.SoraStream.Companion.gdbot import com.hexated.SoraStream.Companion.putlockerAPI import com.hexated.SoraStream.Companion.smashyStreamAPI import com.hexated.SoraStream.Companion.tvMoviesAPI import com.hexated.SoraStream.Companion.twoEmbedAPI import com.hexated.SoraStream.Companion.watchOnlineAPI import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.APIHolder.getCaptchaToken import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.suspendSafeApiCall import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.* import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.tryParseJson import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Coroutines.ioSafe import com.lagradost.nicehttp.NiceResponse import com.lagradost.nicehttp.RequestBodyTypes import kotlinx.coroutines.delay import okhttp3.FormBody import okhttp3.Headers import okhttp3.HttpUrl.Companion.toHttpUrl import okhttp3.MediaType.Companion.toMediaTypeOrNull import okhttp3.RequestBody.Companion.toRequestBody import org.jsoup.nodes.Document import import import import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import import import java.util.* import javax.crypto.Cipher import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec import kotlin.collections.ArrayList import kotlin.math.min val soraAPI = base64DecodeAPI("cA==YXA=cy8=Y20=di8=LnQ=b2s=a2w=bG8=aS4=YXA=ZS0=aWw=b2I=LW0=Z2E=Ly8=czo=dHA=aHQ=") val soraBackupAPI = base64DecodeAPI("dg==LnQ=bGw=aGk=dGM=dXM=Lmo=b2s=a2w=bG8=Ly8=czo=dHA=aHQ=") val soraHeaders = mapOf( "lang" to "en", "versioncode" to "33", "clienttype" to "android_tem3", "deviceid" to getDeviceId(), ) val encodedIndex = arrayOf( "GamMovies", "JSMovies", "BlackMovies", "CodexMovies", "RinzryMovies", "EdithxMovies", "XtremeMovies", "PapaonMovies[1]", "PapaonMovies[2]", "JmdkhMovies", "RubyMovies", "ShinobiMovies", "VitoenMovies", ) val lockedIndex = arrayOf( "CodexMovies", "EdithxMovies", ) val mkvIndex = arrayOf( "EdithxMovies", "JmdkhMovies", ) val untrimmedIndex = arrayOf( "PapaonMovies[1]", "PapaonMovies[2]", "EdithxMovies", ) val needRefererIndex = arrayOf( "ShinobiMovies", ) val ddomainIndex = arrayOf( "RinzryMovies", "ShinobiMovies" ) val mimeType = arrayOf( "video/x-matroska", "video/mp4", "video/x-msvideo" ) data class FilmxyCookies( val phpsessid: String? = null, val wLog: String? = null, val wSec: String? = null, ) fun String.filterIframe(seasonNum: Int?, lastSeason: Int?, year: Int?, title: String?): Boolean { val slug = title.createSlug() val dotSlug = slug?.replace("-", ".") val spaceSlug = slug?.replace("-", " ") return if (seasonNum != null) { if (lastSeason == 1) { this.contains(Regex("(?i)(S0?$seasonNum)|(Season\\s0?$seasonNum)|(\\d{3,4}p)")) && !this.contains( "Download", true ) } else { this.contains(Regex("(?i)(S0?$seasonNum)|(Season\\s0?$seasonNum)")) && !this.contains( "Download", true ) } } else { this.contains(Regex("(?i)($year)|($dotSlug)|($spaceSlug)")) && !this.contains( "Download", true ) } } fun String.filterMedia(title: String?, yearNum: Int?, seasonNum: Int?): Boolean { val fixTitle = title.createSlug()?.replace("-", " ") return if (seasonNum != null) { when { seasonNum > 1 -> this.contains(Regex("(?i)(Season\\s0?1-0?$seasonNum)|(S0?1-S?0?$seasonNum)")) && this.contains( Regex("(?i)($fixTitle)|($title)") ) else -> this.contains(Regex("(?i)(Season\\s0?1)|(S0?1)")) && this.contains( Regex("(?i)($fixTitle)|($title)") ) && this.contains("$yearNum") } } else { this.contains(Regex("(?i)($fixTitle)|($title)")) && this.contains("$yearNum") } } fun Document.getMirrorLink(): String? { return"div.mb-4 a").randomOrNull() ?.attr("href") } fun Document.getMirrorServer(server: Int): String { return"div.text-center a:contains(Server $server)").attr("href") } suspend fun extractMirrorUHD(url: String, ref: String): String? { var baseDoc = app.get(fixUrl(url, ref)).document var downLink = baseDoc.getMirrorLink() run lit@{ (1..2).forEach { if (downLink != null) return@lit val server = baseDoc.getMirrorServer( baseDoc = app.get(fixUrl(server, ref)).document downLink = baseDoc.getMirrorLink() } } return if (downLink?.contains("") == true) downLink else base64Decode( downLink?.substringAfter( "download?url=" ) ?: return null ) } suspend fun extractBackupUHD(url: String): String? { val resumeDoc = app.get(url) val script = resumeDoc.document.selectFirst("script:containsData(FormData.)")?.data() val ssid = resumeDoc.cookies["PHPSESSID"] val baseIframe = getBaseUrl(url) val fetchLink = script?.substringAfter("fetch('")?.substringBefore("',")?.let { fixUrl(it, baseIframe) } val token = script?.substringAfter("'token', '")?.substringBefore("');") val body = FormBody.Builder() .addEncoded("token", "$token") .build() val cookies = mapOf("PHPSESSID" to "$ssid") val result = fetchLink ?: return null, requestBody = body, headers = mapOf( "Accept" to "*/*", "Origin" to baseIframe, "Sec-Fetch-Site" to "same-origin" ), cookies = cookies, referer = url ).text return tryParseJson(result)?.url } suspend fun extractGdbot(url: String): String? { val headers = mapOf( "Accept" to "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8", ) val res = app.get( "$gdbot/", headers = headers ) val token = res.document.selectFirst("input[name=_token]")?.attr("value") val cookiesSet = res.headers.filter { it.first == "set-cookie" } val xsrf = cookiesSet.find { it.second.contains("XSRF-TOKEN") }?.second?.substringAfter("XSRF-TOKEN=") ?.substringBefore(";") val session = cookiesSet.find { it.second.contains("gdtot_proxy_session") }?.second?.substringAfter("gdtot_proxy_session=") ?.substringBefore(";") val cookies = mapOf( "gdtot_proxy_session" to "$session", "XSRF-TOKEN" to "$xsrf" ) val requestFile = "$gdbot/file", data = mapOf( "link" to url, "_token" to "$token" ), headers = headers, referer = "$gdbot/", cookies = cookies ).document return requestFile.selectFirst(" a.float-right")?.attr("href") } suspend fun extractDirectDl(url: String): String? { val iframe = app.get(url).document.selectFirst(" a:contains(Direct DL)") ?.attr("href") val request = app.get(iframe ?: return null) val driveDoc = request.document val token ="section#generate_url").attr("data-token") val uid ="section#generate_url").attr("data-uid") val ssid = request.cookies["PHPSESSID"] val body = """{"type":"DOWNLOAD_GENERATE","payload":{"uid":"$uid","access_token":"$token"}}""".toRequestBody( RequestBodyTypes.JSON.toMediaTypeOrNull() ) val json = "", requestBody = body, headers = mapOf( "Accept" to "application/json, text/plain, */*", "Cookie" to "PHPSESSID=$ssid", "X-Requested-With" to "xmlhttprequest" ), referer = request.url ).text return tryParseJson(json)?.download_url } suspend fun extractDrivebot(url: String): String? { val iframeDrivebot = app.get(url).document.selectFirst(" a:contains(Drivebot)") ?.attr("href") ?: return null return getDrivebotLink(iframeDrivebot) } suspend fun extractGdflix(url: String): String? { val iframeGdflix = app.get(url).document.selectFirst(" a:contains(GDFlix Direct)") ?.attr("href") ?: return null val base = getBaseUrl(iframeGdflix) val req = app.get(iframeGdflix).document.selectFirst("script:containsData(replace)")?.data() ?.substringAfter("replace(\"") ?.substringBefore("\")")?.let { app.get(fixUrl(it, base)) } ?: return null val iframeDrivebot2 = req.document.selectFirst("a.btn.btn-outline-warning")?.attr("href") return getDrivebotLink(iframeDrivebot2) // val reqUrl = req.url // val ssid = req.cookies["PHPSESSID"] // val script = req.document.selectFirst("script:containsData(formData =)")?.data() // val key = Regex("append\\(\"key\", \"(\\S+?)\"\\);").find(script ?: return null)?.groupValues?.get(1) // // val body = FormBody.Builder() // .addEncoded("action", "direct") // .addEncoded("key", "$key") // .addEncoded("action_token", "cf_token") // .build() // // val gdriveUrl = // reqUrl, requestBody = body, // cookies = mapOf("PHPSESSID" to "$ssid"), // headers = mapOf( // "x-token" to URI(reqUrl).host // ) // ).parsedSafe()?.url // // return getDirectGdrive(gdriveUrl ?: return null) } suspend fun getDrivebotLink(url: String?): String? { val driveDoc = app.get(url ?: return null) val ssid = driveDoc.cookies["PHPSESSID"] val script = driveDoc.document.selectFirst("script:containsData(var formData)")?.data() val baseUrl = getBaseUrl(url) val token = script?.substringAfter("'token', '")?.substringBefore("');") val link = script?.substringAfter("fetch('")?.substringBefore("',").let { "$baseUrl$it" } val body = FormBody.Builder() .addEncoded("token", "$token") .build() val cookies = mapOf("PHPSESSID" to "$ssid") val file = link, requestBody = body, headers = mapOf( "Accept" to "*/*", "Origin" to baseUrl, "Sec-Fetch-Site" to "same-origin" ), cookies = cookies, referer = url ).parsedSafe()?.url ?: return null return if (file.startsWith("http")) file else app.get( fixUrl( file, baseUrl ) ).document.selectFirst("script:containsData(") ?.data()?.substringAfter("'")?.substringBefore("')") } suspend fun extractOiya(url: String, quality: String): String? { val doc = app.get(url).document return doc.selectFirst("div.wp-block-button a:matches((?i)$quality)")?.attr("href") ?: doc.selectFirst("div.wp-block-button a")?.attr("href") } suspend fun extractCovyn(url: String?): Pair? { val request = session.get(url ?: return null, referer = "${tvMoviesAPI}/") val filehosting = session.baseClient.cookieJar.loadForRequest(url.toHttpUrl()) .find { == "filehosting" }?.value val headers = mapOf( "Accept" to "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8", "Connection" to "keep-alive", "Cookie" to "filehosting=$filehosting", ) val iframe = request.document.findTvMoviesIframe() delay(10500) val request2 = session.get( iframe ?: return null, referer = url, headers = headers ) val iframe2 = request2.document.findTvMoviesIframe() delay(10500) val request3 = session.get( iframe2 ?: return null, referer = iframe, headers = headers ) val response = request3.document val videoLink = response.selectFirst("button.btn.btn--primary")?.attr("onclick") ?.substringAfter("location = '")?.substringBefore("';")?.let { app.get( it, referer = iframe2, headers = headers ).url } val size = response.selectFirst("ul.row--list li:contains(Filesize) span:last-child") ?.text() return Pair(videoLink, size) } suspend fun getDirectGdrive(url: String): String { val fixUrl = if (url.contains("&export=download")) { url } else { "${ Regex("(?:\\?id=|/d/)(\\S+)/").find("$url/")?.groupValues?.get(1) }&export=download" } val doc = app.get(fixUrl).document val form ="form#download-form").attr("action") val uc ="input#uc-download-link").attr("value") return form, data = mapOf( "uc-download-link" to uc ) ).url } suspend fun invokeSmashyOne( name: String, url: String, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, ) { val script = app.get(url).document.selectFirst("script:containsData(player =)")?.data() ?: return val source = Regex("file:\\s['\"](\\S+?)['|\"]").find(script)?.groupValues?.get( 1 ) ?: return source.split(",").map { links -> val quality = Regex("\\[(\\d+)]").find(links)?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1)?.trim() val link = links.removePrefix("[$quality]").trim() callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "Smashy [$name]", "Smashy [$name]", link, smashyStreamAPI, quality?.toIntOrNull() ?: return@map, isM3u8 = link.contains(".m3u8"), ) ) } } suspend fun invokeSmashyTwo( name: String, url: String, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val doc = app.get(url).document val script = doc.selectFirst("script:containsData(var secret)")?.data() ?: return val secret = script.substringAfter("secret = \"").substringBefore("\";").let { base64Decode(it) } val key = script.substringAfter("token = \"").substringBefore("\";") val source = app.get( "$secret$key", headers = mapOf( "X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest" ) ).parsedSafe() ?: return val videoUrl = base64Decode(source.file ?: return) if(videoUrl.contains("/bug")) return val quality = Regex("(\\d{3,4})[Pp]").find(videoUrl)?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1)?.toIntOrNull() ?: Qualities.P720.value callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "Smashy [$name]", "Smashy [$name]", videoUrl, "", quality, videoUrl.contains(".m3u8") ) ) } suspend fun getSoraIdAndType(title: String?, year: Int?, season: Int?) : Pair? { val doc = app.get("${base64DecodeAPI("b20=LmM=b2s=a2w=bG8=Ly8=czo=dHA=aHQ=")}/search?keyword=$title").document val scriptData ="").map { Triple( it.selectFirst("h2.title")?.text().toString(), it.selectFirst("div.desc")?.text() ?.substringBefore(".")?.toIntOrNull(), it.selectFirst("a")?.attr("href")?.split("/") ) } val script = if (scriptData.size == 1) { scriptData.firstOrNull() } else { scriptData.find { when (season) { null -> { it.first.equals( title, true ) && it.second == year } 1 -> { it.first.contains( "$title", true ) && (it.second == year || it.first.contains("Season $season", true)) } else -> { it.first.contains(Regex("(?i)$title\\s?($season|${season.toRomanNumeral()}|Season\\s$season)")) && it.second == year } } } } val id = script?.third?.last()?.substringBefore("-") ?: return null val type = script.third?.get(2)?.let { if (it == "drama") "1" else "0" } ?: return null return id to type } suspend fun fetchSoraEpisodes(id: String, type: String, episode: Int?) : EpisodeVo? { return app.get( "$soraAPI/movieDrama/get?id=${id}&category=${type}", headers = soraHeaders ).parsedSafe()?.data?.episodeVo?.find { it.seriesNo == (episode ?: 0) } } suspend fun bypassOuo(url: String?): String? { var res = session.get(url ?: return null) run lit@{ (1..2).forEach { _ -> if (res.headers["location"] != null) return@lit val document = res.document val nextUrl ="form").attr("action") val data ="form input").mapNotNull { it.attr("name") to it.attr("value") }.toMap().toMutableMap() val captchaKey ="script[src*=]") .attr("src").substringAfter("render=") val token = getCaptchaToken(url, captchaKey) data["x-token"] = token ?: "" res = nextUrl, data = data, headers = mapOf("content-type" to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), allowRedirects = false ) } } return res.headers["location"] } suspend fun fetchingKaizoku( domain: String, postId: String, data: List, ref: String ): NiceResponse { return "$domain/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php", data = mapOf( "action" to "DDL", "post_id" to postId, "div_id" to data.first(), "tab_id" to data[1], "num" to data[2], "folder" to data.last() ), headers = mapOf("X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest"), referer = ref ) } fun String.splitData(): List { return this.substringAfterLast("DDL(").substringBefore(")").split(",") .map { it.replace("'", "").trim() } } suspend fun bypassFdAds(url: String?): String? { val directUrl = app.get(url ?: return null, verify = false)"a#link").attr("href") .substringAfter("/go/") .let { base64Decode(it) } val doc = app.get(directUrl, verify = false).document val lastDoc ="form#landing").attr("action"), data = mapOf("go" to"form#landing input").attr("value")), verify = false ).document val json ="form#landing input[name=newwpsafelink]").attr("value") .let { base64Decode(it) } val finalJson = tryParseJson(json)?.linkr?.substringAfter("redirect=")?.let { base64Decode(it) } return tryParseJson(finalJson)?.safelink } suspend fun bypassHrefli(url: String): String? { val postUrl = url.substringBefore("?id=").substringAfter("/?") val res = postUrl, data = mapOf( "_wp_http" to url.substringAfter("?id=") ) ).document val link ="form#landing").attr("action") val wpHttp ="input[name=_wp_http2]").attr("value") val token ="input[name=token]").attr("value") val blogRes = link, data = mapOf( "_wp_http2" to wpHttp, "token" to token ) ).text val skToken = blogRes.substringAfter("?go=").substringBefore("\"") val driveUrl = app.get( "$postUrl?go=$skToken", cookies = mapOf( skToken to wpHttp ) ).document.selectFirst("meta[http-equiv=refresh]")?.attr("content")?.substringAfter("url=") val path = app.get(driveUrl ?: return null).text.substringAfter("replace(\"") .substringBefore("\")") if (path == "/404") return null return fixUrl(path, getBaseUrl(driveUrl)) } suspend fun bypassTechmny(url: String) : String? { val postUrl = url.substringBefore("?id=").substringAfter("/?") var res = postUrl, data = mapOf( "_wp_http_c" to url.substringAfter("?id=") ) ) val (longC, catC, _) = getTechmnyCookies(res.text) var headers = mapOf("Cookie" to "$longC; $catC") var formLink = res.document.selectFirst("center a")?.attr("href") res = app.get(formLink ?: return null, headers = headers) val (longC2, _, postC) = getTechmnyCookies(res.text) headers = mapOf("Cookie" to "$catC; $longC2; $postC") formLink = res.document.selectFirst("center a")?.attr("href") res = app.get(formLink ?: return null, headers = headers) val goToken = res.text.substringAfter("?go=").substringBefore("\"") val tokenUrl = "$postUrl?go=$goToken" val newLongC = "$goToken=" + longC2.substringAfter("=") headers = mapOf("Cookie" to "$catC; rdst_post=; $newLongC") val driveUrl = app.get(tokenUrl, headers = headers).document.selectFirst("meta[http-equiv=refresh]")?.attr("content")?.substringAfter("url=") val path = app.get(driveUrl ?: return null).text.substringAfter("replace(\"") .substringBefore("\")") if (path == "/404") return null return fixUrl(path, getBaseUrl(driveUrl)) } suspend fun bypassDriveleech(url: String) : String? { val path = app.get(url).text.substringAfter("replace(\"") .substringBefore("\")") if (path == "/404") return null return fixUrl(path, getBaseUrl(url)) } private fun getTechmnyCookies(page: String): Triple { val cat = "rdst_cat" val post = "rdst_post" val longC = page.substringAfter(".setTime") .substringAfter("document.cookie = \"") .substringBefore("\"") .substringBefore(";") val catC = if (page.contains("$cat=")) { page.substringAfterLast("$cat=") .substringBefore(";").let { "$cat=$it" } } else { "" } val postC = if (page.contains("$post=")) { page.substringAfterLast("$post=") .substringBefore(";").let { "$post=$it" } } else { "" } return Triple(longC, catC, postC) } suspend fun getTvMoviesServer(url: String, season: Int?, episode: Int?): Pair? { val req = app.get(url) if (!req.isSuccessful) return null val doc = req.document return if (season == null) {"table.wp-block-table tr:last-child td:first-child").text() to doc.selectFirst("table.wp-block-table tr a")?.attr("href").let { link -> app.get(link ?: return null)"div#text-url a") .mapIndexed { index, element -> element.attr("href") to element.parent()?.textNodes()?.getOrNull(index) ?.text() }.filter { it.second?.contains("Subtitles", true) == false } .map { it.first } }.lastOrNull() } else {"div.vc_tta-panels div#Season-$season table.wp-block-table tr:last-child td:first-child") .text() to"div.vc_tta-panels div#Season-$season table.wp-block-table tr a") .mapNotNull { ele -> app.get(ele.attr("href"))"div#text-url a") .mapIndexed { index, element -> element.attr("href") to element.parent()?.textNodes() ?.getOrNull(index)?.text() }.find { it.second?.contains("Episode $episode", true) == true }?.first }.lastOrNull() } } suspend fun getFilmxyCookies(imdbId: String? = null, season: Int? = null): FilmxyCookies? { val url = if (season == null) { "${filmxyAPI}/movie/$imdbId" } else { "${filmxyAPI}/tv/$imdbId" } val cookieUrl = "${filmxyAPI}/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php" val res = session.get( url, headers = mapOf( "Accept" to "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8" ), ) if (!res.isSuccessful) return FilmxyCookies() val userNonce ="script").find {"var userNonce") }?.data()?.let { Regex("var\\suserNonce.*?\"(\\S+?)\";").find(it)?.groupValues?.get(1) } var phpsessid = session.baseClient.cookieJar.loadForRequest(url.toHttpUrl()) .first { == "PHPSESSID" }.value cookieUrl, data = mapOf( "action" to "guest_login", "nonce" to "$userNonce", ), headers = mapOf( "Cookie" to "PHPSESSID=$phpsessid; G_ENABLED_IDPS=google", "X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest", ) ) val cookieJar = session.baseClient.cookieJar.loadForRequest(cookieUrl.toHttpUrl()) phpsessid = cookieJar.first { == "PHPSESSID" }.value val wLog = cookieJar.first { == "wordpress_logged_in_8bf9d5433ac88cc9a3a396d6b154cd01" }.value val wSec = cookieJar.first { == "wordpress_sec_8bf9d5433ac88cc9a3a396d6b154cd01" }.value return FilmxyCookies(phpsessid, wLog, wSec) } fun Document.findTvMoviesIframe(): String? { return this.selectFirst("script:containsData(var seconds)")?.data()?.substringAfter("href='") ?.substringBefore("'>") } suspend fun searchWatchOnline( title: String? = null, season: Int? = null, imdbId: String? = null, tmdbId: Int? = null, ): NiceResponse? { val wTitle = title?.dropLast(1) // weird but this will make search working val mediaId = app.get( if (season == null) { "${watchOnlineAPI}/api/v1/movies?filters[q]=$wTitle" } else { "${watchOnlineAPI}/api/v1/shows?filters[q]=$wTitle" } ).parsedSafe()?.items?.find { it.imdb_id == imdbId || it.tmdb_id == tmdbId || it.imdb_id == imdbId?.removePrefix("tt") }?.slug return app.get( fixUrl( mediaId ?: return null, if (season == null) { "${watchOnlineAPI}/movies/view" } else { "${watchOnlineAPI}/shows/view" } ) ) } suspend fun searchCrunchyrollAnimeId(title: String): String? { val res = app.get("${consumetCrunchyrollAPI}/search/$title",timeout = 600L) .parsedSafe()?.results return (if (res?.size == 1) { res.firstOrNull() } else { res?.find { (it.title?.contains( title, true ) == true || it.title.createSlug() ?.contains("${title.createSlug()}", true) == true) && it.type.equals("series") } })?.id } fun CrunchyrollDetails.findCrunchyrollId( season: Int?, episode: Int?, epsTitle: String? ): List?> { val sub = this.episodes?.filterKeys { it.contains("subbed") }.matchingEpisode(epsTitle, season, episode) to "Raw" val dub = this.episodes?.filterKeys { it.contains("English Dub") }.matchingEpisode(epsTitle, season, episode) to "English Dub" return listOf(sub, dub) } fun Map>?.matchingEpisode( epsTitle: String?, season: Int?, episode: Int? ): CrunchyrollEpisodes? { return this?.mapNotNull { eps -> eps.value.find { (it.episode_number == episode && it.season_number == season) || it.title.equals( epsTitle, true ) } ?: eps.value.find { it.episode_number == episode } }?.firstOrNull() } suspend fun extractPutlockerSources(url: String?): NiceResponse? { val embedHost = url?.substringBefore("/embed-player") val player = app.get( url ?: return null, referer = "${putlockerAPI}/" )"div#player") val text = "\"${player.attr("data-id")}\"" val password = player.attr("data-hash") val cipher = CryptoAES.plEncrypt(password, text) return app.get( "$embedHost/ajax/getSources/", params = mapOf( "id" to cipher.cipherText, "h" to cipher.password, "a" to cipher.iv, "t" to cipher.salt, ), referer = url ) } suspend fun PutlockerResponses?.callback( referer: String, server: String, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit ) { val ref = getBaseUrl(referer) this?.sources?.map { source -> val request = app.get(source.file, referer = ref) callback.invoke( ExtractorLink( "Putlocker [$server]", "Putlocker [$server]", if (!request.isSuccessful) return@map null else source.file, ref, if (source.file.contains("m3u8")) getPutlockerQuality(request.text) else source.label?.replace( Regex("[Pp]"), "" )?.trim()?.toIntOrNull() ?: Qualities.P720.value, source.file.contains("m3u8") ) ) } } fun getPutlockerQuality(quality: String): Int { return when { quality.contains("NAME=\"1080p\"") || quality.contains("RESOLUTION=1920x1080") -> Qualities.P1080.value quality.contains("NAME=\"720p\"") || quality.contains("RESOLUTION=1280x720")-> Qualities.P720.value else -> Qualities.P480.value } } fun getEpisodeSlug( season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, ): Pair { return if (season == null && episode == null) { "" to "" } else { (if (season!! < 10) "0$season" else "$season") to (if (episode!! < 10) "0$episode" else "$episode") } } fun getTitleSlug(title: String? = null): Pair { val slug = title.createSlug() return slug?.replace("-", "\\W") to title?.replace(" ", "_") } fun getIndexQuery( title: String? = null, year: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null ): String { val (seasonSlug, episodeSlug) = getEpisodeSlug(season, episode) return (if (season == null) { "$title ${year ?: ""}" } else { "$title S${seasonSlug}E${episodeSlug}" }).trim() } fun searchIndex( title: String? = null, season: Int? = null, episode: Int? = null, year: Int? = null, response: String, isTrimmed: Boolean = true, ): List? { val files = tryParseJson(response)?.data?.files?.filter { media -> matchingIndex( ?: return null, media.mimeType ?: return null, title ?: return null, year, season, episode ) }?.distinctBy { }?.sortedByDescending { it.size?.toLongOrNull() ?: 0 } ?: return null return if (isTrimmed) { files.let { file -> listOfNotNull( file.find {"2160p", true) == true }, file.find {"1080p", true) == true } ) } } else { files } } fun matchingIndex( mediaName: String?, mediaMimeType: String?, title: String?, year: Int?, season: Int?, episode: Int?, include720: Boolean = false ): Boolean { val (wSlug, dwSlug) = getTitleSlug(title) val (seasonSlug, episodeSlug) = getEpisodeSlug(season, episode) return (if (season == null) { mediaName?.contains(Regex("(?i)(?:$wSlug|$dwSlug).*$year")) == true } else { mediaName?.contains(Regex("(?i)(?:$wSlug|$dwSlug).*S${seasonSlug}.?E${episodeSlug}")) == true }) && mediaName?.contains( if (include720) Regex("(?i)(2160p|1080p|720p)") else Regex("(?i)(2160p|1080p)") ) == true && ((mediaMimeType in mimeType) || mediaName.contains(Regex("\\.mkv|\\.mp4|\\.avi"))) } suspend fun getConfig(): BaymoviesConfig { val regex = """const country = "(.*?)"; const downloadtime = "(.*?)"; var arrayofworkers = (.*)""".toRegex() val js = app.get( "", referer = "$baymoviesAPI/", ).text val match = regex.find(js) ?: throw ErrorLoadingException() val country = match.groupValues[1] val downloadTime = match.groupValues[2] val workers = tryParseJson>(match.groupValues[3]) ?: throw ErrorLoadingException() return BaymoviesConfig(country, downloadTime, workers) } fun decodeIndexJson(json: String): String { val slug = json.reversed().substring(24) return base64Decode(slug.substring(0, slug.length - 20)) } fun String.decryptGomoviesJson(key: String = "123"): String { val sb = StringBuilder() var i = 0 while (i < this.length) { var j = 0 while (j < key.length && i < this.length) { sb.append((this[i].code xor key[j].code).toChar()) j++ i++ } } return sb.toString() } fun Headers.getGomoviesCookies(cookieKey: String = "set-cookie"): Map { val cookieList = this.filter { it.first.equals(cookieKey, ignoreCase = true) }.mapNotNull { it.second.split(";").firstOrNull() } return cookieList.associate { val split = it.split("=", limit = 2) (split.getOrNull(0)?.trim() ?: "") to (split.getOrNull(1)?.trim() ?: "") }.filter { it.key.isNotBlank() && it.value.isNotBlank() } } fun String?.createSlug(): String? { return this?.replace(Regex("[^\\w\\s-]"), "") ?.replace(" ", "-") ?.replace(Regex("( – )|( -)|(- )|(--)"), "-") ?.lowercase() } fun getLanguage(str: String): String { return if (str.contains("(in_ID)")) "Indonesian" else str } fun bytesToGigaBytes(number: Double): Double = number / 1024000000 fun getKisskhTitle(str: String?): String? { return str?.replace(Regex("[^a-zA-Z\\d]"), "-") } fun String.getFileSize() : Float? { val size = Regex("(\\d+\\.?\\d+\\sGB|MB)").find(this)?.groupValues?.get(0)?.trim() val num = Regex("(\\d+\\.?\\d+)").find(size ?: return null)?.groupValues?.get(0)?.toFloat() ?: return null return when { size.contains("GB") -> num * 1000000 else -> num * 1000 } } fun getIndexQualityTags(str: String?): String { return Regex("\\d{3,4}[pP]\\.?(.*?)\\.(mkv|mp4|avi)").find(str ?: "")?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1) ?.replace(".", " ")?.trim() ?: "" } fun getIndexQuality(str: String?): Int { return Regex("(\\d{3,4})[pP]").find(str ?: "")?.groupValues?.getOrNull(1)?.toIntOrNull() ?: Qualities.Unknown.value } fun getQuality(str: String): Int { return when (str) { "360p" -> Qualities.P240.value "480p" -> Qualities.P360.value "720p" -> Qualities.P480.value "1080p" -> Qualities.P720.value "1080p Ultra" -> Qualities.P1080.value else -> getQualityFromName(str) } } fun getGMoviesQuality(str: String): Int { return when { str.contains("480P", true) -> Qualities.P480.value str.contains("720P", true) -> Qualities.P720.value str.contains("1080P", true) -> Qualities.P1080.value str.contains("4K", true) -> Qualities.P2160.value else -> Qualities.Unknown.value } } fun getSoraQuality(quality: String): Int { return when (quality) { "GROOT_FD" -> Qualities.P360.value "GROOT_LD" -> Qualities.P480.value "GROOT_SD" -> Qualities.P720.value "GROOT_HD" -> Qualities.P1080.value else -> Qualities.Unknown.value } } fun getFDoviesQuality(str: String): String { return when { str.contains("1080P", true) -> "1080P" str.contains("4K", true) -> "4K" else -> "" } } fun getVipLanguage(str: String): String { return when (str) { "in_ID" -> "Indonesian" "pt" -> "Portuguese" else -> str.split("_").first().let { SubtitleHelper.fromTwoLettersToLanguage(it).toString() } } } fun getDbgoLanguage(str: String): String { return when (str) { "Русский" -> "Russian" "Українська" -> "Ukrainian" else -> str } } fun fixCrunchyrollLang(language: String?): String? { return SubtitleHelper.fromTwoLettersToLanguage(language ?: return null) ?: SubtitleHelper.fromTwoLettersToLanguage(language.substringBefore("-")) } fun getDeviceId(length: Int = 16): String { val allowedChars = ('a'..'f') + ('0'..'9') return (1..length) .map { allowedChars.random() } .joinToString("") } fun String.encodeUrl(): String { val url = URL(this) val uri = URI(url.protocol, url.userInfo,, url.port, url.path, url.query, url.ref) return uri.toURL().toString() } fun getBaseUrl(url: String): String { return URI(url).let { "${it.scheme}://${}" } } fun String.decodeBase64(): String { return Base64.decode(this, Base64.DEFAULT).toString(Charsets.UTF_8) } fun encode(input: String): String? = URLEncoder.encode(input, "utf-8") fun decryptStreamUrl(data: String): String { fun getTrash(arr: List, item: Int): List { val trash = ArrayList>() for (i in 1..item) { trash.add(arr) } return trash.reduce { acc, list -> val temp = ArrayList() acc.forEach { ac -> list.forEach { li -> temp.add( } } return@reduce temp } } val trashList = listOf("@", "#", "!", "^", "$") val trashSet = getTrash(trashList, 2) + getTrash(trashList, 3) var trashString = data.replace("#2", "").split("//_//").joinToString("") trashSet.forEach { val temp = base64Encode(it.toByteArray()) trashString = trashString.replace(temp, "") } return base64Decode(trashString) } fun fixUrl(url: String, domain: String): String { if (url.startsWith("http")) { return url } if (url.isEmpty()) { return "" } val startsWithNoHttp = url.startsWith("//") if (startsWithNoHttp) { return "https:$url" } else { if (url.startsWith('/')) { return domain + url } return "$domain/$url" } } fun Int.toRomanNumeral(): String = Symbol.closestBelow(this) .let { symbol -> if (symbol != null) { "$symbol${(this - symbol.decimalValue).toRomanNumeral()}" } else { "" } } private enum class Symbol(val decimalValue: Int) { I(1), IV(4), V(5), IX(9), X(10); companion object { fun closestBelow(value: Int) = values() .sortedByDescending { it.decimalValue } .firstOrNull { value >= it.decimalValue } } } // code found on /** * Conforming with CryptoJS AES method */ // see @Suppress("unused", "FunctionName", "SameParameterValue") object CryptoAES { private const val KEY_SIZE = 256 private const val IV_SIZE = 128 private const val HASH_CIPHER = "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding" private const val AES = "AES" private const val KDF_DIGEST = "MD5" // Seriously crypto-js, what's wrong with you? private const val APPEND = "Salted__" /** * Encrypt * @param password passphrase * @param plainText plain string */ fun encrypt(password: String, plainText: String): String { val saltBytes = generateSalt(8) val key = ByteArray(KEY_SIZE / 8) val iv = ByteArray(IV_SIZE / 8) EvpKDF(password.toByteArray(), KEY_SIZE, IV_SIZE, saltBytes, key, iv) val keyS = SecretKeySpec(key, AES) val cipher = Cipher.getInstance(HASH_CIPHER) val ivSpec = IvParameterSpec(iv) cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, keyS, ivSpec) val cipherText = cipher.doFinal(plainText.toByteArray()) // Thanks kientux for this: // Create CryptoJS-like encrypted! val sBytes = APPEND.toByteArray() val b = ByteArray(sBytes.size + saltBytes.size + cipherText.size) System.arraycopy(sBytes, 0, b, 0, sBytes.size) System.arraycopy(saltBytes, 0, b, sBytes.size, saltBytes.size) System.arraycopy(cipherText, 0, b, sBytes.size + saltBytes.size, cipherText.size) val bEncode = Base64.encode(b, Base64.NO_WRAP) return String(bEncode) } fun plEncrypt(password: String, plainText: String): EncryptResult { val saltBytes = generateSalt(8) val key = ByteArray(KEY_SIZE / 8) val iv = ByteArray(IV_SIZE / 8) EvpKDF(password.toByteArray(), KEY_SIZE, IV_SIZE, saltBytes, key, iv) val keyS = SecretKeySpec(key, AES) val cipher = Cipher.getInstance(HASH_CIPHER) val ivSpec = IvParameterSpec(iv) cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, keyS, ivSpec) val cipherText = cipher.doFinal(plainText.toByteArray()) val bEncode = Base64.encode(cipherText, Base64.NO_WRAP) return EncryptResult( String(bEncode).toHex(), password.toHex(), saltBytes.toHex(), iv.toHex() ) } /** * Decrypt * Thanks Artjom B. for this: * @param password passphrase * @param cipherText encrypted string */ fun decrypt(password: String, cipherText: String): String { val ctBytes = Base64.decode(cipherText.toByteArray(), Base64.NO_WRAP) val saltBytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(ctBytes, 8, 16) val cipherTextBytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(ctBytes, 16, ctBytes.size) val key = ByteArray(KEY_SIZE / 8) val iv = ByteArray(IV_SIZE / 8) EvpKDF(password.toByteArray(), KEY_SIZE, IV_SIZE, saltBytes, key, iv) val cipher = Cipher.getInstance(HASH_CIPHER) val keyS = SecretKeySpec(key, AES) cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, keyS, IvParameterSpec(iv)) val plainText = cipher.doFinal(cipherTextBytes) return String(plainText) } private fun EvpKDF( password: ByteArray, keySize: Int, ivSize: Int, salt: ByteArray, resultKey: ByteArray, resultIv: ByteArray ): ByteArray { return EvpKDF(password, keySize, ivSize, salt, 1, KDF_DIGEST, resultKey, resultIv) } @Suppress("NAME_SHADOWING") private fun EvpKDF( password: ByteArray, keySize: Int, ivSize: Int, salt: ByteArray, iterations: Int, hashAlgorithm: String, resultKey: ByteArray, resultIv: ByteArray ): ByteArray { val keySize = keySize / 32 val ivSize = ivSize / 32 val targetKeySize = keySize + ivSize val derivedBytes = ByteArray(targetKeySize * 4) var numberOfDerivedWords = 0 var block: ByteArray? = null val hash = MessageDigest.getInstance(hashAlgorithm) while (numberOfDerivedWords < targetKeySize) { if (block != null) { hash.update(block) } hash.update(password) block = hash.digest(salt) hash.reset() // Iterations for (i in 1 until iterations) { block = hash.digest(block!!) hash.reset() } System.arraycopy( block!!, 0, derivedBytes, numberOfDerivedWords * 4, min(block.size, (targetKeySize - numberOfDerivedWords) * 4) ) numberOfDerivedWords += block.size / 4 } System.arraycopy(derivedBytes, 0, resultKey, 0, keySize * 4) System.arraycopy(derivedBytes, keySize * 4, resultIv, 0, ivSize * 4) return derivedBytes // key + iv } private fun generateSalt(length: Int): ByteArray { return ByteArray(length).apply { SecureRandom().nextBytes(this) } } private fun ByteArray.toHex(): String = joinToString(separator = "") { eachByte -> "%02x".format(eachByte) } private fun String.toHex(): String = toByteArray().toHex() data class EncryptResult( val cipherText: String, val password: String, val salt: String, val iv: String ) } object RabbitStream { suspend fun MainAPI.extractRabbitStream( url: String, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit, useSidAuthentication: Boolean, /** Used for extractorLink name, input: Source name */ extractorData: String? = null, decryptKey: String? = null, nameTransformer: (String) -> String, ) = suspendSafeApiCall { // -> val mainIframeUrl = url.substringBeforeLast("/") val mainIframeId = url.substringAfterLast("/") .substringBefore("?") // -> dcPOVRE57YOT var sid: String? = null if (useSidAuthentication && extractorData != null) { negotiateNewSid(extractorData)?.also { pollingData -> "$extractorData&t=${generateTimeStamp()}&sid=${pollingData.sid}", requestBody = "40".toRequestBody(), timeout = 60 ) val text = app.get( "$extractorData&t=${generateTimeStamp()}&sid=${pollingData.sid}", timeout = 60 ).text.replaceBefore("{", "") sid = AppUtils.parseJson(text).sid ioSafe { app.get("$extractorData&t=${generateTimeStamp()}&sid=${pollingData.sid}") } } } val getSourcesUrl = "${ mainIframeUrl.replace( "/embed", "/ajax/embed" ) }/getSources?id=$mainIframeId${sid?.let { "$&sId=$it" } ?: ""}" val response = app.get( getSourcesUrl, referer = mainUrl, headers = mapOf( "X-Requested-With" to "XMLHttpRequest", "Accept" to "*/*", "Accept-Language" to "en-US,en;q=0.5", "Connection" to "keep-alive", "TE" to "trailers" ) ) val sourceObject = if (decryptKey != null) { val encryptedMap = response.parsedSafe() val sources = encryptedMap?.sources if (sources == null || encryptedMap.encrypted == false) { response.parsedSafe() } else { val decrypted = decryptMapped>(sources, decryptKey) SourceObject( sources = decrypted, tracks = encryptedMap.tracks ) } } else { response.parsedSafe() } ?: return@suspendSafeApiCall sourceObject.tracks?.forEach { track -> track?.toSubtitleFile()?.let { subtitleFile -> subtitleCallback.invoke(subtitleFile) } } val list = listOf( sourceObject.sources to "source 1", sourceObject.sources1 to "source 2", sourceObject.sources2 to "source 3", sourceObject.sourcesBackup to "source backup" ) list.forEach { subList -> subList.first?.forEach { source -> source?.toExtractorLink( "Vidcloud", "$twoEmbedAPI/", extractorData, ) ?.forEach { // Sets Zoro SID used for video loading // (this as? ZoroProvider)?.sid?.set(it.url.hashCode(), sid) callback(it) } } } } private suspend fun Sources.toExtractorLink( name: String, referer: String, extractorData: String? = null, ): List? { return this.file?.let { file -> //println("FILE::: $file") val isM3u8 = URI(this.file).path.endsWith(".m3u8") || this.type.equals( "hls", ignoreCase = true ) return if (isM3u8) { suspendSafeApiCall { M3u8Helper().m3u8Generation( M3u8Helper.M3u8Stream( this.file, null, mapOf("Referer" to "") ), false ) .map { stream -> ExtractorLink( name, name, stream.streamUrl, referer, getQualityFromName(stream.quality?.toString()), true, extractorData = extractorData ) } }.takeIf { !it.isNullOrEmpty() } ?: listOf( // Fallback if m3u8 extractor fails ExtractorLink( name, name, this.file, referer, getQualityFromName(this.label), isM3u8, extractorData = extractorData ) ) } else { listOf( ExtractorLink( name, name, file, referer, getQualityFromName(this.label), false, extractorData = extractorData ) ) } } } private fun Tracks.toSubtitleFile(): SubtitleFile? { return this.file?.let { SubtitleFile( this.label ?: "Unknown", it ) } } /** * Generates a session * 1 Get request. * */ private suspend fun negotiateNewSid(baseUrl: String): PollingData? { // Tries multiple times for (i in 1..5) { val jsonText = app.get("$baseUrl&t=${generateTimeStamp()}").text.replaceBefore( "{", "" ) // println("Negotiated sid $jsonText") AppUtils.parseJson(jsonText)?.let { return it } delay(1000L * i) } return null } private fun generateTimeStamp(): String { val chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-_" var code = "" var time = APIHolder.unixTimeMS while (time > 0) { code += chars[(time % (chars.length)).toInt()] time /= chars.length } return code.reversed() } suspend fun getKey(): String? { return app.get("") .text } private inline fun decryptMapped(input: String, key: String): T? { return tryParseJson(decrypt(input, key)) } private fun decrypt(input: String, key: String): String { return decryptSourceUrl( generateKey( base64DecodeArray(input).copyOfRange(8, 16), key.toByteArray() ), input ) } private fun generateKey(salt: ByteArray, secret: ByteArray): ByteArray { var key = md5(secret + salt) var currentKey = key while (currentKey.size < 48) { key = md5(key + secret + salt) currentKey += key } return currentKey } private fun md5(input: ByteArray): ByteArray { return MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(input) } private fun decryptSourceUrl(decryptionKey: ByteArray, sourceUrl: String): String { val cipherData = base64DecodeArray(sourceUrl) val encrypted = cipherData.copyOfRange(16, cipherData.size) val aesCBC = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding") Objects.requireNonNull(aesCBC).init( Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, SecretKeySpec( decryptionKey.copyOfRange(0, 32), "AES" ), IvParameterSpec(decryptionKey.copyOfRange(32, decryptionKey.size)) ) val decryptedData = aesCBC!!.doFinal(encrypted) return String(decryptedData, StandardCharsets.UTF_8) } data class PollingData( @JsonProperty("sid") val sid: String? = null, @JsonProperty("upgrades") val upgrades: ArrayList = arrayListOf(), @JsonProperty("pingInterval") val pingInterval: Int? = null, @JsonProperty("pingTimeout") val pingTimeout: Int? = null ) data class Tracks( @JsonProperty("file") val file: String?, @JsonProperty("label") val label: String?, @JsonProperty("kind") val kind: String? ) data class Sources( @JsonProperty("file") val file: String?, @JsonProperty("type") val type: String?, @JsonProperty("label") val label: String? ) data class SourceObject( @JsonProperty("sources") val sources: List? = null, @JsonProperty("sources_1") val sources1: List? = null, @JsonProperty("sources_2") val sources2: List? = null, @JsonProperty("sourcesBackup") val sourcesBackup: List? = null, @JsonProperty("tracks") val tracks: List? = null ) data class SourceObjectEncrypted( @JsonProperty("sources") val sources: String?, @JsonProperty("encrypted") val encrypted: Boolean?, @JsonProperty("sources_1") val sources1: String?, @JsonProperty("sources_2") val sources2: String?, @JsonProperty("sourcesBackup") val sourcesBackup: String?, @JsonProperty("tracks") val tracks: List? ) }